52 research outputs found

    The Link Between Climate Warming and Break-Up of Ice Shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula

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    A review of in situ and remote-sensing data covering the ice shelves of the Antarctic Peninsula provides a series of characteristics closely associated with rapid shelf retreat: deeply embayed ice fronts; calving of myriad small elongate bergs in punctuated events; increasing flow speed; and the presence of melt ponds on the ice-shelf surface in the vicinity of the break-ups. As climate has warmed in the Antarctic Peninsula region, melt-season duration and the extent of ponding have increased. Most break-up events have occurred during longer melt seasons, suggesting that meltwater itself, not just warming, is responsible. Regions that show melting without pond formation are relatively unchanged. Melt ponds thus appear to be a robust harbinger of ice-shelf retreat. We use these observations to guide a model of ice-shelf flow and the effects of meltwater. Crevasses present in a region of surface ponding will likely fill to the brim with water. We hypothesize (building on Weertman (1973), Hughes (1983) and Van der Veen (1998)) that crevasse propagation by meltwater is the main mechanism by which ice shelves weaken and retreat. A thermodynamic finite-element model is used to evaluate ice flow and the strain field, and simple extensions of this model are used to investigate crack propagation by meltwater. The model results support the hypothesis

    A Second Large Subglacial Impact Crater in Northwest Greenland?

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    Following the discovery of the Hiawatha impact crater beneath the northwest margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, we explored satellite and aerogeophysical data in search of additional such craters. Here we report the discovery of a possible second subglacial impact crater that is 36.5 km wide and 183 km southeast of the Hiawatha impact crater. Although buried by 2 km of ice, the structure's rim induces a conspicuously circular surface expression, it possesses a central uplift and it causes a negative gravity anomaly. The existence of two closely-spaced and similarlysized complex craters raises the possibility that they formed during related impact events. However, the second structure's morphology is shallower, its overlying ice is conformal and older, and such an event can be explained by chance. We conclude that the identified structure is very likely an impact crater, but it is unlikely to be a twin of the Hiawatha impact crater

    A Possible Second Large Subglacial Impact Crater in Northwest Greenland

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    Following the discovery of the Hiawatha impact crater beneath the northwest margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, we explored satellite and aerogeophysical data in search of additional such craters. Here we report the discovery of a possible second subglacial impact crater that is 36.5 km wide and 183 km southeast of the Hiawatha impact crater. Although buried by 2 km of ice, the structure's rim induces a conspicuously circular surface expression, it possesses a central uplift and it causes a negative gravity anomaly. The existence of two closely-spaced and similarlysized complex craters raises the possibility that they formed during related impact events. However, the second structure's morphology is shallower, its overlying ice is conformal and older, and such an event can be explained by chance. We conclude that the identified structure is very likely an impact crater, but it is unlikely to be a twin of the Hiawatha impact crater

    Analysis of low-frequency seismic signals generated during a multiple-iceberg calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland

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    We investigated seismic signals generated during a large-scale, multiple iceberg calving event that occurred at Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, on 21 August 2009.We investigated seismic signals generated during a large-scale, multiple iceberg calving event that occurred at Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, on 21 August 2009. The event was recorded by a high-rate time-lapse camera and five broadband seismic stations located within a few hundred kilometers of the terminus. During the event two full-glacier-thickness icebergs calved from the grounded (or nearly grounded) terminus and immediately capsized; the second iceberg to calve was two to three times smaller than the first. The individual calving and capsize events were well-correlated with the radiation of low-frequency seismic signals (<0.1 Hz) dominated by Love and Rayleigh waves. In agreement with regional records from previously published ‘glacial earthquakes’, these low-frequency seismic signals had maximum power and/or signal-to-noise ratios in the 0.05–0.1 Hz band. Similarly, full waveform inversions indicate that these signals were also generated by horizontal single forces acting at the glacier terminus. The signals therefore appear to be local manifestations of glacial earthquakes, although the magnitudes of the signals (twice-time integrated force histories) were considerably smaller than previously reported glacial earthquakes. We thus speculate that such earthquakes may be a common, if not pervasive, feature of all full-glacier-thickness calving events from grounded termini. Finally, a key result from our study is that waveform inversions performed on low-frequency, calving-generated seismic signals may have only limited ability to quantitatively estimate mass losses from calving. In particular, the choice of source time function has little impact on the inversion but dramatically changes the earthquake magnitude. Accordingly, in our analysis, it is unclear whether the smaller or larger of the two calving icebergs generated a larger seismic signal.Acknowledgments. We acknowledge the contributions of Bryn Hubbard, Göran Ekström, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Jake Walter, Matt Haney, and an anonymous reviewer to the improvement of this manuscript. This work also benefited from discussions with Victor Tsai, John Clinton, and Martin Lüthi. Gabi Laske assisted with the crust2.0 model. The inversion scheme was programmed in MATLAB®, which was also used to generate most figures. Figure 1 was prepared with the Global Mapping Tool (GMT). Seismograms were processed with MATLAB® and the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) [Goldstein et al., 2003]. Funding was provided by NASA’s Cryospheric Sciences Program (NNG06GB49G and NNX08AN74G) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (AEC0909333, ANT0739769, ANT0944193, and IPY0732726). The USGS Climate and Land Use Change program supported this work by paying the salary of S. O’Neel. Seismic stations ILULI, KULLO, and NUUG are operated by ETH Zurich; station SFJD is operated by IRIS, GFZ, and GEUS. The data were collected and distributed by the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN) federation and its members.Ye

    Geologic Provinces Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Constrained by Geophysical Data Synthesis

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    Present understanding of Greenland's subglacial geology is derived mostly from interpolation of geologic mapping of its ice‐free margins and unconstrained by geophysical data. Here we refine the extent of its geologic provinces by synthesizing geophysical constraints on subglacial geology from seismic, gravity, magnetic and topographic data. North of 72°N, no province clearly extends across the whole island, leaving three distinct subglacial regions yet to be reconciled with margin geology. Geophysically coherent anomalies and apparent province boundaries are adjacent to the onset of faster ice flow at both Petermann Glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. Separately, based on their subaerial expression, dozens of unusually long, straight and sub‐parallel subglacial valleys cross Greenland's interior and are not yet resolved by current syntheses of its subglacial topography

    ALMA Observations of the DART Impact: Characterizing the Ejecta at Sub-Millimeter Wavelengths

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    We report observations of the Didymos-Dimorphos binary asteroid system using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) in support of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission. Our observations on UT 2022 September 15 provided a pre-impact baseline and the first measure of Didymos-Dimorphos' spectral emissivity at λ=0.87\lambda=0.87 mm, which was consistent with the handful of siliceous and carbonaceous asteroids measured at millimeter wavelengths. Our post-impact observations were conducted using four consecutive executions each of ALMA and the ACA spanning from T++3.52 to T++8.60 hours post-impact, sampling thermal emission from the asteroids and the impact ejecta. We scaled our pre-impact baseline measurement and subtracted it from the post-impact observations to isolate the flux density of mm-sized grains in the ejecta. Ejecta dust masses were calculated for a range of materials that may be representative of Dimorphos' S-type asteroid material. The average ejecta mass over our observations is consistent with 1.3--6.4×107\times10^7 kg, with the lower and higher values calculated for amorphous silicates and for crystalline silicates, respectively. Owing to the likely crystalline nature of S-type asteroid material, the higher value is favored. These ejecta masses represent 0.3--1.5\% of Dimorphos' total mass and are in agreement with lower limits on the ejecta mass based on measurements at optical wavelengths. Our results provide the most sensitive measure of mm-sized material in the ejecta and demonstrate the power of ALMA for providing supporting observations to spaceflight missions