12 research outputs found

    The Castle Kokořín

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje kromě přehledného podání historie hradu Kokořína také na stavební vývoj hradu od jeho původní středověké podoby, přes renovaci provedenou v letech 1911-1918 pod vedením Václava a Jana Špačkových ze Starburgu, až k stavebním opravám uskutečněným během 20. století. Práce směřuje k objektivnímu zhodnocení historizující restaurace hradu na počátku 20. století. Záměrem bylo zmapovat dostupné materiály a literaturu týkající se hradu, a doplnit tak určité nejasnosti vyplývající z dosavadní literatury. Během pátrání po nejrůznějších archivech a institucích bylo zjištěno, že dokumenty týkající se přestavby nejsou v archivech uschovány. O rodině Špačků se dochovalo jen minimum materiálů; žádný rodinný archiv, vzhledem k mládí tohoto rodu, neexistuje. O rodinné dokumenty přišli na začátku padesátých let při zatčení tehdejšího majitele hradu, Jarmila Špačka, kdy většinu dokumentů spálila Státní bezpečnost. Je možné, že mezi těmito dokumenty byly i plány týkající se přestavby hradu na počátku 20. století. Z tohoto důvodu bylo vycházeno ze základních děl literatury, ať už kastelologické či topografické: Sedláček - Hrady, zámky a tvrze království Českého, Böhm - Královské věnné město Mělník a okres mělnický, Menclová - České hrady, dále pak Durdík, Bolina - Středověké hrady v Čechách a na Moravě a...This work focuses in addition to filing a transparent history of the castle Kokořín also the construction of the castle from its original medieval form, through renovation performed in the years 1911-1918 under the leadership of Václav and Jan Špačkových of Starburgu, to building repairs undertaken during the 20th century. Work towards an objective evaluation of historic Castle restaurant in the early 20th century. The intention was to map the available materials and literature related to the castle, and add to uncertainties arising from the existing literature. During the search for various archives and institutions found that documents relating to conversions are not kept in the archives. The family survived with only Špaček minimum of materials of a family archive, due to the youth of this genus, does not exist. The family papers came in the early fifties in the arrest former owner of the castle, Jarmila Spacek, where most documents burned State safety. It is possible that among these documents were also plans for rebuilding Castle in the early 20th century. For this reason, it was going out of the basic works of literature, whether kastelologické or topographical: Sedlacek - Castles and chateaux Kingdom Czech, Böhm - Royal dowry town of Melnik and Melnik district, Menclová - Czech castles, then Durdík,...Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Structure-Dependent Biological Response of Noble Metals: From Nanoparticles, Through Nanowires to Nanolayers

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    Noble metals in their diverse nanoforms bring revolution to many fields of science and technology, as they provide unique properties over their bulk counterparts. Thanks to these completely unprecedented properties, commercial sphere pressure is growing to use them in everyday life. Unfortunately, one of the issues that are subject to dramatic changes is the reactivity of these structures. This may have often fatal consequences to the living organisms. Due to the fact that the mechanism of action of metal nanostructures on living organisms is not yet fully elucidated even in the case of the most studied noble metals such as gold and silver, it is necessary to continue intensively in their research, characterization and categorization. The main prerequisite for the undistorted study of interactions of nanostructures with living organisms is the use of suitable methods of their preparation. Within this context, this chapter attempts to summarize current knowledge form the field of synthesis of metal nanoparticles, layers, wires, and other nanostructures, especially regarding novel techniques of their preparation and extend them by our own results in this area, in the context of their biological properties. More specifically, antibacterial efficacy and potential cytotoxicity of those structures are thoroughly addressed

    The Castle Kokořín

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    This work focuses in addition to filing a transparent history of the castle Kokořín also the construction of the castle from its original medieval form, through renovation performed in the years 1911-1918 under the leadership of Václav and Jan Špačkových of Starburgu, to building repairs undertaken during the 20th century. Work towards an objective evaluation of historic Castle restaurant in the early 20th century. The intention was to map the available materials and literature related to the castle, and add to uncertainties arising from the existing literature. During the search for various archives and institutions found that documents relating to conversions are not kept in the archives. The family survived with only Špaček minimum of materials of a family archive, due to the youth of this genus, does not exist. The family papers came in the early fifties in the arrest former owner of the castle, Jarmila Spacek, where most documents burned State safety. It is possible that among these documents were also plans for rebuilding Castle in the early 20th century. For this reason, it was going out of the basic works of literature, whether kastelologické or topographical: Sedlacek - Castles and chateaux Kingdom Czech, Böhm - Royal dowry town of Melnik and Melnik district, Menclová - Czech castles, then Durdík,..

    Antimicrobial Treatment of Polymeric Medical Devices by Silver Nanomaterials and Related Technology

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    Antimicrobial biocompatible polymers form a group of highly desirable materials in medicinal technology that exhibit interesting thermal and mechanical properties, and high chemical resistance. There are numerous types of polymers with antimicrobial activity or antimicrobial properties conferred through their proper modification. In this review, we focus on the second type of polymers, especially those whose antimicrobial activity is conferred by nanotechnology. Nanotechnology processing is a developing area that exploits the antibacterial effects of broad-scale compounds, both organic and inorganic, to form value-added medical devices. This work gives an overview of nanostructured antimicrobial agents, especially silver ones, used together with biocompatible polymers as effective antimicrobial composites in healthcare. The bactericidal properties of non-conventional antimicrobial agents are compared with those of conventional ones and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed

    The Stations of the Cross in Bohemia after 1945

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    The Way of the Cross in Bohemia after 1945 This bachelor thesis deals with survey on modern Ways of the Cross created after 1945 in Bohemia. The first part of this thesis is concerned with the development and the history of the Ways of the Cross. The kinds and the forms of the Ways of the Cross are distinguished here as well. This part also contains the summary of several original Czech Calvarias and the Way of the Cross. The following chapter introduces the of the depiction of particular stations and also contains the summary of new Czech Ways of the Cross. The biggest part of this thesis approaches several modern painting and sculptural Ways of the Cross. Keywords the Way of the Cross, Jesus Christ, the New testament, Passion, iconography, sacral ar

    The effects of textile on the human mind

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na pozitivní ovlivnění mysli člověka za pomocí textilie. Jsou zde popsány principy fungování mysli a následně jsou tyto principy využity při tvorbě vlastních vzorů. Práce se zabývá využitím písma jako designového prvku a skrytého textu. Cílem této práce je navržení vzorů a vytvoření doplňku v podobě šátků, jejichž úkolem je podvědomě nasměrovat člověka k pozitivnějšímu myšlení. V poslední části práce bude navržen způsob, jakým by se dala funkčnost navržených textilií otestovat.This bachelor thesis is focused on the positive effect on a humans mind for using the textiles. There are described the principles of the functioning of the mind and, subsequently, these principles are used in the creating my own patterns. The work deals with the use of fonts as a design element and a hidden text. The aim of this work is designing patterns and creating a supplement in the form of scarves, whose mission is to subconsciously direct the person to more positive thinking. In the last part of the work will be designed the way you, how could put the functionality of the proposed textiles test

    Antimicrobial Treatment of Polymeric Medical Devices by Silver Nanomaterials and Related Technology

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    Antimicrobial biocompatible polymers form a group of highly desirable materials in medicinal technology that exhibit interesting thermal and mechanical properties, and high chemical resistance. There are numerous types of polymers with antimicrobial activity or antimicrobial properties conferred through their proper modification. In this review, we focus on the second type of polymers, especially those whose antimicrobial activity is conferred by nanotechnology. Nanotechnology processing is a developing area that exploits the antibacterial effects of broad-scale compounds, both organic and inorganic, to form value-added medical devices. This work gives an overview of nanostructured antimicrobial agents, especially silver ones, used together with biocompatible polymers as effective antimicrobial composites in healthcare. The bactericidal properties of non-conventional antimicrobial agents are compared with those of conventional ones and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed