16 research outputs found
The article focuses on the question how tourist agencies take care of preventive health care issues of a specific group of employees, tour guides and tour managers. Tour guides and tour managers are due to their work constantly exposed to certain travel diseases. Since tour guides and tour managers in most cases are not employed by tourist agencies, i.e. they are mostly self-employed, tourist agencies do not have the same legal obligation towards them as if they were their direct employees. How ever it is in the interest of any employer to have their employees healthy. Through perspective of professionalism the issue we are exploring shows how well tourist agencies are taking care of their employees. Our research was done among tour guides and tour managers in Slovenia, with a sample of 500, what represents 25.27% of total population. Altogether we received 120 responses what represents 24.00% of all interviewees or 6.06% of the whole population of tour guides and tour managers in Slovenia. We found out that the lack of insufficiently regulated job status of tour guides and tour managers lowers the standard of professionalism when it comes to preventive health care, and threatens the quality of service in tourism sector. How ever we have also found out that those tour guides and tour managers that work more often in potentially high risk environments tend to have more support from the tourist agencies that are providing them their jobs. How ever their support is still not nearly enough to make a substantial difference.Članak se usredotočuje na pitanje kako turističke agencije brinu o pitanju preventivne zdravstvene zaštite specifične skupine zaposlenika, turističkih vodiča i turističkih pratitelja. Turistički vodiči i turistički pratitelji su zbog prirode posla koji obavljaju stalno izloženi određenim bolestima. Budući da turistički vodiči i turistički pratitelji u većini slučajeva nisu zaposlenici turističkih agencija, odnosno uglavnom su samozaposleni, turističke agencije nemaju istu pravnu obvezu prema njima kao da su njihovi zaposlenici. No, u interesu je svakog poslodavca da su mu zaposlenici zdravi. Kroz perspektivu profesionalnosti problem koji istražujemo pokazuje koliko dobro turističke agencije vode brigu o svojim zaposlenicima. Naše istraživanje provedeno je među turističkim vodičima i turističkim pratiteljima u Sloveniji, na uzorku od 500, što predstavlja 25,27% od ukupnog broja te populacije. Sveukupno smo primili 120 odgovora što predstavlja 24,00% svih ispitanika ili 6,06% ukupne populacije vodiča i pratitelja u Sloveniji. Doznali smo da nedostatno regulirani status posla turističkih vodiča i turističkih pratitelja smanjuje standard profesionalizma kada je riječ o preventivnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi, a prijeti i kvaliteti usluga u turizmu općenito. Međutim, doznali smo i da oni vodiči i pratitelji koji često rade u potencijalno visoko rizičnom okruženju imaju veću podršku turističkih agencija koje ih angažiraju. No njihova podrška još uvijek nije ni približno dovoljna da bi činila značajniju razliku
When wine meets generation Z
Generation Z refers to people born in the 90s and raised in the 2000s. They have several nicknames, for example Generation 2020, the Internet Generation, Digital Natives, Screensters, and Zeds. This generation is technologically smarter than the others are and prefers to communicate via social networks. This study is about the relationship between Generation Z and wine consumption. An online survey among students was conducted to achieve this aim. The study was conducted in November and December 2020, in several Central European countries among 123 students aged 18–15 years. The results showed that the majority of respondents consider their knowledge of wines to be mediocre. Most respondents drink wine several times a month and prefer white wine. They also like to drink pure wine or wine with sweet drinks, and, when selecting a bottle of wine, taste, smell, and price are the most important factors. More than 50% of respondents buy wine at supermarkets and only 36% in wineries or wine shops. Generation Z has just begun to participate in wine tourism. As a result, their knowledge will be further upgraded and their opinions will change over the years
Organisation of Slovenian tourism
V prispevku obravnavamo vprašanje organiziranosti turističnega sistema v luči načrtovanja turizma in upravljanja destinacije. Z vidika teorije vključevanja deležnikov turistično destinacijo razumemo kot kompleksen sistem, znotraj katerega deluje množica različnih akterjev, z raznolikimi interesi, atributi in močjo, ki za učinkovito delovanje destinacije usklajujejo svoje interese in se pogajajo za končne dogovore. Kompleksnost turističnega sistema narekuje sistemsko organiziranost na več ravneh, pri čemer je pomembno komunikacijo zagotavljati v horizontalni in tudi v vertikalni smeri. V prispevku pokažemo proces razvoja aktualne organiziranosti celostnega turističnega sistema na ravni destinacije Slovenije skozi strateške odločitve na področju turizma in kritično ovrednotimo trenutno stanje. Na podlagi primerov dobrih praks podamo izhodišča za nadaljnje razmisleke o konsolidaciji organiziranosti slovenskega turističnega sistema.In this contribution, the author tackles the issue of organising the tourist system in the perspective of tourism planning and destination management. From the stakeholder participation theory point of view, we understand a tourist destination as a complex system within which a multitude of different actors operate, with diverse interests, attributes and powers that coordinate their interests and negotiate final agreements. The complexity of the tourist system demands systemic organisation on several levels, and it is important to ensure communication in both horizontal and vertical directions. In this contribution, the author shows the process of developing the current organisation of an integrated tourist system at the level of the destination of Slovenia through strategic decisions in the field of tourism and critically evaluate the current situation. Based on examples of good practices, starting points are provided for further considerations on consolidating the organisation of the Slovenian tourist system
Inclusion of dark heritage in the contemporary tourist offer of the city of Maribor
Dark tourism is a form of tourism based on visiting places with a connection to death, violence, suffering, or natural disasters. Human fascination with death is not new, it has been present and observable since ancient times. Nowadays, numerous products of the entertainment industry rely on the theme of death as a driving force of humanity. In terms of modern dark tourism, we discuss a wide spectrum of motives behind this, which primarily come from a desire to encounter death, either staged or from a personal standpoint. In this research, we analysed how dark tourism developed through time and across the world, its role in the tourism offers of Slovenia, and what is the perception of dark tourism in the city of Maribor. Our focus is on several gruesome events that took place over the centuries of Maribor\u27s rich history. In this case study, we analyse the stories based on these events, evaluate the spectrum of dark heritage according to theoretical models and suggest the development of new tourism products
The concept of representation
Avtorja se v članku ukvarjata s konceptom predstavništva, kakršen se je razvil v zahodnih demokracijah, od francoske revolucije do danes. Vzporedno s tem obravnavata tudi funkcijo odločanja predstavniškega telesa, ki ju mnogokrat ne ločujemo med seboj, kar vodi do nepopolnega razumevanja sistema parlamentarizma. V članku so prikazani različni tipi predstavništva glede na odnos med predstavljenim in predstavnikom, ter različni tipi predstavniških sistemov, s čimer se poudarja razlikovanje med pojmoma parlamentarizem in predstavniški sistem. Tipe sistemov lahko ločujemo glede na odnos predstavnikov do svojih volivcev, glede na njihovo odločanje v predstavniškem telesu, svobode javnega mnenja in prostora, v katerem potekajo pogajanja za odločitve. Na podlagi modelov poskušata v to shemomestiti slovenski sistem predstavništva in opozarjata na nove izzive, ki jih hitri tehnološki razvoj postavlja pred predstavniški sistem.The modern concept of representation has evolved in Western democracies since the French Revolution. Along with this concept, we have witnessed the evolution of the decision-making process and the combination of the two often leads to an incomplete understanding of parliamentary systems. Here we analyse different forms of representation according to power relations from the voter to the representative. We also analyse the types of representative systems according to elections of representatives, the partial autonomy of representatives, the freedom of public opinion and forum for discussion. The Slovenian representative system is evaluated according to these principles
Tourism exhibitionism of a socialist destination
In this article we propose a new approach to exploring the political system of socialist Yugoslavia. Using interdisciplinary methods of research, both political science and tourism enable us to understand better our present and past social environment in a specific historical moment, i.e. the period from 1945 to 1991. We argue that by borrowing some of the concepts from tourism we can shed new light on the specifics of Yugoslavia\u27s socialist political systems. In this article we use tourism theory to explain the positioning and self-perception of Yugoslavia\u27s socialist self-management assembly system by its leading politicians.V članku avtorja predlagata nov pristop k raziskovanju političnega sistema socialistične Jugoslavijo. Uporaba interdisciplinarnih metod raziskovanja s področja turizma in političnih znanosti nam omogoča boljše razumevanje našega sedanjega in preteklega družbenega okolja v specifičnem zgodovinskem trenutku, to je v obdobju med letoma 1945 in 1991. Avtorja zagovarjata tezo, da lahko z uporabo nekaterih konceptov iz turistične sociološke teorije pojasnjujemo nekatere posebnosti jugoslovanskega socialističnega političnega sistema. V članku avtorja uporabljata turistično sociološko teorijo za pojasnjevanje pozicioniranja in lastne percepcije jugoslovanskega socialističnega samoupravnega skupščinskega sistema s strani njegovih vodilnih politikov
Development of tourism research
The relative short history of tourism research is characterised by an ongoing debate on whether tourism is in fact an independent academic field with its own disciplinary matrix and standardisation of knowledge. On the other hand, the evidence shows that the categorisation of journals in the tourism field (together with hospitality, leisure and sport) in the JCR and Scopus internationally recognised indexed databases is a de facto form of recognition of the scientific status of "tourism". Publishing activities of Slovenian authors are analysed in order to support the need for Slovenian bibliographical databases to follow this trend and introduce a new categorisation to the Cobiss and Sicris databases.V mednarodni znanstveni javnosti že desetletja poteka intenzivna debata o statusu turizma kot samostojne znanstvene discipline, ki ima svojo disciplinsko matriko in standardizacijo znanja. Na drugi strani pa se praktična neodvisnost turizma kot akademske discipline izkazuje v tem, da obe najpomembnejši mednarodni bazi, Scopus in JCR, za indeksiranje bibliografije posebej kategorizirata turizem (skupaj z gostoljubnostjo, prostim časom in športom) kot samostojno področje objavljanja. V prispevku je predstavljena analiza dela objavljanja slovenskih avtorjev na področju turizma. Avtorja ugotavljata, da obstaja potreba po indeksiranju področja turizma kot samostojne akademske discipline v bazah COBISS in Sicris po zgledu baz JCR in Scopus