12 research outputs found

    Yliopisto- ja tiedepolitiikan nousu ja uho

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    Kirjoituksen taustalla on puheenvuoro Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunnan ja Suomen Oppihistoriallisen seuran järjestämässä seminaarissa "Suomen tieteen historia - teos ja tulkinta" 29.11.2002

    Editorial - Remembering John Ziman

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    Mediating Public Concern in Biotechnology: A map of sites, actors and issues in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

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    This publication is the first report from the Nordic research project Changing Contexts for Mediating Public Concern in the Assessment of Technoscience. Public Responses to Genetic Technologies in the Nordic Countries (COMPASS). This report documents the first exploratory steps towards an articulated comparative account of approaches and experiences in the Nordic countries concerning the political, economic, social and cultural responses to global, European and Nordic efforts in the appropriation and mediation of modern biotechnology. The national narratives included in this report will subsequently be supplemented with specific case studies on nationally important biotechnology issues, in order to provide windows with higher resolution on the project’s key research questions. This will in all provide material for a final effort of synthesis, through which a framework will be sought for the comparative characterisation of social processes of appropriation of genetic technologies in these Nordic countries

    Integrating regional policy with technology policy – the experience of Finland

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    In order to be responsive to the ideas of new governance, governments have seen the demands of policy integration as increasingly important. In Finland, both regional policy and technology policy have received hegemonic positions. Regional policy had a key role in the welfare state programme that supported equal rights and opportunities, and only slowly promoted structural change in industry. Technology policy has been taken as an evidence of Finland’s rapid transformation into a competitive high-tech and market-driven country that has adopted the knowledge-based economy as the key model for further development. The Centre of Expertise Programme, a central government effort to promote technological development and competitiveness at the regional level, illustratesa shift towards technology-driven regional policy. As the programme has become internationally renowned, this paper takes a closer look at its concept, and scrutinises the kind of a model it provides for regional policy efforts. The analysis shows that the programme has a partly conflicting position at theintersection of regional and technology policies. The evolution of the programme also reflects changes in the interpretation of the regional dimension of the knowledge-based economy

    Public Debate on Research Policy in the Nordic Countries. A Comparative Analysis of Actors and Issues (1998 – 2007)

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    Based on the experiences gained from the preparatory study, NordForsk decided in 2008 to fund a full-scale comparative study of research policy debate in the Nordic countries during the period 1998–2007. This report presents the results of the comparative study