3 research outputs found
Oxidative Modification of the Proteins of Breast and Cow Milk
One of the important modern characteristics of the nutritional and biological value of milk and dairy products is the antioxidant properties. The high stability and sensitivity of the determination of carbonyl derivatives of proteins, as well as the informative value of the action of antioxidants, allow using them as the markers of oxidative damage. The purpose of this paper was to compare the level of carbonyl derivatives of proteins in breast and cow milk. The determination of the oxidative modification of proteins was based on the reaction of carbonyl derivatives of amino acid residues with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The content of the products was determined during spontaneous and metal-catalyzed oxidative modification of the proteins. During the determination of the spontaneously formed carbonyl derivatives of the proteins, their significantly higher content in cow milk compared to breast milk was established. This increase ranged from 46% to 83% at different wavelengths. Thus, the determination of carbonyl derivatives of amino acid residues of the proteins made it possible to reveal significant differences in the antioxidant properties of breast and cow milk, manifested in a lower level of carbonyl derivatives in breast milk. The lower level of carbonyl derivatives in the composition of breast milk proteins is likely associated with the increased activity of the antioxidant system of breast milk or the increased rate of removal of damaged proteins upon activation of milk proteases.
Keywords: carbonyl derivatives, oxidative modification, proteins, human milk, breast milk, metal-catalyze
Oxidative Modification of the Proteins of Breast and Cow Milk
One of the important modern characteristics of the nutritional and biological value of milk and dairy products is the antioxidant properties. The high stability and sensitivity of the determination of carbonyl derivatives of proteins, as well as the informative value of the action of antioxidants, allow using them as the markers of oxidative damage. The purpose of this paper was to compare the level of carbonyl derivatives of proteins in breast and cow milk. The determination of the oxidative modification of proteins was based on the reaction of carbonyl derivatives of amino acid residues with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The content of the products was determined during spontaneous and metal-catalyzed oxidative modification of the proteins. During the determination of the spontaneously formed carbonyl derivatives of the proteins, their significantly higher content in cow milk compared to breast milk was established. This increase ranged from 46% to 83% at different wavelengths. Thus, the determination of carbonyl derivatives of amino acid residues of the proteins made it possible to reveal significant differences in the antioxidant properties of breast and cow milk, manifested in a lower level of carbonyl derivatives in breast milk. The lower level of carbonyl derivatives in the composition of breast milk proteins is likely associated with the increased activity of the antioxidant system of breast milk or the increased rate of removal of damaged proteins upon activation of milk proteases.
Keywords: carbonyl derivatives, oxidative modification, proteins, human milk, breast milk, metal-catalyze
Амбулаторное лечение острых респираторных инфекций у детей
Background. Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most crucial problems in human health care worldwide. The main cause of this crisis is the excessive and misuse of antibacterial drugs (ADs). The highest rate of improper antibiotics' prescriptions in pediatric practice is observed at treatment of respiratory tract infections in outpatient clinics.Objective. The aim of the study is to analyze the clinical practice of management of patients with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and the use of ADs in children's outpatient clinics across the regions of Russian Federation.Methods. Multicenter retrospective study was conducted. All ARI cases documented in 969 medical records (form 112/y) of children born in 2015–2017 yy. in 16 regions of Russian Federation (selected randomly) were analyzed.Results. Acute viral infection was diagnosed in 79.6% cases of referencing to doctor with ARI symptoms. Systemic ADs were prescribed in 23% cases of ARI. Antibacterial therapy was received by 14% of children diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infection, 35% with acute laryngotracheitis, 80% with acute bronchitis, 76% with acute rhinosinusitis, 94% with ARI associated with otitis media, 52% with tonsillopharyngitis, and 100% with community-acquired pneumonia. Amoxicillin (35%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (24%), azithromycin (20.2%) were prescribed most often. Parenteral administration of ADs was prescribed in 3.9% of cases, mostly for children with community-acquired pneumonia. Prescribed antibacterial therapy was unreasonable in 84% of analyzed cases. Polypragmasy occurred in 50.5% of cases. Clinical protocols violations were mostly common for management of patients with laryngotracheitis and tonsillopharyngitis.Conclusion. There is favorable trend towards the decrease in ADs prescribing frequency in outpatient clinics for children with ARI. Thus, polypragmasy and irrational choice of antibacterial therapy frequency remains quite high.Обоснование. Устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам признана одной из самых серьезных угроз для здоровья человека во всем мире. Основной причиной возникшего кризиса является чрезмерное и неправильное применение антибактериальных препаратов (АБП). В педиатрической практике наибольшая доля необоснованных назначений антибиотиков отмечается при лечении инфекций дыхательных путей в амбулаторных условиях.Цель исследования – проанализировать клиническую практику ведения пациентов с острыми респираторными инфекциями (ОРИ) и применение АБП в детских поликлиниках в субъектах Российской Федерации.Методы. Проведено многоцентровое ретроспективное исследование. Проанализированы все случаи заболевания ОРИ, документированные в 969 медицинских картах (форма 112/у) детей 2015–2017 гг. рождения в 16 субъектах Российской Федерации, отобранных случайным образом. Результаты. В 79,6% случаев обращений с симптомами ОРИ была диагностирована острая вирусная инфекция. В 23% ОРИ были назначены системные АБП. Антибактериальную терапию получали 14% детей с диагнозом «острая респираторная вирусная инфекция», 35% – «острый ларинготрахеит», 80% – «острый бронхит», 76% – «острый риносинусит», 94% детей с ОРИ, осложненной средним отитом, 52% детей с тонзиллофарингитами и 100% детей с внебольничной пневмонией. Чаще всего назначали амоксициллин (35%), амоксициллин / клавулановую кислоту (24%), азитромицин (20,2%). Парентеральное введение АБП было назначено в 3,9% случаев, преимущественно детям с внебольничной пневмонией. Назначение антибактериальной терапии было необоснованным в 84% анализируемых случаев. Полипрагмазия имела место в 50,5% случаев. Наиболее часто нарушения клинических протоколов отмечаются при ведении пациентов с ларинготрахеитами и тонзиллофарингитами. Заключение. Отмечена благоприятная тенденция к снижению частоты назначения АБП в амбулаторном звене при ОРИ у детей, в то же время частота полипрагмазии и нерационального выбора антибактериальной терапии остается достаточно высокой