16 research outputs found

    Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities in Response to the Application of Cefuroxime and/or Antibiotic-Resistant Pseudomonas putida Strain MC1

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    Cefuroxime (XM), the most commonly prescribed antibiotic from the cephalosporin group, may cause changes in the structure of the soil microbial community, and these changes may also be reflected in the alteration of its functionality. Therefore, due to the lack of studies on this topic, the scope of this study was to assess the functional diversity and catabolic activity of the microbial community in soil treated with XM (1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg soil) using the community-level physiological profile (CLPP) approach during a 90-day experiment. In addition, the effect of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas putida strain MC1 (Ps) was also evaluated. The resistance/resilience concept and multifactorial analysis were used to interpret the data. The results showed that the introduction of XM and/or Ps into the soil caused changes in the catabolic activity and functional diversity of the microbial community. A decrease in the values of the CLPP indices (i.e., microbial activity expressed as the average well-color development (AWCD), substrate richness (R), the Shannon-Wiener (H) and evenness (E) indices and the AWCD values for the six carbon substrate groups) for the XM-treated soil was generally detected up to 30 days. In turn, at the same time, the activity measured in the Ps-inoculated soil was higher compared to the control soil. A stimulatory effect of XM at 10 mg/kg (XM10) and XM10+Ps on the utilization pattern of each substrate group was found at the following sampling times (days 60 and 90). The AWCD values for the utilization of amines, amino acids, carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, miscellaneous compounds and polymers for these treatments were found to be up to 2.3-, 3.1-, 2.3-, 13-, 3.4- and 3.3-fold higher compared to the values for the nontreated control, respectively. The resistance of the CLPP indices and the AWCD values for the carbon substrate groups were categorized as follows: E > H > R > AWCD and amino acids = carbohydrates > polymers > amines > miscellaneous > carboxylic acids, respectively. The results suggest a low initial resistance of the soil microbial community to XM and/or Ps, and despite the short-term negative effect, the balance of the soil ecosystem may be disturbed

    Vancomycin and/or multidrug-resistant Citrobacter Freundii altered the metabolic pattern of soil microbial community

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    Despite many studies, our knowledge on the impact of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the metabolic activity of soil microbial communities is still limited. To ascertain this impact, the community level physiological profiles (CLPPs) and the activity of selected enzymes (dehydrogenase, urease, and phosphatases) in soils treated with vancomycin (VA) and/or multidrug resistant Citrobacter freundii were determined during a 90-day experiment. A multivariate analysis and the resistance (RS)/resilience (RL) concept were used to assess the potential of native microorganisms to maintain their catabolic activity under exposure of VA and/or a high level of C. freundii. In addition, the dissipation rate of VA was evaluated in non-sterile (nsS) and sterile (sS) soils. The results revealed a negative impact of VA on the metabolic activity of soil microorganisms on days 1, 15, and 30 as was showed by a decrease in the values of the CLPP indices (10-69%) and the enzyme activities (6-32%) for treated soils as compared to the control. These observations suggested a low initial resistance of soil microorganisms to VA and/or C. freundii but they were resilient in the long term. Considering the mean values of the RS index, the resistance of measured parameters was categorized in the following order: alkaline phosphatase (0.919) > acid phosphatase (0.899) > dehydrogenase (0.853) > the evenness index (0.840) > urease (0.833) > the Shannon-Wiener index (0.735) > substrate richness (0.485) > the AWCD (0.301). The dissipation process of VA was relatively fast and independent of the concentration used. The DT50 values for VA applied at both concentrations were about 16 days. In addition, the dissipation of VA in nsS was three times faster compared to the dissipation of antibiotic in sS. In conclusion, both CLPP and enzyme activities assays appeared to be useful tool for the determination of disturbances within soil microbial communities and used together may be helpful to understand the changes in their catabolic features. The entry of large quantities of VA and/or C. freundii into soil may temporarily change microbial activity thus pose a potential risk for soil functioning

    Analysis of fulfilling criteria for metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients treated in the Endocrinology Clinic at the Medical University of Lublin in the years 2006–2011

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    Wstęp. Wciąż nierozwiązanym problemem cukrzycy typu 2 pozostają przewlekłe powikłania makro- i mikroangiopatyczne rozpoznawane niejednokrotnie już w momencie wykrycia choroby, co znacznie pogarsza jakość życia pacjentów i determinuje dalszy przebieg terapii. Na podstawie wyników badań prospektywnych wykazano, że prewencja następstw hiperglikemii, poprzez realizację zalecanych celów, odpowiednią samokontrolę i adekwatne leczenie, pozwoliłaby znacznie zmniejszyć ryzyko występowania tych powikłań i obniżyć koszty ich leczenia. Dlatego też na całym świecie od wielu już lat do tradycji należy określanie standardów, rekomendacji czy zaleceń dla chorych na cukrzycę. W Polsce po raz pierwszy w 2005 roku Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne (PTD) opublikowało rekomendacje mające kompleksowy i wieloośrodkowy charakter, a kolejne coroczne edycje zaleceń uwzględniają zawsze najnowsze doniesienia światowej diabetologii. Celem pracy była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy zmiana kryteriów wyrównania cukrzycy (kryteria PTD z 2006 i 2011 r.) wpływa istotnie na odsetek pacjentów spełniających te kryteria. Materiał i metody. Badaniu poddano 1045 chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 (476 mężczyzn, 45,5%) hospitalizowanych w Klinice Endokrynologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Oceniono ciśnienie skurczowe i rozkurczowe oraz parametry biochemiczne wyrównania metabolicznego choroby: glikemię na czczo, wartość hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c) i frakcje lipidogramu. Wyniki. Najczęściej spełnianym kryterium wyrównania metabolicznego zalecanym przez PTD w 2006 roku było stężenie triglicerydów (50,4%), natomiast najrzadziej spełnianym kryterium było stężenie HbA1c (12,1%). Z kolei według zaleceń z 2011 roku najczęściej spełnianym kryterium było rozkurczowe ciśnienie tętnicze (66,9%), natomiast najrzadziej stężenie frakcji cholesterolu LDL u osób ze współistniejącą chorobą niedokrwienną serca (18,7%). Kolejnym etapem była analiza spełnienia kolejno dołączanych kryteriów wyrównania metabolicznego — HbA1c, glikemii na czczo, frakcji lipidogramu oraz skurczowego i rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego. Stwierdzono, że 3 (0,4%) osoby bez współistniejącej choroby niedokrwiennej serca (IHD) spełniło wszystkie kryteria wyrównania metabolicznego z 2006 roku, natomiast żadna osoba obciążona tym powikłaniem nie spełniła wszystkich kryteriów. Zgodnie z zaleceniami z 2011 roku 5 (1,6%) osób ze współistniejącą IHD i 22 (3,0%) osoby bez współistniejącej IHD spełniło wszystkie kryteria wyrównania metabolicznego, co było istotne statystycznie (p < 0,001) w porównaniu z liczbą pacjentów spełnia­jących kryteria z 2006 roku. Wnioski. 1. Liberalizacja i indywidualizacja kryteriów wyrównania metabolicznego między rokiem 2011 a 2006 spowodowały znamienne zwiększenie liczby pacjentów spełniających zarówno jednocześnie wszystkie kryteria kontroli metabolicznej, jak i po­jedyncze kryterium w zakresie HbA1c oraz ciśnienia tętniczego. 2. Stopień realizacji kryteriów wyrównania choroby zalecanych przez PTD jest niezadowalający, niezależnie od przyjętych kryteriów kontroli metabolicznej.Background. Chronic macro- and microangiopathic complications of type 2 diabetes still constitute an unsolved problem. They are often identified at diagnosis, which results in worse quality of life of the patients and limits the treatment. Prospective studies have shown that preventing hyperglycemic effects by accomplishing goals recommended for diabetic patients, self-control and appropriate treatment could reduce the incidence of complications and treatment costs. Therefore, it has become a worldwide practice to determine the standards, recommendations or instructions the patients should follow. In Poland, complex and multicentre Recommendations were first published in 2005 and have been annually updated ever since. The main aim of the study was a comparative evaluation of meeting metabolic control criteria by type 2 diabetes patients in 2006 and 2011. Materials and methods. 1,045 patients (476 males, 45.5%) hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinology of the Medical University of Lublin were studied. Biochemical parameters included basic metabolic control criteria, i.e. fasting glucose, HbA1c and lipid profile fractions. Mean systolic and diastolic pressure was also determined. Results. Triglycerides concentration (50.4%) was the most frequently met criterion of those recommended by the PTD in 2006, whereas HbA1c concentration (12.1%) was the least frequent one. However, following the 2011 recommendations, diastolic arterial pressure was the most frequently met criterion (66.9%), whereas the concentration of LDL-cholesterol fraction in individuals with coexistent ischaemic heart disease (IHD) (18.7%) was the least frequent one. The next stage involved a comparative analysis of meeting consecutive metabolic control criteria recommended by the PDD. It was found that 0.4% of the patients (n = 3) without coexistent IHD met all the metabolic control criteria in 2006, whereas no patient with coexistent IHD met all metabolic control criteria. A significant (p < 0.001) percentage (1.6%) of the patients (n = 5) with coe­xistent IHD and 3.0% of individuals (n = 22) without coexistent IHD met all 2011 metabolic control criteria. Conclusions. 1. When comparing the criteria for metabolic control in 2006 and 2011 we can observe that they have become more relaxed and individualised. However, the change has not resulted in the full achievement of the PTD’s therapeutic goals. On the other hand, the number of the patients who meet for both all criteria at the same time, as well as single criterion including HbA1c and blood pressure, has risen. 2. The degree of meeting the PTD’s criteria for metabolic control is unsatisfactory, irrespective of the ones applied

    Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn

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    Multidisciplinary studies of the Middle–Upper Bathonian ore-bearing clays at Gnaszyn revealed variable palaeoenvi- ronmental conditions during the deposition of this seemingly monotonous sequence. We interpret the conditions in the bottom environment and the photic zone, and also evaluate the influence of the adjacent land areas, based on sedi- mentology, geochemistry, sporomorphs and palynofacies composition, benthic (foraminifera, gastropods, bivalves, scaphopods, echinoderms), planktonic (calcareous nannoplankton, dinoflagellate cysts), and nektonic (sharks) fossils. The Gnaszyn succession originated relatively close to the shore, within reach of an intense supply of terrestrial fine clas- tic and organic particles. The latter are mainly of terrestrial origin and range from 1.5 to 2.5 wt.%. The precise water depth is difficult to estimate but most likely ranges from several tens of metres to a few hundred metres. All fossil groups show minor changes throughout the succession. As the climate seems to have been quite stable during this period we consider sea-level fluctuations to have been the main factor responsible for the changes. The terrestrial input, includ- ing freshwater and land-derived clastic and organic particles (sporomorphs and cuticles), increased during periods of sea-level lowstand. As a consequence, stress conditions (lower salinity, higher nutrient availability, lower water trans- parency) in the photic zone caused blooms of opportunistic planktonic taxa. Furthermore, a faster sedimentation rate led to oxygen depletion and deterioration of the living conditions in the bottom environment due to an increased accumulation of organic matter. As a result, the benthic biota became taxonomically impoverished and commonly dominated by juvenile forms. During periods of high sea level, the source areas were shifted away from the basin, resulting in a decrease in the terrestrial influx, increase in the salinity of surface waters, the appearance of more diverse phytoplank- ton assemblages, a lower sedimentation rate, and an improvement of living conditions at the bottom

    The use of Size Exclusion Chromatography in the evaluation of the degradation of silk fabrics

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    Chromatografia wykluczania molekularnego (SEC), zwłaszcza w połączeniu z detektorem wielokątowego rozpraszania światła laserowego (MALLS) jest bardzo użytecznym narzędziem w diagnostyce degradacji obiektów zabytkowych i dzieł sztuki służącym do oceny ich stanu. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano technikę SEC-MALLS-UV-DRI do zbadania degradacji próbek jedwabnych (Bombyx mori), które poddano procesowi przyspieszonego starzenia w różnych warunkach: w obecności tlenu, różnej zawartości pary wodnej oraz lotnych związków organicznych (LZO) w temperaturze 90 °C. Warunki dobrano w taki sposób aby naśladowały one rzeczywiste warunki panujące podczas przechowywania oraz ekspozycji tekstyliów. Technikę chromatografii wykluczania molekularnego wykorzystano do zbadania wpływu temperatury, wilgoci, a także lotnych związków organicznych na stan tkanin jedwabnych. Równanie Ekenstama pseudo zerowego rzędu zastosowano do wyznaczenia stałych szybkości degradacji fibroiny, przy użyciu wcześniej obliczonych przybliżonych wartości stopnia polimeryzacji fibroiny. Z pomocą wyżej wymienionych technik potwierdzono negatywny wpływ wysokich wartości wilgotności względnej oraz obecności lotnych związków organicznych na stan tkanin jedwabnych.Size exclusion chromatography (SEC), especially coupled with multiple angle laser light scattering detector (MALLS) is a powerful tool in diagnostics of deterioration of historic and art objects to evaluate their condition. In this paper SEC-UV-MALLS-DRI technique was applied to study degradation of silk fibroin samples (Bombyx mori) artificially aged at various conditions: presence of oxygen, different amount of water vapour and volatile organic products (VOCs) at temperature of 90 °C. Conditions were chosen in such a way to mimic real conditions of textiles’ storing at exhibitions and in show cases. The influence of temperature, moisture and VOCs content on the state of silk textiles was examined with the use of size exclusion chromatography. Pseudo-zero order Ekenstam equation was applied to study degradation rates of fibroin with the use of the approximated values of DP of fibroin. With the help of the abovementioned techniques the negative impact of the high humidity levels and the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC) on the condition of silk fabrics was confirmed

    The influence of hydroponic potato plant cultivation on selected properties of starch isolated from its tubers

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    Starch is a natural polysaccharide for which the technological quality depends on the genetic basis of the plant and the environmental conditions of the cultivation. Growing plants under cover without soil has many advantages for controlling the above-mentioned conditions. The present research focuses on determining the effect of under cover hydroponic potato cultivation on the physicochemical properties of accumulated potato starch (PS). The plants were grown in the hydroponic system, with (greenhouse, GH) and without recirculation nutrient solution (foil tunnel, FT). The reference sample was PS isolated from plants grown in a tunnel in containers filled with mineral soil (SO). The influence of the cultivation method on the elemental composition of the starch molecules was noted. The cultivation method also influenced the protein and amylose content of the PS. Considering the chromatic parameters, PS-GH and PS-FT were brighter and whiter, with a tinge of blue, than PS-SO. PS-SO was also characterized by the largest average diameters of granules, while PS-GH had the lowest crystallinity. PS-SO showed a better resistance to the combined action of elevated temperature and shear force. There was a slight variation in the gelatinization temperature values. Additionally, significant differences for enthalpy and the retrogradation ratio were observed. The cultivation method did not influence the glass transition and melting

    On values of the psi function

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    In the present paper, values of the psi function for many arguments connected with the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers are determined or given in alternative form. Moreover, some integral representation of the psi function is found. This is a potential calculation base of values of the psi function for powers of argument. We also note that this integral representation gives better numerical estimation of values of the psi function than the respective Legendre’s integral formula