25 research outputs found

    Profilin-1 Is Expressed in Human Atherosclerotic Plaques and Induces Atherogenic Effects on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    .Here we monitored profilin-1 expression in human atherosclerotic plaques by immunofluorescent staining. The effects of recombinant profilin-1 on atherogenic signaling pathways and cellular responses such as DNA synthesis (BrdU-incorporation) and chemotaxis (modified Boyden-chamber) were evaluated in cultured rat aortic and human coronary vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Furthermore, the correlation between profilin-1 serum levels and the degree of atherosclerosis was assessed in humans.<0.001 vs. no atherosclerosis or control group).Profilin-1 expression is significantly enhanced in human atherosclerotic plaques compared to the normal vessel wall, and the serum levels of profilin-1 correlate with the degree of atherosclerosis in humans. The atherogenic effects exerted by profilin-1 on VSMCs suggest an auto-/paracrine role within the plaque. These data indicate that profilin-1 might critically contribute to atherogenesis and may represent a novel therapeutic target

    Effect of variable rate seeding on winter wheat seedbed and germination parameters using soil apparent electrical conductivity

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    Due to the variability of soil characteristics in the field and the rising prices of high-quality seeds, farmers are increasingly interested in applying a system of precision variable rate seeding (VRS), which makes it easier to manage risks in crop production and allows to ensure the profitability of the farm. Most modern seed drills are equipped with a hydraulic or electric drive and a terminal in the tractor cabin, allowing farmers to apply VRS. The aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate seeding rate of winter wheat according to the measured apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) in the field, to investigate the uniformity of seed placement by layers in the soil and to evaluate the germination dynamics of winter wheat. Precision seeding was performed using a VRS map, generated from soil ECa data obtained by field surface scanning using the ECa device EM-38 MK2. Winter wheat seeding was implemented with a direct seed drill. The research was carried out by measuring the parameters of winter wheat seedbed and germinated plants, including the number and distribution of seeds in soil layers of different depths, germination, tillering. Field research was performed with 3 treatments and 4 repetitions (1 - uniform rate seeding; 2 - VRS; 3 - VRS + variable rate fertilisation (VRF)). The results of the research showed a direct relationship between the soil ECa and the depth of seed placement. Most seeds were inserted at medium depths (15-30 mm), except in the soil management zone, where ECa was highest (28.8 mS center dot m(-1)). In this area, most seeds (50.7%) were inserted shallowly up to 15 mm. The experimental results of seeding studies showed that using the VRS and VRS + VRF methods in all soil zones the germination of winter wheat was similar, while seeding at the uniform rate yielded significant differences between individual soil zones

    Factors that determine the choise to play basketball game and continue to seek results

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    Revelant of the research: Currently, there is a problem with physical activity among children, which leads to poor health (Rutkauskaitė, 2017; Smoll, Cumming, Smith, 2011; Hills, Andersen, Byrne, 2011). It has been researched that children are not sufficiently motivated to participate in sport related activities and do not see benefitsof them (Poteliūnienė 2010). The social environment is a great importance to the decreasing number of sportsmen, and it‘s interest in sport is decreasing (Kremer, Moran, Walker, Craig, 2012). Only finding out the most decisive factors in determining the sport will make it easier to attract childrens to a specific sport. Also, by identifying the factors contributing to sports, we will be able to improve the selection and prepare recommendations for coaches, educators and parents. Aim of study: Determine the factors that lead to choosing basketball and which of those factors continues to encourage sports. Methods: Literature analysis, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis. Results: It has been determined that both boys and girls encourages to choose basketball interest in basketball games and their observation, interest in gaming technique, and desire to enrich knowledge. However, the significance of most factors was statistically different, and significant differences were considered when p <0,05. It has also been found that boys and girls tend to encourage their sporting desire to be healthy and strong, to acquire new skills and the desire to spend their free time in a meaningful way. However, the statistical reliability was also different, and significant differences were kept at p <0,05. Conclusions: 1.Regardless of gender, the choice to play basketball is usually determined by the popularity of basketball, the playing technique, the desire to enrich knowledge and parent advice. However, statistical reliability is different. 2. Regardless of gender, exercising and seeking results are often driven by the desire to be healthy and strong, gaining new skills, leisurely activities, active participation, in competitions, communication with other sportsmen. However, their importance for boys and girls is also different

    Factors that determine the choise to play basketball game and continue to seek results

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    Revelant of the research: Currently, there is a problem with physical activity among children, which leads to poor health (Rutkauskaitė, 2017; Smoll, Cumming, Smith, 2011; Hills, Andersen, Byrne, 2011). It has been researched that children are not sufficiently motivated to participate in sport related activities and do not see benefitsof them (Poteliūnienė 2010). The social environment is a great importance to the decreasing number of sportsmen, and it‘s interest in sport is decreasing (Kremer, Moran, Walker, Craig, 2012). Only finding out the most decisive factors in determining the sport will make it easier to attract childrens to a specific sport. Also, by identifying the factors contributing to sports, we will be able to improve the selection and prepare recommendations for coaches, educators and parents. Aim of study: Determine the factors that lead to choosing basketball and which of those factors continues to encourage sports. Methods: Literature analysis, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis. Results: It has been determined that both boys and girls encourages to choose basketball interest in basketball games and their observation, interest in gaming technique, and desire to enrich knowledge. However, the significance of most factors was statistically different, and significant differences were considered when p <0,05. It has also been found that boys and girls tend to encourage their sporting desire to be healthy and strong, to acquire new skills and the desire to spend their free time in a meaningful way. However, the statistical reliability was also different, and significant differences were kept at p <0,05. Conclusions: 1.Regardless of gender, the choice to play basketball is usually determined by the popularity of basketball, the playing technique, the desire to enrich knowledge and parent advice. However, statistical reliability is different. 2. Regardless of gender, exercising and seeking results are often driven by the desire to be healthy and strong, gaining new skills, leisurely activities, active participation, in competitions, communication with other sportsmen. However, their importance for boys and girls is also different

    Recreational resources of Šušvė reservoir and its educational applying

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    Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjama Šušvės baseino reakreaciniai ištekliai ir jų edukacinis pritaikymas. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aprašytas Šušvės hidrografinis tinklas, kuris apima net tris rajonus: Kelmės, Radviliškio ir Kėdainių. Ant minėtos upės pastatytos dvi užtvankos, tai Vaitiekūnų ir Angirių užtvankos, kurios šiltuoju metu laiku tampa patrauklios poilsiautojams. Darbe plačiau aprašytas Vaitiekūnų tvenkinys, kuriame žvejų mėgėjų asociacija „Rivida“ organizuoja mėgėjišką žūklę. Šios asocijacijos veikla pateikiama, kaip pavyzdys, kuris leidžia net tik gerai praleisti laiką gamtoje, bet ir tinkamai prižiūrėti žuvų išteklius ir papildomai propaguoti mėgėjišką žūklę. Prie Šušvės upės yra įkurti du valstybiniai draustiniai: tai Šušvės hidrografinis draustinis ir Šušvės kraštovaizdžio draustinis, kuriuose saugomas upės suformuotas slėnis, jame gyvenantys ir augantys retieji augalai ir gyvūnai. Didelį dėmesį gamtai skiria Kėdainių rajono savivaldybė, kuri savo iniciatyva prie Šušvės upės įsteigė penkis savivaldybės draustinius. Darbe taip pat aprašyta Šušvės baseine sutinkama flora ir fauna. Nagrinėjant reakreacinius išteklius darbe trumpai aprašomos lankomos vietos, kurių netrūksta tiek Radviliškio tiek Kėdainių rajonuose. Keliaujant Radviliškio rajone palei Šušvės upę, būtiną aplankyti žymę istorinę vietą Mėnaičių kaime - Vasario 16 d. deklaracijos priėmimo vietą, kurią kiekvienais metais aplanko Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentė. Keliaujant žemyn upe aplankysime keletą miestelių, vienas iš žymesnių tai Grinkiškis, kuriame apsistojus galima apžvelgti Grinkiškio dvaro likučius, taip pat aplankyti išnykusių kaimų parką ar senąsias žydų kapines. Ties Vaitiekūnų gyvenviete stūkso Vaitiekūnų piliakalnis, nuo kurio viršaus atsiveria nuostabus gretimų teritorijų vaizdas. Persikėlus per Vaitiekūnų tvenkinio užtvanką patenkame į Kėdainių rajoną, kuriame keliaudami sutiksime dar įspūdingesnių lankomų objektų. Tik pradedantis leistis upe žemyn kairiajame Šušvės krante gyvuoja kaimo turizmo sodyba „Senas Malūnas“, kurioje išlikęs senas akmeninis pastatas, upėje guli rieduliai, kurie likę nuo malūno gyvavimo laikų sudarydami nedidelės užtvankos vaizdą. Be šios kaimo turizmo sodybos Kėdainių rajone galima aplankyti dar keturias, kurios taip pat įsikūrusios vaizdingose Šušvės upės pakrantėse. Greta Pajieslio gyvenvietės kairiajame upės krante yra įsikūręs įspūdingas Skinderiškio dedroparkas, kuriame išvysime augalų iš viso pasaulio, kolekcija siekia 1300 rūsių. Čia sutinkami augalai iš Šiaurės Amerikos, Sibiro, Kaukazo ir kitų kraštų. Nuo šio parko prasideda didžiausias Šušvės tvenkinys tai Angirių užtvanka, kurios plotas užima 248,3 hektarus. Ties tvenkinio viduriu išvysime vieną iš gamtos paminklų, tai Pilsupių atodangą, kuri sudaro gan įspūdingą vaizdą. Tvenkinio pabaigoje sutiksime gan grėsmingai atrodantį tvenkinio nuleistuvą, kuris reguliuoja vandens lygį potvynių ir atoslūgių metu. Leidžiantis upe žemyn išvysime Šušvės kraštovaizdžio draustinį, kuriame matysime upės suformuotą įspūdingą kraštovaizdį, besigrožėdami gamta priplauksime Šušvės ir Nevėžio sankirtą, šioje vietoje ir baigsis pažintis su Šušvės baseinų ir reakreaciniais ištekliais. Antroje darbo dalyje aprašyta vykdyta anketinė apklausa Grinkiškio Jono Poderio vidurinėje mokykloje. Šio anketavimo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, kiek mokiniai žino apie greta esančius geografinius objektus. Pirmoje anketos dalyje mokiniams buvo užduodami klausimai apie Šušvės baseino duomenis, antroje dalyje mokiniams teko atsakyti į klausimus, kurie vertė mokinius pagalvoti, kaip galima gerinti turizmą, ar būtų įdomų mokytis apie objektus, kurie yra visai greta. Susumavus duomenis buvo nustatyta, kad mokiniai mažai žino apie greta esančius objektus ir jie mielai mokytuosi apie juos. Darbe parengtos užduotis apie Šušvės hidrografinį draustinį ir Šušvės baseiną. Šiose užduotyse mokiniai turi atsakyti į klausimus arba tiesiog patys juos suformuluoti iš pateikto teksto. Šių užduočių pavyzdžiu galima rengti ir kitas užduotis susijusias su Šušvės baseino reakreaciniais objektais. Tai pat buvo trumpai aprašyta upelių tyrimai, kuriame minima nuo ko kilo upių vardai, kaip nustatyti vandens užterštumą pagal augalus ir gyvūnus. Šis apršas bus naudingas stovyklaujant gamtoje tiek mokinių grupėms, tiek ir stovyklautojams.There are being analyzed recreational resources of Šušvė reservoir and its educational applying in this work. A hydrological Šušvė reserve net, which is described in the first part of the work, includes even three districts: Kelmė, Radviliškis, and Kėdainiai. There are built two weirs on the mentioned river, it is weirs, called Vaitiekūnų and Angirių, which becomes on the worm period of the year very attractive for holidaymakers. There is Vaitiekūnų weir being described more properly in the work, fishermen amateurs “Rivida” organize an amateurs fishing in this weir. The work of this association is being proposed as an example, which lets not even to have a rest in nature, but also to look after fish resource suitably and to propagate an amateur fishing. There are two national reserves created near the river Šušvė: it is hydrographic and landscape reserves, where there are a secure valley formed, living and growing rare fauna and flora. A huge attention to the nature is being paid from Kėdainiai district’s municipality, which has established five municipal weirs near the river Šušvė by its own initiate. There are also described fauna and flora of reservoir of Šušvė, in this work. By analyzing shortly described recreational resources, it can be found both in Kėdainiai and Radviliškis districts. While travelling near the river Šušvė in Radvili6kis district, it is necessary to visit a famous historical place in Mėnaičiai village – the place of declaration accept in 16th February, this place is annually visited by a president of Lithuanian Republic. While travelling down the river, we can visit some small towns; one of these is Grinkiškis, where it is possible to see remains of Grinkiškis estate, to visit a park of disappeared villages and old Jewry graveyard. By a village of Vaitiekūnai, you can find a mound of Vaitiekūnai, which opens an amazing landscape of nearest territories. After moving through Vaitiekūnai weir we come to Kėdainiai district, where we are going to visit more amazing places. Just after moving down through the river, in the right side of Šušvė shore there is a village tourism homestead called „Senas Malūnas“; it has saved an old stone building, there are some boulders in the river, which are left form the period of the mill work. Beyond this village tourism homestead it is possible to visit more four such kind of homesteads in Kėdainiai district, and these are established in landscape places of the river Šušvė. Near the homestead of Pajieslys in the left side of the river there is a gorgeous dendrology park, where you can see flora from all over the world, and this collection keeps pore than 1300 spices. Here you can find plants from North America, Siberia, Caucasus and other places. This park begins the biggest pond of Šušvė – it is weir of Angiriai, which plot reaches 248.3 hectares. By the middle of the pond it is possible to see one of nature monuments – Pilsupiai exposure with its impressive sight. At the end of the pond there we can find a formidable-looking chute of the pond, which regulates the level of water during the sweep of the tides. During moving down the river it is possible to see a reservoir of Šušvė landscape, where we can see an amazing landscape formed by own river, at this moment we will navigate a crossing of Šušvė and Nevėžis, and there will be the end of a meeting with recreational resources of Šušvė ponds. There was being done a questioning in Grinkiškis Jono Poderio secondary schools. The aim of this questionnaire was to ascertain, how much do the schoolchildren know about the nearest geographical objects. In the first part of a questionnaire, it was necessary to answer the questions about the data of Šušvė reservoir, and these questions forced schoolchildren to think about tourism improve, would it be interesting to learn about the things which are very close. After sum up the data, there was determined, that children know about the nearest object not so much, and they are ready to learn about them. There have been prepared some exercises related with Šušvė hydrographical reservoir and pond. These exercises required to answer to the questions of jus form them from the same text. With the help of these exercises, there is a possibility to prepare other exercised about recreational object of Šušvė pond. Also, there has been shortly described a method of river’s research, where there is mentioned the ways, how did the rivers get its names, how to determine a water impurity according fauna and flora. This method will be very useful in camping both for schoolchildren groups and campers.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The influence of technological parameters of threshing unit on corn grain damage and threshing loss

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    Eksperimentiniai tyrimai buvo atliekami 2017 metais Žemės ūkio mašinų technologinių procesų tyrimų laboratorijoje-poligone. Tyrimams buvo naudojamas stacionarus tangentinis vienbūgnis kūlimo stendas. Jis sudarytas iš 0,6 m skersmens ir 1,2 m pločio aštuonių spragilų tangentinio kūlimo būgno, kurį 142º kampu gaubė ardelinis pobūgnis. Tyrimai atlikti nustačius penkis skirtingus tarpus tarp kūlimo būgno spragilo ir pobūgnio skersinės juostos buvo: 1. priekyje 32 mm, viduryje – 25 mm, gale – 20 mm; 2. 34×27×21 mm; 3. 36×29×22 mm; 4. 38×31×23 mm; 5. 40×33×24 mm. Kūlimo būgno tarpams tarp spragilų uždengti naudoti dangalai 8 dangalai, o jo inercijos momentas siekė 14,82 kg m2. Būgno sukimosi dažnis (nuo 400 min-1 iki 500 min-1, kas 25 min-1) buvo nustatytas dažnio keitikliu. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti javų kombaino kūlimo aparato technologinių parametrų įtaką kukurūzų grūdų sužalojimui ir kūlimo grūdų nuostoliams, kuliant drėgnas kukurūzų burbuoles. Nuimant didelio drėgnio kukurūzų burbuoles, ypač aktualu yra užtikrinti optimalų balansą tarp grūdų sužalojimo kūlimo aparate ir kūlimo grūdų nuostolių. Tyrimais pagrįsta, kad racionalus tarpas tarp būgno ir pobūgnio, kuliant drėgnas kukurūzų burbuoles (grūdų drėgnis 36,50±0,45%), yra 36 mm kūlimo aparato pradžioje ir 22 mm jo gale, kai kūlimo būgno sukimosi dažnis siekia 450 min-1, o į kūlimo aparatą tiekiamų burbuolių srautas – 8 kg s-1Experimental trials were carried out in 2017 at Laboratory for investigation technological pro-cesses of agricultural machinery using the stationary tangential single-cylinder threshing unit containing tangential threshing cylinder of 1.2 m in width and 0.6 m in diameter with eight rasp bars attached to it. It was wrapped in the concave at the angle of 142º. The concave clearance was changed: from 32 mm to 40 mm in front, from 25 mm to 33 mm in the middle, and from 20 mm to 24 mm at the end. Threshing cylinder was covered with 8 filler plates. The cylinder moment of inertia was 14.82 kg m2. Laboratory trials were performed at frequency of rotation of the threshing cylinder (from 400 min-1 to 500 min-1, each 25 min-1). The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of technological parameters of threshing unit on grain damage and threshing loss. In a threshing device, identifying the optimum balance between grain damage and grain loss during threshing is highly relevant while harvesting high-moisture corn ears. Trials demonstrated that for high-moisture corn ear threshing (grain moisture 36.50±0.45%) the rational rotation of threshing cylinder was 450 min-1, and concave clearance was 36 mm at the beginning of threshing unit and 22 mm at the endVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Comparative analysis of energy and GHG emissions using fixed and variable fertilization rates

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    Reducing the overuse of mineral fertilizers in crop production is a key factor related to healthier soil, healthier food, and more economical, efficient, and cleaner agricultural production. The aim of this study was to investigate and to compare the effects of fixed and variable rate fertilization with fertilizer consumption, energy consumption, and environmental impact. A 4-year experimental field study using crop rotation of four plants (spring barley, winter oilseed rape, winter wheat, and faba bean) was performed. Fertilization with phosphorus and potassium at a variable rate were performed and applied based on the soil properties analyzed before the start of the research and completion of the fertilization maps. Nitrogen fertilization was performed by additional fertilization using a proximal N-sensor, which gives the accurate nitrogen uptake in plants in real-time. This was followed by a comparative evaluation analysis of variables and conventional fixed-rate fertilization methods to assess fertilizer consumption, energy consumption, environmental impact, and economic efficiency. The results of the study showed that an application of a variable fertilization rate can reduce the total amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers by 24.9%, energy consumption by 3463.1 kg ha1, and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by 341.5 kg CO2eq ha1 compared to fixed fertilization rate. The method of fertilization with a variable application rate reduced the costs of fertilization, and at the same time, the costs of the total plant production by  168.0 ha1, on averageVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Diuretic enhanced ultrasonography in the diagnosis of pyeloureteral obstruction

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    Background and Objectives: To determine the value of diuretic ultrasonography for the diagnosis of obstructive hydronephrosis. Materials and Methods: Diuretic enhanced ultrasonography was used routinely as a part of examination of patients with hydronephrosis in our Department. There were 72 patients (42 males, 30 females; aged 2 months to 17 years; median age 7.07 years) with a sonoscopic diagnosis of hydronephrosis included from January 2006 until October 2011. The anteroposterior diameter (AD) of renal pelvis was measured sonoscopically before and at sixty minutes after furosemide injection. A weight-adjusted dose of 1 mg/kg of furosemide was administered intravenously. Results: Patients were operated on if pyeloureteral obstruction was suspected because of low or deteriorating differential renal function, increasing hydronephrosis or symptoms thereof. Hydronephrosis was unilateral in 61 (84.7%) and bilateral in 11 (15.3%) patients. The median AD of pelvis before furosemide injection was 22 mm in operated and 17 mm in non-operated patients (p = 0.005). Sixty minutes after furosemide injection, the AD of pelvis in operated patients was 35.5 mm and 25.8 mm in non-operated—25.8 mm (p < 0.001). Logistic regression model demonstrated that significant factors for surgery were: AD 60 minutes after furosemide infection and ultrasonographic parenchymal sclerosis. Conclusion: Ultrasound measurement of the AD of renal pelvis 1 hour after the injection of furosemide used as an additional investigation can help in predicting obstructive hydronephrosis

    Effects of Soil Electrical Conductivity and Physical Properties on Seeding Depth Maintenance and Winter Wheat Germination, Development and Productivity

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    Crop seeding depth is an important parameter in agrotechnologies, but how can seeding depth automatically be maintained in on-farm soil conditions with different textures, granulometric compositions, structural contents and penetration resistances? For this reason, an on-farm field experiment was conducted in the Panevėžys district (Lithuania) during 2020–2022. The field was divided into five zones (EZ1–EZ5) according to soil electrical conductivity. In addition, uniform and variable seeding depths were compared. The results of the investigations showed that soil electrical conductivity was highly correlated with sand (r = −0.867; p ≤ 0.010 > 0.001) and silt (r = 0.871; p ≤ 0.010 > 0.001) contents. The seeding method mainly did not have a significant effect on soil physical properties and winter wheat germination, development and productivity. Higher differences were observed among field zones. The winter wheat seeding depth varied from 27.74 to 33.12 mm between the two most different soil electrical conductivity zones. In zones with variable seeding depths, winter wheat seeds sprouted the most abundantly, and germination reached 99% (in EZ3 and EZ4). In EZ1, EZ2 and EZ4, the yields of grain were the highest and were significantly higher than that in the loamy sand of EZ5. The 1000-grain mass was not affected by any of the tested factors. The results suggest the need for further research in fields with a wider range of soil electrical conductivity. This can increase the variation in seeding depth and reveal interactions among the factors in more detail

    Variable Rate Seeding in Precision Agriculture: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze variable rate seeding (VRS) methods and critically evaluate their suitability and effectiveness for the challenges under field conditions. A search was performed using scientific databases and portals by identifying for analysis and evaluation 92 VRS methodologies, their impact and economic benefits depending on the main parameters of the soil and environment. The results of the review identified that VRS could adapt the appropriate seeding rate for each field zone, which was based on site-specific data layers of soil texture, ECa, pH and yield maps. Then, remotely detected images or other data which identify yield-limiting factors were identified. The site-specific sowing method (with a variable sowing rate for each field area) allows the optimization of crop density to obtain the best agronomic and economic results. Various proximal and remote sensor systems, contact and contactless equipment, mapping and VRS modeling technologies are currently used to determine soil and crop variability. VRS depends on the field characteristics’ sowing equipment capabilities, the planned harvest, soil productivity and machine technology interactions with the environment. When forecasting the effective payback of a VRS over the desired period, the farm size should on average be at least 150 ha. In future studies, to achieve the best solutions and optimal methods, it is important to test, evaluate and put into practice the latest methodologies on farms, to perform complex assessments of changes in sensor, soil, plant and environmental parameters