19 research outputs found

    Sistema de Enseñanza para Niños con Necesidades Especiales

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    Con el objetivo de explotar la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como herramienta educativa, el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia crea el programa “Internet en el Aula”. Uno de sus retos es el de proporcionar recursos específicos para la educación de alumnos con necesidades especiales. Con tal fin surge el proyecto que se describe en este capítulo: “Proyecto Aprender”. Consiste en un sitio web dirigido especialmente a alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje y en general a otros usuarios relacionados como profesores, padres, familias e investigadores del área. El sitio web del “Proyecto Aprender” está organizado en tres secciones específicas para cada tipo de usuario: profesores, público en general y alumnos. Dentro de la sección de alumnos se incluye una aplicación multimedia embebida en una página web, donde se puede acceder a distintas actividades interactivas organizadas por objetos de aprendizaje: habilidades, niveles de dificultad y situaciones de la vida real. Para que estas actividades sean accesibles ha sido necesario desarrollar numerosas herramientas software que permitan adaptar las actividades a usuarios alumnos con distintos tipos de discapacidad (auditiva, visual, motriz y dificultades de aprendizaje en general). Además, el uso de estas herramientas se puede individualizar según las necesidades del usuario

    Efecto de la base Genética sobre los resultados productivos y económicos al destete de explotaciones de dehesa: Información preliminar

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    Como consecuencia de las elevadas exigencias de los cebaderos industriales, en aras a la reducción del coste de producción del añojo cebado, hemos asistido, en las últimas décadas, en el ecosistema de la Dehesa, a una clara regresión de la explotación de vientres autóctonos y paralelamente a una inusitada expansión de la explotación de vacas crucadas y de vacas de marcada aptitud cárnica tales como la Charolés, Limusín, Rubia de Aquitania, etc

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    Building Accessible Flash Applications: an XML-Based Toolkit

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    The use of Flash as a web-based multimedia development tool has spread lately. Although a big effort has gone into improving its accessibility, there are still accessibility gaps requiring programming or purchase from another supplier. This makes building an accessible Flash application an ad hoc, complex and time-consuming task. With the aim of lightening the accessibility-related workload, we have implemented a toolkit that helps to create accessible multimedia Flash resources. This toolkit specifies the accessibility features as XML configuration files. It includes a library that works like a wrapper abstracting the logic layer of the different events and iterations from the physical layer. This way, new functionalities can easily be added. Additionally, it has been successfully used to build teaching and teaching support systems

    A Framework to Support Development of Learning Applications for Disabled Children

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    Multimedia resources are an important tool that can be used by teachers in the classroom as a learning aid for learners with disabilities or by parents and children at home. However, disabled children are not always able to use existing assistive technologies because they are not experienced enough, suffer from medium/profound disability, or simply do not have the financial resources to buy commercial tools. Additionally, today’s adapted tools are not always valid for a broad spectrum of disabled users and often focus on a user group. We claim that potential applications and resources for people with special needs must self-adapt to user capabilities and skills, reducing the use of external assistive technologies. In this paper, we present a guide for developers to create accessible applications and resources that reduce workload

    Data mining engineering: modelo de procesos para el desarrollo de proyectos de minería de datos

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Escuela de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Diseño. Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información AplicadasEn los últimos 15 años se ha incrementado la cantidad y la complejidad de proyectos de Data Mining, sin embargo las metodologías de desarrollo más utilizadas en la actualidad siguen siendo las mismas que surgieron por el año 2000, y no existe un modelo de procesos formal que permita la planificación y desarrollo con éxito de este tipo de proyectos. Esta situación es bastante similar a la crisis del software de 1968, que vino generada por la ausencia de formalismos y metodologías que permitieran guiar con éxito a los desarrolladores software. La Ingeniería de Software fue evolucionando gracias a la definición de modelos de procesos y metodologías formales. La evolución de la Ingeniería de Data Mining está siendo muy similar. El trabajo de investigación que se propone en este Proyecto de Tesis Doctoral consiste en el desarrollo de un Modelo de Procesos para Proyectos de Data Mining. El modelo se basa en el estudio de las propuestas existentes para el desarrollo de proyectos de Data Mining y tomando como referencia los modelos de procesos más utilizados actualmente en la Ingeniería de Software. (Resumen Teseo)UE

    Limitation of Remote Laboratory in Control Education

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    Remote laboratories showed significant progress during last years. Their integration in engineering education had their justification in solving many logistic problems inherent to conventional labs. In control engineering education, shifting from hands-on experience to a remote experimentation modifies completely the learning environment, and the factors that could compromise the effectiveness of learning outcomes should be considered carefully. This short paper discusses a number of pedagogical limitations intrinsic to remote experimentation in control engineering education.No data (2010)UE

    A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery process models and methodologies

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    Up to now, many data mining and knowledge discovery methodologies and process models have been developed, with varying degrees of success. In this paper, we describe the most used (in industrial and academic projects) and cited (in scientific literature) data mining and knowledge discovery methodologies and process models, providing an overview of its evolution along data mining and knowledge discovery history and setting down the state of the art in this topic. For every approach, we have provided a brief description of the proposed knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process, discussing about special features, outstanding advantages and disadvantages of every approach. Apart from that, a global comparative of all presented data mining approaches is provided, focusing on the different steps and tasks in which every approach interprets the whole KDD process. As a result of the comparison, we propose a new data mining and knowledge discovery process named refined data mining process for developing any kind of data mining and knowledge discovery project. The refined data mining process is built on specific steps taken from analyzed approaches.1.257 JCR (2010) Q3, 60/108 Computer science, artificial intelligenceUE

    Limitations of Remote Laboratories in Control Engineering Education

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    Remote laboratories showed significant progress during last years. Their integration in engineering education had their justification in solving many logistic problems inherent to conventional labs. In control engineering education, shifting from hands-on experience to a remote experimentation modifies completely the learning environment, and the factors that could compromise the effectiveness of learning outcomes should be considered carefully. This short paper discusses a number of pedagogical limitations intrinsic to remote experimentation in control engineering education

    An engineering approach to data mining projects

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    Both the number and complexity of Data Mining projects has increased in late years. Unfortunately, nowadays there isn’t a formal process model for this kind of projects, or existing approaches are not right or complete enough. In some sense, present situation is comparable to that in software that led to ’software crisis’ in latest 60’s. Software Engineering matured based on process models and methodologies. Data Mining’s evolution is being parallel to that in Software Engineering. The research work described in this paper proposes a Process Model for Data Mining Projects based on the study of current Software Engineering Process Models (IEEE Std 1074 and ISO 12207) and the most used Data Mining Methodology CRISP-DM (considered as a “facto” standard) as basic references.Sin financiación0.275 SJR (2007) Q2, 92/281 Computer science (miscellaneous); Q4, 82/123 Theoretical Computer ScienceUE