7 research outputs found

    Determination of dimensionality of the psychosocial risk assessment of internal, individual, double presence and external factors in work environments

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    In the present work, the dimensions of the psychosocial risk assessment instrument are defined considering internal, individual, double presence and external factors for work environments. Those corresponding to internal, individual and double presence factors are not subject to a process of validation of content since they come from the ISTAS 21 model validated by the Trade Union Institute of Labor, Environment and Health of Spain. The variables corresponding to external factors are obtained from the Social Determinants of Health Model of the World Health Organization. These measurement tools are used for companies with a high number of workers, so a large amount of data is generated. The construct validity of the external factors is carried out by calculating the sample adequacy measure of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin together with the Bartlett sphericity test and the communalities analysis. Of the internal and individual variables there are twenty dimensions and of the external variables, are reduced to 14

    Factor analysis of the psychosocial risk assessment instrument

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the application of exploratory factor analysis to demonstrate that factors external to the organization influence the outcome of the Evaluation of the level of psychosocial risks. The variables corresponding to external factors are obtained from the Social Determinants of Health Model of the World Health Organization (WHO). These measurement tools are used for companies with a high number of workers, so a large amount of data is generated. The elements included in the construct validation are: the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sample adequacy measure, Barlett’s sphericity test, the communalities, the explained variance percentages, the matrix of factor structure components, the graph of sedimentation and the matrix of rotated components. As a result, we obtain that external factors have a significant impact on the assessment of the level of psychosocial risks. The external variables found are: education, health care services, housing conditions, means of transport, living conditions

    A New Tool for Heart Disease Prognosis in the Community

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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to discuss the main characteristics of a system created to study, in a community, the evolution of people suffering cardiac disease or people prone to suffer it. The system has two main components: a portable device for ECG acquisition, henceforth Recorder, and Windows-compatibl

    Are "10-Grams of Protein” Better Than "Ten Grams of Protein”? How Digits Versus Number Words Influence Consumer Judgments

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    Numerical information can be communicated using different number formats, such as digits (“5”) or number words (“five”). For example, a battery product may claim to last for “5 hours” or “five hours.” And while these two formats are used interchangeably in the marketplace, it is not clear how they influence consumer judgments and behavior. Via six experimental studies, two online ad campaigns, and one large secondary dataset analysis, we find that digits, compared to number words, positively affect consumer behavior. We refer to this phenomenon as the number format effect. We further show that the number format effect occurs because consumers feel that digits (vs. number words) are the right way to present numerical information: digits lead to a sense of feeling right that then affects consumer behavior. Finally, we show that the number format effect is amplified when credibility of the source of information is low, and attenuated when source credibility is high. The current research advances knowledge of how numerical information influences consumer judgments and behavior and carries important implications for marketers and policymakers as they communicate numerical information to consumers

    Diagnóstico de tuberculosis pulmonar en pediatría

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    Análisis clínico-laboratorial de las manifestaciones hematológicas del dengue, en relación

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    Background: Dengue is an acute viral disease caused by any of the four serotypes. While the disease can be characterized by the presence of abrupt onset of fever followed by muscle aches, headache, joint pains and macul-papular rash, or it can be an asymptomatic disease. Objective: It is to characterize the clinical-laboratory hematologic manifestations of dengue, according to the scale of gravity of the OPS, in patients diagnosed with dengue in the Viedma Hospital (HCV) in the period January to December 2009. Methods: A research, descriptive, retrospective, crosssectional study sample was limited to: Patients who were admitted to the Internal Medicine service of HCV with diagnosis of dengue in the period of study and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Results: The clinical manifestations presented in 70% of patients with Dengue without warning signs were: petechiae and Loop test (+), 36% of patients with Dengue with warning signs had: Epistaxis and Loop test (+) and 66.67% of patients with severe dengue presented: Shock, epistaxis and gingival bleeding. Also, the blood disorder most commonly found was thrombocytopenia. Conclusions: It was concluded analyzing the behavior of hematologic disorders (taking them as arguments for a suspected diagnosis in conjunction with the presence of fever). The presence of fever plus two or more laboratory blood disorders, gives us a reason for a presumptive diagnosis of 66% for Dengue with warning signs and severe Dengue.Introducción: El dengue es una enfermedad viral aguda causada por cualquiera de sus cuatro serotipos. Si bien la enfermedad puede caracterizarse por la presencia de fiebre de inicio brusco seguida de mialgias, cefalea, dolores articulares y ¨rash¨ maculo-papular, de igual manera puede cursar en forma asintomática. Objetivo: Caracterizar las manifestaciones Hematológicas Clínico- Laboratoriales del Dengue, de acuerdo a la escala de gravedad de la OPS, en pacientes con diagnóstico de Dengue en el Hospital Clínico Viedma (HCV), en el periodo Enero a Diciembre de 2009. Material y Métodos: Es una investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva, transversal donde la muestra estudiada se limito a: Pacientes internados en el servicio de Medicina Interna del HCV, con el Diagnóstico de Dengue, en el periodo de estudio establecido y que cumpla con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: Las Manifestaciones Clínicas presentadas en el 70% de los pacientes con Dengue sin signos de Alarma fueron: Petequias y test de Lazo(+), en el 36% de los pacientes con Dengue con signos de Alarma: Epistaxis y test de Lazo(+) y en el 66.67% de los pacientes con Dengue Grave: Choque, Epistaxis y Gingivorragias. Asimismo la alteración hematológica más frecuentemente encontrada fue la trombocitopenia. Conclusiones: Respecto al comportamiento de las alteraciones hematológicas (tomándolos como argumentos para una sospecha diagnóstica en conjunción con la presencia de fiebre): la presencia de fiebre + dos o más alteración hematológica laboratorial, nos da una sensibilidad para la presunción diagnóstica de 66% tanto para el Dengue con signos de alarma y Dengue Grave

    Virtual adaptation of an international exchange program in medical education

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    Medical education has drastically transformed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures such as adopting telemedicine visits, minimizing the number of trainees on service, discontinuing external rotations, and converting in-person to online didactics have been broadly and swiftly implemented. While these innovations have promoted greater interconnectivity amongst institutions and made continuing medical education possible, international exchange programs in medical education are still largely disrupted. In response to the changing guidelines and restrictions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors used Kern\u27s six-step approach to design and implement a virtual curriculum to replace the in-person activities of the 2020-2021 Neurology Peru-Rochester exchange program (NeuroPro). Twenty-seven trainees participated in this virtual adaptation. The average daily attendance was ≥85% and the program was rated 9/10 on average in a feedback survey (63% response rate). The median percentage of correct answers during the pre-test was 64% and it increased to 79% during the post-test (P = 0.003). Virtual adaptation of international exchange programs in medical education is feasible to safely continue international collaborative efforts to promote symbiotic building of local expertise and cross-cultural exchange during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and beyond