126 research outputs found

    Bronchial remodeling in asthma

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    The relationship between structure and function in asthma has been extensively studied. All the compartments of the airway have been shown to have some structural alterations contributing to functional defects. The structural alterations are thought to be a consequence of the chronic inflammation present in asthmatic airways, leading ultimately to remodeling. The decline of the ventilatory function over time in some asthmatic patients may be a consequence of airway remodeling. In this review, the authors describe the phenomena leading to airway remodeling and discuss the role of inflammatory mediators involved in this process. The structural alterations of the asthmatic airways are presented and the possible correlated functional defects are discussed.É sabido que certos pacientes asmáticos apresentam perda parcial e irreversível da função respiratória ao longo do tempo. Postula-se que o processo inflamatório crônico em vias aéreas, característico da doença, poderia, através da liberação de diversos mediadores inflamatórios, ocasionar alterações estruturais irreversíveis nas vias aéreas e conseqüente piora da broncoconstrição, contribuindo assim para o fenômeno de perda de função pulmonar. A este processo creditou-se o nome de remodelamento brônquico. Nesta revisão descrevem-se os mecanismos propostos para o remodelamento brônquico, o papel dos diversos mediadores inflamatórios envolvidos e as diversas alterações patológicas observadas em vias aéreas asmáticas. Para cada alteração estrutural descrita, discute-se a possível conseqüência funcional. O entendimento do remodelamento brônquico é importante para o melhor manejo dos pacientes com asma e para a prevenção da deterioração funcional definitiva.Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de PatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Lung Morphometry, Collagen and Elastin Content: Changes after Hyperoxic Exposure in Preterm Rabbits

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    INTRODUCTION: Elastic and collagen fiber deposition increases throughout normal lung development, and this fiber network significantly changes when development of the lung is disturbed. In preterm rats and lambs, prolonged hyperoxic exposure is associated with impaired alveolization and causes significant changes in the deposition and structure of elastic fibers. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of hyperoxic exposure on elastic and collagen fiber deposition in the lung interstitial matrix and in alveolarization in preterm rabbits. METHODS: After c-section, 28-day preterm New-Zealand-White rabbits were randomized into 2 study groups, according to the oxygen exposure, namely: Room air (oxygen = 21%) or Oxygen (oxygen > 95%). The animals were killed on day 11 and their lungs were analyzed for the alveolar size (Lm), the internal surface area (ISA), the alveoli number, and the density and distribution of collagen and elastic fibers. RESULTS: An increase in the Lm and a decrease in the alveoli number were observed among rabbits that were exposed to hyperoxia with no differences regarding the ISA. No difference in the density of elastic fibers was observed after oxygen exposure, however there were fewer collagen fibers and an evident disorganization of fiber deposition. DISCUSSION: This model reproduces anatomo-pathological injuries representing the arrest of normal alveolar development and lung architecture disorganization by just a prolonged exposition to oxygen. CONCLUSIONS: In the preterm rabbit, prolonged oxygen exposure impaired alveolization and also lowered the proportion of collagen fibers, with an evident fiber network disorganization

    Mechanical evaluation of the resistance and elastance of post-burn scars after topical treatment with tretinoin

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    OBJECTIVE: After burn injuries, scarred skin lacks elasticity, especially in hypertrophic scars. Topical treatment with tretinoin can improve the appearance and quality of the skin (i.e., texture, distensibility, color, and hydration). The objective of this prospective study was to examine the effects of treatment with 0.05% tretinoin for one year on the biomechanical behavior and histological changes undergone by facial skin with post-burn scarring. Setting: Tertiary, Institutional. METHOD: Fifteen female patients who had suffered partial thickness burns with more than two years of evolution were selected. Skin biopsies were obtained initially and after one year of treatment. The resistance and elastance of these skin biopsies were measured using a mechanical oscillation analysis system. The density of collagen fibers, elastic fibers, and versican were determined using immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Tretinoin treatment significantly lowered skin resistance and elastance, which is a result that indicates higher distensibility of the skin. However, tretinoin treatment did not significantly affect the density of collagen fibers, elastic fibers, or versican. CONCLUSION: Topical tretinoin treatment alters the mechanical behavior of post-burn scarred skin by improving its distensibility and thus leads to improved quality of life for patients

    Effects of overinflation on procollagen type III expression in experimental acute lung injury

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    Abstract Introduction In acute lung injury (ALI), elevation of procollagen type III (PC III) occurs early and has an adverse impact on outcome. We examined whether different high-inflation strategies of mechanical ventilation (MV) in oleic acid (OA) ALI alter regional expression of PC III. Methods We designed an experimental, randomized, and controlled protocol in which rats were allocated to two control groups (no injury, recruited [alveolar recruitment maneuver after tracheotomy without MV; n = 4 rats] and control [n = 5 rats]) or four injured groups (one exposed to OA only [n = 10 rats] and three OA-injured and ventilated). The three OA-injured groups were ventilated for 1 hour according to the following strategies: LVHP-S (low volume-high positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP], supine; n = 10 rats, tidal volume [VT] = 8 ml/kg, PEEP = 12 cm H2O), HVLP-S (high volume-low PEEP, supine; n = 10 rats, VT = 20 ml/kg, PEEP = 5 cm H2O), and HVLP-P (high volume-low PEEP, prone; n = 10 rats). Northern blot analysis for PC III and interleukin-1-beta (IL-1β) and polymorphonuclear infiltration index (PMI) counting were performed in nondependent and dependent regions. Regional differences between groups were assessed by two-way analysis of variance after logarithmic transformation and post hoc tests. Results A significant interaction for group and region effects was observed for PC III (p = 0.012) with higher expression in the nondependent region for HVLP-S and LVHP-S, intermediate for OA and HVLP-P, and lower for control (group effect, p < 0.00001, partial η2 = 0.767; region effect, p = 0.0007, partial η2 = 0.091). We found high expression of IL-1β (group effect, p < 0.00001, partial η2 = 0.944) in the OA, HVLP-S, and HVLP-P groups without regional differences (p = 0.16). PMI behaved similarly (group effect, p < 0.00001, partial η2 = 0.832). Conclusion PC III expression is higher in nondependent regions and in ventilatory strategies that caused overdistension. This response was partially attenuated by prone positioning

    Effects of creatine oral supplementation on the hepatic metabolism and morphology of rats

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    A creatina é uma amina nitrogenada e tem sido utilizada principalmente por atletas e praticantes de atividade física que desejam aumentar a massa muscular e o desempenho físico. Entretanto seu uso não está somente relacionado à prática esportiva, pois inúmeros trabalhos apresentam efeitos benéficos na prática médica. Alguns estudos demonstraram que a suplementação oral com creatina resulta em aumento da sua biodisponibilidade plasmática e também de seus estoques em inúmeros órgãos. Entretanto, estudos sobre possíveis efeitos tóxicos da suplementação com creatina são escassos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos tóxicos da suplementação oral com creatina sobre a função e morfologia hepáticas em ratos após 14 dias de suplementação oral com creatina na dose de 0.5 g/kg/dia. A função hepática foi avaliada através de testes bioquímicos e a estrutura hepática foi avaliada através da massa hepática relativa e da análise histológica. Os resultados demonstraram que 14 dias de suplementação com creatina não alteraram a função hepática quando comparado os grupos controle e suplementado: AST (39.5 x 44.4 U/L), ALT (18.6 x 30.8 U/L), ALP (38.5 x 31.4 U/L), GGT (134.8 x 143.8 U/L), proteínas totais (5.1 x 5.5 g/dl), triglicérides (141.0 x 141.0 mg/dl), colesterol total (130.1 x 126.2 mg/dl), colesterol LDL (36.1 x 36.1 mg/dl), colesterol HDL (65.6 x 62.4 mg/dl), colesterol VLDL (25.0 x 28.0 mg/dl), e também estrutura hepática, exceto nos níveis plasmáticos de albumina (3.0 x 3.5 mg/dl - p<0.02). Nossos resultados demonstraram claramente que, ao menos na dose utilizada, a suplementação oral com creatina não induziu a nenhum tipo de efeito tóxico sobre o fígado.Creatine is a nitrogenated amine and it has been used mainly by athletes and physical activity practitioners who wish to increase muscle mass and performance. However its use is not just related to sports practice, once several studies have shown beneficial effects on medical practice. Some studies have demonstrated that oral creatine supplementation increases its plasmatic bioavailability and also its concentration in several organs. However, studies about the possible toxic effects followed by creatine supplementation are scarce. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the hepatic structure and function in rats after 14 days of oral creatine supplementation at dose of 0.5g/kg/day. The hepatic function was evaluated through biochemical assays and the hepatic structure was analyzed through the relative hepatic mass and histological analysis. The results showed that 14 days of creatine supplementation did not alter the hepatic function and structure when compared with the control and supplemented groups, AST (39.5 x 44.4 U/L), ALT (18.6 x 30.8 U/L), ALP (38.5 x 31.4 U/L), GGT (134.8 x 143.8 U/L), total proteins (5.1 x 5.5 g/dl), triglycerides (141.0 x 141.0 mg/dl), total cholesterol (130.1 x 126.2 mg/dl), LDL cholesterol (36.1 x 36.1 mg/dl), HDL cholesterol (65.6 x 62.4 mg/dl), VLDL cholesterol (25.0 x 28.0 mg/dl), and also the hepatic structure, except for the albumin plasmatic levels (3.0 x 3.5 mg/dl - p<0.02). Our results clearly demonstrated that, at least at the used dosage, oral creatine supplementation did not induce any toxic effect on the liver

    Chemical composition modulates the adverse effects of particles on the mucociliary epithelium

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    OBJECTIVE:We compared the adverse effects of two types of real ambient particles; i.e., total suspended particles from an electrostatic precipitator of a steel mill and fine air particles from an urban ambient particulate matter of 2.5 µm, on mucociliary clearance.METHOD:Mucociliary function was quantified by mucociliary transport, ciliary beating frequency and the amount of acid and neutral mucous in epithelial cells through morphometry of frog palate preparations. The palates were immersed in one of the following solutions: total suspended particles (0.1 mg/mL), particulate matter 2.5 µm 0.1 mg/mL (PM0.1) or 3.0 mg/mL (PM3.0) and amphibian Ringer’s solution (control). Particle chemical compositions were determined by X-ray fluorescence and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.RESULTS:Exposure to total suspended particles and PM3.0 decreased mucociliary transport. Ciliary beating frequency was diminished by total suspended particles at all times during exposure, while particulate matter of 2.5 µm did not elicit changes. Particulate matter of 2.5 µm reduced epithelial mucous and epithelium thickness, while total suspended particles behaved similarly to the control group. Total suspended particles exhibited a predominance of Fe and no organic compounds, while the particulate matter 2.5 µm contained predominant amounts of S, Fe, Si and, to a lesser extent, Cu, Ni, V, Zn and organic compounds.CONCLUSION:Our results showed that different compositions of particles induced different airway epithelial responses, emphasizing that knowledge of their individual characteristics may help to establish policies aimed at controlling air pollution

    Extended minimally invasive autopsy: Technical improvements for the investigation of cardiopulmonary events in COVID-19

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    OBJECTIVES: Ultrasound-guided minimally invasive autopsies (MIA-US) are an alternative to conventional autopsies and have been used in our institution to investigate the pathophysiology of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. Owing to the limitations of post-mortem biopsies for evaluating cardiopulmonary events involving large vessels, we continuously improved the technique during this period. Objectives: To demonstrate the usefulness of an extended MIA-US technique (EMIA-US) for the study of thoracic involvement in COVID-19. METHOD: US-guided percutaneous tissue sampling was combined with a small thoracic incision (≤5 cm), allowing for the sampling of larger tissue samples or even the entire organ (lungs and heart). RESULTS: EMIA-US was performed for eight patients who died of COVID-19 in 2021. We demonstrate cardiopulmonary events, mainly thromboembolism and myocardial infarction, that could be evaluated using EMIA-US. CONCLUSIONS: Minimally invasive image-guided post-mortem tissue sampling is a flexible and practical method to conduct post-mortem studies of human diseases, mainly in areas that do not have autopsy facilities or, alternatively, when autopsy is not possible owing to financial constraints, cultural and religious values, or for safety reasons, such as in the case of highly contagious infectious diseases. We present evidence that EMIA-US is feasible and can be used as an alternative to increase the accuracy of MIA-US in detecting cardiopulmonary events involving large vessels, which may not be assessed through post-mortem biopsies

    Small airway remodeling in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a study in autopsy lung tissue

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    Introduction: Airway dysfunction in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is evidenced by expiratory flow limitation and dynamic hyperinflation. These functional alterations have been attributed to closure/obstruction of small airways. Airway morphological changes have been reported in experimental models of acute lung injury, characterized by epithelial necrosis and denudation in distal airways. To date, however, no study has focused on the morphological airway changes in lungs from human subjects with ARDS. The aim of this study is to evaluate structural and inflammatory changes in distal airways in ARDS patients. Methods: We retrospectively studied autopsy lung tissue from subjects who died with ARDS and from control subjects who died of non pulmonary causes. Using image analysis, we quantified the extension of epithelial changes (normal, abnormal and denudated epithelium expressed as percentages of the total epithelium length), bronchiolar inflammation, airway wall thickness, and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein content in distal airways. The Student`s t test or the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare data between the ARDS and control groups. Bonferroni adjustments were used for multiple tests. The association between morphological and clinical data was analyzed by Pearson rank test. Results: Thirty-one ARDS patients (A: PaO(2)/FiO(2) <= 200, 45 +/- 14 years, 16 males) and 11 controls (C:52 +/- 16 years, 7 males) were included in the study. ARDS airways showed a shorter extension of normal epithelium (A:32.9 +/- 27.2%, C:76.7 +/- 32.7%, P < 0.001), a larger extension of epithelium denudation (A:52.6 +/- 35.2%, C:21.8 +/- 32.1%, P < 0.01), increased airway inflammation (A:1(3), C:0(1), P = 0.03), higher airway wall thickness (A:138.7 +/- 54.3 mu m, C:86.4 +/- 33.3 mu m, P < 0.01), and higher airway content of collagen I, fibronectin, versican and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) compared to controls (P = 0.03). The extension of normal epithelium showed a positive correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.34; P = 0.02) and a negative correlation with plateau pressure (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). The extension of denuded epithelium showed a negative correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). Conclusions: Structural changes in small airways of patients with ARDS were characterized by epithelial denudation, inflammation and airway wall thickening with ECM remodeling. These changes are likely to contribute to functional airway changes in patients with ARDS.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Laboratorio de Investigacao Medica-LIM05 do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (LIMHC-FM-USP