70 research outputs found

    The quark-photon vertex and meson electromagnetic form factors

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    The ladder Bethe-Salpeter solution for the dressed photon-quark vertex is used to study the low-momentum behavior of the pion electromagnetic and the Îłâ‹†Ï€0Îł\gamma^\star \pi^0 \gamma transition form factors. With model parameters previously fixed by light meson masses and decay constants, the low-momentum slope of both form factors is in excellent agreement with the data. In comparison, the often-used Ball-Chiu Ansatz for the vertex is found to be deficient; less than half of the obtained rπ2r_\pi^2 is generated by that Ansatz while the remainder of the charge radius could be attributed to the tail of the ρ\rho resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, uses espcrc1.sty, talk presented at PANIC99, Uppsala, Swede

    Covariant QCD Modeling of Light Meson Physics

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    We summarize recent progress in soft QCD modeling based on the set of Dyson--Schwinger equations truncated to ladder-rainbow level. This covariant approach to hadron physics accommodates quark confinement and implements the QCD one-loop renormalization group behavior. We compare the dressed quark propagator, pseudoscalar and vector meson masses as a function of quark mass, and the rho -> pi pi coupling to recent lattice-QCD data. The error in the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relation with increasing quark mass is quantified by comparison to the exact pseudoscalar mass relation as evaluated within the ladder-rainbow Dyson-Schwinger model.Comment: Presented at the International School on Nuclear Physics, 24th course: Quarks in Nuclei, Erice, Sicily, September 2002; to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys.; 6 pages, 6 fig

    Nonperturbative QCD Phenomenology and Light Quark Physics

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    Recent progress in modeling QCD for hadron physics through truncated Dyson-Schwinger equations is reviewed. Special emphasis is put upon comparison of dressed quark propagators and the dressed quark-gluon vertex with lattice-QCD results.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Invited talk at the QCD Down Under workshop at the CSSM/University of Adelaide, March 200

    QCD modeling of hadron physics

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    We review recent developments in the understanding of meson properties as solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter equation in rainbow-ladder truncation. Included are recent results for the pseudoscalar and vector meson masses and leptonic decay constants, ranging from pions up to c\bar{c} bound states; extrapolation to b\bar{b} states is explored. We also present a new and improved calculation of F_\pi(Q^2) and an analysis of the \pi\gamma\gamma transition form factor for both \pi(140) and \pi(1330). Lattice-QCD results for propagators and the quark-gluon vertex are analyzed, and the effects of quark-gluon vertex dressing and the three-gluon coupling upon meson masses are considered.Comment: 17 pages, 19 postscript figures, contribution to the proceedings of LC05, Cairns, Australia, July 200

    The Quark-Photon Vertex and the Pion Charge Radius

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    The rainbow truncation of the quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is combined with the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation for the dressed quark-photon vertex to study the low-momentum behavior of the pion electromagnetic form factor. With model gluon parameters previously fixed by the pion mass and decay constant, the pion charge radius rπr_\pi is found to be in excellent agreement with the data. When the often-used Ball-Chiu Ansatz is used to construct the quark-photon vertex directly from the quark propagator, less than half of rπ2r_\pi^2 is generated. The remainder of rπ2r^2_\pi is seen to be attributable to the presence of the ρ\rho-pole in the solution of the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Tomato marchitez virus, a new plant picorna-like virus from tomato related to tomato torrado virus

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    A new virus was isolated from a tomato plant from the state of Sinaloa in Mexico. This plant showed symptoms locally known as `marchitez diseaseÂż: severe leaf necrosis, beginning at the base of the leaflets, and necrotic rings on the fruits. A virus was isolated from the infected plant consisting of isometric particles with a diameter of approximately 28Âżnm. The viral genome consists of two (+)ssRNA molecules of 7221 (RNA1) and 4898Âżnts (RNA2). The viral capsid contains three coat proteins of 35, 26 and 24ÂżkDa, respectively. The abovementioned characteristics: symptoms, morphology, number and size of coat proteins, and number of RNAs are similar to those of the previously described tomato torrado virus (ToTV). Sequence analysis of the entire viral genome shows that this new virus is related to, but distinct from, ToTV and that these members of two obviously new virus species belong to the recently proposed plant virus genus Torradovirus. For this new virus, the name tomato marchitez virus (ToMarV) is proposed

    Selected nucleon form factors and a composite scalar diquark

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    A covariant, composite scalar diquark, Fadde'ev amplitude model for the nucleon is used to calculate pseudoscalar, isoscalar- and isovector-vector, axial-vector and scalar nucleon form factors. The last yields the nucleon sigma-term and on-shell sigma-nucleon coupling. The calculated form factors are soft, and the couplings are generally in good agreement with experiment and other determinations. Elements in the dressed-quark-axial-vector vertex that are not constrained by the Ward-Takahashi identity contribute ~20% to the magnitude of g_A. The calculation of the nucleon sigma-term elucidates the only unambiguous means of extrapolating meson-nucleon couplings off the meson mass-shell.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures, epsfi

    The π\pi, K+K^+, and K0K^0 electromagnetic form factors

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    The rainbow truncation of the quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is combined with the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation for the meson amplitudes and the dressed quark-photon vertex in a self-consistent Poincar\'e-invariant study of the pion and kaon electromagnetic form factors in impulse approximation. We demonstrate explicitly that the current is conserved in this approach and that the obtained results are independent of the momentum partitioning in the Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes. With model gluon parameters previously fixed by the condensate, the pion mass and decay constant, and the kaon mass, the charge radii and spacelike form factors are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Revte

    Valence-quark distributions in the pion

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    We calculate the pion's valence-quark momentum-fraction probability distribution using a Dyson-Schwinger equation model. Valence-quarks with an active mass of 0.30 GeV carry 71% of the pion's momentum at a resolving scale q_0=0.54 GeV = 1/(0.37 fm). The shape of the calculated distribution is characteristic of a strongly bound system and, evolved from q_0 to q=2 GeV, it yields first, second and third moments in agreement with lattice and phenomenological estimates, and valence-quarks carrying 49% of the pion's momentum. However, pointwise there is a discrepancy between our calculated distribution and that hitherto inferred from parametrisations of extant pion-nucleon Drell-Yan data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX, aps.sty, epsfig.sty, minor corrections, version to appear in PR

    Het genus Torradovirus, een nieuw geslacht van plantenvirussen

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    Het genus Torradovirus is een nieuw geslacht van plantenvirussen. Hiertoe behoren het tomatentorradovirus (ToTV), het tomatenmarchitezvirus (ToMarV) en het tomatenchocolĂ tevirus (ToChV)
