10,907 research outputs found

    Laser driven self-assembly of shape-controlled potassium nanoparticles in porous glass

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    We observe growth of shape-controlled potassium nanoparticles inside a random network of glass nanopores, exposed to low-power laser radiation. Visible laser light plays a dual role: it increases the desorption probability of potassium atoms from the inner glass walls and induces the self-assembly of metastable metallic nanoparticles along the nanopores. By probing the sample transparency and the atomic light-induced desorption flux into the vapour phase, the dynamics of both cluster formation/evaporation and atomic photo-desorption processes are characterized. Results indicate that laser light not only increases the number of nanoparticles embedded in the glass matrix but also influences their structural properties. By properly choosing the laser frequency and the illumination time, we demonstrate that it is possible to tailor the nanoparticles'shape distribution. Furthermore, a deep connection between the macroscopic behaviour of atomic desorption and light-assisted cluster formation is observed. Our results suggest new perspectives for the study of atom/surface interaction as well as an effective tool for the light-controlled reversible growth of nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages,6 figures, http://iopscience.iop.org/1612-202X/11/8/085902

    Seven missing damaging earthquakes in Upper Valtiberina (Central Italy) in 16th-18th century: research strategies and historical sources

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    The Italian earthquake catalogue is considered to be fairly complete starting from the 17th century and for classes of earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5.5. However, dedicated historical research has highlighted the fact that even in areas believed to be well-recognised from the seismological standpoint, authoritative traces of local earthquakes that have caused damage may also emerge. In this study, we present the results of a pilot study performed for the Upper Valtiberina within the framework of the INGV research programmes in the years 1999-2001, expanded and revised in 2005. The study highlighted seven local medium intensity earthquakes, which nonetheless caused damage to buildings. Besides the results, which as a whole have allowed us to classify 18 effects in 6 sites, the research method adopted is also presented. It is a method applicable to other cases as well, where the chronological earthquake indicators are unknown, being capable of unearthing earthquakes unknown to the tradition of seismological studies and the catalogues in use. A selection of the manuscript sources used is presented in the Appendix

    Culture of human cell lines by a pathogen-inactivated human platelet lysate

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    Alternatives to the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) have been investigated to ensure xeno-free growth condition. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of human platelet lysate (PL) as a substitute of FBS for the in vitro culture of some human cell lines. PL was obtained by pools of pathogen inactivated human donor platelet (PLT) concentrates. Human leukemia cell lines (KG-1, K562, JURKAT, HL-60) and epithelial tumor cell lines (HeLa and MCF-7) were cultured with either FBS or PL. Changes in cell proliferation, viability, morphology, surface markers and cell cycle were evaluated for each cell line. Functional characteristics were analysed by drug sensitivity test and cytotoxicity assay. Our results demonstrated that PL can support growth and expansion of all cell lines, although the cells cultured in presence of PL experienced a less massive proliferation compared to those grown with FBS. We found a comparable percentage of viable specific marker-expressing cells in both conditions, confirming lineage fidelity in all cultures. Functionality assays showed that cells in both FBS- and PL-supported cultures maintained their normal responsiveness to adriamycin and NK cell-mediated lysis. Our findings indicate that PL is a feasible serum substitute for supporting growth and propagation of haematopoietic and epithelial cell lines with many advantages from a perspective of process standardization, ethicality and product safety

    Valutazione delle lesioni nell\u2019impatto ciclista adolescente -veicolo con simulazione multibody

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    Le situazioni di impatto e la dinamica di ciclista e pedone sono le informazioni fondamentali per lo sviluppo di soluzioni efficaci per migliorare la protezione del pedone e del ciclista in caso di urto con autovetture. La casistica degli incidenti a Palermo, negli ultimi anni, avvenuti su strade urbane (84%) che coinvolgono adolescenti (6,4%), mostra che i ciclisti hanno in genere una posizione di impatto superiore rispetto al pedone, con una quota maggiore di lesioni per urti nella zona del parabrezza. In questo lavoro \ue8 eseguita la simulazione dinamica per lo studio delle lesioni alla testa e al torace dell\u2019adolescente, tra una bicicletta generica e un modello di auto che presenta caratteristiche vantaggiose per la sicurezza del pedone o del ciclista. Il software SimWise (Visual Nastran) \ue8 stato usato per la simulazione multibody dell\u2019impatto; il modello antropomorfo, l'auto e le biciclette sono quelli utilizzati in lavori precedenti. L'attenzione \ue8 su un ciclista adolescente, perch\ue9 i relativi dati di lesione si trovano in letteratura con difficolt\ue0. I dodici test d\u2019impatto completo (auto contro ciclista) hanno come parametri principali: velocit\ue0 del veicolo (20, 30, 40 e 50 km/h), con tre diverse posizioni del ciclista rispetto al veicolo: frontale, laterale e posteriore. La posizione di impatto della testa (sopra il cofano, nel parabrezza), determinato dalla prova di crash, mostra che la protezione del ciclista dovrebbe essere migliorata nella zona pi\uf9 alta del parabrezza, rispetto a quelle pedonali. La ferita alla testa viene analizzata utilizzando il parametro HIC e la ferita al torace \ue8 analizzata secondo il criterio dei 3 ms; viene calcolata la probabilit\ue0 AIS 4 +, concludendo che la lesione alla testa \ue8 pi\uf9 pericolosa in caso di pedone adolescente, mentre la ferita della cassa toracica \ue8 pi\uf9 pericolosa nel caso di ciclista adolescente. Inoltre il ciclista adolescente ha una maggiore possibilit\ue0 di sopravvivenza rispetto al ciclista adulto. Incidentologia e simulazioni mostrano che il parabrezza \ue8 una posizione di impatto frequente per testa e torace

    Bargaining over a finite set of alternatives

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    We analyze bilateral bargaining over a finite set of alternatives. We look for “good” ordinal solutions to such problems and show that Unanimity Compromise and Rational Compromise are the only bargaining rules that satisfy a basic set of properties. We then extend our analysis to admit problems with countably infinite alternatives. We show that, on this class, no bargaining rule choosing finite subsets of alternatives can be neutral. When rephrased in the utility framework of Nash (1950), this implies that there is no ordinal bargaining rule that is finite-valued

    Unsteady flow regimes in arrow-shaped micro-mixers with different tilting angles

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    Two arrow-shaped micro-mixers, obtained from the classical T-shaped geometry by tilting downward the inlet channels, are considered herein. The two configurations, having different tilting angle values, have been chosen since they show significantly different flow topologies and mixing performances at low Reynolds numbers. In the present paper, we use both experimental flow visualizations and direct numerical simulations to shed light on the mixing behavior of the two configurations for larger Reynolds numbers, for which the mixers present unsteady periodic flows, although in laminar flow conditions. The tilting angle influences the flow dynamics also in the unsteady regimes and has a significant impact on mixing. The configuration characterized by the lower tilting angle, i.e., α = 10°, ensures a better global mixing performance than the one with the larger angle, i.e., α = 20°

    Mixing sensitivity to the inclination of the lateral walls in a T-mixer

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    One of the simplest geometries for micro-mixers has a T-shape, i.e., the two inlets join perpendicularly the mixing channel. The cross-sections of the channels are usually square/rectangular, as straight walls facilitate experimental and modeling analysis. On the contrary, this work investigates through Computational Fluid Dynamics the effect of a cross-section with lateral walls inclined of an angle α as such an inclination may stem from different microfabrication techniques. Considering water as operating fluid, the same mixing performance as square/rectangular cross-sections is obtained for inclinations α≤3°; this indicates the maximum admissible error on the perpendicularity of the walls in the manufacturing process. Above this value, the presence of inclined walls delays the onset of the engulfment regime at higher Reynolds numbers, and for α≥23°the mixing is hampered dramatically, as the flow is unable to break the mirror symmetry and enter in the engulfment regime. At low Reynolds numbers, the mixing is moderately improved for α≥10°, because the vortex regime presents a lower degree of symmetry than that of T-mixers with straight walls
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