2,178 research outputs found

    Implementation of a combined bioinformatics and experimental approach to address lncRNA mechanism of action: The example of NRIR

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    n this study, we demonstrate the benefit of applying combined strategies to analyze lncRNA action based on bioinformatics and experimental information. This strategy was developed to identify the molecular function of negative regulator of interferon response (NRIR), a type I interferon-stimulated gene (ISG), that we have previously demonstrated to be involved in the upregulation of a subset of ISGs in LPS-stimulated human monocytes. In this study, we provide experimental evidence that NRIR is localized in cellular nuclei, enriched on the chromatin fraction, and upregulates ISGs acting at the transcriptional level. In silico analysis of secondary structures identified distinct NRIR structural domains, comprising putative DNA- and protein-binding regions. In parallel, the presence of a putative DNA-binding domain in NRIR and the five putative NRIR- binding sites in the promoter of NRIR-target genes support the function of NRIR as a transcriptional regulator of its target genes. By use of integrated experimental/bioinformatics approaches, comprising database and literature mining together with in silico analysis of putative NRIR-binding proteins, we identified a list of eight transcription factors (TFs) shared by the majority of NRIR-target genes and simultaneously able to bind TF binding sites enriched in the NRIR-target gene promoters. Among these TFs, the predicted NRIR:STAT interactions were experimentally validated by RIP assay

    The CERME spirit: issues of quality and inclusion in an innovative conference style

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    This chapter presents findings from an analysis of data from participants in a bi-annual international mathematics education conference with regard to the practical realization of objectives relating to inclusion and quality in the conference. The chapter presents the context and objectives of the organizing Society and its interpretation of objectives in operationalizing a conference. It examines, theoretically, issues relating to inclusion of participants and quality of scientific work in the context of such a conference. It presents findings related to analysis of three sources of data – evaluation questionnaires from participants at the end of a conference, interviews with participants during a conference, and comments from group leaders written during and after a conference. Finally it synthesizes from issues raised and relates these to theoretical issues, presenting a tentative framework for creating and evaluating a conference which has principled objectives with relation to quality and inclusion

    Unusual presentation of Rosai-Dorfman disease in a 14-month-old Italian child: a case report and review of the literature

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    Background: Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare form of histiocytosis characterized by histiocyte proliferation within lymph nodes and extranodal tissue. Here we report an unusual presentation of RDD in an Italian toddler. Moreover, we reviewed the pediatric case reports published between 2004 and 2014, focusing in particular on medical therapy. Case presentation: We report the case of a 14-month-old child who developed a progressive swelling of the right parotid, associated with systemic symptoms and abnormal blood tests. During diagnostic work-up, cervical, intraparotid, and unilateral hilar lymphadenopathies were found. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry studies of a cervical lymph node biopsy established the diagnosis of RDD, with positive PCR for Epstein - Barr virus on the biopsy specimen. Oral steroid therapy was started with progressive reduction in size of all lesions, resolution of systemic symptoms, and normalization of blood tests. Conclusion: RDD is generally considered a benign and self-limiting form of histiocytosis, usually associated with favorable prognosis. However, complications are not infrequent and fatal cases were reported even in children. Efforts should be made to establish the best therapeutic strategy for this disease, as no well-defined guidelines exist. Finally, RDD should be included in differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy and parotid swelling even in very young children

    Linee guida per la gestione selvicolturale dei castagneti da frutto

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    Can this be considered a Fondaparinux-induced Thrombocytopenia?

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    We present a case of an old woman with previously documented heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), treated with fondaparinux, who presented with thrombocytopenia and venous thrombosis after exposure to a preventive dose of fondaparinux during orthopaedic surgery. Any accidental exposure to heparin was avoided. Other causes of thrombocytopenia were excluded and antigenic tests combined with clinical probability made a diagnosis of HIT likely. Can this be considered a possible case of fondaparinux-related HIT, despite the intense and early decrease in platelets, as usually happens in rapid-onset HIT, and the fact that previous exposure to fondaparinux had occurred 5 months previously

    Forest Road Planning, Construction and Maintenance to Improve Forest Fire Fighting: a Review

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    Forest roads play a key-role in fire fighting activities. In fact, all ground-based activities are strictly related to the presence of forest roads as access to fire edge. In spite of this important role, forest roads are often planned and built without considering their use in fire fighting, and this also occurs in literature, where few studies are dedicated to the importance of forest roads in fire fighting. A well-developed and well-maintained forest road network is the answer to different needs in fire management. The objective of this review is to clarify basic principles for obtaining efficient road network also for fire fighting, collecting, defining and resuming the main roles, the most important aspects and the reported experiences to be taken into account in forest road network planning and maintenance in fire-prone areas. The most important themes treated are related to: i) the analysis of the functions of forest roads in fire prevention and suppression; ii) the importance of forest road planning and building also considering their importance for protecting forests against fires: iii) the construction and maintenance characteristics to be considered for building and maintaining an efficient forest road network against fires; iv) the importance of fire prevention and the related role of forest roads. Special attention has been dedicated to maintenance activities, because a not well-maintained forest road is a not efficient forest road, and it represents a useless economic and environmental cost

    Mediterranean Region

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    This book provides for the first time a Europe-wide overview on the state of the art of management of recreation and nature tourism in forests. It describes the current situation and conflicts in the different regions of Europe and provides solutions illustrated by good practise examples. It addresses traditions, differences and similarities in European forests as well as new tasks, goals and strategies. The final discussion provides a profound insight into future trends regarding forest recreation and nature based tourism. The Mediterranean countries participating in the COST Action E33 are: Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (Fig. 5.1). Geographically, these countries are distributed from the eastern Mediterranean area to the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. Parts of France, which is treated as one of the central European countries has also parts with Mediterranean character and similar features to the other countries discussed in this chapter. Spain was not part of the Cost Action, so that there is no data available.COST E3

    Coconut coir as a sustainable nursery growing media for seedling production of the ecologically diverse quercus species

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    Peat, a non-sustainable resource, is still predominately used in forest nurseries. Coconut coir might provide an alternative, renewable, and reliable growing media but few studies have evaluated this media type in forest nurseries. We assessed the influence of pure coir, in combination with various fertilization regimes, on the growth and physiology of three ecologically diverse Quercus species seedlings (Q. robur, Q. pubescens, and Q. ilex) during nursery cultivation. Seedlings were grown using peat and pure coir in combination with three fertilization treatments (standard, K-enriched, and P-enriched). Data were collected for: (1) growth and physiological traits; (2) detailed above- and below-ground morphological traits by destructive analysis; and (3) NPK content in leaves, shoot and roots, and in the growing media, following cultivation. Peat and coir in combination with the various fertilization treatments affected above- and below-ground morphology and, to a lesser extent, the physiological traits of Quercus seedlings. Large effects of the substrate occurred for most morphological variables, with peat being more effective than coir in all studied species. Fertilization also produced significant differences. The effect of K-enriched fertilization on plant growth was clear across the three species and the two growing media. P-enriched fertilization in peat was the only combination that promoted a higher amount of this element in the tissues at the end of cultivation. Despite their smaller size, seedlings produced in coir were compatible with standard Quercus forest stocktype size, and showed a proportionally higher root system development and fibrosity. Our results suggest that coir can be used as an alternative substrate to grow Quercus species seedlings, and that fertilization can offset coir deficiencies in chemical properties. As several functional traits drive planting performance under varying environmental conditions. according to the Target Plant Concept, coir might thus serve as an acceptable material for seedling cultivation in some cases
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