2 research outputs found

    Amorphous Tin Oxide as a Low-Temperature-Processed Electron-Transport Layer for Organic and Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Chemical bath deposition (CBD) of tin oxide (SnO<sub>2</sub>) thin films as an electron-transport layer (ETL) in a planar-heterojunction n–i–p organohalide lead perovskite and organic bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells is reported. The amorphous SnO<sub>2</sub> (a-SnO<sub>2</sub>) films are grown from a nontoxic aqueous bath of tin chloride at a very low temperature (55 °C) and do not require postannealing treatment to work very effectively as an ETL in a planar-heterojunction n–i–p organohalide lead perovskite or organic BHJ solar cells, in lieu of the commonly used ETL materials titanium oxide (TiO<sub>2</sub>) and zinc oxide (ZnO), respectively. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements on the glass/indium–tin oxide (ITO)/SnO<sub>2</sub>/methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI<sub>3</sub>)/2,2â€Č,7,7â€Č-tetrakis­(<i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-di-<i>p</i>-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9â€Č-spirobifluorene device stack indicate that extraction of photogenerated electrons is facilitated by a perfect alignment of the conduction bands at the SnO<sub>2</sub>/MAPbI<sub>3</sub> interface, while the deep valence band of SnO<sub>2</sub> ensures strong hole-blocking properties. Despite exhibiting very low electron mobility, the excellent interfacial energetics combined with high transparency (<i>E</i><sub>gap,optical</sub> > 4 eV) and uniform substrate coverage make the a-SnO<sub>2</sub> ETL prepared by CBD an excellent candidate for the potentially low-cost and large-scale fabrication of organohalide lead perovskite and organic photovoltaics

    Pienyrityksen B2B-myyntiprosessi VenÀjÀn markkinoilla: Case Perfect Getaway Oy

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda Perfect Getaway Oy:lle B2B myyntiprosessi suoramyyntiĂ€ varten VenĂ€jĂ€n markkinoille. Yritys on luksuselĂ€myksiĂ€ tarjoava matkailualan yritys, jonka pÀÀkohderyhmĂ€nĂ€ ovat suomalaiset sekĂ€ venĂ€lĂ€iset yksityis- ja yritysasiakkaat. Tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ miten kylmĂ€soittoja voitaisiin kĂ€yttÀÀ hyvĂ€ksi suoramyynnissĂ€. Toimeksiantajana toimi yrityksen toimitusjohtaja. OpinnĂ€ytetyön kirjoittaja on myös työsuhteessa kyseiseen yritykseen. Tuotoksena toimisivat kaksi blueprintkaaviota suoramyynnin nyky- ja tavoitetilasta sekĂ€ myyntiohjeistus yrityksen sisĂ€iseen kĂ€yttöön. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tietoperusta muodostui arvomyynnistĂ€, myyntiprosessista sekĂ€ kulttuurieroista. Arvomyynti nĂ€htiin oleellisena osana myyntiprosessia. Erityisesti new luxury tuotteet ja palvelut muodostuivat osaksi arvomyyntiĂ€ ja lopuksi myyntiprosessia. Kulttuurierojen vaikutuksia selvitettiin haastattelemalla venĂ€lĂ€isten matkailukĂ€yttĂ€ytymiseen erikoistunutta tutkijaa. Kokonaisuudessaan opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ haastateltiin kolme henkilöÀ. Rakenteeltaan opinnĂ€ytetyö pohjautui palvelumuotoiluun ja siitĂ€ valittuihin kolmeen vaiheeseen: ymmĂ€rrĂ€, pohdi ja toteuta. Jokaista vaihetta tuki yksi tai kaksi eri menetelmÀÀ. EnsimmĂ€iset menetelmĂ€t, net scouting ja bencmarking, oli tarkoitettu aiheeseen tutustumiseen ja tiedon kerÀÀmiseen kilpailevista yrityksistĂ€. TĂ€tĂ€ seurasi mind mapin luominen, jossa kĂ€ytiin lĂ€pi saatuja tuloksia ja jonka avulla alettiin muovata aiheita teemahaastattelua varten. Teemahaastattelu toimi lopullisena pohjana tuotosta eli myyntiprosessin blueprintkaaviota varten. KeskeisinĂ€ tuloksina olivat erityisesti teemahaastatteluista saadut tulokset suoramyynnin tehottomuudesta. LisĂ€ksi kulttuurierojen vaikutuksista B2B myynnissĂ€ saatiin ristiriitaisia tuloksia. Tulosten perusteella alkuperĂ€inen idea suoramyynnin blueprintkaaviosta ja myyntiohjeistuksesta hylĂ€ttiin ja ne korvattiin blueprintkaaviolla, joka kuvastaa yrityksen kokonaisvaltaista B2B myyntiprosessia yhteydenotosta jĂ€lkihoitoon. JohtopÀÀtöksissĂ€ pÀÀstiin siihen tulokseen, ettĂ€ verkostoituminen ja sitĂ€ kautta uusien asiakkaiden hankkiminen on tehokkain tapa kehittyĂ€ VenĂ€jĂ€n B2B luksusmarkkinoilla. KehittĂ€misehdotukset liittyivĂ€t verkostoitumisen tehostamiseen sekĂ€ palautejĂ€rjestelmĂ€n luomiseen.The objective of the thesis was to create a direct B2B sales process for the Russian market for Perfect Getaway Oy. The company offers luxury holidays and the main focus groups are Finnish and Russian private and corporate clients. The purpose of the sales process was to understand how cold calling techniques could be used in direct sales. The thesis was comissioned by the CEO of the company. The writer of the thesis is also employed by the company. The current and improved direct sales processes will be described in two blueprint layouts of the cold calling technique. A separate sales instruction sheet was also to be created for the company’s internal use but it will not be a part of this thesis. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of value selling, sales process and cultural differences. Value selling was seen as an essential part of the sales process. Especially new luxury products and services are a part of value selling and in the end of the whole sales process. The effects of cultural differences were also studied by interviewing a specialist on Russian tourism and consumer behavior. In total three interviews were conducted. The structure of the thesis follows service design phases. Three phases that were chosen for this thesis were Understanding, Thinking and Realising. Every phase was completed by using one or two methods. The first methods were net scouting and benchmarking. They were used to research the field and competition. After this a mind map of the results was created. The mind map also featured ideas for the semistructured interview. The interview was the main method of gathering information for the blueprint layout of the cold calling techniques. The main results were gathered from the interviews and indicated the ineffectiveness of direct sales. In addition, the results of cultural differences and their effects on B2B sales were contradictory. Based on the results the original plan for creating blueprints of the cold calling technique and a separate sales instruction sheet was abandoned and replaced by two overall blueprints of the company’s B2B sales process from the first contact to aftercare. The conclusion of the thesis was that acquiring new clients through networking was the most efficient way to develop in the Russian B2B luxury market. Development ideas included improving the networking process and creating a feedback system