11 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this study was to establish whether fatigue has an effect on accuracy during basketball shooting. Aside from basketball shooting accuracy, two very important kinematic parameters were also examined as they have an effect on the level of accuracy during shooting: the speed of performing the actual shot and the angle at which the ball enters into the basket after a jump shot is performed. In conducting this research one examinee was observed, a member of the Croatian U16 National Basketball Team. This research included a precisely defined protocol according to which the following parameters were established: the accuracy of basketball shooting (ratio between successful and missed shots), the speed of performing the shot and the angle of entry of the ball into the basket. The physiological load was determined by performing the standardised specific protocol which the examinee performed until exhaustion. The results which were obtained indicate that there are no significant changes in the accuracy during one point, two point or three point shooting under the influence of physical fatigue. The obtained results of kinematic parameters indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the shooting speed before and after loading in two point and three point shots. During performing free throws the angle of entry of the ball into the basket changes, whereas the accuracy remains unchanged.Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi ima li umor utjecaj na preciznost šuta u košarci. Osim preciznosti takoðer su analizirana i dva vrlo važna kinematička parametra za koja su dosadašnja istraživanja utvrdila utjecaj na preciznost šuta: brzina izvoðenja samog šuta i kut pri kojem lopta ulazi u koš nakon skok šuta. U provedbi ovog istraživanja sudjelovao je jedan ispitanik, čan Hrvatske U16 košarkaške reprezentacije. Istraživanje ukljuèuje precizno definiran protokol prema kojem su uspostavljeni sljedeći parametri: preciznost šuta (omjer izmeðu uspješnih i neuspješnih šuteva), brzina izvedbe šuta i kut ulaska lopte u koš. Umor je izazvan izvoðenjem standardiziranog protokola fiziološkog opterećenja trčanjem koji ispitanik obavlja do iscrpljenosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da nema značajne promjene u preciznosti šuta za jedan, dva ili tri poena pod utjecajem tjelesnog umora. Dobiveni rezultati kinematičkih parametara pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike u brzini šuta prije i poslije opterećenja pri šutu za dva i tri poena. Tijekom izvoðenja slobodnih bacanja kut ulaska lopte u koš se mijenja ali bez promjene preciznosti

    Measuring the Dielectric Constant of Paper Using a Parallel Plate Capacitor

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    This article is a result of measuring the dielectric constant of a dielectric used in studying the influence of dielectrics on the antennae reflection coefficients. A paper having a density of 0.797 g/cm3, moisture content of 0% and temperature of 210C, is used as a dielectric. Although the literature provides a lot of data on the dielectric properties of wood and paper, without direct measurement of the dielectric constant it is impossible to know its amount for the dielectric used in the defined frequency range. Dielectric constant measurements are performed in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 100 kHz, while the frequency range of its impact on the aperture antenna reflection coefficients is up to 2 GHz. The frequency range from 100 KHz to 10 GHz is interpolated and fitted by using measurements and available literature data and by respecting physical influences and phenomena and functional changes of the dielectric constant of paper within the given range

    Radiološke dijagnostičke metode kod transplantacije bubrega

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    Radiological diagnostic methods have a significant role in the preoperative and postoperative care of patients after kidney transplantation. Improvement and innovations in technology, but also the growing experience of the radiologists who deal with kidney transplant patients as part of the transplant team lead to earlier detection of complications in the postoperative period, which are the leading cause of transplant failure. In this article, we describe, through diagnostic imaging examples, detailed evaluation of all possible complications that can occur after kidney transplantation, with evaluation of different possible diagnostic methods that can be used in the preoperative assessment and postoperative follow up and care of the transplanted patient. The goal of this article is to demonstrate and summarize in detail the possible complications of renal transplantation and how to best diagnostically approach them, with special reference to ultrasound which is the main imaging method for this group of conditions.Radiološke dijagnostičke metode imaju značajnu ulogu u prijeoperacijskom i poslijeoperacijskom razdoblju kod bolesnika s transplantiranim bubregom. Sve bolje tehnološke mogućnosti i inovacije, ali i sve veće iskustvo radiologa koji se kao sastavni dio transplantacijskog tima bave transplantiranim bolesnicima dovode do ranog prepoznavnja poslijetransplantacijskih komplikacija, najznačajnijeg uzroka propadanja transplantiranog organa. U ovom članku predstavljamo kroz primjere detaljan prikaz svih mogućih komplikacija te analizu mogućnosti različitih dijagnostičkih metoda koje se primjenjuju u pripremi za transplantaciju i poslijetransplantacijskoj obradi i praćenju transplantiranog bolesnika. Cilj ovoga članka je detaljno prikazati i sistematizirati moguće komplikacije te kako im dijagnostički pristupiti, s naglaskom na ultrazvuk koji ima glavnu ulogu u dijagnostici ovih stanja

    Primary malignant melanoma of gallbladder

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    Gallbladder primary malignant melanoma (GPMM) is a rare and controversial entity. The existing controversy on the subject appears mainly because of the lack of deinitive objective criteriaof primitivity. Objective criteria proposed by the speciic literature for distinguishing GPMM from secondary gallbladder melanoma include the exclusion of previous primitive melanoma, absence of synchronous involment of other sites, the unicity of lesion, its polipoid or papilary shape and the presence of a junctional melanocitary component. After laparoscopic cholecystectomy in one of our patients, dark polypus inside the gallbladder was found. A malignant melanoma was diagnosed according to all ive criteria for GPMM

    5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Kinesiology research trends and applications : proceedings book

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    Approaching the time of the 50th anniversary of the successful work in the mission of high education and research of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, we are exceptionally happy and satisfi ed that all the organisational and programme tasks and goals of the 5th International Scientifi c Conference on Kinesiology have been accomplished. Although our University is a large and among the oldest in the area, our Faculty is a relatively young, small institution of academic education from a small country in transition, which is facing and struggling with typical problems of the era and specifi c social processes. However, all previous efforts of our predecessors, even as far back as the 19th century, but especially of dear doyennes an doyens of kinesiology, as well as the establishing and organisation of the Conference, no matter how inexperienced it might have seemed in the beginning, back in the year 1997 in Dubrovnik, enables us nowadays to be peer members of the circle of internationally recognized and well-known institutions and organizations of sport/exercise science, or kinesiology. With no false modesty, it is a considerable achievement of our scholars, researchers, associates, other employees and last, but by no means the least important, our partners - students. A great contribution of our foreign colleagues should be recognized and accentuated here – nothing of the previously mentioned would have been possible without their good will, open minds and enormous interest in our work and advances. We cannot exclude a contribution of our famous athletes and their sport achievements. This is the right place to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to them all and our wishes for continuation and expansion of the cooperation in many fi elds. The science fi eld we are interested in is so diverse, broad, complex; it investigates the very essence of life – the movement and everything needed for its realisation – its purpose, its origins, conditions, its means - from the molecular level to the level of anatomy, synergy of hundreds processes within a being, even to social proportions and effects of moving or not moving. All the previous conferences were exceptional opportunities for broadening of scientifi c insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXIX Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. Ever better positioning of our science worldwide is obvious – the last example is from Croatia – in any sense, from the legislative to fi nancial, in the Croatian structure of sciences, kinesiology has become equal to physics, economics, medicine, biology, law, sociology and many others. Such a position facilitates inter- and crossdisciplinarity and mobility of scientists and students within Croatia and abroad. The rationale of the 5th meeting on kinesiology is “Kinesiology research trends and applications“ ascends from the very heart of kinesiology, which embraces numerous theoretical, developmental and applicative research issues. Namely, the ultimate purposes of that research is to know and understand human beings and to apply the fi ndings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, tourism, and kinesitherapy. The Conference will work in usual plenary and parallel sessions addressing fourteen comprehensive kinesiological topics: adapted physical activity and sport for the disabled; biology and medicine of sport and exercise; biomechanics and motor control; history of sport and the Olympic movement; management of sport; tourism and sport; members of the armed forces kinesiology; physical conditioning and fi tness; physical education; psychology of sport; research methodology; sociology of sport; philosophy of sport; Sport for all and health-related activities; and top-level sport. Certain areas will be addressed at the Conference for the fi rst time, like philosophy of sport, Olympic movement and kinesiology applied to armed forces. In these Proceedings all the positively reviewed contributions are published: communications and poster presentations. We are very happy and proud because of the response of the invited 42 lecturers, worldwide famous experts in their areas of scientifi c interests who will undoubtedly throw new light on only seemingly already investigated issues, on the one hand, an on the other, bring the latest advances in research and theory, thus inspiring, especially young, researchers to learn and go ever further. After all, who knows where the frontier is? Proceedings Book contains 239 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 421 authors from 40 countries from all the continents. Besides the presenters, we also expect participants without contributions, among them a lot of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Pre-Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students has been also organised prior to the Conference. Many thanks go to the members of the Organising and Programme Committees who did not spare their effort to prepare and realize the Conference and the Proceedings. Deep gratitude also goes to the team of reviewers, fi fty fi ve of them who carefully evaluated the contributions. The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts is for the fourth time the patron of the Conference that is quite in line with the respectable position kinesiology/sport science has earned in the very meticulous scientifi c community The Faculty wishes to express gratitude to the cooperative institutions: the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Faculty of PE and Sport, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Faculty of PE and Sport, University of Comenius, Bratislava, Slovakia. Several government institutions supported the organisation of the Conference. We are grateful to: the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Olympic Committee and the Croatian University Sport Association. After Dubrovnik and Opatija, dear participants, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Croatian capital – Zagreb, and our institution of higher education – with its facilities, its surroundings, other people working in it, our students, our laboratories, lecture rooms, library, etc. This opportunity to really know us will probably increase exchange rates among scholars and students. We wish you feel welcome and come back many times

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name “kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014

    7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward : proceedings

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    It is our pleasure to greet you on behalf of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Quite a number of significant anniversaries in this year are related to sport, physical education and kinesiology in Croatia. The most important anniversary is the 55th birthday of the College of Physical Culture/Faculty of Physical Culture/Faculty of Kinesiology establishment in 1959. However, the tradition of physical education teachers’ education in Croatia is much longer than that. Namely, in 1874, the Croatian Falcon (Hrvatski sokol) was founded and in 1894, first course for gymnastic teachers was organised as the first higher education course in the field of kinesiology in Croatia. Along with these important anniversaries, this year we are marking the 17th birthday of our Conference on kinesiology, dear Reader, and you are one of the most important reasons why is this so. From the first Conference in Dubrovnik in 1997 up nowadays, many changes in our science have occurred as well as in the practice of physical exercise and sports along with innumerable changes in political and social dimensions of modern life. However, we are deeply convinced that one thing has remained unchanged; that is the passion for investigation and knowledge acquisition, the need for new discoveries and love for kinesiology as the main field of our research. Also, we are assured that our ideas about the conference as a meeting point of distinguished scientists, leading researchers in different fields of our science and young investigators have become reality. We expect discussions and exchange of ideas that should result, as they have before, in new research ideas, insights, and research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which would be further advances in kinesiology and in cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The Conference will work under the motto “Fundamental and applied kinesiology - steps forward” in usual plenary and parallel sessions addressing ten comprehensive kinesiological topics: adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing; adapted physical activity and kinesitherapy; biology and medicine of sport and exercise; biomechanics and motor control; physical education; kinesiological (sports) recreation; kinesiology of top-level sport; management of sport; kinesiology and social sciences (sociology, psychology, history, philosophy) and kinesiology in physical conditioning. Certain areas will be addressed at the Conference for the first time, like adaptation of human organism to disuse and ageing. All the papers that have got positive reviews, performed by at least two respectable referees, are published in these proceedings. The best papers, so recognized by the peer reviewers, will be published in the journal Kinesiology supplement. Two significant satellite symposiums are going to be held during this year Conference under the titles: University Sport and Health Kinesiology. Both symposia are aiming at provoking experts from these areas to find solutions and answers to recent problems in these specific fields From the very beginning, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has been giving its high patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of different areas in science. We are proud to have partners and cooperating institutions like Beijing Sports University (China), Faculty of Sport Studies Masaryk University, Brno (the Czech Republic), Science and Research Centre, University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Lithuanian Sports University. Also, our conference is supported by a number of important organisations in the field of kinesiology such as: the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP), International Federation of Physical Education (FIEP), and International Network of Sport and Health Sciences (INSHS). This year the assembly of kinesiologists from 32 countries will discuss diverse aspects of a variety of kinesiological issues presented in 220 papers and abstracts written by 514 authors. The Proceedings and Abstract Book is a reminder of the research findings accomplished in the field of kinesiology, or sport sciences, or kinetics, or kinanthropology throughout the past three years. The presented papers are a basis and a probable starting point for future findings and inferences since they cover a wide range of anthropological (understood in the widest sense), methodological and didactic investigations in the areas of physical education, competitive sport, kinesiological recreation, and kinesitherapy. We wish to express exceptional gratitude to all the authors of papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organising and Programme Committee, Section Editors and technical support staff for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in quality of the 7th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Looking forward to meeting you again at the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2017. Organising Committe

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name “kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014