221 research outputs found

    Open educational resources repositories as academic information tools

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    The open educational resources (OER) repositories facilitate access to knowledge, creating opportunities for academic institutions to share pedagogical materials that can enhance the teaching and learning experience in higher education. They can be reused, translated or modified, and even disseminated through social networks, making these multimedia materials accessible anywhere at any time, without economic and copyright barriers, thereby  encouraging active participation in the democratic education movement

    Obesity as a Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer Mortality: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of 280,199 Patients

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    Khalid Saeed Khan is a Distinguished Investigator funded by the Beatriz Galindo (senior modality) Program grant given to the University of Granada by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of the Spanish Government.Simple Summary Results from individual studies on the association between obesity and prostate cancer mortality remain inconclusive; additionally, several large cohort studies have recently been conducted. We aimed to systematically review all available evidence and synthetize it using meta-analytic techniques. The results of our study showed that obesity was associated with prostate cancer specific mortality and all-cause mortality. The temporal association was consistent with a dose-response relationship. Our results demonstrated that obesity, a potentially modifiable prognostic factor, was associated with higher prostate cancer mortality. This study improved the evidence regarding the potential impact of lifestyle on improving prostate cancer prognosis. Strategies aimed at maintaining normal, or reducing abnormal, body mass index in diagnosed prostate cancer patients might improve survival. These results should guide urologists, oncologists, patients, policy-makers and primary care providers with respect to evidence-based practice and counselling concerning lifestyle changes after prostate cancer diagnosis.The aim of this study was to systematically review all evidence evaluating obesity as a prognostic factor for PC mortality. Cohort and case-control studies reporting mortality among PC patients stratified by body mass index (BMI) were included. The risk of mortality among obese patients (BMI >= 30) was compared with the risk for normal weight (BMI = 8), obesity was associated with increased PC-specific mortality (HR: 1.24, 95% CI: 1.14-1.35, I-2: 0.0%) and maintained the dose-response relationship (HR: 1.11 per 5 kg/m(2) increase in BMI, 95% CI: 1.07-1.15, I-2: 26.6%). Obesity had a moderate, consistent, temporal, and dose-response association with PC mortality. Weight control programs may have a role in improving PC survival.Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of the Spanish Governmen

    Aplicación del marco legal, financiamiento y sostenibilidad de los recursos tecnológicos en el uso de las tecnologías de la información a nivel de Tercer ciclo de Educación Básica durante el año 2020

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    La investigación muestra la importancia de estudiar y analizar cada una de las leyes, fuentes de financiamiento y sostenibilidad en los diferentes programas de tecnologías utilizadas en los centros educativos de educación básica del sistema educativo nacional, analizadas en el tiempo comprendido entre febrero a octubre del año 2020 en el marco de la pandemia del Covid-19 por estudiantes del seminario de graduación de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación. Al leer este documento comprenderás en qué medida se está aplicando el marco legal, financiamiento y sostenibilidad de los recursos tecnológicos, así como también identificaras las diferentes fuentes de financiamiento y sostenibilidad que existen para dar cumplimiento y continuidad a los programas de tecnología en los centros escolares públicos de Educación Básica, por lo que se determina que no es una inversión pública exclusivamente, sino también privada a través de entidades nacionales e internacionales cooperantes en temas de educación interesadas en reducir la brecha del conocimiento en la digitalización

    Shift Work and Prostate Cancer: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The International Agency of Research in Cancer (IARC) has recently confirmed shift work as a type 2A carcinogen. The results presented in published epidemiological studies regarding prostate cancer are inconsistent and the association remains controversial. The aims of this study were: (a) to investigate the possible association between shift work and prostate cancer incidence, identifying possible sources of heterogeneity; and (b) to analyze the potential effect of publication bias. A search for cohort and case-control studies published from January 1980 to November 2019 was conducted. The quality of the articles was assessed using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. Pooled OR were calculated using random-effects models. Heterogeneity was evaluated using Cochran’s Q test and data were stratified by potential sources of heterogeneity. Publication bias was analyzed. Eighteen studies were included. No association was found between rotating/night-shift work and prostate cancer, pooled OR 1.07 (95%CI 0.99 to 1.15), I2 = 45.7%, p = 0.016. Heterogeneity was eliminated when only cohort studies (pooled OR 1.03; 95%CI 0.96 to 1.10; I2 = 18.9%, p = 0.264) or high-quality studies (pooled OR 0.99; 95%CI 0.89 to 1.08; I2 = 0.0%, p = 0.571) were considered. A publication bias was detected. An association between shift work and prostate cancer cannot be confirmed with the available current data. Future analytical studies assessing more objective homogeneous exposure variables still seem necessary

    Abscess of the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum due to E. coli and influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus co-infection

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    Los abscesos del tronco del encéfalo son entidades raras que suelen afectar a la protuberancia. Los microorganismos implicados son muy variados en función del foco de diseminación. Presentamos el caso de una paciente pluripatológica que desarrolló una neumonía multilobar secundaria a virus de la gripe A (H1N1)pdm09 en el postoperatorio de una colecistectomía urgente, requiriendo ventilación mecánica. Tras mejorar clínicamente y proceder a la desintubación, la paciente no recuperó el nivel de conciencia. Posteriormente, mediante pruebas de imagen se halló un absceso en el tegmento dorsolateral pontino izquierdo, región recientemente asociada al coma. Pese a administrar cobertura antibiótica amplia, la paciente falleció cinco días después. Este caso ilustra la importancia de considerar el absceso pontino como causa de mala evolución neurológica en pacientes críticos y la necesidad de realizar pruebas de imagen para descartar lesiones intracraneales, especialmente en regiones asociadas a coma.Brain stem abscesses are rare entities that predominantly affect the pons. A wide variety of microorganisms may be implied, depending on the focus of dissemination. We present the case of a female patient with multiple comorbidities who developed multi-lobar pneumonia due to influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus during the postoperative period after an emergent cholecystectomy, requiring mechanical ventilation (MV). Following clinical improvement and withdrawal of MV, the patient did not recover consciousness. Forty-eight hours later, imaging exams showed an abscess in the left pontine dorsolateral tegmentum –a region recently associated with coma-. Despite the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the patient died five days later. This case illustrates the importance of considering pontine abscesses as a cause of poor neurological course in critically ill patients, as well as the need for doing imaging exams to rule out intracranial lesions, particularly in coma-associated areas

    Prevention of road crashes in older adults: perspectives on facilitators, barriers and the role of the family doctor

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    This work was supported by the SEMERGEN-UGR Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine (Catedra de Docencia e Investigacion en Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN-UGR), University of Granada, Spain.Background: People over 64 years have a high fatality rate when they are involved in traffic accidents. Besides, older victims of road crashes are expected to rise in the future due to population aging. The purpose of the study was to document their perception on the role of the family doctor, the main facilitating factors, and the perceived barriers to the temporary or permanent restriction of their driving. Methods: This qualitative study used focus group methodology. A sample of 16 people over 65 years old was obtained through a series of segmentation criteria at an active participation centre for older adults in a small town in Jaén province (Spain). All were invited to participate in a discussion during which they were asked to express their opinions and subjective experiences concerning the role of their family doctor. The group conversation was taped, fully transcribed and analysed, and codes were generated with both deductive and inductive methods. Results: After merging the codes to generate themes, we identified 9 relevant categories: perception of age-related risk, road safety, role of public authorities, driver assessment centre, role of the family doctor, role of the family, proposals for addressing traffic accidents in older adults, consequences of the driving prohibition, and public transport. All categories help to explain the subjective driving and traffic safety experiences of older road users. Conclusions: Although family doctors do not usually ask their older patients about road driving, they are highly valued by these patients. Thus, family doctors have a great potential to act, along with the family members, for the benefit of older patients’ traffic safety, in ways that can prevent their involvement in road crashes and reduce the negative consequences of having to stop driving if necessary.SEMERGEN-UGR Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine (Catedra de Docencia e Investigacion en Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN-UGR), University of Granada, Spai

    Sex Differences and Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality among Patients with COVID-19: Results from the ANCOHVID Multicentre Study

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    Spain is one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although risk factors for severe disease are published, sex differences have been widely neglected. In this multicentre study, we aimed to identify predictors of in-hospital mortality in men and women hospitalised with COVID-19. An observational longitudinal study was conducted in the cohort of patients admitted to four hospitals in Andalusia, Spain, from 1 March 2020 to 15 April 2020. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected from hospital records. The Kaplan–Meier method was used to estimate 30-day survival and multiple Cox regression models were applied. All analyses were stratified by sex. A total of 968 patients were included (54.8% men, median age 67.0 years). In-hospital mortality reached 19.1% in men and 16.0% in women. Factors independently associated with an increased hazard of death were advanced age, higher CURB-65 score and not receiving azithromycin treatment, in both sexes; active cancer and autoimmune disease, in men; cardiovascular disease and chronic lung disease, in women. Disease outcomes and predictors of death differed between sexes. In-hospital mortality was higher in men, but the long-term effects of COVID-19 merit further research. The sex-differential impact of the pandemic should be addressed in public health policies

    Evaluación de Materiales para el Acolchado de la Fresa Cultivada Bajo Invernadero

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    This research was aimed at comparing the effect of three mulching materials (rice husks, black polyethylene and silver/black polyethylene) on the plant growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Camarosa’. The experimental crop was planted as a randomized complete block design in a plastic greenhouse. Leaf area and dry matter were measured through monthly destructive samplings and then, these were adjusted to Gompertz model. Harvest was throughout 15 weeks to determine plant yield and fruit quality was carried out by classification in four fruit categories (Extra, I, II and Losses). Soluble solids, size and length of fruits was measured. Soil temperature and gravimetric moisture were frequently measured under mulching treatments. The highest soil temperaturas were recorded in synthetic materials, while the gravimetric soil moisture was similar for all treatments. Plants mulched with plastics achieved equal dry matter accumulation than rice husks, however silver/black polyethylene favoured the highest leaf area (5647 cm2/plant). Silver/black plastic and rice husks yield were similar (347.8 y 279.47 g/plant), while black plastic cover had the lowest yield (246.43 g/plant), but the highest fruit size. Mulching materials did not influence fruit soluble solids. According to this study, silver/black polyethylene cover was the suggested material as mulch in strawberry under greenhouse conditions.El objetivo fue comparar el efecto de tres materiales de acolchado (cascarilla de arroz, plástico negro y plástico plateado/negro) sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de las plantas y la calidad de la fruta cosechada en ‘Camarosa’. El cultivo fue plantado bajo invernadero de cubierta plástica, empleando un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Mediante muestreos destructivos mensuales se evaluó el área foliar y la materia seca por planta y se ajustó para ambas el modelo de Gompertz. Se realizaron cosechas durante 15 semanas para determinar el rendimiento por planta y la calidad de la fruta en cuatro categorías de clasificación (Extra, I, II y Pérdidas). Se midieron sólidos solubles, calibre y longitud de los frutos. Periódicamente se determinó la temperatura y la humedad gravimétrica del suelo bajo cada tipo de acolchado. Las mayores temperaturas del suelo se registraron en los acolchados plásticos, mientras que la humedad gravimétrica fue similar en todos los materiales. Las plantas acolchadas con plásticos tuvieron similar acumulación de materia seca respecto a las de cascarilla de arroz, sin embargo, el plástico plateado/negro favoreció la mayor área foliar (5647 cm2/ planta). El rendimiento acumulado de las plantas bajo el plástico plateado/negro y la cascarilla de arroz fue similar (347.8 y 279.47 g/planta), mientras que con el polietileno negro tuvieron el menor rendimiento (246.43 g/planta), pero con frutos de mayor calibre. El material del acolchado no influyó sobre el contenido de sólidos solubles. Se concluyó que el material más recomendado como acolchado en fresa en las condiciones del estudio fue el plástico plateado/negro