60 research outputs found

    SOAT1: a suitable target for therapy in high-grade astrocytic glioma?

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    Targeting molecular alterations as an effective treatment for isocitrate dehydrogenase-wildtype glioblastoma (GBM) patients has not yet been established. Sterol-O-Acyl Transferase 1 (SOAT1), a key enzyme in the conversion of endoplasmic reticulum cholesterol to esters for storage in lipid droplets (LD), serves as a target for the orphan drug mitotane to treat adrenocortical carcinoma. Inhibition of SOAT1 also suppresses GBM growth. Here, we refined SOAT1-expression in GBM and IDH-mutant astrocytoma, CNS WHO grade 4 (HGA), and assessed the distribution of LD in these tumors. Twenty-seven GBM and three HGA specimens were evaluated by multiple GFAP, Iba1, IDH1 R132H, and SOAT1 immunofluorescence labeling as well as Oil Red O staining. To a small extent SOAT1 was expressed by tumor cells in both tumor entities. In contrast, strong expression was observed in glioma-associated macrophages. Triple immunofluorescence labeling revealed, for the first time, evidence for SOAT1 colocalization with Iba1 and IDH1 R132H, respectively. Furthermore, a notable difference in the amount of LD between GBM and HGA was observed. Therefore, SOAT1 suppression might be a therapeutic option to target GBM and HGA growth and invasiveness. In addition, the high expression in cells related to neuroinflammation could be beneficial for a concomitant suppression of protumoral microglia/macrophages

    SOAT1: A Suitable Target for Therapy in High-Grade Astrocytic Glioma?

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    Targeting molecular alterations as an effective treatment for isocitrate dehydrogenasewildtype glioblastoma (GBM) patients has not yet been established. Sterol-O-Acyl Transferase 1 (SOAT1), a key enzyme in the conversion of endoplasmic reticulum cholesterol to esters for storage in lipid droplets (LD), serves as a target for the orphan drug mitotane to treat adrenocortical carcinoma. Inhibition of SOAT1 also suppresses GBM growth. Here, we refined SOAT1-expression in GBM and IDH-mutant astrocytoma, CNS WHO grade 4 (HGA), and assessed the distribution of LD in these tumors. Twenty-seven GBM and three HGA specimens were evaluated by multiple GFAP, Iba1, IDH1 R132H, and SOAT1 immunofluorescence labeling as well as Oil Red O staining. To a small extent SOAT1 was expressed by tumor cells in both tumor entities. In contrast, strong expression was observed in glioma-associated macrophages. Triple immunofluorescence labeling revealed, for the first time, evidence for SOAT1 colocalization with Iba1 and IDH1 R132H, respectively. Furthermore, a notable difference in the amount of LD between GBM and HGA was observed. Therefore, SOAT1 suppression might be a therapeutic option to target GBM and HGA growth and invasiveness. In addition, the high expression in cells related to neuroinflammation could be beneficial for a concomitant suppression of protumoral microglia/macrophages

    Analysis of tumor microenvironment composition in vestibular schwannomas: insights into NF2-associated and sporadic variations and their clinical correlations

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    ObjectiveVestibular schwannomas (VS), benign tumors stemming from the eighth cranial nerve’s Schwann cells, are associated with Merlin gene mutations, inflammation, and the tumor microenvironment (TME), influencing tumor initiation, maintenance, and potential neural dysfunction. Understanding TME composition holds promise for systemic therapeutic interventions, particularly for NF2-related schwannomatosis.MethodologyA retrospective analysis of paraffin-embedded tissue from 40 patients (2013-2020), evenly divided by neurofibromatosis type 2 status, with further stratification based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) progression and hearing function. Immunohistochemistry assessed TME components, including T-cell markers (CD4, CD8, CD25), NK cells (CD7), and macrophages (CD14, CD68, CD163, CCR2). Fiji software facilitated image analysis.ResultsT-cell markers (CD4, CD8, CD7) exhibited low expression in VS, with no significant NF2-associated vs. sporadic distinctions. Macrophage-related markers (CD14, CD68, CD163, CCR2) showed significantly higher expression (CD14: p = 0.0187, CD68: p < 0.0001, CD163: p = 0.0006, CCR2: p < 0.0001). CCR2 and CD163 significantly differed between NF2-associated and sporadic VS. iNOS, an M1-macrophage marker, was downregulated. CD25, a regulatory T-cell marker, correlated significantly with tumor growth dynamics (p = 0.016).DiscussionImmune cells, notably monocytes and macrophages, crucially contribute to VS pathogenesis in both NF2-associated and sporadic cases. Significant differences in CCR2 and CD163 expression suggest distinct immune responses. Regulatory T-cells may serve as growth dynamic markers. These findings highlight immune cells as potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for managing VS

    Changes of O6^6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation in glioblastoma relapse—a meta-analysis type literature review

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    Methylation of the O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter has emerged as strong prognostic factor in the therapy of glioblastoma multiforme. It is associated with an improved response to chemotherapy with temozolomide and longer overall survival. MGMT promoter methylation has implications for the clinical course of patients. In recent years, there have been observations of patients changing their MGMT promoter methylation from primary tumor to relapse. Still, data on this topic are scarce. Studies often consist of only few patients and provide rather contrasting results, making it hard to draw a clear conclusion on clinical implications. Here, we summarize the previous publications on this topic, add new cases of changing MGMT status in relapse and finally combine all reports of more than ten patients in a statistical analysis based on the Wilson score interval. MGMT promoter methylation changes are seen in 115 of 476 analyzed patients (24%; CI: 0.21–0.28). We discuss potential reasons like technical issues, intratumoral heterogeneity and selective pressure of therapy. The clinical implications are still ambiguous and do not yet support a change in clinical practice. However, retesting MGMT methylation might be useful for future treatment decisions and we encourage clinical studies to address this topi

    Primary brain amyloidoma, both a neoplastic and a neurodegenerative disease: a case report

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    Background Scattered extracellular deposits of amyloid within the brain parenchyma can be found in a heterogeneous group of diseases. Its condensed accumulation in the white matter without evidence for systemic amyloidosis is known as primary brain amyloidoma (PBA). Although originally considered as a tumor-like lesion by its space-occupying effect, this condition displays also common hallmarks of a neurodegenerative disorder. Case presentation A 50-year-old woman presented with a mild cognitive decline and seizures with a right temporal, irregular and contrast-enhancing mass on magnetic resonance imaging. Suspecting a high-grade glioma, the firm tumor was subtotally resected. Neuropathological examination showed no glioma, but distinct features of a neurodegenerative disorder. The lesion was composed of amyloid AL λ aggregating within the brain parenchyma as well as the adjacent vessels, partially obstructing the vascular lumina. Immunostaining confirmed a distinct perivascular inflammatory reaction. After removal of the PBA, mnestic impairments improved considerably, the clinical course and MRI-results are stable in the 8-year follow-up. Conclusion Based on our histopathological findings, we propose to regard the clinicopathological entity of PBA as an overlap between a neoplastic and neurodegenerative disorder. Since the lesions are locally restricted, they might be amenable to surgery with the prospect of a definite cure

    Intracerebral Administration of Heat-Inactivated Staphylococcus Epidermidis Enhances Oncolysis and Prolongs Survival in a 9L Orthotopic Gliosarcoma Model

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    Background/Aims: The association between postoperative infection and prolonged survival in high-grade glioma is still a matter of debate. Previously we demonstrated that the intracerebral (i.c.) injection of heat-inactivated staphylococcal epitopes (HISE) resulted in a well-defined infux of immunocompetent cells across the blood-brain barrier. The present study investigated the potential antitumoral effect of HISE-immunostimulation in an experimental glioma model. Methods: Wistar rats were intracerebrally implanted with 9L gliosarcoma cells (n=6), 9L cells mixed with HISE (n=12), or phosphate buffered saline (n=4). Tumor growth was measured by serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After death due to the tumor burden, the brains were histopathologically assessed for inflammation and oncolysis. A toxicity assay was performed to quantify potential impairment of HISE on tumor cell growth in vitro. Results: Animals treated by HISE showed a significant increase in average survival and even complete regression of an already established mass in one case. NaĂŻve 9L gliosarcomas failed to recruit significant numbers of systemic immune cells. In contrast, concomitant intracerebral HISE inoculation lead to a oncolysis and a distinct peri- and intratumoral infiltration of macrophages, CD8 and CD4 co-expressing T-lymphocytes in two thirds of the tumor-bearing animals. The toxicity screening showed HISE-mediated oncolysis to be ineffective ex vivo. Conclusion: This study describes a novel approach for combatting malignant glioma using inactivated staphylococci as potent immunomodulators. Our results provide an outline for investigating the strategic potential of bacteria as emerging future therapeutics

    Long-term tumor control of spinal dissemination of cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme by combined adjuvant bevacizumab antibody therapy: a case report

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    Background Glioblastoma multiforme located in the posterior fossa is extremely rare with a frequency up to 3.4%. Compared with glioblastoma of the hemispheres the prognosis of infratentorial glioblastoma seems to be slightly better. Absence of brainstem invasion and low expression rates of epidermal growth factor receptor are described as factors for long-time survival due to the higher radiosensitivity of these tumors. Case presentation In this case study, we report a German female patient with an exophytic glioblastoma multiforme arising from the cerebellar tonsil and a secondary spinal manifestation. Furthermore, the tumor showed no O (6)-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase promotor-hypermethylation and no isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutations. All these signs are accompanied by significantly shorter median overall survival. A long-term tumor control of the spinal metastases was achieved by a combined temozolomide/bevacizumab and irradiation therapy, as part of a standard care administered by the treating physician team. Conclusion To our knowledge this is the first published case of a combined cerebellar exophytic glioblastoma with a subsequent solid spinal manifestation. Furthermore this case demonstrates a benefit undergoing this special adjuvant therapy regime in terms of overall survival. Due to the limited overall prognosis of the disease, spinal manifestations of glioma are rarely clinically relevant. The results of our instructive case, however, with a positive effect on both life quality and survival warrant treating future patients in the frame of a prospective clinical study

    Expression-analysis of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K in human astrocytic tumors

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    Background The human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) has been acquired by the genome of human ancestors million years ago. It is the most complete of the HERVs with transcriptionally active gag, pol and env genes. Splice variants of env, which are rec, 1.5 kb transcript and Np9 have been suggested to be tumorigenic. Transcripts of HERV-K have been detected in a multitude of human cancers. However, no such reports are available concerning glioblastomas (GBM), the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. Patients have a limited prognosis of 14.6 months in median, despite standard treatment. Therefore, we elucidated whether HERV-K transcripts could be detected in these tumors and serve as new molecular target for treatment. Findings We analyzed human GBM cell lines, tissue samples from patients and primary cell cultures of different passages for HERV-K full length mRNA and env, rec and 1.5 kb transcripts. While the GBM cell lines U138, U251, U343 and GaMG displayed weak and U87 strong expression of the full length HERV-K, the splice products could not be detected, despite a weak expression of env mRNA in U87 cells. Very few tissue samples from patients showed weak expression of env mRNA, but none of the rec or 1.5 kb transcripts. Primary cells expressed the 1.5 kb transcript weakly in early passages, but lost HERV-K expression with extended culture time. Conclusions These data suggest that HERV-K splice products do not play a role in human malignant gliomas and therefore, are not suitable as targets for new therapy regimen

    Structure–activity relations of Pd(II) and Pt(II) thiosemicarbazone complexes on different human glioblastoma cell lines

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    Ten thiosemicarbazone ligands obtained by condensation of pyridine-2-carbaldehyde, quinoline-2-carbaldehyde, 2-acetylpyridine, 2-acetylquinoline, or corresponding 2-pyridyl ketones with thiosemicarbazides RNHC(S)NHNH2_{2} and R=CH3_{3}, C6_{6}H5_{5} were prepared in good yield. The reaction of [PdCl2_{2}(cod)] with cod=1,5-cyclooctadiene or K2_{2}[PtCl4_{4}] resulted in a total of 17 Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes isolated in excellent purity, as demonstrated by 1^{1}H, 13^{13}C, and, where applicable, ^{195Pt NMR spectroscopy combined with CHNS analysis. The cytotoxicity of the title compounds was studied on four human glioblastoma cell lines (GaMG, U87, U138, and U343). The most active compound, with a Pd(II) metal centre, a 2-quinolinyl ring, and methyl groups on both the proximal C and distal N atoms exhibited an EC50_{50} value of 2.1 μM on the GaMG cell lines, thus being slightly more active than cisplatin (EC50_{50} 3.4 μM) and significantly more potent than temozolomide (EC50_{50} 67.1 μM). Surprisingly, the EC50_{50} values were inversely correlated with the lipophilicity, as determined with the “shake-flask method”, and decreased with the length of the alkyl substituents (C1_{1}>C8_{8}>C10_{10}). Correlation with the different structural motifs showed that for the most promising anticancer activity, a maximum of two aromatic rings (either quinolinyl or pyridyl plus phenyl) combined with one methyl group are favoured and the Pd(II) complexes are slightly more potent than their Pt(II) analogues
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