384 research outputs found
Electrotherapy in the treatment of patients affected by rabies: Experiments conducted at the maggiore hospital of Milan in 1865,Elektroterapija u lijeenju pacijenata zaraenih bjesnoom: Pokusi provoeni u bolnici maggiore u milanu tijekom 1865. godine
During the nineteenth century, the scientific context of rabies treatment was weak due to the lack of the literature on specific nosology of the rabies disease, and unspecific and ineffective therapy approaches. Electrotherapy already represented an important therapeutic approach for nervous system diseases, although not specifically for rabies.
In the present paper, the authors discuss the use of electrotherapy in the treatment of humans affected by rabies in an experimental study conducted at the Maggiore Hospital of Milan, with the aim of establishing the discovery of a possible specific therapy. By analyzing the printed scientific sources available in the Braidense Library of Milan, the authors describe four experiments conducted on patients of different ages. Symptoms and effects both during and after the electrotherapy are also highlighted. The experiments demonstrated that electricity is not an effective therapy in the treatment of rabies, being rather able to cause serious functional and organic alterations in all the patients.
Analyzing the Milanese experiments, the authors reported specific Italian history of a scientific and medical approach to rabies at the end of the 18th century, which led to the promotion of health education, reinforced prevention strategies and opened the way to the vaccination era
Analysis of tissue surrounding thyroid nodules by ultrasound digital images
Since US is not easily reproducible, the digital image analysis (IA) has been proposed so that the image evaluation is not subjective. In fact, IA meets the criteria of objectivity, accurateness, and reproducibility by a matrix of pixels whose value is displayed in a gray level. This study aims at evaluating via IA the tissue surrounding a thyroid nodule (backyard tissue, BT) from goitres with benign (b-BT) and malignant (m-BT) lesions. Sixty-nine US images of thyroid nodules surrounded by adequate thyroid tissue was classified as normoechoic and homogeneous were enrolled as study group. Forty-three US images from normal thyroid (NT) glands were included as controls. Digital images of 800 × 652 pixels were acquired at a resolution of eight bits with a 256 gray levels depth. By one-way ANOVA, the 43 NT glands were not statistically different (P = 0.91). Mean gray level of normal glands was significantly higher than b-BT (P = 0.026), and m-BT (P = 0.0001), while no difference was found between b-BT and m-BT (P = 0.321). NT tissue boundary external to the nodule was found at 6.0 ± 0.5 mm in cancers and 4.0 ± 0.5 mm in benignancies (P = 0.001). These data should indicate that the tissue surrounding a thyroid nodule may be damaged even when assessed as normal by US. This is of interest to investigate the extranodular effects of thyroid tumors
A MATLAB app to assess, compare and validate new methods against their benchmarks
Emerging technologies for physiological signals and data collection enable the monitoring of patient health and well-being in real-life settings. This requires novel methods and tools to compare the validity of this kind of information with that acquired in controlled environments using more costly and sophisticated technologies. In this paper, we describe a method and a MATLAB tool that relies on a standard sequence of statistical tests to compare features obtained using novel techniques with those acquired by means of benchmark procedures. After introducing the key steps of the proposed statistical analysis method, this paper describes its implementation in a MATLAB app, developed to support researchers in testing the extent to which a set of features, captured with a new methodology, can be considered a valid surrogate of that acquired employing gold standard techniques. An example of the application of the tool is provided in order to validate the method and illustrate the graphical user interface (GUI). The app development in MATLAB aims to improve its accessibility, foster its rapid adoption among the scientific community and its scalability into wider MATLAB tools
The Hepatic Microcirculation in Experimental Cirrhosis a Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Microcorrosion Casts
The experimental model of liver cirrhosis induced by intragastric administration of CCl4 reproduces not only the histological picture of the postnecrotic cirrhosis but also its pathophysiological features.
Corrosion casts of livers affected by CCl4-induced cirrhosis show the loss of the lobular pattern. Once the cirrhosis has completely developed, the whole microvascular bed appears to be composed of groups of sinusoid nodules of diameters varying between 0.3 and 1.5 mm.. Pre- and post-sinusoidal vessels and anastomoses between the former and the latter are mainly located at the perinodular spaces.
This microvascular situation modifies the normal perfusion gradient within the parenchyma. Nevertheless, it can allow a still viable function
Is medical device regulatory compliance growing as fast as extended reality to avoid misunderstandings in the future?
Purpose: European Extended Reality (XR) industry is expected to significantly increase by 2025 with an extreme impact on the Healthcare scenario. Considering that the transition period for the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (MDR 2017/745) will end in May 2024, purpose of this study is to assess whether the Medical Device Regulatory Compliance is ready to cope with the inclusion of XR and its possible social and economic impact in the world of medical device software (MDSW). Methods: XR publications patterns were evaluated since MDR 2017/745 release on different databases. European normative about MDSW are consulted, followed by the European Database of Medical Devices (EUDAMED). Results: The number of publications on XR have increased since 2017 and healthcare is the third highest-impacted subject area. Specific classes for software have been introduces in the European Nomenclature of Medical Devices (EMDN) and some XR applications have already been registered in EUDAMED classified as MDSW. Conclusions: XR will become intrinsic in everyday medical protocol and guidelines. The establishment of the IEEE Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Working Group and the statement of VR for remoting surgery as a MDSW in MDCG 2019-11 are demonstration of the necessity of MD regulatory compliance in being able to keep up with the upcoming XR technologies. The Authors agree that the competent authorities should consider intervening in the European Regulative Compliance to cope with the revolution of Phygital in Healthcare and to regulate procedures involving the use of XR in medicine preventing future misunderstanding and criticalities especially for high risk situations
The use of mercury against pediculosis in the Renaissance: tha case of Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Naples (1467-1496)
Pediculosis seems to have afflicted humans since the most ancient times and lice have been found in several ancient human remains. Examination of the head hair and pubic hair of the artificial mummy of Ferdinand II of Aragon (1467-1496), King of Naples, revealed a double infestation with two different species of lice, Pediculus capitis, the head louse, and Pthirus pubis, the pubic louse. The hair samples were also positive for the presence of mercury, probably applied as an anti-pediculosis therapy. This is the first time that these parasites have been found in the hair of a king, demonstrating that even members of the wealthy classes in the Renaissance were subject to louse infestation
Dynamic features of the selective pressure on the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 CD4-binding site in a group of long term non progressor (LTNP) subjects.
Abstract The characteristics of intra-host human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) env evolution were evaluated in untreated HIV-1-infected subjects with different patterns of disease progression, including 2 normal progressor [NP], and 5 Long term non-progressor [LTNP] patients. High-resolution phylogenetic analysis of the C2-C5 env gene sequences of the replicating HIV-1 was performed in sequential samples collected over a 3–5 year period; overall, 301 HIV-1 genomic RNA sequences were amplified from plasma samples, cloned, sequenced and analyzed. Firstly, the evolutionary rate was calculated separately in the 3 codon positions. In all LTNPs, the 3rd codon mutation rate was equal or even lower than that observed at the 1st and 2nd positions (p = 0.016), thus suggesting strong ongoing positive selection. A Bayesian approach and a maximum-likelihood (ML) method were used to estimate the rate of virus evolution within each subject and to detect positively selected sites respectively. A great number of N-linked glycosylation sites under positive selection were identified in both NP and LTNP subjects. Viral sequences from 4 of the 5 LTNPs showed extensive positive selective pressure on the CD4-binding site (CD4bs). In addition, localized pressure in the area of the IgG-b12 epitope, a broad neutralizing human monoclonal antibody targeting the CD4bs, was documented in one LTNP subject, using a graphic colour grade 3-dimensional visualization. Overall, the data shown here documenting high selective pressure on the HIV-1 CD4bs of a group of LTNP subjects offers important insights for planning novel strategies for the immune control of HIV-1 infection.</p
Muscle Oxygen Delivery in the Forearm and in the Vastus Lateralis Muscles in Response to Resistance Exercise: A Comparison Between Nepalese Porters and Italian Trekkers
Altitude ascending represents an intriguing experimental model reproducing physiological and pathophysiological conditions sharing hypoxemia as the denominator. The aim of the present study was to investigate fractional oxygen extraction and blood dynamics in response to hypobaric hypoxia and to acute resistance exercises, taking into account several factors including different ethnic origin and muscle groups. As part of the “Kanchenjunga Exploration & Physiology” project, six Italian trekkers and six Nepalese porters took part in a high altitude trek in the Himalayas. The measurements were carried out at low (1,450 m) and high altitude (HA; 4,780 m). Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-derived parameters, i.e., Tot-Hb and tissue saturation index (TSI), were gathered at rest and after bouts of 3-min resistive exercise, both in the quadriceps and in the forearm muscles. TSI decreased with altitude, particularly in forearm muscles (from 66.9 to 57.3%), whereas the decrement was less in the quadriceps (from 62.5 to 57.2%); Nepalese porters were characterized by greater values in thigh TSI than Italian trekkers. Tot-Hb was increased after exercise. At altitude, such increase appeared to be higher in the quadriceps. This effect might be a consequence of the long-term adaptive memory due to the frequent exposures to altitude. Although speculative, we suggest a long-term adaptation of the Nepalese porters due to improved oxygenation of muscles frequently undergoing hypoxic exercise. Muscle structure, individual factors, and altitude exposure time should be taken into account to move on the knowledge of oxygen delivery and utilization at altitude
Visuomotor Integration for Coupled Hand Movements in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Stroke
Many studies have investigated the bilateral upper limb coordination during movements under different motor and visual conditions. Bilateral training has also been proposed as an effective rehabilitative protocol for patients with stroke. However, the factors influencing in-phase vs. anti-phase coupling have not yet been fully explored. In this study, we used a motion capture device based on two infrared distance sensors to assess whether the up and down oscillation of the less functional hand (the non-dominant one in healthy younger and older subjects and the paretic one in patients with stroke) could be influenced by in-phase or anti-phase coupling of the more functional hand and by visual feedback. Similar patterns were found between single hand movements and in-phase coupled movements, whereas anti-phase coupled movements were less ample, less sinusoidal, but more frequent. These features were particularly evident for patients with stroke who showed a reduced waveform similarity of bilateral movements in all conditions but especially for anti-phase movements under visual control. These results indicate that visuomotor integration in patients with stroke could be less effective than in healthy subjects, probably because of the attentional overload required when moving the two limbs in an alternating fashion
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