10 research outputs found

    The Sigma 13 (10-14) twin in alpha-Al2O3: A model for a general grain boundary

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    The atomistic structure and energetics of the Sigma 13 (10-14)[1-210] symmetrical tilt grain boundary in alpha-Al2O3 are studied by first-principles calculations based on the local-density-functional theory with a mixed-basis pseudopotential method. Three configurations, stable with respect to intergranular cleavage, are identified: one Al-terminated glide-mirror twin boundary, and two O-terminated twin boundaries, with glide-mirror and two-fold screw-rotation symmetries, respectively. Their relative energetics as a function of axial grain separation are described, and the local electronic structure and bonding are analysed. The Al-terminated variant is predicted to be the most stable one, confirming previous empirical calculations, but in contrast with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations on high-purity diffusion-bonded bicrystals, which resulted in an O-terminated structure. An explanation of this discrepancy is proposed, based on the different relative energetics of the internal interfaces with respect to the free surfaces

    Silicon and Germanium Nanostructures for Photovoltaic Applications: Ab-Initio Results

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    Actually, most of the electric energy is being produced by fossil fuels and great is the search for viable alternatives. The most appealing and promising technology is photovoltaics. It will become truly mainstream when its cost will be comparable to other energy sources. One way is to significantly enhance device efficiencies, for example by increasing the number of band gaps in multijunction solar cells or by favoring charge separation in the devices. This can be done by using cells based on nanostructured semiconductors. In this paper, we will present ab-initio results of the structural, electronic and optical properties of (1) silicon and germanium nanoparticles embedded in wide band gap materials and (2) mixed silicon-germanium nanowires. We show that theory can help in understanding the microscopic processes important for devices performances. In particular, we calculated for embedded Si and Ge nanoparticles the dependence of the absorption threshold on size and oxidation, the role of crystallinity and, in some cases, the recombination rates, and we demonstrated that in the case of mixed nanowires, those with a clear interface between Si and Ge show not only a reduced quantum confinement effect but display also a natural geometrical separation between electron and hole

    First-principles study of the formation energies and positron lifetimes of vacancies in the Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet Y

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    Lattice vacancies are a major concern for the use of the Y3Al5O12 garnet (YAG) in optical applications. They are known to trap charge carriers preventing them from reaching luminescence centers. This reduces useful photon emission and deteriorates performance. Recent efforts to characterize such defects include experimental works by positron-annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) where extensive positron trapping was reported and attributed to defects made up of both cation and oxygen vacancies. The present study reports first-principles calculations for monovacancy and divacancy defects in YAG by means of conventional and two-component density-functional theory. The defect formation energies and corresponding charge-transition levels in the gap were initially determined. The ability of the lower-energy defects to act as positron-trapping centers was then examined. Corresponding positron lifetimes and binding energies to defects were calculated and compared to the experimental PAS data. The lifetimes of aluminum monovacancies agreed well with experiment if gradient corrections are included in the electron-positron correlation. Association of oxygen with aluminum vacancies was found to lead to stable negatively-charged divacancy complexes which also trap positrons. These defects are characterized by longer positron lifetimes, in agreement with the experimental observations

    Isolated hydrogen configurations in zirconia as seen by muon spin spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    We present a systematic study of isolated hydrogen in diverse forms of ZrO2 (zirconia), both undoped and stabilized in the cubic phase by additions of transition-metal oxides (Y2O3,Sc2O3, MgO, CaO). Hydrogen is modeled by using muonium as a pseudoisotope in muon-spin spectroscopy experiments. The muon study is also supplemented with first-principles calculations of the hydrogen states in scandia-stabilized zirconia by conventional density-functional theory (DFT) as well as a hybrid-functional approach which admixes a portion of exact exchange to the semilocal DFT exchange. The experimentally observable metastable states accessible by means of the muon implantation allowed us to probe two distinct hydrogen configurations predicted theoretically: an oxygen-bound configuration and a quasiatomic interstitial one with a large isotropic hyperfine constant. The neutral-oxygen-bound configuration is characterized by an electron spreading over the neighboring zirconium cations, forming a polaronic state with a vanishingly small hyperfine interaction at the muon. The atom-like interstitial muonium is observed also in all samples but with different fractions. The hyperfine interaction is isotropic in calcia-doped zirconia [Aiso=3.02(8) GHz], but slightly anisotropic in the nanograin yttria-doped zirconia [Aiso=2.1(1) GHz, D=0.13(2) GHz] probably due to muons stopping close to the interface regions between the nanograins in the latter case