38 research outputs found

    Can ammonium stress be positive for plant performance?

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    In this article, we propose a change of paradigm where ammonium nutrition may be considered not exclusively as an undesirable situation for plant performance, but as a way to provoke changes in plant metabolism that can be beneficial for crop quality and plant physiology. While some of the positive effects of ammonium referred here still require further evaluation, the cross-tolerance induction of NH+4 to certain subsequent stresses, notably salinity, is clear. However, the molecular actors governing these interactions are almost completely unknown, and future works will be essential in order to fully exploit the benefits of ammonium-based fertilizers.This work was funded by the Basque Government (IT-932-16) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grants BIO2017-84035-R and AGL2017-86293-P, both co-funded by FEDER)

    Is plastidic glutamine synthetase essential for C-3 plants? A tale of photorespiratory mutants, ammonium tolerance and conifers

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    [EN] Agriculture faces the considerable challenge of having to adapt to a progressively changing climate (including the increase in CO2 levels and temperatures); environmental impact must be reduced while at the same time crop yields need to be maintained or increased to ensure food security. Under this scenario, increasing plants' nitrogen (N) use efficiency and minimizing the energy losses associated with photorespiration are two goals of crop breeding that are long sought after. The plastidic glutamine synthetase (GS2) enzyme stands at the crossroads of N assimilation and photorespiration, and is therefore a key candidate for the improvement of crop performance. The GS2 enzyme has long been considered essential for angiosperm survival under photorespiratory conditions. Surprisingly, in Arabidopsis GS2 is not essential for plant survival, and its absence confers tolerance towards ammonium stress, which is in conflict with the idea that NH4+ accumulation is one of the main causes of ammonium stress. Altogether, it appears that the 'textbook' view of this enzyme must be revisited, especially regarding the degree to which it is essential for plant growth under photorespiratory conditions, and the role of NH4+ assimilation during ammonium stress. In this article we open the debate on whether more or less GS2 is a desirable trait for plant productivity.This research was funded by the Basque Government (IT932-16), the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) (PID2020-113385RB-I00 and RTI2018-093571-B-100 co-funded by FEDER, EU), Junta de Andalucia (P20_00036 PAIDI 2020/FEDER, UE) and the project US-1256179 grant from Junta de Andalucia, FEDER and Universidad de Sevilla

    Evidences towards deciphering the mode of action of dimethylpyrazole-based nitrification inhibitors in soil and pure cultures of Nitrosomonas europaea

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    Background: Agriculture relies on the intensive use of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers to maximize crop yields, which has led to the transformation of agricultural soils into high-nitrifying environments. Nevertheless, nitrification inhibitors (Nis) have been developed to suppress soil-nitrifier activity and decrease N losses. The Nis 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and 2-(3,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) succinic acid isomeric mixture (DMPSA) are able to reduce N2O emissions and maintain soil NH4+ for a longer time. Although both Nls have been proven to be effective to inhibit soil nitrification, their exact mode of action has not been confirmed. We aimed to provide novel insights to further understand the mode of action of DMP-based Nis. We evaluated the performance of DMPP and DMPSA in soil and pure cultures of nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea. Results: DMPSA did not inhibit nitrification in pure cultures of N. europaea. In the soil, we evidenced that DMPSA needs to be broken into DMP to achieve the inhibition of nitrification, which is mediated by a soil biological process that remains to be identified. Moreover, both DMPP and DMPSA are thought to inhibit nitrification due to their ability to chelate the Cu2+ cations that the ammonia monooxygenase enzyme (AMO) needs to carry on the first step of NH4+ oxidation. However, the efficiency of DMPP was not altered regardless the Cu2+ concentration in the medium. In addition, we also showed that DMPP targets AMO but not hydroxylamine oxidoreductase enzyme (HAO). Conclusions: The inability of DMPSA to inhibit nitrification in pure cultures together with the high efficiency of DMPP to inhibit nitrification even in presence of toxic Cu2+ concentration in the medium, suggest that the mode of action of DMP-based Nis does not rely on their capacity as metal chelators.This project was funded by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-094623-B-C21 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), by the Basque Government (IT-932-16), and by EuroChem Agro Iberia S.L.U. Dr. Adrian Bozal-Leorri held a grant from the Basque Government (PRE-2020-2-0142)

    Impaired cell growth under ammonium stress explained by modeling the energy cost of vacuole expansion in tomato leaves

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    Ammonium (NH4+)-based fertilization efficiently mitigates the adverse effects of nitrogen fertilization on the environment. However, high concentrations of soil NH4+ provoke growth inhibition, partly caused by the reduction of cell enlargement and associated with modifications of cell composition, such as an increase of sugars and a decrease in organic acids. Cell expansion depends largely on the osmotic-driven enlargement of the vacuole. However, the involvement of subcellular compartmentation in the adaptation of plants to ammonium nutrition has received little attention, until now. To investigate this, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were cultivated under nitrate and ammonium nutrition and the fourth leaf was harvested at seven developmental stages. The vacuolar expansion was monitored and metabolites and inorganic ion contents, together with intracellular pH, were determined. A data-constrained model was constructed to estimate subcellular concentrations of major metabolites and ions. It was first validated at the three latter developmental stages by comparison with subcellular concentrations obtained experimentally using non-aqueous fractionation. Then, the model was used to estimate the subcellular concentrations at the seven developmental stages and the net vacuolar uptake of solutes along the developmental series. Our results showed ammonium nutrition provokes an acidification of the vacuole and a reduction in the flux of solutes into the vacuoles. Overall, analysis of the subcellular compartmentation reveals a mechanism behind leaf growth inhibition under ammonium stress linked to the higher energy cost of vacuole expansion, as a result of alterations in pH, the inhibition of glycolysis routes and the depletion of organic acids.TP benefited from a cotutelle PhD (University of Bordeaux and University of the Basque Country) and thanks the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain) for his PhD grant during the execution of this work. This research was financially supported by the Basque Government (IT-932-16) and the Spanish Government (BIO2017-84035-R co-funded by Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional [FEDER]). Analytics were supported by MetaboHUB (ANR-11-INBS-0010) and PHENOME (ANR-11-INBS-0012) projects. Technical support was provided by Cedric Cassan, Ana Renovales and Mandy Bordas. The authors also thank SGIker (UPV/EHU, FEDER, EU) for the technical and human support provided

    Knock-down of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 3 negatively impacts growth, productivity, and responses to salt stress in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

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    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a carboxylating enzyme with important roles in plant metabolism. Most studies in C-4 plants have focused on photosynthetic PEPC, but less is known about non-photosynthetic PEPC isozymes, especially with respect to their physiological functions. In this work, we analyzed the precise roles of the sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) PPC3 isozyme by the use of knock-down lines with the SbPPC3 gene silenced (Ppc3 lines). Ppc3 plants showed reduced stomatal conductance and plant size, a delay in flowering time, and reduced seed production. In addition, silenced plants accumulated stress indicators such as Asn, citrate, malate, and sucrose in roots and showed higher citrate synthase activity, even in control conditions. Salinity further affected stomatal conductance and yield and had a deeper impact on central metabolism in silenced plants compared to wild type, more notably in roots, with Ppc3 plants showing higher nitrate reductase and NADH-glutamate synthase activity in roots and the accumulation of molecules with a higher N/C ratio. Taken together, our results show that although SbPPC3 is predominantly a root protein, its absence causes deep changes in plant physiology and metabolism in roots and leaves, negatively affecting maximal stomatal opening, growth, productivity, and stress responses in sorghum plants. The consequences of SbPPC3 silencing suggest that this protein, and maybe orthologs in other plants, could be an important target to improve plant growth, productivity, and resistance to salt stress and other stresses where non-photosynthetic PEPCs may be implicated.This research was supported by the Junta de Andalucía (P12-FQM-489 and PAI group BIO298), the Basque Government (IT932-16), and the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (AGL2012-35708 and AGL2016-75413-P)

    A Multi-Species Analysis Defines Anaplerotic Enzymes and Amides as Metabolic Markers for Ammonium Nutrition

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    Nitrate and ammonium are the main nitrogen sources in agricultural soils. In the last decade, ammonium (NH4+), a double-sided metabolite, has attracted considerable attention by researchers. Its ubiquitous presence in plant metabolism and its metabolic energy economy for being assimilated contrast with its toxicity when present in high amounts in the external medium. Plant species can adopt different strategies to maintain NH4+ homeostasis, as the maximization of its compartmentalization and assimilation in organic compounds, primarily as amino acids and proteins. In the present study, we report an integrative metabolic response to ammonium nutrition of seven plant species, belonging to four different families: Gramineae (ryegrass, wheat, Brachypodium distachyon), Leguminosae (clover), Solanaceae (tomato), and Brassicaceae (oilseed rape, Arabidopsis thaliana). We use principal component analysis (PCA) and correlations among metabolic and biochemical data from 40 experimental conditions to understand the whole-plant response. The nature of main amino acids is analyzed among species, under the hypothesis that those Asn-accumulating species will show a better response to ammonium nutrition. Given the provision of carbon (C) skeletons is crucial for promotion of the nitrogen assimilation, the role of different anaplerotic enzymes is discussed in relation to ammonium nutrition at a whole-plant level. Among these enzymes, isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) shows to be a good candidate to increase nitrogen assimilation in plants. Overall, metabolic adaptation of different carbon anaplerotic activities is linked with the preference to synthesize Asn or Gln in their organs. Lastly, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) reveals as an important enzyme to surpass C limitation during ammonium assimilation in roots, with a disparate collaboration of glutamine synthetase (GS).The design of the study, analysis, and interpretation of data and writing of the manuscript was supported by the Basque Government [IT932-16] or GIC15/179, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [AGL2015-64582-C3-2-R] and [BIO2017-84035-R]. IVM held a postdoctoral grant from the Basque Government (conv. 2018) and MDLP held a PhD grant by COLCIENCIAS (conv. 672)