13,130 research outputs found

    Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows

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    We present results from direct numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations in the presence of rotation and/or stratification, both in the vertical direction. The runs are forced isotropically and randomly at small scales and have spatial resolutions of up to 102431024^3 grid points and Reynolds numbers of ≈1000\approx 1000. We first show that solutions with negative energy flux and inverse cascades develop in rotating turbulence, whether or not stratification is present. However, the purely stratified case is characterized instead by an early-time, highly anisotropic transfer to large scales with almost zero net isotropic energy flux. This is consistent with previous studies that observed the development of vertically sheared horizontal winds, although only at substantially later times. However, and unlike previous works, when sufficient scale separation is allowed between the forcing scale and the domain size, the total energy displays a perpendicular (horizontal) spectrum with power law behavior compatible with ∼k⊥−5/3\sim k_\perp^{-5/3}, including in the absence of rotation. In this latter purely stratified case, such a spectrum is the result of a direct cascade of the energy contained in the large-scale horizontal wind, as is evidenced by a strong positive flux of energy in the parallel direction at all scales including the largest resolved scales

    Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations

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    We report results on rotating stratified turbulence in the absence of forcing, with large-scale isotropic initial conditions, using direct numerical simulations computed on grids of up to 4096^3 points. The Reynolds and Froude numbers are respectively equal to Re=5.4 x 10^4 and Fr=0.0242. The ratio of the Brunt-V\"ais\"al\"a to the inertial wave frequency, N/f, is taken to be equal to 4.95, a choice appropriate to model the dynamics of the southern abyssal ocean at mid latitudes. This gives a global buoyancy Reynolds number R_B=ReFr^2=32, a value sufficient for some isotropy to be recovered in the small scales beyond the Ozmidov scale, but still moderate enough that the intermediate scales where waves are prevalent are well resolved. We concentrate on the large-scale dynamics, for which we find a spectrum compatible with the Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling, and confirm that the Froude number based on a typical vertical length scale is of order unity, with strong gradients in the vertical. Two characteristic scales emerge from this computation, and are identified from sharp variations in the spectral distribution of either total energy or helicity. A spectral break is also observed at a scale at which the partition of energy between the kinetic and potential modes changes abruptly, and beyond which a Kolmogorov-like spectrum recovers. Large slanted layers are ubiquitous in the flow in the velocity and temperature fields, with local overturning events indicated by small Richardson numbers, and a small large-scale enhancement of energy directly attributable to the effect of rotation is also observed.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures (including compound figures

    Inverse cascades and resonant triads in rotating and stratified turbulence

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    Kraichnan’s seminal ideas on inverse cascades yielded new tools to study common phenomena in geophysical turbulent flows. In the atmosphere and the oceans, rotation and stratification result in a flow that can be approximated as two-dimensional at very large scales but which requires considering three-dimensional effects to fully describe turbulent transport processes and non-linear phenomena. Motions can thus be classified into two classes: fast modes consisting of inertia-gravity waves and slow quasi-geostrophic modes for which the Coriolis force and horizontal pressure gradients are close to balance. In this paper, we review previous results on the strength of the inverse cascade in rotating and stratified flows and then present new results on the effect of varying the strength of rotation and stratification (measured by the inverse Prandtl ratio N/f, of the Coriolis frequency to the Brunt-Väisäla frequency) on the amplitude of the waves and on the flow quasi-geostrophic behavior. We show that the inverse cascade is more efficient in the range of N/f for which resonant triads do not exist, /2≤N/f≤21/2≤N/f≤2. We then use the spatio-temporal spectrum to show that in this range slow modes dominate the dynamics, while the strength of the waves (and their relevance in the flow dynamics) is weaker.Fil: Oks, D.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Mininni, Pablo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Marino, R.. Universite Lyon 2; FranciaFil: Pouquet, A.. State University of Colorado Boulder; Estados Unido

    Vanishing conductivity of quantum solitons in polyacetylene

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    Quantum solitons or polarons are supposed to play a crucial role in the electric conductivity of polyacetylene, in the intermediate doping regime. We present an exact fully quantized calculation of the quantum soliton conductivity in polyacetylene and show that it vanishes exactly. This is obtained by applying a general method of soliton quantization, based on order-disorder duality, to a Z(2)-symmetric complex extension of the TLM dimerization effective field theory. We show that, in this theory, polyacetylene solitons are sine-Gordon solitons in the phase of the complex field.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 15 page

    Catching Spiral - S0 transition in groups. Insights from SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementation

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    We are investigating the co-evolution of galaxies within groups combining multi-wavelength photometric and 2D kinematical observations. Here we focus on S0s showing star formation in ring/arm-like structures. We use smooth particle hydrodynamical simulations (SPH) with chemo-photometric implementation which provide dynamical and morphological information together with the spectral energy distribution (SED) at each evolutionary stage. As test cases, we simulate the evolution of two such S0s: NGC 1533 and NGC 3626. The merging of two halos with mass ratio 2:1, initially just composed of dark matter (DM) and gas, well match their observed SEDs, their surface brightness profiles and their overall kinematics. The residual star formation today "rejuvenating" the ring/arm like structures in these S0s is then a mere consequence of a major merger, i.e. this is a phase during the merger episode. The peculiar kinematical features, e.g. gas-stars counter rotation in NGC 3626, depends on the halos initial impact parameters. Furthermore, our simulations allow to follow, in a fully consistent way, the transition of these S0s through the green valley in the NUV-r vs. Mr colour magnitude diagram, which they cross in about 3-5 Gyr, before reaching their current position in the red sequence. We conclude that a viable mechanism driving the evolution of S0s in groups is of gravitational origin.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, Special Issue: Ultraviolet Astrophysic

    Observing multiple stellar populations with FORS2@VLT - Main sequence photometry in outer regions of NGC 6752, NGC 6397, and NGC 6121 (M 4)

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    We present the photometric analysis of the external regions of three Galactic Globular Clusters: NGC 6121, NGC 6397 and NGC 6752. The main goal is the characterization of the multiple stellar populations along the main sequence (MS) and the study of the radial trend of the different populations hosted by the target clusters. The data have been collected using FORS2 mounted at the ESO/VLT@UT1 telescope in UBVI filters. From these data sets we extracted high-accuracy photometry and constructed color-magnitude diagrams. We exploit appropriate combination of colors and magnitudes which are powerful tools to identify multiple stellar populations, like B versus U-B and V versus c_{U,B,I}=(U-B)-(B-I) CMDs. We confirm previous findings of a split MS in NGC 6752 and NGC 6121. Apart from the extreme case of omega Centauri, this is the first detection of multiple MS from ground-based photometry. For NGC 6752 and NGC 6121 we compare the number ratio of the blue MS to the red MS in the cluster outskirts with the fraction of first and second generation stars measured in the central regions. There is no evidence for significant radial trend. The MS of NGC 6397 is consistent with a simple stellar population. We propose that the lack of multiple sequences is due both to observational errors and to the limited sensitivity of U,B,V,I photometry to multiple stellar populations in metal-poor GCs. Finally, we compute the helium abundance for the stellar populations hosted by NGC 6121 and NGC 6752, finding a mild (Delta Y ~ 0.02) difference between stars in the two sequences.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables, 17 figures, accepted for pubblication in A&

    Galaxy Evolution in Local Group Analogs. I. A GALEX study of nearby groups

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    Understanding the astrophysical processes acting within galaxy groups and their effects on the evolution of the galaxy population is one of the crucial topic of modern cosmology, as almost 60% of galaxies in the Local Universe are found in groups. We imaged in the far (FUV 1539 A) and near ultraviolet (NUV 2316 A) with GALEX three nearby groups, namely LGG93, LGG127 and LGG225. We obtained the UV galaxy surface photometry and, for LGG225, the only group covered by the SDSS, the photometry in u, g, r, i, z bands. We discuss galaxy morphologies looking for interaction signatures and we analyze the SED of galaxies to infer their luminosity-weighted ages. The UV and optical photometry was also used to perform a kinematical and dynamical analysis of each group and to evaluate the stellar mass. A few member galaxies in LGG225 show a distorted UV morphology due to ongoing interactions. (FUV-NUV) colors suggest that spirals in LGG93 and LGG225 host stellar populations in their outskirts younger than that of M31 and M33 in the LG or with less extinction. The irregular interacting galaxy NGC3447A has a significantly younger stellar population (few Myr old) than the average of the other irregular galaxies in LGG225 suggesting that the encounter triggered star formation. The early-type members of LGG225, NGC3457 and NGC3522, have masses of the order of a few 10^9 Mo, comparable to the Local Group ellipticals. For the most massive spiral in LGG225, we estimate a stellar mass of ~4x1010^{10} Mo, comparable to M33 in the LG. Ages of stellar populations range from a few to ~7 Gyr for the galaxies in LGG225. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicates that LGG127 and LGG225 are in a pre-virial collapse phase, i.e. still undergoing dynamical relaxation, while LGG93 is likely virialized. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Inverter-converter automatic paralleling and protection

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    Electric control and protection circuits for parallel operation of inverter-converte
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