15 research outputs found

    Coronavirus Outbreaks: Literature Review

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    Coronaviruses are observed in birds and mammals and can be transmitted to humans, leading to outbreaks and pandemics. Among the most recent ones are SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and COVID 19. Thus, the objective was to describe a discussion about coronaviruses, with an emphasis on Sars-Cov-2. From the data collected, it can be seen that the current pandemic has had impacts on public health and socioeconomic life in more than 170 countries worldwide, to date, with tens of millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands of deaths. In this regard, prevention actions must be intensified, especially among the most vulnerable patients (the elderly and those with comorbidities that affect immunity). In addition, new studies should be carried out so that vaccines and antivirals can be implemented for application to COVID-19

    Graduate Teaching Communities of Practice: Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Professional Development for Graduate Students, by Graduate Students

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    Communities of Practice provide explicit formal recognition for teaching work and serve as a network of pedagogical resources. Communities of Practice create a safe space and a strengthened sense of community. Communities of Practice can be formed anywhere to meet any set of needs but always thrive with members’ agency and institutional support

    Coronavirus in Pregnant Women: Literature Review

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    The coronavirus viruses cause infectious conditions that evolve with greater severity in patients with reduced immunity, a fact that can be observed in pregnant women. In these, anatomical and physiological changes occur that can compromise immunity, which can lead to complications. Faced with the pandemic by COVID-19, the present study aimed to discuss the possible risk of the pregnant woman and the fetus facing infection with this virus, which initially presents respiratory symptoms and with lower gastrointestinal prevalence. . Based on the data collected, it was observed that, in many cases, pregnant women develop respiratory, renal and cardiovascular complications, requiring ICU admission and mechanical ventilation. This can lead to fetal distress, placental detachment, spontaneous abortion, reduced fetal growth and risk of maternal-fetal death. Thus, attention must be redoubled in health surveillance and education for this group, as well as the availability of the health care system and clinical, epidemiological and laboratory diagnosis is required, since most patients tend to evolve with clinical complications

    Os malefícios da utilização de telas eletrônicas na infância: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Introduction: The incorporation of technology into children's routine originated the so-called cyber-childhood, bringing with it advantages, as well as harms that must be debated, thus, questions arise about adequate screen time and the consequences of exacerbated use. Objective: To analyze the scientific literature on the harmful effects of using electronic screens in childhood. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, where the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS/MeSH) were used: screen time; child and child development combined with the Boolean AND operator. The research was carried out in July 2023, in the databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE) Latin American Literature of Health Sciences (LILACS) and PubMed, in the period from 2018 to 2023. Results: The final selection had 17 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria determined and were categorized into: year of publication; journal title; article title; language and main results. Discussion: The analysis of the selected articles showed that the repercussions caused by exposure to screens are presented in different ways, paying attention to: language development, cognition, socio-emotional aspects, attention, eating habits, sleep, school performance, Body Mass Index, among others. It also brings co-visualization as an interactive means of exposure to the screen. Final considerations: The study revealed an association between screen use time and consequent harm that clearly affects the neuropsychomotor development of these children, relating to sedentary lifestyle, introversion, poor sleep quality and the manifestation of diseases such as obesity, depression and anxiety.Introdução: A incorporação da tecnologia na rotina das crianças originou a chamada cyber-infância, trazendo consigo vantagens, bem como malefícios que devem ser debatidos, assim, surgem questionamentos sobre o tempo de tela adequado e as consequências do uso exacerbado. Objetivo: Analisar a literatura científica sobre os malefícios do uso de telas eletrônicas na infância. Metodologia: Se trata de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, onde utilizou-se os Descritores de Ciências da Saúde (DeCS/MeSH): screen time; child e child development combinados com o operador booleano AND. A pesquisa foi realizada em Julho de 2023, nas bases de dados: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online(MEDLINE) Literatura Latino-Americana de Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e PubMed, no período de 2018 a 2023. Resultados: A seleção final contou com 17 artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão determinados e foram categorizados em: ano de publicação; título do periódico; título do artigo; idioma e principais resultados. Discussão: A análise dos artigos selecionados demonstrou que as repercussões causadas por exposição a telas se apresentam de diferentes formas, atentando: o desenvolvimento da linguagem, cognição, aspectos socioemocionais, atenção, hábitos alimentares, sono, rendimento escolar, Índice de Massa Corporal, entre outros. Ainda traz a covisualização como um meio interativo de exposição à tela. Considerações finais: O estudo revelou associação entre o tempo de uso de telas e consequentes malefícios que afetam de forma clara o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor dessas crianças, relacionando-se com sedentarismo, introversão, má qualidade de sono e a manifestação de doenças tais como obesidade, depressão e ansiedade

    Physician Global Assessment International Standardisation COnsensus in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: the PISCOS study

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    The Physician Global Assessment International Standardisation COnsensus in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (PISCOS) study aimed to obtain an evidence-based and expert-based consensus standardisation of the Physician Global Assessment (PGA) scoring of disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). An international panel of 79 SLE experts participated in a three-round Delphi consensus process, in which 41 statements related to the PGA in SLE were rated, using a 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree) numerical rating scale. Statements with agreement of 75% or greater were selected and further validated by the expert panel. Consensus was reached on 27 statements, grouped in 14 recommendations, for the use of the PGA in SLE, design of the PGA scale, practical considerations for PGA scoring, and the relationship between PGA values and levels of disease activity. Among these recommendations, the expert panel agreed that the PGA should consist of a 0-3 visual analogue scale for measuring disease activity in patients with SLE in the preceding month. The PGA is intended to rate the overall disease activity, taking into account the severity of active manifestations and clinical laboratory results, but excluding organ damage, serology, and subjective findings unrelated to disease activity. The PGA scale ranges from "no disease activity" (0) to the "most severe disease activity" (3) and incorporates the values 1 and 2 as inner markers to categorise disease activity as mild (>= 0.5 to 1), moderate (>1 and <= 2) and severe (>2 to 3). Only experienced physicians can rate the PGA, and it should be preferably scored by the same rater at each visit. The PISCOS results will allow for increased homogeneity and reliability of PGA ratings in routine clinical practice, definitions of remission and low disease activity, and future SLE trials

    Treatment Adherence and Its Associated Factors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Rio de Janeiro Type 2 Diabetes Cohort Study

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    Objectives. To investigate treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes and to evaluate its associated factors. Methods. The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire was used to assess treatment adherence. Good adherence was defined as ≥5 days a week in each SDSCA item. Pain, emotional, and physical domains of the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) were also evaluated. Multivariable logistic regressions explored the independent correlates of good general adherence and of specific items of the SDSCA (diet, exercise, and medications). Results. Good adherence was 93.5% for medication use, 59.3% for foot care, 56.1% for blood glucose monitoring, 29.2% for diet, and 22.5% for exercise. Patients with general good adherence had lower BMI, better serum lipid profile, higher values of functional capacity, emotional and pain domains of SF-36, better occupational performance, and lower prevalence of pain or limitation in the upper and lower limbs than patients with worse adherence. The variables associated with good adherence were younger age, lower BMI, presence of macrovascular complications, better occupational performance and emotional domain of SF-36, and higher HDL cholesterol levels. The presence of pain/limitation in the upper limbs was associated with worse adherence. Good medication adherence was associated with longer diabetes duration, lower BMI, and lower HbA1c levels. Higher values of pain and emotional domains of the SF-36 and lower BMI were related to better exercise and diet adherence, while the presence of peripheral neuropathy and joint pain/limitation were associated with worse exercise adherence. Conclusions. Emotional and physical performances are important determinants of good diabetic treatment adherence. Good adherence has beneficial impact on BMI, lipid, and glycemic control

    CNS involvement and treatment with interferon-α are independent prognostic factors in Erdheim-Chester disease : a multicenter survival analysis of 53 patients.

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    Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) is a rare form of non-Langerhans histiocytosis, with noncodified therapeutic management and high mortality. No treatment has yet been shown to improve survival in these patients. We conducted a multicenter prospective observational cohort study to assess whether extraskeletal manifestations and interferon-α treatment would influence survival in a large cohort of ECD patients. To achieve this goal, we thoroughly analyzed the clinical presentation of 53 patients with biopsy-proven ECD, and we performed a survival analysis using Cox proportional hazard model. Fifty-three patients (39 men and 14 women) with biopsy-proven ECD were followed up between November 1981 and November 2010. Forty-six patients (87%) received interferon-α and/or PEGylated interferon-α. Multivariate survival analysis using Cox proportional hazard model revealed that central nervous system involvement was an independent predictor of death (hazard ratio = 2.51; 95% confidence interval, 1.28-5.52; P = .006) in our cohort. Conversely, treatment with interferon-α was identified as an independent predictor of survival (hazard ratio = 0.32; 95% confidence interval, 0.14-0.70; P = .006). Although definitive confirmation would require a randomized controlled trial, these results suggest that interferon-α improves survival in ECD patients. This may be seen as a significant advance, as it is the first time a treatment is shown to improve survival in this multisystemic disease with high mortality