685 research outputs found

    Evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging of functional and structural connectivities of neurofunctional networks in mild Alzheimer's disease dementia and amnestic mild cognitive impairment subjects

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    Orientador: Márcio Luiz Figueredo BalthazarTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: A demência por doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa na qual ocorrem alterações cognitivas, neuropsiquiátricas e funcionais. Avanços recentes no estudo da neuroimagem na DA mostraram que as alterações presentes nesse grupo de pacientes não se restringem apenas às estruturas anatômicas particulares (tema abordado no ARTIGO 2), mas estendem-se também às redes neurofuncionais, as quais podem gerar problemas de memória e função executiva, entre outros. Devido às alterações estruturais apresentadas por atrofia, ao depósito de placas senis e emaranhados neurofibrilares, bem como à redução no metabolismo de glicose presente nas suas regiões, a Default Mode Network (DMN) tornou-se a rede neurofuncional de maior interesse no campo da DA. O principal objetivo desta Tese foi, dessa maneira, avaliar a conectividade de redes neurofuncionais na DA - enfatizando sobretudo na DMN, e suas relações com a cognição. Além disso, estudamos também outros aspectos anatômicos na DA - como alterações de substância branca e cinzenta no cérebro inteiro. No ARTIGO 1 mostramos que as alterações causadas pela doença afetam também áreas subcorticais como o tálamo e o corpo caloso, o que se relaciona com o déficit cognitivo dos pacientes. Em outro estudo com carácter mais exploratório (ARTIGO 6), mostramos que à medida em que a doença progrediu, as alterações na substância branca ocorreram de maneira mais extensa do que o esperado, levando em consideração as alterações estruturais encontradas na substância cinzenta. Assim, nossos dados sugerem que danos na substância branca possam ocorrer de maneira independente ao dano cortical. O ARTIGO 8, nesse contexto, traz um apanhado de resultados moleculares e de imagem que reforçam a hipótese de uma degeneração de redes neurofuncionais específicas em doenças neurodegenerativas, onde a propagação de proteínas alteradas ocorre ao longo dos tratos de substância branca (no caso da DA, em especial e primariamente nos tratos da DMN). Com isso em mente, no ARTIGO 4 tivemos como objetivo isolar apenas os tratos da DMN para avaliar o quão íntegro estruturalmente eles se apresentam na doença. De fato, observamos que pacientes com DA apresentam alterações microestruturais nos tratos da DMN, que contribuem para o déficit na performance cognitiva desses pacientes. No ARTIGO 5, investigamos não apenas a conectividade funcional das regiões da DMN, como também a média das amplitudes de baixa frequência (ALFF) do sinal BOLD dessas regiões. Encontramos que sujeitos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve amnéstico (CCLa, sujeitos sob risco de desenvolverem DA) por exemplo, possuem ALFF reduzido em regiões específicas da DMN, porém sem apresentar desconexão funcional entre elas. Pacientes com DA, entretanto, possuem não apenas ALFF reduzido em algumas regiões, mas também desconexão funcional entre elas. As amplitudes de ambos os grupos, entretanto, não possuem relação com o déficit cognitivo apresentado pelos pacientes; ao contrário da conectividade funcional dessas regiões. No ARTIGO 3, mostramos que outras redes neurofuncionais, como a de Linguagem e a de Controle Executivo também estão alteradas na DA. Em termos de correlatos neuropsicológicos apenas a conectividade da DMN mostrou relação com a performance em testes de memória episódica. No ARTIGO 7, por vez, tivemos como objetivo explorar outras hipóteses envolvendo a função da DMN. Nele, abordamos a questão da alteração do self nos pacientes com DA, e sugerimos uma relação com a atividade intrínseca do cérebro e o sentimento de auto-continuidade no tempoAbstract: Alzheimer¿s (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that presents with cognitive, neuropsychiatric and functional alterations. Recent studies in the neuroimaging field of AD have shown that the alterations observed in these patients are not limited to specific anatomic structures (as shown in chapter 2) but also compromise neurofunctional networks, which can lead to memory and executive function impairment, among others. Due to the structural alterations such as atrophy, burden of amyloid beta and hyperphosphorilated tau, and metabolism reduction presented in its regions, the Default Mode Network (DMN) has become the most studied network in the AD field. Thus, the main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the functional and structural connectivities of the neurofunctional networks in AD ¿ emphasizing the DMN, and the relationship with cognition. Besides that, we have also studied some other anatomical aspects in AD, such as alterations in white and grey matter. In Chapter 1, we have shown that the alterations caused by the disease also affect subcortical areas such as the thalamus and the corpus callosum, which correlates to the cognitive deficit of the patients. In another exploratory study (Chapter 6), we observed that as the disease progressed, the alterations in white matter occurred were more extensive than expected, considering the structural alterations of the grey matter. Our results suggest that damage in white matter can occur independently of grey matter damage. In this context, Chapter 8 brings molecular and imaging results that reinforce the hypothesis that neurodegenerative diseases affect specific neurofunctional networks, and the propagation of altered proteins occur through white matter tracts (along DMN tracts). Keeping this in mind, in Chapter 4 we had as a main objective to isolate only the DMN tracts, in order to evaluate its structural connectivity in AD. Indeed, we observed that structural microalterations are present in DMN tracts of AD patients, contributing to their cognitive deficits. In Chapter 5, we not only investigated the functional connectivity of DMN regions, but also the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF) of the blood oxygenation level signal of these regions. We found that amnestic mild cognitive impairment subjects (aMCI ¿ subjects at risk for developing AD) for instance, have decreased ALFF in specific regions of the DMN, though not presenting alterations in functional connectivity. AD patients, however, present both reduced ALFF and connectivity in the DMN regions. Interestingly, ALFF values did not correlate with the cognitive impairment of the patients; but connectivity values did. In Chapter 3, we have shown that other networks such as the Language and Executive Functions are also altered in AD. The functional connectivity of the DMN, in turn, correlated with episodic memory function. In Chapter 7, our main objective was to explore some other hypothesis involving the DMN function. Here, we mentioned the alterations in the self presented in AD patients and suggest a relationship with the brain intrinsic activity and the feeling of self continuity across timeDoutoradoCiencias BiomedicasDoutora em Ciências Médicas2013/10431-9FAPES

    Lack of the Sodium-Driven Chloride Bicarbonate Exchanger NCBE Impairs Visual Function in the Mouse Retina

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    Regulation of ion and pH homeostasis is essential for normal neuronal function. The sodium-driven chloride bicarbonate exchanger NCBE (Slc4a10), a member of the SLC4 family of bicarbonate transporters, uses the transmembrane gradient of sodium to drive cellular net uptake of bicarbonate and to extrude chloride, thereby modulating both intracellular pH (pHi) and chloride concentration ([Cl-]i) in neurons. Here we show that NCBE is strongly expressed in the retina. As GABAA receptors conduct both chloride and bicarbonate, we hypothesized that NCBE may be relevant for GABAergic transmission in the retina. Importantly, we found a differential expression of NCBE in bipolar cells: whereas NCBE was expressed on ON and OFF bipolar cell axon terminals, it only localized to dendrites of OFF bipolar cells. On these compartments, NCBE colocalized with the main neuronal chloride extruder KCC2, which renders GABA hyperpolarizing. NCBE was also expressed in starburst amacrine cells, but was absent from neurons known to depolarize in response to GABA, like horizontal cells. Mice lacking NCBE showed decreased visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in behavioral experiments and smaller b-wave amplitudes and longer latencies in electroretinograms. Ganglion cells from NCBE-deficient mice also showed altered temporal response properties. In summary, our data suggest that NCBE may serve to maintain intracellular chloride and bicarbonate concentration in retinal neurons. Consequently, lack of NCBE in the retina may result in changes in pHi regulation and chloride-dependent inhibition, leading to altered signal transmission and impaired visual function

    Validity of an FFQ assessing the vitamin D intake of young Serbian women living in a region without food fortification: the method of triads model

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to examine the external validity of an FFQ designed to estimate dietary vitamin D intake compared with a plasma biomarker and three repeated 24 h dietary recalls in women of reproductive age in Serbia, where there is no exposure to food fortified with vitamin D. The method of triads was applied. Design: In a cross-sectional study, 422 women completed the Women and Reproductive Health FFQ (WRH-FFQ) during the winter months. From a representative subgroup (n 44), three 24 h dietary recalls and anthropometric parameters were collected as well as a fasting blood sample for vitamin D biomarker analyses. Correlation coefficients were calculated between each of the dietary methods. Validity coefficients, as a correlation between the measured and estimated 'true' exposure, were calculated using the method of triads. Bland-Altman plots were also constructed. Setting: Three major universities in Serbia. Subjects: Healthy young women (n 422) aged 18-35 years. Results: The WRH-FFQ estimate of vitamin D intake for all participants was 4.0 (SD 3.3) mu g/d and 3.1 (SD 2.3) mu g/d for the subgroup. Bland-Altman plots for these intakes showed high agreement. Validity coefficients for the FFQ, 24 h recall and biomarker were. rho(QI) = 0.847 (95 % CI 0.564, 0.928), rho(RI) = 0.810 (95 % CI 0.537, 0.997) and rho(BI) = 0.499 (95 % CI 0.190, 0.840), while the correlation coefficients were 0.686, 0.422 and 0.404. Conclusions: The FFQ applied in the present study is a valid tool for assessing dietary vitamin D intake in women living in Serbia, a region without mandatory vitamin D food fortification

    Cognitive Reserve Relates to Functional Network Efficiency in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, with no means of cure or prevention. The presence of abnormal disease-related proteins in the population is, in turn, much more common than the incidence of dementia. In this context, the cognitive reserve (CR) hypothesis has been proposed to explain the discontinuity between pathophysiological and clinical expression of AD, suggesting that CR mitigates the effects of pathology on clinical expression and cognition. fMRI studies of the human connectome have recently reported that AD patients present diminished functional efficiency in resting-state networks, leading to a loss in information flow and cognitive processing. No study has investigated, however, whether CR modifies the effects of the pathology in functional network efficiency in AD patients. We analyzed the relationship between CR, pathophysiology and network efficiency, and whether CR modifies the relationship between them. Fourteen mild AD, 28 amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) due to AD, and 28 controls were enrolled. We used education to measure CR, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers to evaluate pathophysiology, and graph metrics to measure network efficiency. We found no relationship between CR and CSF biomarkers; CR was related to higher network efficiency in all groups; and abnormal levels of CSF protein biomarkers were related to more efficient networks in the AD group. Education modified the effects of tau-related pathology in the aMCI and mild AD groups. Although higher CR might not protect individuals from developing AD pathophysiology, AD patients with higher CR are better able to cope with the effects of pathology—presenting more efficient networks despite pathology burden. The present study highlights that interventions focusing on cognitive stimulation might be useful to slow age-related cognitive decline or dementia and lengthen healthy aging

    Unidades de Conservação em Terras de Uso da União: Subsídios à Implantação do Parque Natural Municipal Canto do Morcego, Itajaí/Santa Catarina

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    Dentre as ações incluídas nas políticas públicas para a Conservação está a criação de Unidades de Conservação (UCs) e a respectiva elaboração dos planos de manejo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar como são tratadas nos planos de manejo de UCs as áreas com cessão da SPU às Forças Armadas Brasileiras, em especial em Santa Catarina e à Marinha do Brasil, e o seu uso público, como forma de subsídio a implantação do Parque Natural Municipal Canto do Morcego, em Itajaí, onde incide um Farol. Foi realizado um levantamento junto aos documentos do SPU e em websites institucionais, além de entrevista a Delegacia da Capitania dos Portos em Itajaí. Verificou-se cinco UCs Federais de Santa Catarina com presença das Forças Armadas, além de mais cinco Federais em outros Estados e duas Estaduais. Nos planos de manejo há inserção das áreas militares, assim como a definição de medidas de manejo específicas para as áreas de cessão do SPU. Diferentes medidas de gestão foram verificadas com intuito de facilitar a gestão compartilhada com as Forças Armadas do Brasil. Quando a área militar está inserida na UC, prevalece o zoneamento como Zona de Uso Conflitante. Este fato ocorre não em função de haver um conflito, mas porque os objetivos das áreas militares possuem funções que não são compatíveis com o objetivo primordial das UCs. A parceria entre as Forças Armadas e os órgãos gestores foi verificada em todas as situações, mesmo onde a área não está inserida nos limites, mas na Zona de Amortecimento, ocorrendo importante colaboração em função de acesso, manutenção e fiscalização, seja da UC, ou dos Faróis de uso militar, que acabam sendo um atrativo para a visitação pública. Portanto, as informações contribuíram para definir que no planejamento do Parque Canto do Morcego possa existir uma gestão compartilhada entre o órgão ambiental municipal e o SPU/Marinha do Brasil, constituindo uma ZUC na área do Farol, com visitação de forma indireta

    Transcriptional changes in the rat brain induced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    IntroductionTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive technique that uses pulsed magnetic fields to affect the physiology of the brain and central nervous system. Repetitive TMS (rTMS) has been used to study and treat several neurological conditions, but its complex molecular basis is largely unexplored.MethodsUtilizing three experimental rat models (in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo) and employing genome-wide microarray analysis, our study reveals the extensive impact of rTMS treatment on gene expression patterns.ResultsThese effects are observed across various stimulation protocols, in diverse tissues, and are influenced by time and age. Notably, rTMS-induced alterations in gene expression span a wide range of biological pathways, such as glutamatergic, GABAergic, and anti-inflammatory pathways, ion channels, myelination, mitochondrial energetics, multiple neuron-and synapse-specific genes.DiscussionThis comprehensive transcriptional analysis induced by rTMS stimulation serves as a foundational characterization for subsequent experimental investigations and the exploration of potential clinical applications

    Long-term efficacy and safety of nusinersen in adults with 5q spinal muscular atrophy: a prospective European multinational observational study

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    Background Evidence for the efficacy of nusinersen in adults with 5q-associated spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has been demonstrated up to a period of 16 months in relatively large cohorts but whereas patients reach a plateau over time is still to be demonstrated. We investigated the efficacy and safety of nusinersen in adults with SMA over 38 months, the longest time period to date in a large cohort of patients from multiple clinical sites. Methods Our prospective, observational study included adult patients with SMA from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria (July 2017 to May 2022). All participants had genetically-confirmed, 5q-associated SMA and were treated with nusinersen according to the label. The total Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded (HFMSE) and Revised Upper Limb Module (RULM) scores, and 6-min walk test (6 MWT; metres), were recorded at baseline and 14, 26, and 38 months after treatment initiation, and pre and post values were compared. Adverse events were also recorded. Findings Overall, 389 patients were screened for eligibility and 237 were included. There were significant increases in all outcome measures compared with baseline, including mean HFMSE scores at 14 months (mean difference 1.72 [95% CI 1.19–2.25]), 26 months (1.20 [95% CI 0.48–1.91]), and 38 months (1.52 [95% CI 0.74–2.30]); mean RULM scores at 14 months (mean difference 0.75 [95% CI 0.43–1.07]), 26 months (mean difference 0.65 [95% CI 0.27–1.03]), and 38 months (mean difference 0.72 [95% CI 0.25–1.18]), and 6 MWT at 14 months (mean difference 30.86 m [95% CI 18.34–43.38]), 26 months (mean difference 29.26 m [95% CI 14.87–43.65]), and 38 months (mean difference 32.20 m [95% CI 10.32–54.09]). No new safety signals were identified. Interpretation Our prospective, observational, long-term (38 months) data provides further real-world evidence for the continuous efficacy and safety of nusinersen in a large proportion of adult patients with SMA. Funding Financial support for the registry from Biogen, Novartis and Roche