33 research outputs found
Biodegradable polymer/hydrogel composite for controlled delivery of cationic formulations
Composites of biodegradable polymers and hydrogels are promising materials for controlled delivery systems with prolonged drug release. In this contribution, we present an innovative implant design comprising poly(DL-lactide-co-Īµ-caprolactone) copolymer base and a crosslinked poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel. Implants were prepared in the form of disks using the modified traditional liquid phase inversion process. Solutions containing all implant precursors were dispensed into transparent non-stick molds and cured by UV irradiation. UV curing was followed by immersion into the phosphate buffer solution bath to achieve phase separation and solidification. Structure and composition of the implant were characterized using SEM and FTIR. Obtained implants exhibited high loading capacity for cationic formulations and a moderate degree of swelling. Studies of implant loading and subsequent release of methylene blue into the phosphate-buffered saline demonstrated diffusioncontrolled delivery kinetics over a period of several weeks. To assess biocompatibility of implants as possible materials for drug delivery systems in mammals, we evaluated their effects on viability (Trypan blue exclusion assay), metabolic activity, proliferation (MTT assay) and priming (nitric oxide/NO production) of freshly isolated rat splenocytes during 24 h and 48 h of cultivation. The viability was unaltered, metabolic activity/proliferation was increased after 48 h and the decrease of NO production, as well as drop in responsiveness to cell mitogen concanavalin A (ConA) in cells on implants were observed. These results suggest that implants could be used as a suitable material for drug delivery systems, but their capacity to stimulate cell proliferation and their immunosuppressive potential deserve further investigations
Sadržaj mikroelemenata u populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida
The aim of this work was to investigate genetic specificity of sunflower nutrition with microelements. Therefore, concentrations of essential (Zn, B, Mn, Cu, Fe and Ni) and non-essential (Cr, Al, Cd, As, Pb and Ba) micronutrients were analyzed. Five sunflower hybrids the most grown in Serbia and different populations of wild sunflower species originating from North America: Helianthus neglectus Heiser (3), Helianthus agrophyllus T&G (3), Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (2), Helianthus annuus L. (4) were included in the experiment. Populations of wild sunflower species and hybrids differed significantly with respect to the concentration of analyzed elements. Manganese concentration was significantly higher in hybrids than in wild species. In all genotypes Fe, B and Mn had the highest concentration. Coefficient of variation of microelement concentration depended on genotype and particular element. In wild populations, for essential microelements, it was between 3.7 and 59.5, whereas in hybrids it varied from 10.0 to 48.8. Coefficient of variation of concentration of non-essential microelements in wild populations varied from 7.7 to 73.8, and in hybrids from 15.1 to 48.8. Average coefficient of variation in both wild species and hybrids was the lowest for Mn and Pb. It was the highest for Cr, Ni, and Zn in hybrids and for Cd, Ni, and Cr in wild species. The results suggest that genetic specificity with respect to uptake of microelements in wild species and hybrids is highly expressed. Broad genetic variability of concentrations of microelements in wild species and hybrids indicate that their reactions to deficiency and/or excess of those elements probably are not the same either. This finding may be used in breeding process aimed specifically at improvement of tolerance and capacity to accumulate microelements in sunflower. Phytoremediation technology designed to reduce the amount of microelements in the soil could thus be advanced by utilization of such plants.U cilju prouÄavanja genetske specifiÄnosti ishrane suncokreta mikroelementima ispitan je sadržaj neophodnih (Zn, B, Mn, Cu, Fe i Ni) i ne neophodnih mikroelemenata (Cr, Al, Cd, As Pb i Ba) u pet najrasprostranjenijih hibrida suncokreta u Srbiji kao i u razliÄitim populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta poreklom iz Severne Amerike: Helianthus neglectus Heiser (3), Helianthus agrophyllus T&G (3), Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (2), Helianthus annuus L. (4). Ispitivane populacije divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida znaÄajno su se meÄusobno razlikovale u pogledu sadržaja ispitivanih mikroelemenata. NajveÄa razlika izmeÄu populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida utvrÄena je u sadržaju Mn koji je kod hibrida bio znaÄajno veÄi. Kod svih ispitivanih genotipova najveÄi je bio sadržaj Fe, B i Mn. Koeficijent varijacije sadržaja mikroelemenata zavisio je od genotipa i elementa. Kod populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta kretao se od 3.7 do 59.5, a kod hibrida od 10.0 do 48.8. Za neesencijalne mikroelemente kod divljih populacija koeficijent je bio izmeÄu 7.7, i 73.8, dok je kod hibrida varirao od 15.1 do 48.8. Koeficijent varijacije bio je najmanji kod Mn i Pb kod divljih vrsta i hibrida. Kod hibrida najveÄi koeficijent varijacije imali su Cr, Ni i Zn, a kod divljih vrsta Cd, Ni i Cr. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zakljuÄiti da je genetiÄka specifiÄnost u pogledu usvajanja neophodnih i drugih mikroelemenata kod populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida veoma izražena. Å iroka genetska varijabilnost ispitivanih genotipova u pogledu sadržaja pojedinih mikroelemenata upuÄuje na pretpostavku o razliÄitoj reakciji prema njihovom nedostatku i suviÅ”ku, Å”to može da bude od znaÄaja u oplemenjivaÄkom radu, posebno pri stvaranju genotipova podesnih za fitoremedijaciju zemljiÅ”ta zagaÄenih mikroelementima
Sojne razlike u toksiÄnosti antagoniste vitamina K varfarina kod pacova
Warfarin (3-(alpha-acetonylbenzy1)-4-hydroxy coumarin) is a vitamin K (VK) antagonist that inhibits vitamin K-dependent (VKD) processes, such as blood coagulation. It also exerts an influence on some non-VKD-related activities. In this study, the effect of sub-acute (30-day) oral warfarin (2 and 1 mg L-1) intake on hematological parameters was examined in two rat strains, Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA), that differ in their sensitivity to certain chemicals. Greater susceptibility to the anticoagulant effect of 2 mg L-1 of warfarin was observed in AO rats and was associated with an increase in the relevant hematological parameters in this strain. Although both strains responded to 2 mg L-1 of warfarin with quantitative changes in the peripheral blood leukocytes, differential bone marrow and lung responses were observed. Strain-related differences in the pro-inflammatory activity of peripheral blood granulocytes and in mononuclear cell IFN-gamma production were observed. Recognition of differences in quantitative and qualitative effects of oral warfarin on processes other than hemostasis might be of relevance for those humans who are on warfarin therapy.Varfarin (3-Ī±-acetonilbenzil)-4āhidroksikumarin) je antagonist vitamina K (VK) koji inhibira procese zavisne od ovog vitamina, ukljuÄujuÄi koagulaciju krvi. Osim toga, on ispoljava i aktivnosti koje ne zavise od vitamina K kao Å”to su anti-tumorska i imunomodulatorna aktivnost. U ovom radu je ispitan efekat subakutnog (30 dana) oralnog unosa varfarina na hematoloÅ”ke parametre i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi kod dva soja pacova Albino Oxford (AO) i Dark Agouti (DA) koji se raz- likuju u osetljivosti na iste hemijske agense. Kod jedinki AO soja zapažena je veÄa smrtnost nakon konzumiranja doze od 4 mg Lā1 kao i veÄa osetljivost na antikoagulantno dejstvo varfarina pri nižim dozama (2 mg Lā1) koje je praÄeno poveÄanjem nekih hematoloÅ”kih parametara. Iako kod jedinki oba soja dolazi do poveÄanja broja neutrofilnih leukocita periferne krvi pri dozi od 2 mg Lā1, promene u osnovnim proinflamatornim aktivnostima ovih Äelija su zapažene samo kod jedinki DA soja. Promene u broju neutrofilnih leukocita u krvi DA jedinki su praÄene poveÄanjem broja granulocitnih prekursora u koÅ”tanoj srži, dok prisustvo neutrofila u pluÄima AO jedinki ukazuje na razmenu Äelija izmeÄu periferne krvi i pluÄnog intravaskularnog pula Äelija. Diferencijalne sojnoāzavisne promene u aktivnosti mononuklearnih Äelija periferne krvi su takoÄe zapažene. Razlike u efektu oralno unetog varfarina mogu da imaju implikacije za osobe na oralnoj varfarinskoj terapiji
Strain differences in the toxicity of the vitamin K antagonist warfarin in rats
Warfarin (3-(Ī±-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxy coumarin) is a vitamin K (VK) antagonist that inhibits vitamin K-dependent (VKD) processes, such as blood coagulation. It also exerts an influence on some non-VKD-related activities. In this study, the effect of sub-acute (30-day) oral warfarin (2 and 1 mg L-1) intake on hematological parameters was examined in two rat strains, Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA), that differ in their sensitivity to certain chemicals. Greater susceptibility to the anticoagulant effect of 2 mg L-1 of warfarin was observed in AO rats and was associated with an increase in the relevant hematological parameters in this strain. Although both strains responded to 2 mg L-1 of warfarin with quantitative changes in the peripheral blood leukocytes, differential bone marrow and lung responses were observed. Strain-related differences in the pro-inflammatory activity of peripheral blood granulocytes and in mononuclear cell IFN-Ī³ production were observed. Recognition of differences in quantitative and qualitative effects of oral warfarin on processes other than hemostasis might be of relevance for those humans who are on warfarin therapy.Varfarin (3-Ī±-acetonilbenzil)-4āhidroksikumarin) je antagonist vitamina K (VK) koji inhibira procese zavisne od ovog vitamina, ukljuÄujuÄi koagulaciju krvi. Osim toga, on ispoljava i aktivnosti koje ne zavise od vitamina K kao Å”to su anti-tumorska i imunomodulatorna aktivnost. U ovom radu je ispitan efekat subakutnog (30 dana) oralnog unosa varfarina na hematoloÅ”ke parametre i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi kod dva soja pacova Albino Oxford (AO) i Dark Agouti (DA) koji se raz- likuju u osetljivosti na iste hemijske agense. Kod jedinki AO soja zapažena je veÄa smrtnost nakon konzumiranja doze od 4 mg Lā1 kao i veÄa osetljivost na antikoagulantno dejstvo varfarina pri nižim dozama (2 mg Lā1) koje je praÄeno poveÄanjem nekih hematoloÅ”kih parametara. Iako kod jedinki oba soja dolazi do poveÄanja broja neutrofilnih leukocita periferne krvi pri dozi od 2 mg Lā1, promene u osnovnim proinflamatornim aktivnostima ovih Äelija su zapažene samo kod jedinki DA soja. Promene u broju neutrofilnih leukocita u krvi DA jedinki su praÄene poveÄanjem broja granulocitnih prekursora u koÅ”tanoj srži, dok prisustvo neutrofila u pluÄima AO jedinki ukazuje na razmenu Äelija izmeÄu periferne krvi i pluÄnog intravaskularnog pula Äelija. Diferencijalne sojnoāzavisne promene u aktivnosti mononuklearnih Äelija periferne krvi su takoÄe zapažene. Razlike u efektu oralno unetog varfarina mogu da imaju implikacije za osobe na oralnoj varfarinskoj terapiji.Projekat ministarstva br. 17303
Strain differences in the toxicity of the vitamin K antagonist warfarin in rats
Warfarin (3-(Ī±-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxy coumarin) is a vitamin K (VK) antagonist that inhibits vitamin K-dependent (VKD) processes, such as blood coagulation. It also exerts an influence on some non-VKD-related activities. In this study, the effect of sub-acute (30-day) oral warfarin (2 and 1 mg L-1) intake on hematological parameters was examined in two rat strains, Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA), that differ in their sensitivity to certain chemicals. Greater susceptibility to the anticoagulant effect of 2 mg L-1 of warfarin was observed in AO rats and was associated with an increase in the relevant hematological parameters in this strain. Although both strains responded to 2 mg L-1 of warfarin with quantitative changes in the peripheral blood leukocytes, differential bone marrow and lung responses were observed. Strain-related differences in the pro-inflammatory activity of peripheral blood granulocytes and in mononuclear cell IFN-Ī³ production were observed. Recognition of differences in quantitative and qualitative effects of oral warfarin on processes other than hemostasis might be of relevance for those humans who are on warfarin therapy.Varfarin (3-Ī±-acetonilbenzil)-4āhidroksikumarin) je antagonist vitamina K (VK) koji inhibira procese zavisne od ovog vitamina, ukljuÄujuÄi koagulaciju krvi. Osim toga, on ispoljava i aktivnosti koje ne zavise od vitamina K kao Å”to su anti-tumorska i imunomodulatorna aktivnost. U ovom radu je ispitan efekat subakutnog (30 dana) oralnog unosa varfarina na hematoloÅ”ke parametre i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi kod dva soja pacova Albino Oxford (AO) i Dark Agouti (DA) koji se raz- likuju u osetljivosti na iste hemijske agense. Kod jedinki AO soja zapažena je veÄa smrtnost nakon konzumiranja doze od 4 mg Lā1 kao i veÄa osetljivost na antikoagulantno dejstvo varfarina pri nižim dozama (2 mg Lā1) koje je praÄeno poveÄanjem nekih hematoloÅ”kih parametara. Iako kod jedinki oba soja dolazi do poveÄanja broja neutrofilnih leukocita periferne krvi pri dozi od 2 mg Lā1, promene u osnovnim proinflamatornim aktivnostima ovih Äelija su zapažene samo kod jedinki DA soja. Promene u broju neutrofilnih leukocita u krvi DA jedinki su praÄene poveÄanjem broja granulocitnih prekursora u koÅ”tanoj srži, dok prisustvo neutrofila u pluÄima AO jedinki ukazuje na razmenu Äelija izmeÄu periferne krvi i pluÄnog intravaskularnog pula Äelija. Diferencijalne sojnoāzavisne promene u aktivnosti mononuklearnih Äelija periferne krvi su takoÄe zapažene. Razlike u efektu oralno unetog varfarina mogu da imaju implikacije za osobe na oralnoj varfarinskoj terapiji.Projekat ministarstva br. 17303
Intestinal and systematic immune effects of oral cadmium intake in rats
Kadmijum (Cd) je teŔki metal koji se nalazi u svim delovima životne sredine,
nema poznatu bioloÅ”ku funkciju i ima Å”tetno dejstvo na žive sisteme. NajÄeÅ”Äi put
izloženosti Cd je oralni, preko kontaminirane vode i hrane, kada je primarna meta
toksiÄnosti ovog metala gastrointestinalni trakt. Poznato je da Cd oÅ”teÄuje tkivo creva i
remeti funkciju epitelne barijere koja je neophodna za održavanje imunske homeostaze,
meÄutim mehanizmi imunotoksiÄnosti u ovoj regiji nisu dovoljno ispitani. Dodatno,
poznato je da toksiÄni efekti Cd mogu da zavise i od genetske osnove / soja
eksperimentalnih životinja, ali sojne razlike u intestinalnoj toksiÄnosti oralnog unosa Cd
do sada nisu ispitane.
Ova disertacija je imala za cilj karakterizaciju efekta subhroniÄne oralne primene
Cd na imunski sistem creva pacova. Pacovi su bili 30 dana oralno (u vodi za piÄe)
izloženi Cd u obliku kadmijum hlorida (CdCl2) u koncentraciji 5 ppm (5 mg Cd/l) i 50
ppm (50 mg Cd/l) Cd, Ŕto odgovara dozama prisutnim u životnoj sredini. U okviru
lokalnog imunomodulatornog efekta Cd ispitivani su osnovni parametri imunskog
odgovora u duodenumu (kao mestu najveÄe apsorpcije Cd) i mezenteriÄnim limfnim
Ävorovima (MLÄ) koji dreniraju intestinum. U duodenumu su ispitani pokazatelji
tkivnog oÅ”teÄenja, oksidativnog stresa i zapaljenskih promena, a u MLÄ su ispitane
osnovne fenotpiske karakteristike i parametri aktivnosti Äelija ovog limfnog tkiva
(celularnost, proliferacija, citokinski odgovor, uroÄeno-imunska aktivnost Äelija). Pored
lokalnog, ispitan je i sistemski odgovor na oralni unos Cd ukljuÄujuÄi humoralne i
Äelijske parametre zapaljenske reakcije u krvi (promene hematoloÅ”kih parametara,
prisustvo medijatora inflamacije i oksidativnog stresa), kao i oksidativni stres i osnovne
karakteristike uroÄenog i adaptivnog imunskog odgovora u slezini, limfnom organu u
kome se uspostavlja imunski odgovor na antigene iz krvi...Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal which is found in every part of the environment,
it does not have any known biological function and has an adverse effect upon the living
systems. The most common way of Cd exposure is orally, through contaminated water
and food, where the prime target of this metal toxicity is the gastrointestinal tract. It is
known that Cd causes damage to intestinal tissue and disrupts the epithelial barrier
function which is necessary for maintaining immune homeostasis, however, the
immunotoxicity mechanisms in this region have not been examined sufficiently.
Additionally, it is known that Cd toxic effects may depend also on genetic background /
strain of experimental animals, but the strain-dependent differences in intestinal toxicity
of oral Cd intake have not been examined to date.
This dissertation was aimed at characterization of the effect of subchronic oral
Cd administration on ratās intestinal immune system. Rats were, for 30 days, orally (in
drinking water) exposed to Cd in the form of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) at
concentration of 5 ppm (5 mg Cd/l) and 50 ppm and (50 mg Cd/l) of Cd, which
corresponds to the doses present in the environment. Within the local
immunomodulatory Cd effect, basic parameters of immune response in duodenum
(region of greatest Cd absorption) and in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) which drain
intestine, were investigated. The indicators of tissue damage, oxidative stress and
inflammatory changes were tested in duodenum, whereas in the MLN basic phenotype
characteristics and parameters of this lymph tissue cells' activities (cellularity,
proliferation, cytokine responses, and innate-immune cell activity) were tested. Besides
the local, the systemic response to oral Cd intake was tested as well, including humoral
and cellular parameters of the inflammatory reaction in blood (changes in hematological
parameters, presence of inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress), as well as
oxidative stress and basic characteristics of the innate and adaptive immune response in
the spleen, a lymph organ in which immune response to blood borne antigens are
Poly(DL-Lactide-co-Īµ-Caprolactone)/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Composite Implant for Controlled Delivery of Cationic Drugs.
Poly(DL-lactide-co-Īµ-caprolactone)/poly(acrylic acid) implantable composite reservoirs for cationic drugs are synthesized by sequentially applying photoirradiation and liquid phase inversion. The chemical composition and microstructure of reservoirs are characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Drug loading and release properties are investigated using methylene blue as the drug model. Biocompatibility of reservoirs is examined through a series of in vitro tests and an in vivo experiment of subcutaneous implantation in Dark Agouti rats. Reservoirs show good ion-exchange capacity, high water content, and fast reversible swelling with retained geometry. Results of drug loading and release reveal excellent loading efficiency and diffusion-controlled release during 2 weeks. Biocompatibility tests in vitro demonstrate the lack of implant proinflammatory potential and hindered adhesion of L929 cells on the implant surface. Implants exhibit low acute toxicity and elicit a normal acute foreign body reaction that reaches the early stages of fibrous capsule formation after 7 days
Poly(DL-Lactide-co-Īµ-Caprolactone)/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Composite Implant for Controlled Delivery of Cationic Drugs.
Poly(DL-lactide-co-Īµ-caprolactone)/poly(acrylic acid) implantable composite reservoirs for cationic drugs are synthesized by sequentially applying photoirradiation and liquid phase inversion. The chemical composition and microstructure of reservoirs are characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Drug loading and release properties are investigated using methylene blue as the drug model. Biocompatibility of reservoirs is examined through a series of in vitro tests and an in vivo experiment of subcutaneous implantation in Dark Agouti rats. Reservoirs show good ion-exchange capacity, high water content, and fast reversible swelling with retained geometry. Results of drug loading and release reveal excellent loading efficiency and diffusion-controlled release during 2 weeks. Biocompatibility tests in vitro demonstrate the lack of implant proinflammatory potential and hindered adhesion of L929 cells on the implant surface. Implants exhibit low acute toxicity and elicit a normal acute foreign body reaction that reaches the early stages of fibrous capsule formation after 7 days
Proinflammatory cytokine responses in skin and epidermal cells following epicutaneous administration of anticoagulant rodenticide warfarin in rats
Context: Dermal toxicity of coumarin anticoagulant rodenticides, such as
warfarin, represents potential risk for workers handling these agents
and for individuals applying easily available rodenticides in their
households as well.
Objective: In this study, proinflammatory effects of repeated
epicutaneous administration of warfarin in rats were explored by
examining inflammatory cytokine skin responses.
Materials and methods: Ex vivo production of IL-1 beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha
and IL-17 by skin explants and by epidermal cells isolated by enzyme
(dispase/trypsin) digestion from skin repeatedly (once a day, three
consecutive days) exposed to 10 mu g of warfarin was measured 24 h and
72 h following the last warfarin application by ELISAs for respective
rat cytokines.
Results: Warfarin treatment resulted in histological changes, but skin
or epidermal cell viability were not compromised, judging by MTT
reduction assay. Both skin and epidermal cells responded to
administration of this agent by production of all examined inflammatory
cytokines (skin explants by TNF-alpha and IL-17; epidermal cells by IL-1
beta and TNF-alpha) except IL-6. Discussion: Along with
histomorphological changes, cytokines indicate functional consequences
in treated skin. IL-1 beta production, that precede production of
TNF-alpha, might be responsible for production of the latter cytokine.
Sustained production of IL-1 beta suggests persistence of epidermal cell
stimulation or existence of some amplification mechanisms. Requirements
for T cells seem to exist concerning epidermal cell IL-17 production.
Conclusion: Presented data provide additional new information concerning
proinflammatory effects of warfarin.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the
Republic of Serbia {[}173039
Strain differences in the immune mechanisms of resistance of immunocompetent rats to pulmonary aspergillosis
Although the relevance of genetically-based variations in susceptibility
to pulmonary aspergillosis was shown in immunocompromised mice and is
indicated in humans, there is virtually no information concerning
variations in antifungal immune responses in resistant individuals. We
have shown recently the relevance of proinflammatory cytokine
(interferon-gamma/IFN-gamma and interleukin-17/IL-17) responses in
resistance to sublethal Aspergillus fumigatus infection of
non-suppressed Dark Agouti (DA) rats (strain known of a substantial
immune reactivity to noxious insults). In this study, anti-fungal immune
activities of leukocytes recovered from lungs by enzyme digestion
(phagocytosis, oxidative activity, hyphal killing, CD11b expression, as
well as production of IFN-gamma, IL-17 and Th2/anti-inflammatory
cytokines interleukin-4/IL-4 and interleukin-10/IL-10) were investigated
in less reactive Albino Oxford (AO) and compared to DA rats. Elimination
of fungus from lungs of AO rats was associated with lower degree of
leukocyte infiltration and of the majority of their basic effector
activities in comparison to DA rats. Lower production of IFN-gamma by
pulmonary leukocytes was observed early (day 1) post infection (p.i.) in
AO compared to DA rats, but without changes in IL-4. Both strains
responded to infection by an increase of IL-17 and IL-10, but production
of cytokines was higher (from days 7 p.i. and 3 p.i. for IL-17 and
IL-10, respectively) in AO compared to DA rats. The levels and pattern
of IFN-gamma and IL-4 responses by draining lymph node (dLN) cells were
similar in both strains and basically corresponded to those of lung
leukocytes. In contrast, similar levels of draining lymph node cell
production of IL-17 and IL-10 were observed in both strains with lack of
changes in mRNA, what suggests additional stimulation of these cytokines
in lungs of AO rats. The knowledge of strain differences in the
immune-based strategies in response of immunocompetent hosts to A.
fumigatus might contribute to our understanding of variations in
underlying mechanisms that enable of resistance to this fungus. (C) 2015
Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the
Republic of Serbia {[}173039