6,532 research outputs found
Konsumsi Tanin dan Fitat sebagai Determinan Penyebab Anemia pada Remaja Putri di SMA Negeri 10 Makassar
Anemia yang sangat umum dijumpai di Indonesia adalah anemia gizi. Perilaku konsumsi remaja terhadap makanan yang serba instan dan kurang bergizi akan menyebabkan terjadinya masalah gizi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan asupan zat gizi mikro, pelancar dan penghambat absorbsi zat besi dengan status Hb pada remaja putri di SMAN 10 Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh siswi di SMAN 10 Makassar berjumlah 380 orang. Sampel penelitian ini adalah remaja putri yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penarikan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan besar sampel 148 siswi. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan uji independent sample t test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan status Hb adalah asupan tanin/konsumsi teh (p=0,013) dan fitat ( p=0,048) sedangkan variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan status Hb adalah asupan Fe (p=0,776), vitamin B6 (p=0,915), vitamin B12 (p=0,094), vitamin C (p=0,683), vitamin A (p=0,340) protein (p=0,399) dan kalsium (p=0,673). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara asupan asam folat remaja putri anemia dengan tidak anemia (p=0,680). Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa ada hubungan asupan penghambat zat besi (tanin/konsumsi teh dan fitat) dengan status Hb remaja putri di SMAN 10 Makassar tahun 2014
Differential sensitivity of brainstem vs cortical astrocytes to changes in pH reveals functional regional specialization of astroglia
Astrocytes might function as brain interoceptors capable of detecting different (chemo)sensory modalities and transmitting sensory information to the relevant neural networks controlling vital functions. For example, astrocytes which reside near the ventral surface of the brainstem (central respiratory chemosensitive area) respond to physiological decreases in pH with vigorous elevations in intracellular Ca(2+) and release of ATP. ATP transmits astroglial excitation to the brainstem respiratory network and contributes to adaptive changes in lung ventilation. Here we show that in terms of pH-sensitivity ventral brainstem astrocytes are clearly distinct from astrocytes residing in the cerebral cortex. We monitored vesicular fusion in cultured rat brainstem astrocytes using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and found that approximately 35% of them respond to acidification with an increased rate of exocytosis of ATP-containing vesicular compartments. These fusion events require intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and are independent of autocrine ATP actions. In contrast, the rate of vesicular fusion in cultured cortical astrocytes is not affected by changes in pH. Compared to cortical astrocytes, ventral brainstem astrocytes display higher levels of expression of genes encoding proteins associated with ATP vesicular transport and fusion, including vesicle-associated membrane protein-3 and vesicular nucleotide transporter. These results suggest that astrocytes residing in different parts of the rat brain are functionally specialized. In contrast to cortical astrocytes, astrocytes of the brainstem chemosensitive area(s) possess signaling properties which are functionally relevant – they are able to sense changes in pH and respond to acidification with enhanced vesicular release of ATP
Bias correction factors for near-Earth asteroids
Knowledge of the population size and physical characteristics (albedo, size, and rotation rate) of near-Earth asteroids (NEA's) is biased by observational selection effects which are functions of the population's intrinsic properties and the size of the telescope, detector sensitivity, and search strategy used. The NEA population is modeled in terms of orbital and physical elements: a, e, i, omega, Omega, M, albedo, and diameter, and an asteroid search program is simulated using actual telescope pointings of right ascension, declination, date, and time. The position of each object in the model population is calculated at the date and time of each telescope pointing. The program tests to see if that object is within the field of view (FOV = 8.75 degrees) of the telescope and above the limiting magnitude (V = +1.65) of the film. The effect of the starting population on the outcome of the simulation's discoveries is compared to the actual discoveries in order to define a most probable starting population
Trends of the major porin gene (ompF) evolution
OmpF is one of the major general porins of Enterobacteriaceae that belongs to the first line of bacterial defense and interactions with the biotic as well as abiotic environments. Porins are surface exposed and their structures strongly reflect the history of multiple interactions with the environmental challenges. Unfortunately, little is known on diversity of porin genes of Enterobacteriaceae and the genus Yersinia especially. We analyzed the sequences of the ompF gene from 73 Yersinia strains covering 14 known species. The phylogenetic analysis placed most of the Yersinia strains in the same line assigned by 16S rDNA-gyrB tree. Very high congruence in the tree topologies was observed for Y. enterocolitica, Y. kristensenii, Y. ruckeri, indicating that intragenic recombination in these species had no effect on the ompF gene. A significant level of intra- and interspecies recombination was found for Y. aleksiciae, Y. intermedia and Y. mollaretii. Our analysis shows that the ompF gene of Yersinia has evolved with nonrandom mutational rate under purifying selection. However, several surface loops in the OmpF porin contain positively selected sites, which very likely reflect adaptive diversification Yersinia to their ecological niches. To our knowledge, this is a first investigation of diversity of the porin gene covering the whole genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae. This study demonstrates that recombination and positive selection both contribute to evolution of ompF, but the relative contribution of these evolutionary forces are different among Yersinia species
Pemanfaatan Anggrek Sebagai Bahan Obat Tradisional Pada Etnis Batak Sumatera Utara [Utilitation of Orchids as Medicinal Plants by Ethnic Batak of North Sumatra]
Sumatra has rich diversity of orchids. The local communities in Sumatra have been used orchids as a ornamental plant, food, and medicine. Research on utilitation of orchids as medicinal plants by ethnic Batak of North Sumatra was conducted using ethnobotanical methods. The objectives of the research was to know species of orchids that were used as medicinal plants by Batak ethnic in North Sumatra. Respond-ents consisted of traditional medicine plants traders in the traditional markets and traditional healers. We found as many as seven species of 6 genera of orchids have been used as traditional medicine. Those orchids used as medicine for fever, aphrodisiac, maintain stamina, respira-tory disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders
New approach in crime suppression raises many complex issues in criminal proceedings arrangement. Current reforms of criminal proceedings follow contemporary trends in the field of fight against corruption and organized crime and active development in the area of rights and freedoms protection. Bosnia and Herzegovina has recently entered the period of long-reaching changes in the process of uncovering and proving criminal offenses and interfering with basic human rights and freedoms. The goal of all of these changes can be represented as: more efficient fight against rising corruption and organized crime; incorporating new methods of fight against complex forms of contemporary crimes; speeding up of the criminal proceedings; simplification of criminal procedure for minor criminal offenses; protection of human rights and freedoms and harmonization of criminal regulations within Bosnia and Herzegovina. By the Criminal Procedure Codes of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2003 changes have been achieved in those procedural norms and institutes that are related to uncovering of criminal offenses and their perpetrators, thus in part of criminal proceedings marked as investigation. Viewed as a whole, investigation as a part of preliminary proceedings is structured primarily on inquisitory and only certain accusatory elements. Thus, the prosecutor orders and conducts investigation independently rather than the court which implies that it carries out criminal prosecution but also investigation of criminal offense. In that sense, these laws depart form concept of investigative judge and conduct of investigation entrusted to prosecutor as well as to police, customs, tax and other authorities that must undertake their activities in accordance with the law and under supervision of the prosecutor. Rights and duties of the prosecutor during investigation and its relation towards other authorities in the stage of uncovering criminal offense are of special significance considering that results of trial to a considerable extent depend on well conducted and successful investigation as a beginning stage of criminal proceedings. Role of a judge in this stage of criminal proceedings comes into play in the event of application of procedural coercion measure and restriction of certain basic rights and freedoms of a suspect.Novi pristup u suzbijanju kriminaliteta otvara mnoga složena pitanja u uređenju krivičnog postupka. Sadašnje reforme krivičnog postupka prate savremene tendencije na području borbe protiv korupcije i organizovanog kriminaliteta, te dinamičan razvoj na području zaštite prava i sloboda čovjeka. U razdoblje dalekosežnih promjena u postupku otkrivanja i dokazivanja krivičnih djela i zahvata u osnovna prava i slobode čovjeka odnedavno je ušla i Bosni i Hercegovini. Cilj svih ovih promjena može se predstaviti kao: efikasnija borba protiv rastuće korupcije i organizovanog kriminaliteta; ugrađivanje novih metoda u borbi protiv složenih oblika savremenog kriminaliteta; ubrzanje krivičnog postupka; pojednostavljenje krivičnog postupka za lakša krivična djela; zaštita prava i Sloboda čovjeka i harmonizacija krivičnopravnih propisa unutar Bosne i Hercegovine. Zakonima o krivičnom postupku Bosne i Hercegovine iz 2003 godine realizovane su promjene i u onim procesnim normama i institutima koji su u vezi s otkrivanjem krivičinih djela i njegovih učinioca, dakle u dijelu krivičnog postupka koji se označava kao istraga. Posmatrano u cjelini, istraga je kao dio prethodnog postupka strukturirana prvenstveno na inkvizitornim i samo nekim akuzatornim elementima. Tako, nezavisno i potpuno samostalno istragu naređuje i sprovodi tužilac, a ne više sud, što znači da on vrši ne samo funkciju krivičnog gonjenja već i funkciju istraživanja krivičnog djela. U tom smislu, ovi zakoni napuštaju concept istražnog sudije i vođenje istrage povjeravaju tužiocu, kao i policijskim, carinskim, poreskim i drugim organima koji svoje aktivnosti moraju preduzimati u skladu sa zakonom i pod nadzorom tužioca. Prava i dužnosti tužioca tokom sprovođenja istrage i njegov odnos prema drugim organima u fazi otkrivanja krivičnog djela od naročitog su značaja s obzirom da rezultati suđenja u ozbiljnoj mjeri zavisi od kvalitetnog i uspješnog vođenja istrage kao početnog stadija krivičnog postupka. Funkcija sudije u ovoj fazi krivičnog postupka dolazi do izražaja u slučajevima primjene mjera procesne prinude, te ograničavanja određenih osnovnih prava i sloboda osumnjičenog lica
Hubungan Perfeksionisme dengan Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Siswa Akselerasi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perfeksionisme dengan kesejahteraan psikologis pada siswa akselerasi di SMAN 1 dan 7 Banjarmasin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh dalam pengambilan sampel. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa akselerasi di SMAN 1 dan SMAN 7 Banjarmasin sebanyak 35 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Skala Perfeksionisme dan Skala Kesejahteraan Psikologis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi Pearson Product Moment diketahui r = 0, 587, yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara perfeksionisme dengan kesejahteraan psikologis pada siswa akselerasi di SMAN 1 dan 7 Banjarmasin. Sumbangan efektif perfeksionisme terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis pada siswa akselerasi sebesar 34,5%, sedangkan 65,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar perfeksionisme. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi perfeksionisme maka akan semakin baik kesejahteraan psikologis pada siswa akselerasi, sehingga hasil penelitian ini kurang sesuai dengan asumsi awal penelitian yang mengajukan bahwa kemungkinan terdapat hubungan negatif antara perfeksionisme dengan kesejahteraan psikologis pada siswa akselerasi di SMAN 1 dan 7 Banjarmasin. Kata Kunci: Perfeksionisme, Kesejahteraan Psikologis, Siswa Akselerasi The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between perfectionism and psychological well-being of accelerated students at SMAN 1 and 7 Banjarmasin. The study used a quantitative research method, using saturation sampling techniques. The subjects were 35 accelerated students of SMAN 1 and 7 Banjarmasin while the instruments were Perfectionism Scale and Psychological Wellbeing Scale. The results of Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis showed that r = 0.587, which indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between perfectionism and psychological well-being of accelerated student at SMAN 1 and 7 Banjarmasin. The effective contribution of perfectionism to the accelerated students' psychological well being was 34.5 %, while 65.5 % was influenced by other factors other than perfectionism. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the higher the perfectionism, the better the psychological well-being of the accelerated students; therefore, the results were less consistent with the initial assumption suggesting that there might be a negative relationship between perfectionism and psychological well-being of the accelerated students at SMAN 1 and 7 Banjarmasin
Eliminasi Sugarcane Mosaic Virus melalui Kemoterapi pada Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum) Varietas NXI-2T secara In Vitro
Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi ribavirin, yang mampu mengeliminasi SCMV secara keseluruhan, melalui hasil uji serologi DAS-ELISA dan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi ribavirin yang tidak menimbulkan gejala phytotoxic pada tebu (S._officinarum) varietas NXI-2T, yang ditunjukan dengan data pengamatan tentang pertumbuhan tunas dan panjang tunas tertinggi. Eksplan berasal jaringan meristem apikal tebu (S. officinarum) varietas NXI 2T yang telah terbukti terinfeksi SCMV penyebab penyakit mozaik. Eksplan diinokulasikan pada media antiviral ribavirin dengan konsentrasi 0 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm dan 40 ppm selama 6 minggu. Kemudian, eksplan ditanam pada media pertumbuhan hingga menjadi planlet dan diamati tinggi tunas serta jumlah tunas eksplan selama 6 minggu. Berdasarkan pengamatan respon pertumbuhan eksplan dengan parameter tinggi tunas dan jumlah tunas, morfologi eksplan serta hasil uji keberadaan SCMV pada eksplan tebu (S. officinarum) varietas NXI-2T setelah perlakuan, diperoleh hasil yaitu pada penanaman planlet tebu (S. officinarum) varietas NXI 2T media antiviral ribavirin 10 ppm hingga 40 ppm tidak menimbulkan penghambatan respon pertumbuhan eksplan dan gejala phytotoxic secara permanen serta, media antiviral ribavirin yang mampu mengeliminasi SCMV sebesar 100% adalah dengan konsentrasi ribavirin 30 ppm dan 40 ppm pada media antiviral dengan lama perlakuan kemoterapi selama 6 minggu. Sehingga, konsentrasi ribavirin yang optimum untuk mengeliminasi SCMV pada tebu (S. officinarum) varietas NXI 2T adalah 30 ppm dan 40 pp
Analisis Bauran Pemasaran Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Di Just Coffee Specialty Surabaya
Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari produk, lokasi, karyawan, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen dalam memilih Just Coffee Specialty, serta mengetahui faktor mana yang berpengaruh dominan. Penulisan ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif terhadap 90 responden sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penulisan diperoleh pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari produk, lokasi, karyawan, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian dan secara dominan faktor karyawan yang mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen dalam memilih Just Coffee Speciaty SurabayaThe purpose of this research is to determine the effect of product, location, people and price on consumer purchase decisions in Just Coffee Speciaty Surabaya, and to know which factor is the most dominant one. This research is a quantitative analysis using 90 respondents. Based on the research, it shows positive and significant effects of product, location, people, and price on consumer purchase decisions and people has the most influence on consumer purchase decisions in Just Coffee Specialty Surabay
Biosorption of copper(II) and chromium(VI) by modified tea fungus
The tea fungus was found to have good adsorption capacities for heavy metal ions. In this work it was treated with HCl or NaOH at 20°C or 100°C, with the aim to improve its adsorption ability. The sorption of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by raw and treated tea fungus was investigated in the batch mode. The largest quantity of adsorbed Cu(II), of about 55 mg/g, was achieved by tea fungus modified with NaOH at 100°C. For Cr(VI), the largest quantity of adsorbed anions, of about 58 mg/g, was achieved by the adsorbent modified with NaOH at 20°C. It was shown that acid modification of tea fungus biomass was not effective. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43005 i br. TR 31002
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