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    RESUMO: Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da substituição dos grãos secos de milho (GSM) pela silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM) sobre a produção e composição do leite, foram utilizadas cinco vacas da raça Holandesas, primíparas com média de 112 dias pós-parto, confinadas em Tie Stall, por 70 dias. Utilizou-se cinco rações de acordo com o NRC para 17,5% PB (MS) e 2,4 Mcal EM/kg MS, na relação 40:60 de volumoso e concentrado contendo farelo de soja, silagem de cana de açúcar e feno e níveis de substituição dos GSM pela SGUM nos tratamentos: 1) 0%; 2) 25%; 3) 50%; 4) 75% e 5) 100%. A produção de leite e o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foram registrados diariamente. Os animais foram ordenhados diariamente 6:00 e 18:00 h, sendo as amostras de leite coletadas nas ordenhas consecutivas de cada fase experimental de 14 dias (quatro dias de coleta). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o Quadrado Latino 5x5 e os dados analisados pelo programa estatístico SAS. O peso corporal (508 kg), produção de leite (23,6 kg), produção de leite corrigida (22,7 kg), CMS (17,13 kg), não apresentaram diferença significativas, porém os consumos de fibra em detergente neutro (6,67 kg), e em detergente ácido (3,39 kg), eficiência alimentar para produção de leite (1,41 kg leite/dia) o nitrogênio uréico (17,67 mg/dL) apresentaram diferença, indicando desta forma que a SGUM é mais eficiente que os GSM na dieta de vacas em lactação por não  alterar a produção e composição do leite

    O desmame e a suplementação alimentar de cordeiros em terminação e seu efeito sobre as características morfológicas da pastagem, consumo de forragem e o comportamento de cordeiros.

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    Orientadora : Profª Drª Alda Lúcia Gomes MonteiroCo-orientadores : Prof. Dr. Anibal de Moraes, Prof. Dr. Ciniro Costa, Dr. João Ricardo Dittrich, Prof. Dr. Patrick SchmidtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/02/2010Bibliografia: fls. 66-68Área de concentração: Produção vegetalResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do desmame precoce e da suplementação concentrada nas características da pastagem, no consumo de forragem e no comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros em pastagem de Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos, três repetições, e cinco cordeiros testes por repetição. Foram utilizados 60 cordeiros Suffolk, sendo 36 fêmeas e 24 machos não castrados. Os tratamentos coresponderam à combinação entre estratégias de desmame precoce e suplementação concentrada, que resultou nos seguintes sistemas de terminação: 1) cordeiros terminados ao pé da mãe e não suplementados; 2) cordeiros terminados ao pé da mãe e suplementados com concentrado em creep feeding a partir dos 45±5 dias; 3) cordeiros desmamados aos 45±5 dias e não suplementados; 4) cordeiros desmamados aos 45±5 dias e suplementados com concentrado. O método de utilização da pastagem foi o de pastejo contínuo com ajuste de carga animal a cada 21 dias, mantendo-se a oferta de forragem em 12% do PV em MS/dia. Para a caracterização do ambiente pastoril, foi avaliada a composição morfológica da pastagem. Foram realizadas 4 bservações, de 24 horas cada, das atividades comportamentais dos cordeiros, de forma individualizada, tais como: pastejo, ruminação, amamentação, suplementação e outras atividades. A taxa de consumo foi medida por meio da técnica da dupla pesagem e a determinação da taxa de bocados foi feita por observação visual do número de bocados realizados pelo animal. O comportamento e a distribuição das atividades diárias realizadas pelos cordeiros foram influenciados pelas estratégias avaliadas. A presença exclusiva do leite ou do suplemento concentrado na dieta foram importantes moduladores da atividade de pastejo, sendo que a ausência destasfontes de nutrientes foi compensada pelo aumento no tempo de pastejo. Essa resposta reflete a diminuição do aporte nutricional e a menor eficiência na colheita da forragem pelos cordeiros. O desmame influenciou as características morfológicas da pastagem, que se mostraram favoráveis ao pastejo por cordeiros quando a mãe estava presente. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação do consumo de forragem indicaram que o desmame afetou as variáveis que descrevem o processo de pastejo, exceto para massa do bocado e velocidade de ingestão. Conclui-se que a terminação de cordeiros esmamados precocemente em pastagem ocasiona modificações nas características da pastagem, podendo limitar o consumo de forragem. A suplementação concentrada não interfere nas variáveis que escrevem o processo de pastejo em cordeiros mantidos em pastagens.Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate then early weaning and concentrate supplementation effect at pasture characteristics, forage intake and ingestive behavior of lambs grazing Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.). A randomized block design was used with four treatments, three replications and five lambs per replicate. A total of 60 Suffolk lambs, that 36 were females and 24 steers. The treatments had corresponded to the combinations between early weaning precocious and concentrate supplementation strategies, that resulted in the following ones finishing systems: 1) lambs kept with mothers without supplementation; 2) lambs kept with mothers supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding at 2% of body weigh (BW) in DM/day; 3) weaned lambs at 45 ± 5 days without supplementation and 4) weaned lambs at 45 ± 5 days and supplemented with concentrate at 2% of BW in DM/day. Grazing utilization meth d was continuous stocking with adjustment every 21 days, to maintain forage offer at 12% of BW in DM/day. To characterize the pastoral environment was assessed: morphological composition of pasture. There were made four observations the behavioral activities for individualy lambs per 24 hours, such as: grazing, ruminating, suckling, suplementation, and others activities. The intake rate was measured using the technique of double sampling and determination of bite rate was made by visual observation of the number of bits made for animal. The behavior and the distribution of daily activities made by the lambs are influenced for the strategies evalueted. The exclusive presence of milk or supplement concentrate in the diet are important modulators of razing activity, and the absence of these nutrient sources were offset per an increase in grazing time. This response considered the decrease in nutritional support and lower efficiency in harvesting the forage by lambs. The weaning influenced the morphological characteristics of the pasture, which showed favored the grazing by lamb when them mother was present. The results obtained in the evaluation of forage intake indicated that weaning were affected the variables that describe the process of grazing, except for bit mass and intake speed. We conclude that the finishing of early weaned lambs at grazing causes changes at pasture characteristics, which may limit forage intake.The concentrate supplementation does not affect the variables that describe the process of grazing lambs on pastures.

    O desmame e a suplementação alimentar de cordeiros em terminação e seu efeito sobre as características morfológicas da pastagem, consumo de forragem e o comportamento de cordeiros.

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    Orientadora : Profª Drª Alda Lúcia Gomes MonteiroCo-orientadores : Prof. Dr. Anibal de Moraes, Prof. Dr. Ciniro Costa, Dr. João Ricardo Dittrich, Prof. Dr. Patrick SchmidtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/02/2010Bibliografia: fls. 66-68Área de concentração: Produção vegetalResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do desmame precoce e da suplementação concentrada nas características da pastagem, no consumo de forragem e no comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros em pastagem de Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos, três repetições, e cinco cordeiros testes por repetição. Foram utilizados 60 cordeiros Suffolk, sendo 36 fêmeas e 24 machos não castrados. Os tratamentos coresponderam à combinação entre estratégias de desmame precoce e suplementação concentrada, que resultou nos seguintes sistemas de terminação: 1) cordeiros terminados ao pé da mãe e não suplementados; 2) cordeiros terminados ao pé da mãe e suplementados com concentrado em creep feeding a partir dos 45±5 dias; 3) cordeiros desmamados aos 45±5 dias e não suplementados; 4) cordeiros desmamados aos 45±5 dias e suplementados com concentrado. O método de utilização da pastagem foi o de pastejo contínuo com ajuste de carga animal a cada 21 dias, mantendo-se a oferta de forragem em 12% do PV em MS/dia. Para a caracterização do ambiente pastoril, foi avaliada a composição morfológica da pastagem. Foram realizadas 4 bservações, de 24 horas cada, das atividades comportamentais dos cordeiros, de forma individualizada, tais como: pastejo, ruminação, amamentação, suplementação e outras atividades. A taxa de consumo foi medida por meio da técnica da dupla pesagem e a determinação da taxa de bocados foi feita por observação visual do número de bocados realizados pelo animal. O comportamento e a distribuição das atividades diárias realizadas pelos cordeiros foram influenciados pelas estratégias avaliadas. A presença exclusiva do leite ou do suplemento concentrado na dieta foram importantes moduladores da atividade de pastejo, sendo que a ausência destasfontes de nutrientes foi compensada pelo aumento no tempo de pastejo. Essa resposta reflete a diminuição do aporte nutricional e a menor eficiência na colheita da forragem pelos cordeiros. O desmame influenciou as características morfológicas da pastagem, que se mostraram favoráveis ao pastejo por cordeiros quando a mãe estava presente. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação do consumo de forragem indicaram que o desmame afetou as variáveis que descrevem o processo de pastejo, exceto para massa do bocado e velocidade de ingestão. Conclui-se que a terminação de cordeiros esmamados precocemente em pastagem ocasiona modificações nas características da pastagem, podendo limitar o consumo de forragem. A suplementação concentrada não interfere nas variáveis que escrevem o processo de pastejo em cordeiros mantidos em pastagens.Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate then early weaning and concentrate supplementation effect at pasture characteristics, forage intake and ingestive behavior of lambs grazing Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.). A randomized block design was used with four treatments, three replications and five lambs per replicate. A total of 60 Suffolk lambs, that 36 were females and 24 steers. The treatments had corresponded to the combinations between early weaning precocious and concentrate supplementation strategies, that resulted in the following ones finishing systems: 1) lambs kept with mothers without supplementation; 2) lambs kept with mothers supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding at 2% of body weigh (BW) in DM/day; 3) weaned lambs at 45 ± 5 days without supplementation and 4) weaned lambs at 45 ± 5 days and supplemented with concentrate at 2% of BW in DM/day. Grazing utilization meth d was continuous stocking with adjustment every 21 days, to maintain forage offer at 12% of BW in DM/day. To characterize the pastoral environment was assessed: morphological composition of pasture. There were made four observations the behavioral activities for individualy lambs per 24 hours, such as: grazing, ruminating, suckling, suplementation, and others activities. The intake rate was measured using the technique of double sampling and determination of bite rate was made by visual observation of the number of bits made for animal. The behavior and the distribution of daily activities made by the lambs are influenced for the strategies evalueted. The exclusive presence of milk or supplement concentrate in the diet are important modulators of razing activity, and the absence of these nutrient sources were offset per an increase in grazing time. This response considered the decrease in nutritional support and lower efficiency in harvesting the forage by lambs. The weaning influenced the morphological characteristics of the pasture, which showed favored the grazing by lamb when them mother was present. The results obtained in the evaluation of forage intake indicated that weaning were affected the variables that describe the process of grazing, except for bit mass and intake speed. We conclude that the finishing of early weaned lambs at grazing causes changes at pasture characteristics, which may limit forage intake.The concentrate supplementation does not affect the variables that describe the process of grazing lambs on pastures.

    Associação de milho e sorgo secos e ensilados na terminação de cordeiros confinados

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das associações dos grãos de milho e de sorgo, secos e ensilados úmidos sobre o desempenho cordeiros mestiços Suffolk x Santa Inês e recuperação de amido fecal das dietas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos, três repetições e cinco cordeiros por repetições. Foram utilizados 60 cordeiros machos não castrados, mestiços Suffolk x Santa Inês, com média de 15,5 kg de peso corporal (PC) e 60 dias de idade. Quatro associações de grãos na dieta foram avaliadas: sorgo seco triturado + silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo (SS:SU); milho seco triturado + silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo (MS:SU); milho seco triturado + silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (MS:MU); sorgo seco triturado + silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SS:MU). Houve diferença para peso final e ganho de peso médio diário. Os cordeiros alimentados com associações de silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo SS:SU e MS:SU, apresentaram melhores resultados para peso final 26,18 e 29,46 kg e ganho de peso médio diário 139 e 162,4 g, respectivamente. Não observou diferença entre as associações de grãos para os consumos de matéria seca. Não houve diferença para recuperação dos teores de amido fecal (16,47% em média). A inclusão de sorgo associado na forma seca e ensilada em rações para cordeiros permite resultados semelhantes ao proporcionado pelo milho no desempenho sem influenciar o desempenho e a recuperação de amido fecalThis study aimed to evaluate the effect of associations of dry grains and wet corn and sorghum on the performance of Suffolk x Santa Ines lambs and recovery of diets fecal starch. The experimental design was a randomized block with four treatments, three replicates and five lambs for repetitions. Sixty non castrated male lambs with initial average weight (BW) of 15.5 kg and 60 days old were used in this experiment. Four associations of grain in the diet were evaluated: dry ground sorghum + high moisture grain sorghum silage (SS:SU); dry ground corn + high moisture grain sorghum silage (MS: SU); dry ground corn + high moisture corn silage (MS: MU), dry ground sorghum + high moisture corn silage (SS: MU). There were differences in final weight and average daily weight gain. The associations of lambs fed high moisture corn silage sorghum SS: MS E SU: SU, showed better results for final weight of 26.18 and 29.46 kg and average daily weight gain of 139 and 162.4 g, respectively. No difference was observed between the associations for grain dry matter intake. There was no difference in recovery of fecal starch content (16.47% on average). The inclusion of sorghum silage associated with dry grain in rations for lambs provides results similar to corn without affecting animal performance and recovery of fecal starchConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Marandu palisadegrass submitted to different sheep stocking rates: height and leaf: stem ratio

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    The experiment was carried out at the Sheep Experimental Farm of Federal University of Mato Grosso/Brazil, along the months of February to May 2008, during the rainy and the water-dry transition seasons. The area where the experiment were totaled 4500 m2, formed by the Marandu palisadegrass. This area was divided into 45 paddocks of 100 m2. We used 27 lambs Santa Inês (purebred) with 4 months of age and average weight of 22 kg. The lambs were grouped into nine lots of similar weights. The treatments consisted of three stocking rates, 2, 3 and 4 female lambs / paddocks, corresponding respectively to 40, 60 and 80 lambs / ha. Each treatment was represented by 15 repetitions totaling 45 plots, each representing a paddock of 100 m2. The paddocks were managed under the system of intermittent stocking with 7 days of occupation and 28 days of rest. All paddocks had the height measured in 10 points. We used the found height as a criterion for the choice of where to sample the plot residual forage mass. The cutting height was 5 cm in the ground. The samples were weighed and submitted to fractionation: leaf, stem and senescent material. We calculated the leaf: stem ratio, dividing the amount of dry residual amount of green leaves by stem + sheath. The data collected were submitted to variance and regression analysis at 5% significance level. There was a linear decrease as the stocking rate increased for leaf: stem + sheath, and the estimated values of 0.22, 0.17 and 0.11. A similar effect was also observed for the post grazing sward height, where each animal unit added to the stocking rate reduced 0.32 cm in the pasture height. The estimated values were 56.32, 49.50 and 43.34 cm, respectively for 40, 60 and 80 lambs / ha. There was higher areas excluded by the animals, being possible to display high heterogeneity kept in paddocks with lower stocking rate. Both the height of the canopy as leaf: stem ratio increased with the increase in the stocking rate

    Ingestive behavior and performance of female lambs under grazing

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    The ingestive behavior and performance of female lambs grazing on Marandu pasture submitted to different stocking rates during the rainy and transition season were evaluated. The experimental area with 4.500 m2 was divided into 45 paddocks of 100 m2 each. Twenty-seven Santa Ines female lambs (purebred) 4 months old and 22 kg of initial body weight were distributed in a completely randomized design, with nine replicates. Lambs were divided into 9 groups with the same initial weight and submitted to three stocking rates: 2, 3 and 4 lambs/paddock, which corresponded to 40, 60 and 80 lambs/ha, respectively. Each group of animals had a module of five paddocks, managed on intermittent grazing system, with 7 days of occupation and 28 d of rest. The feeding behavior of animals was assessed one day before the end of each experimental period, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, observing the activities of grazing, rumination, rest and water or mineral intake at every 15 minutes. Only activity happening in the moment of observation was considered. The liveweight gain of animals was calculated by the difference between weighing dates. The average daily gain was obtained dividing the WG by the total of the experimental period days. Weight gain per area was calculated by multiplying the number of animals per hectare in each stoking rate and their respective weight gain. Increase on time of grazing and reduction on time of ruminating and resting were observed as stocking rates increased. As the activities of behavior are mutually exclusive, animals of the stocking rates of 60 and 80 animals / ha showed lower rumination and resting times when compared with the lower stocking rate. Thus, animals in the stocking rates of about 80 to 60, showed 41% reduction in resting time. We observed the existence of a negative linear effect for average daily gain. Lambs at stocking rates of 40, 60 and 80 lambs / ha had gains of 90, 67.64 and 45.62 grams per day, respectively. This is mainly due to the reduction in herbage mass and total mass of green leaf blade, caused by increasing the number of animals per paddock. It is noteworthy that the lowest daily earnings are also related to higher grazing time. The largest gain occurred in the area with 60 lambs / ha, 3.8 kg / ha / day. For the lowest and highest stocking rates, the gains for the respective areas were 3.58 and 3.45 kg / ha / day. Even with a higher number of lambs / ha, the highest stocking rate did not result in higher gain per unit area, probably due to the effect of lower gain (45.62 g / day) for the group

    Tenderness charactherization of ostrich meat commercial cuts

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    The ostrich meat has become an interesting source of protein as well as being an alternative to red meat, because of its healthy fatty acid profile, with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low content of intramuscular fat, which arouses the interest of people who want a low animal fat diet. Ostrich meat is also appreciated by the tenderness, since it is one of the larger impact characteristics on the acceptance of a meat product for consumers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tenderness of different ostrich meat commercial cuts and certificate that all studied cuts present tenderness acceptable by consumers. The laboratory tests were performed at the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Proteins (FMVZ), being measured shear force of seven commercial cuts of ostrich meat. The cuts were: internal thigh, external thigh, filet plan, filet out, filet small, rump and filet fan. The samples were boiled in water bath controlled by time and temperature. After chilling, fragments of 1.0 x 1.0 x 3.0 cm were removed from samples. Shear force measurements were performed using a mechanical Warner-Bratzler Shear Force equipment. The shear force means were: internal thigh (3.5 kg), external thigh (2.8 kg), filet plan (2.4 kg), filet out (1.6 kg), filet small (3.5 kg), rump (3.3 kg) and filet fan (2.0 kg). All the commercial cuts evaluated had very low values of shear force, denoting meat extremely tender. The classification of meat tenderness is based on shear force values, being values below 4.6 kg considered meat with desirable tenderness. All ostrich meat commercial cuts analyzed had shear force values lower than 4.6 kg, being classified as meat of extreme tenderness. The results found in this work allow concluding that ostrich meat can be considered tender. These findings lead us to consider the ostrich meat as an interesting alternative to red meat, in relation to tenderness and healthy fatty acid profile, being favorable for people suffering from heart disease