78 research outputs found
Submontane Beech Forests of Illyria
Es wurde festgestellt, dass illyrische submontane BuchenwƤlder eine Ƥhnliche floristische Zusammensetzung wie diejenigen in Mitteleuropa haben. Aber dazu enthalten sie viele illyricoide Pflanzen, die ihnen eine besondere Stellung in der Hierarchie der Synsy- stematik der BuchenwƤlder Europas sichern. So sind sie zurecht ins Epimedio-Fagenion und weiter ins Aremonio-Fagion eingereiht worden. Im Gebiet der illyrischen Florenprovinz sind drei Assoziationen der submontanen BuchenwƤlder beschrieben worden: das Hacquetio-Fagetum, das Vicio oroboidi-Fagetum die auch extrazonal in Pannonien erscheinen und das Melico nutantis-Fagetum. Das Omitbogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum und Helleboro odori-Fegetum gedeihen in den benachbarten Gebieten Illyriens und man beurteilt sie als extrazonale illyrische Vegetation.
Die Hauptassoziation der illyrischen submontanen BuchenwƤlder ist das Hacquetio-Fagetum, das in drei geographischen Varianten (Rassen) (Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Anemone trifolia, Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Geranium nodosum und Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Ruscus hypoglossum) zergliedert worden ist.UtvrÄeno je da ilirske submontane bukove Å”ume imaju sliÄan florni sastav kao i srednjoeuropske. Uz to one sadrže i nekoliko ilirikoidnih vrsta, koje im daju posebno mjesto u sinsistematskoj hijerarhiji europskih bukovih Å”uma. Stoga su one s pravom uvrÅ”tene u podsvezu Epimedio-Fagenion unutar sveze Aremonio-Fagion. Na podruÄju ilirske florne provincije opisane su tri asocijacije submontanih bukovih Å”uma: Hacquetio-Fagetum i Vicio oroboidi-Fagetum, koje se takoÄer pojavljuju ekstrazonalno u panonskom podruÄju te Melico nutantis-Fagetum. Asocijacije Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum i Helleboro odori-Fagetum uspijevaju u susjednim podruÄjima pa ih se smatra ekstrazonalnom ilirskom vegetacijom.
Glavnu asocijaciju ilirskih bukovih Ŕuma predstavlja zajednica Hacquetio- Fagetum, unutar koje se razlikuju tri geografske varijante (Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Anemone trifolia, Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Geranium nodosum i Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Ruscus hypoglossum).The author presents a short survey of the history of synsystematics of submontane beech forest of Illyricum. Earlier, the main part of degraded submontane beech forests in lower locations were regarded as carpineta, while the well preserved beech forests were ascribed to the montane fageta. Only when detailed synchorological, syndynamical and oecological research of Illyric carpineta and submontane fageta was undertaken, also Illyric submontane beech forests were recognized as association.
The author states that the Illyric-submontane beech forests consist of similar floristic components as those in Central Europe do. But in addition, they include several illyricoid taxa which place them in a particular position in the hierarchic synsystematics of European beech forests. For this reason they were rightly classified under the Epitnedio-Fagenion and further on under Aremonio-Fagion. In the area of the Illyric floral province, associations of submontane beech forests are described: Hacquetio-Fagetum, Vico oroboidi- Fagetum, wihich appear also extrazonally in Pannonia, and Melico nutantis- Fagetum. The Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum and Helleboro odori-Fagetum extend into the neighbouring areas of Illyricum and are regarded as extrazonal Illyrian vegetation.
The main association of Illyric submontane beech forests is Hacquetio-Fa- getum, which is divided into three geographic variants (Hacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Anemone trifolia, Flacquetio-F agetum var. geogr. Geranium nodosum and Flacquetio-Fagetum var. geogr. Ruscus hypoglossum
Syntaxonomical Problems of Forest Association in Easternalpine-Dinaric Area
Die Verfasser nehmen zu einigen Bestimmungen des Kodex eine kritische Stellung, vor allem in Bezug auf die Kennarten und die binomische Benennung der Waldgesellschaften auf einer rein floristischen Grundlage. Aufgrund eines eingehenden Studiums zahlreicher pflanzensoziologischer Tabellen der entsprechenden klimazonalen Pflanzengesellschaften im ostalpin-dinarischem Raum sind sie zum Beschluss gekommen, dass ein konsequentes Verharren an nur einer oder an zwei Kennarten, durch die die Assoziation in pflanzensoziologischer Hinsicht definiert werden soll, und an der damit verbundenen binomischen Nomenklatur, zu einem betonten Subjektivismus mit allen negativen Folgen fĆ¼hren kann.
Die Assoziation soll nicht nur durch eine oder zwei Kennarten gekennzeichnet sein, sondern durch mehrere Kennarten bzw. eine Kombination von Kenn- und Trennarten. Erlaubt sollte, wie bisher, auch eine trinomische Nomenklatur, vor allem auf einer floristischen oder floristisch- -ƶkologischen Grundlage, sein. Eine ƶkologische Benennung kƤme in Betracht, wenn eine Waldgesellschaft in pflanzengeographischer oder hƶhenmƤssiger Hinsicht gekennzeichnet ist.Autori zauzimaju kritiÄki stav prema nekim odredbama Koda fitosocioloÅ”ke nomenklature, osobito s obzirom na karakteristiÄne vrste i binominalno imenovanje Å”umskih zajednica iskljuÄivo na floristiÄkoj osnovi. Na temelju prouÄavanja mnogobrojnih fitocenoloÅ”kih tabela klimato- zonalnih zajednica istoÄnoalpsko-dinarskog podruÄja autori su doÅ”li do zakljuÄka da bi dosljedno insistiranje samo na jednoj ili dvjema karakteristiÄnim vrstama, po kojima bi se definirala zajednica u fitoce- noloÅ”kom smislu i s tim u vezi binominalno imenovanje, lako dovelo do subjektivizma sa svim negativnim posljedicama.
Predlaže se da se zajednica ne karakterizira samo jednom ili dvjema karakteristiÄnim vrstama, veÄ kombinacijom karakteristiÄnih i diferencijalnih vrsta. Trebalo bi takoÄer dopustiti trinominalnu nomenklaturu u prvom redu na floristiÄkoj osnovi ili kombinaciju floristiÄko-ekoloÅ”kih znaÄajki. Imenovanje prema ekoloÅ”kim znaÄajkama doÅ”lo bi u obzir pri opisivanju zajednica znaÄajnih za fitogeografsko podruÄje ili visinski pojas.We maintain a critical attitude towards certain definitions of Code with special regard to characteristic species and binomial nomenclature of forest associations on the basis of floristic composition only. Having studied numerous phytocoenological tables of climatozonal associations in the Eastern-Alpine-Dinaric area, we came to the conclusion that strict persistence on one or two characteristic species by wich the association in phytocoenological sense should be defined, and consequently on merely binomial nomenclature, could lead to emphasized subjectivism with all its negative consequences.
An association should not be defined only by one or two characteristic and differential species. Trinomial nomenclature should be permitted as well, especially on floristic basis or on combined floristic-ecological basis, as hitherto. Ecological nomenclature should be used when a forest association is defined in phytogeographical and in altitudinal terms
Ground beetle (Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on the area of Slovenske gorice
MoÄvirski kreÅ”iÄ (Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787) je v Evropi ogrožena habitatska vrsta gozdnih potokov, saj njegovo življenjsko okolje naglo izginja. UvrÅ”Äen je na seznam Direktive o ohranjanju naravnih habitatov ter prosto živeÄih živalskih in rastlinskih vrst. V diplomskem delu sem na podlagi znanih dejstev o njegovi biologiji raziskala, v katerem habitatu v Slovenskih goricah najdemo moÄvirskega kreÅ”iÄa. Ugotavljala sem, v kolikÅ”ni meri vplivajo izbrani biotski in abiotski dejavniki na prisotnost in Å”tevilÄnost moÄvirskega kreÅ”iÄa na obmoÄju Radgonsko-Kapelskih goric in na obmoÄju ob Muri od CerÅ”aka do Sladkega Vrha. Dobljene podatke sem primerjala z rezultati Å”tudije habitata moÄvirskega kreÅ”iÄa, izvedene v Vestfaliji v NemÄiji (Matern in sod., 2007). Raziskava je obsegala zimsko pregledovanje prezimovaliÅ”Ä in poletni popis s pomoÄjo talnih pasti. Ugotovila sem, da je moÄvirski kreÅ”iÄ v Slovenskih goricah sploÅ”no prisoten ob manjÅ”ih vodotokih (gozdni potoki, zamoÄvirjen gozd ā¦). Vezan je na obmoÄja z viÅ”jo vlažnostjo tal in pH-vrednostjo tal blizu nevtralnega obmoÄja. V veÄjem Å”tevilu se pojavlja na obmoÄjih z nižjim naklonom hriba na obeh bregovih potoka ter ob potokih s plitvo strugo, v gozdovih z veÄjo pokrovnostjo zeliÅ”Änega sloja, gostejÅ”im sklepom kroÅ”enj in manjÅ”o presvetljenostjo gozda, kjer od drevesnih vrst prevladujeta jelÅ”a in gaber. Glavni pogoj za izbiro oddaljenosti in najnižjo viÅ”ino prezimovaliÅ”Äa nad gladino vodnega vira je zadostna koliÄina vlage skozi vso zimo ter zagotovilo, da ob veÄji koliÄini padavin prezimovaliÅ”Äa ne zalije voda.MoÄvirski kreÅ”iÄ (Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787) is considered an endangered species in Europe as its natural habitat is disappearing rapidly. This species is listed in The Council Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. In my diploma paper, I researched, based on the known facts of his biology, in what type of habitat Carabus variolosus can be found in the area of Slovenske gorice. I also researched in what extent selected biotic and abiotic factors influence the presence and abundance of Carabus variolosus in the area of Radgonsko-Kapelske gorice and in the area of river Mura from CerÅ”ak to Sladki Vrh. I compared the acquired data with the results of the study of Carabus variolosusā habitat that was carried out in Westphalia, Germany (Matern et al., 2007). The research consisted winter examination of wintering area and summer inventory with the help of pitfall trap. I discovered that Carabus variolosus is generally present at the smaller watercourses (forest streams, marshy woods, ...) in Slovenske gorice. It is bound to the areas with a higher humidity and pH-value of the soil close to neutral. A larger number of species appears in the areas with a low slope incline on both banks of a brook and near brooks with a shallow bed, in forests with a high herbal ground cover, a thicker canopy closure and a lower light intensity in forests where alder and hornbeam are predominant. The principle requirement for the choice of distance and the lowest altitude of wintering area above the surface of water source is a sufficient amount of humidity and the assurance that the wintering area does not get flooded during heavier rainfalls
Forecasting PM10 particles in Slovenia using neural networks
V diplomski nalogi smo se posvetili problematiki onesnaženosti zraka z delci PM10 in njihovemu vplivu na zdravje. OsredotoÄili smo se na primerjavo razliÄnih modelov globokih nevronskih mrež (LSTM, CNN, MLP) in ansambelskega modela nakljuÄnih gozdov (RF) pri napovedovanju dnevne koncentracije delcev PM10. Uporabili smo meteoroloÅ”ke podatke in napovedi modela ECMWF za napovedovanje v Ljubljani, Celju, Zagorju in Kopru za danaÅ”nji in jutriÅ”nji dan. Za iskanje optimalnih hiperparametrov modelov smo uporabili metodo iskanja po mreži. UÄinkovitost napovednih modelov smo ocenjevali s tremi metrikami: MAE, MAPE in RMSE. Ugotovili smo, da se je LSTM najbolje odrezal pri napovedih za danaÅ”nji in Å”e zlasti pri napovedih za jutriÅ”nji dan. Rezultati so pokazali, da je med primerjanimi modeli LSTM najboljÅ”a izbira za napovedovanje delcev PM10, medtem ko so se drugi modeli odrezali razliÄno glede na kraj in dan napovedi. MLP se je priÄakovano odrezal najslabÅ”e, medtem ko je CNN presenetil z dobro uspeÅ”nostjo, zlasti pri napovedih za danaÅ”nji dan. Diplomska naloga ponuja vpogled v uÄinkovitost uporabe globokih nevronskih mrež za napovedovanje onesnaženosti zraka ter prispeva k razumevanju, kako lahko razliÄni modeli in metrike vplivajo na toÄnost napovedi.In this thesis, we focused on the prediction of air pollution in particularly with PM10. We concentrated on comparing various deep neural network models (LSTM, CNN, MLP) and the ensemble model random forests (RF) for predicting the daily concentration of PM10 particles. Data extracted from meteorological measurements and ECMWF model forecasts were used for PM10 predictions in Ljubljana, Celje, Zagorje, and Koper for the current and next day. To find the optimal hyperparameters of the models, we employed a grid search method. The effectiveness of the predictive models was evaluated using three metrics: MAE, MAPE, and RMSE. We found that LSTM performed best for predictions for today and was even more precise for predictions for tomorrow. The results showed that among the compared models, LSTM is the best choice for predicting PM10 concentrations, while other models varied in performance depending on the location and the day of prediction. As expected, MLP performed the worst, while CNN surprised with good efficiency, especially in today\u27s predictions. This thesis provides insight into the effectiveness of deep neural networks and for predicting air pollution and contributes to understanding how different models and metrics can affect the accuracy of predictions
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