2,559 research outputs found

    Analyzing Consumer’s Behaviour in Risk and Uncertainty Situations

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    In the paper we will generalize the Slutsky Equation in risk and uncertainty situations using the compensated and uncompensated demand and some local measures of risk aversion. We will obtain a nonlinear optimization problem of maximizing the expected utility; this problem will be solved using the Kuhn-Tucker method. We use the results to analyze the income and substitution effects of price changes on demand in risk and uncertainty conditions.Compensated demand, risk aversion, Slutsky Equation, uncertainty, uncompensated demand

    European Union on the international stage

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    The EU is facing crucial external challenges for its present and future stability, security and prosperity. The instability in the Middle East, terrorism, the global warming and environmental change issue, the world’s growing economic globalization and its outsiders, or the political and economical competition with the Chinese and Indian giants leading to increasingly rival partnerships must be properly understood and assessed in the full extend of their implications and consequences, and addressed by appropriate policies. But the future of EU’s role as an international actor is also being decisively shaped today by the challenges the EU faces from its Eastern neighborhood which are likely to have fundamental long term economical and political consequences on the EU. These challenges directly influence EU’s stability, security and prosperity and ability to be an international actor capable of identifying its interests, and successfully pursuing or protecting them.Keywords: foreign, relations, enlargement, world, actor.


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    The more profound world economic crisis has strongly marked the evolution of the Romanian financial system. The size of current account deficit, the relatively high external financing needs and the dependence of the banks on it, the high ratio between loans in foreign currency and deposits in foreign currency made of the Romanian economy, a risky destination for investors. In these conditions, since the end of 2008 and throughout 2009, the government's economic program was focused on reducing the external deficit in both public and private sector, on minimizing the effects of recession, on avoiding a crisis of the exchange rate and on cooling the inflationary pressures.monetary policy, exchange rate, external financing, budget deficit

    Merger as a Formula to Establish European Cooperative Societies

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    Council Regulation (EC) No 1.435/2003, of 22 July 2003, concerning the European Co-operative Statute (ECS), constitutes the legal basis for the creation of european cooperatives, facilitating the development of their cross-border activities and contributing to their economic development. So, the aim of this regulation is to enable the creation of European cooperatives by physical persons or legal entities resident or established under the laws of different Member States, but it also makes possible the establishment of European cooperatives by merger or transformation of existing cooperatives from different Member States. The aim of this paper is to show the specific features of formation of crossborder cooperatives by merger, covered by the ECS, with special attention to those aspects that distance them from the internal formation by merger, within the Spanish legal framework. For the purpose of comparison, Spain will be considered as regards the regulations governing mergers, depending on whether the ECS or the Spanish Cooperative Law is taken into consideration.Statute for a European Cooperative Society, Spanish cooperative regulation, cooperative mergers, crossborder activity, Agribusiness,


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    Socialization online sites have become important landmarks for people all around the world and of all ages, especially for youth. Users of such services can socialize with people they know or with unknown, people located in the vicinity or at different distances, even on different continents. In other words, social online sites help people to interact with others of their kind, to know people who have the same passions as they have. The access to such sites is free and the members can build profiles (which include data on name, age, hobbies or favorite books and movies) and can share photos, music or videos with the others. A friend is, in the language of the socialization sites, any user who has a link to his/her profile page. Users can send messages or can leave comments on other profiles. In some cases, people who meet on such sites decide to meet also in the real life.internet, on-line, socialization sites, privacy

    Optimal Labor Contracts with Asymmetric Information and More than Two Types of Agent

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    In the paper we discuss the optimal labor agreements between workers and firms in the situation of asymmetric information. Using a standard adverse selection model, we analyze the optimality of the labor contracts when it is the firm which has private information affecting the results of the contractual relationship. We propose an alternative procedure to solve the optimization problem, using the informational rents as variables. In the last part of the paper we derive and comment the features of the optimal labor contracts in asymmetric information


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    We will approach the history of expertise, in the context of the event of 1st December 1918, by setting forth a few considerations, with particular reference to data which appear to have this specific significance

    Strategies being pursued by Romanian HEIs to support knowledge transfer

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    Even though the higher education model of universities in Romania corresponds to a Humboldtian model based on harmonizing teaching and research activities, in recent years, under pressure from the knowledge-based economy, research activity has tended towards an increased role. Therefore, the role of universities across Romania is beginning to shift towards an entrepreneurial one. This paper seeks to identify the strategies that universities are currently developing to sustain the process of knowledge transfer. To achieve the above aim, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 university managers from research-intensive universities. The data was analysed using a coding system that was developed based on the theoretical framework. The results indicate a tendency among Romanian universities towards a linear model of tackling knowledge transfer, meaning that the primary focus is on establishing networks and partnerships between researchers and other categories of end users and on developing cross-domain research teams among researchers from the same university.A pesar de que el modelo de educación superior de las universidades en Rumanía corresponde a un modelo humboldtiano, basado en la armonización de las actividades de enseñanza e investigación, en los últimos años, bajo la presión de la economía basada en el conocimiento, la actividad de investigación ha aumentado su protagonismo. El modelo ha cambiado hacia un enfoque más económico. Este artículo busca identificar las estrategias que las universidades están desarrollando actualmente para sostener el proceso de transferencia de conocimiento hacia la práctica y la política educativa. Para seguir el objetivo mencionado anteriormente, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con 14 directores universitarios de las universidades con investigación intensiva. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un sistema de codificación que se desarrolló basándose en el marco teórico. Los resultados indican la tendencia de implementar un modelo lineal para abordar la transferencia de conocimiento, lo que significa apuntar hacia la necesidad de crear redes de trabajo entre investigadores y profesionales desarrollando equipos interdisciplinares y de multinivel que contribuyan a mejorar las relaciones entre los diferentes ámbitos de la producción y utilización de la investigación.Tot i que el model d'educació superior de les universitats a Romania correspon a un model humboldtià, basat en l'harmonització de les activitats de formació i recerca, en els últims anys, sota la pressió de l'economia basada en el coneixement, l'activitat de recerca ha augmentat el seu protagonisme. El model ha canviat cap a un enfocament més econòmic. Aquest article busca identificar les estratègies que les universitats estan desenvolupant actualment per sostenir el procés de transferència de coneixement cap a la pràctica i la política educativa. Per seguir l'objectiu definit anteriorment s'han fet entrevistes semiestructurades amb 14 responsables acadèmics de les universitats de recerca intensiva. Les dades es van analitzar mitjançant un sistema de codificació que s'ha desenvolupat a partir del marc teòric. Els resultats indiquen la tendència d'implementar un model lineal per abordar la transferència de coneixement, que apunta cap a la necessitat de crear xarxes de treball entre investigadors i professionals desenvolupant equips interdisciplinaris i de multinivell que contribueixin a millorar les relacions entre els diferents àmbits de la producció i utilització de la recerca


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    The paper presents the preclinical research requirements according to the legislation in force and it’s implementing guidelines in European Union (EU), tracking down it’s origins to ICH when appropriate. The development of any medicinal product requires its research in terms of quality, safety and efficacy. The new codification system for ICH guidelines adopted by ICH Steering Committee is presented in detail. The five categories of CHMP guidelines are explained. The non-clinical research represents a critical stage for the transition to studies in humans. The paper supports the researchers in their efforts to assess the needs and the timelines in the preclinical research fiel

    Diagnóstico de situación actual del proceso de pulido de arroz en trillo Río Viejo para la implementación de mejores prácticas productivas en el departamento de Matagalpa, durante el segundo semestre del año 2014

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    El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de San Isidro departamento de Matagalpa en el trillo de arroz Río Viejo durante el 2014, el estudio consistió en el diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso del pulido de arroz con el propósito de detectar las causas que inciden en el bajo rendimiento del arroz ya que no hay un balance de los granos enteros y quebrados respecto al análisis de calidad que se les realiza y así poder brindar recomendaciones a la empresa. Se aplicaron dos tipos de técnicas para la obtención de la información: la primera es la observación directa en el proceso de pulido, control de calidad y mantenimiento realizado a la máquina donde se obtuvieron tiempos de la máquina e informes de calidad que nos ayudaron a tomar la solución más acertada al problema de estudio y la segunda técnica fueron las entrevistas dirigidas al personal administrativo donde se logró conocer de manera más detallada el proceso de trillado y los factores que influyen en el rendimiento del arroz. Según el comportamiento de los resultados el análisis de calidad no concuerda con el resultado del producto final debido a la falta de mantenimiento preventivo en la máquina de pulido y la falta de control en la medición de la blancura del arroz por lo que se han brindado recomendaciones que mejoren la productividad del trill