14 research outputs found

    Implementation of geriatric assessment and decision support in residential care homes: facilitating and impeding factors.

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    Background: Successfully introducing and maintaining care innovations may depend on the interplay between care setting, the intervention and specific circumstances. We studied the factors influencing the introduction and maintenance of a Multidisciplinary Integrated Care model in 10 Dutch residential care homes. Methods. Facilitating and impeding factors were studied and compared at the time of introduction of the interRAI-LTCF assessment method in residential care homes as well as three years later, by surveys and semi structured interviews among nurse staff, managers, and physicians. Results: Facilitating factors at introduction were positive opinions of staff and family physicians about the changes of the process of care and the anticipated improvement of quality of care. Staff was positive about the applicability of the software to support the interRAI-LTCF assessments. Impeding factors were time constraints to complete interRAI-LTCF assessments and insufficient computer equipment.In the maintenance phase, the positive attitude of the location manager and the perceived benefits of the care model and the interRAI-LTCF assessment method were most important. Impeding factors after 3 years remained the lack of time to complete the assessments and lack of sufficient computer equipment. Conclusions: Impeding and facilitating factors were comparable in the initial and maintenance phase. Adoption of the interRAI-LTCF assessment method depended on positive opinions of staff and management, continuing support of staff and the availability of sufficient computer equipment. © 2013 Boorsma et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Is It Time for a Change? A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Comparing a Multidisciplinary Integrated Care Model for Residential Homes to Usual Care

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Integrated Care (MIC) model compared to Usual Care (UC) in Dutch residential homes. METHODS: The economic evaluation was conducted from a societal perspective alongside a 6 month, clustered, randomized controlled trial involving 10 Dutch residential homes. Outcome measures included a quality of care weighted sum score, functional health (COOP WONCA) and Quality Adjusted Life-Years (QALY). Missing cost and effect data were imputed using multiple imputation. Bootstrapping was used to analyze differences in costs and cost-effectiveness. RESULTS: The quality of care sum score in MIC was significantly higher than in UC. The other primary outcomes showed no significant differences between the MIC and UC. The costs of providing MIC were approximately €225 per patient. Total costs were €2,061 in the MIC group and €1,656 for the UC group (mean difference €405, 95% -13; 826). The probability that the MIC was cost-effective in comparison with UC was 0.95 or more for ceiling ratios larger than €129 regarding patient related quality of care. Cost-effectiveness planes showed that the MIC model was not cost-effective compared to UC for the other outcomes. INTERPRETATION: Clinical effect differences between the groups were small but quality of care was significantly improved in the MIC group. Short term costs for MIC were higher. Future studies should focus on longer term economic and clinical effects. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN11076857

    The cost-effectiveness of a new disease management model for frail elderly living in homes for the elderly, design of a cluster randomized controlled clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this article is to describe the design of a study to evaluate the clinical and economic effects of a Disease Management model on functional health, quality of care and quality of life of persons living in homes for the elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study concerns a cluster randomized controlled clinical trial among five intervention homes and five usual care homes in the North-West of the Netherlands with a total of over 500 residents. All persons who are not terminally ill, are able to be interviewed and sign informed consent are included. For cognitively impaired persons family proxies will be approached to provide outcome information. The Disease Management Model consists of several elements: (1) Trained staff carries out a multidimensional assessment of the patients functional health and care needs with the interRAI Long Term Care Facilities instrument (LTCF). Computerization of the LTCF produces immediate identification of problem areas and thereby guides individualized care planning. (2) The assessment outcomes are discussed in a Multidisciplinary Meeting (MM) with the nurse, primary care physician, nursing home physician and Psychotherapist and if necessary other members of the care team. The MM presents individualized care plans to manage or treat modifiable disabilities and risk factors. (3) Consultation by an nursing home physician and psychotherapist is offered to the frailest residents at risk for nursing home admission (according to the interRAI LTCF). Outcome measures are Quality of Care indicators (LTCF based), Quality Adjusted Life Years (Euroqol), Functional health (SF12, COOP-WONCA), Disability (GARS), Patients care satisfaction (QUOTE), hospital and nursing home days and mortality, health care utilization and costs.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This design is unique because no earlier studies were performed to evaluate the effects and costs of this Disease Management Model for disabled persons in homes for the elderly on functional health and quality of care.</p> <p>Trail registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN11076857</p

    A cross-sectional study to compare care needs of individuals with and without dementia in residential homes in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about met and unmet needs of individuals in residential care, many of whom suffer from dementia. Unmet needs are associated with a decreased quality of life, worse mental health, dissatisfaction with services, and increased costs of care. The aim of this study was to compare the number and type of (unmet) needs of people with and without dementia in residential care in the Netherlands. METHODS: 187 individuals in residents care or their relatives were interviewed to identify their care needs on 24 topics using the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for the Elderly (CANE) interview. RESULTS: Individuals diagnosed with probable dementia reported more needs in total and more unmet needs in comparison with individuals without this diagnosis. More specifically, differences were found for the topics “accommodation”, “money”, “benefits”, “medication management”, “incontinence”, “memory problems”, “inadvertent self-harm”, “company” and “daytime activities”. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that the differences in care needs between individuals with and without dementia can be attributed to actual differences in physical and cognitive functioning. Residents with dementia reported more often unmet needs which might imply that care for people with dementia can still be better attuned to their needs

    Unknown makes unloved-A case study on improving integrated health and social care in the Netherlands using a participatory approach.

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    Many initiatives integrating health and social care have been implemented in order to provide adequate care and support to older people living at home. Further development of existing initiatives requires iterative processes of developing, implementing and evaluating improvements to current practice. This case study provides insight into the process of improving an existing integrated care initiative in the Netherlands. Using a participatory approach, researchers and local stakeholders collaborated to develop and implement activities to further improve collaboration between health and social care professionals. Improvement activities included interprofessional meetings focussing on reflection and mutual learning and workplace visits. Researchers evaluated the improvement process, using data triangulation of multiple qualitative and quantitative data sources. According to participating professionals, the improvement activities improved their communication and collaboration by establishing mutual understanding and trust. Enabling factors included the safe and informal setting in which the meetings took place and the personal relationships they developed during the project. Different organisational cultures and interests and a lack of ownership and accountability among managers hindered the improvement process, whereas issues such as staff shortages, time constraints and privacy regulations made it difficult to implement improvements on a larger scale. Still, the participatory approach encouraged the development of partnerships and shared goals on the level of both managers and professionals. This case study highlights that improving communication between professionals is an important first step in improving integrated care. In addition, it shows that a participatory approach, in which improvements are co-created and tailored to local priorities and needs, can help in the development of shared goals and trust between stakeholders with different perspectives. However, stakeholders' willingness and ability to participate in such an improvement process is challenged by many factors

    Controlling Virtual Avatar in Microsoft HoloLens with Use of Real-World Elements

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    Cieľom tejto práce je štúdium skenovania a mapovania prostredia v súvislosti s rozšírenou realitou, s využitím zariadenia Microsoft HoloLens a následne vytvoriť riešenie ako dynamicky generovať virtuálny obsah, ktorý by bol schopný reagovať na dynamické zmeny prostredia. Cieľom je zber dát z reálneho prostredia pre získanie informácií o jeho zmenách, ich spracovanie a následné využitie. Za účelom dosiahnutia týchto cieľov boli použité  komponenty Microsoft HoloLens zodpovedné za priestorové vnímanie. Výsledná aplikácia obsahuje virtuálneho avatara, ktorý sa pohybuje po priestore a zbiera náhodne vygenerované ciele. Avatar je schopný reagovať na zmeny prostredia a je ovládaný pomocou hráčskeho gamepadu, ktorý je s headsetom spojený pomocou technológie Bluetooth.Aim of this paper is to study the problem of surface scanning and mapping in augmented reality using the Microsoft HoloLens headset and to introduce the solution on how to dynamically generate virtual content that would be able to respond to dynamic environment changes. The goal is to collect the data about the real environment in order to gain the knowledge of its modifications, to process it and understand. To accomplish this goal, HoloLens native components for spatial awareness were used. The final application that demonstrates this functionality contains a virtual avatar that moves around the environment in order to collect randomly generated targets. The character is able to react on dynamic environment changes and is controlled by the gamepad, connected to the headset via Bluetooth.