38 research outputs found

    Učestalost i vrste dislalija u djece pred polazak u školu

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    Cilj je rada odrediti učestalost i vrste govornih poremećaja u djece pred polazak u školu kao i ulogu odgojitelja u njihovoj prevenciji i terapiji. Istraživanje je provedno u jednom zagrebačkom dječjem vrtiću. U prvom dijelu istraživanja je sudjelovao 101 ispitanik u dobi od 5;6 do 7;6 godina. U ispitivanju su korištena tri zadatka: zadatak opisivanja slike dječje sobe i radnji (Z1), zadatak imenovanja slika (Z2) i zadatak ponavljanja logatoma (Z3). U drugom dijelu istraživanja anketnim upitnikom su ispitani stavovi 41 odgojiteljice predškolske djece iste ustanove o njihovoj ulozi u prevenciji govornih poremećaja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da učestalost govornih poremećaja u djece pred polazak u školu iznosi 26,73 %. Nadalje, najučestaliji govorni poremećaji su rotacizam, lambdacizam i sigmatizam koji se najčešće javljaju kao pojedinačni poremećaji i to kao distorzije glasova, a učestaliji su kod dječaka. Istraživanje također pokazuje da odgojitelji prepoznaju izgovorne poremećaje kod djece te u svom radu koriste razne igre za poticanje razvoja govora s ciljem prevencije i terapije govornih poremećaja u djece predškolske dobi.The purpose of this paper is to determine the frequency and types of children's speech disorders right before starting their primary education, as well as the role of preschool educators in prevention and treatment of the disordes. The research has been conducted in one of the kindergartens in Zagreb. The first part of the study involved 101 participants aged from 5;6 to 7;6 years. There were three tasks used in the research: the task of describing the picture that showed children's bedroom and actions (Z1), picture naming task (Z2) and the task of repeating nonsense syllables (Z3). The second part of survey questioned the attitudes of 41 preschool educators from the same institution towards their own role in the prevention of children's speech disorders. The results of this study indicate that the incidence of children's speech disorders before starting school is 26,73 %. Furthermore, the most common speech disorders are rhotacism, lambdacism and sigmatism which usually occur as individual disorders and as voice distortion, and are also more common with boys. The research also shows that preschool educators recognize the childrens pronunciation disorders and in their everyday work they use a variety of games to encourage speech development with the aim of preventing and treating childrens speech disorders

    Peer violence and coping strategies in primary school children

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja uključivala su ispitivanja strategija suočavanja kod djece izložene nasilnom ponašanju, ne uzimajući u obzir sudionike drugih uloga u vršnjačkom nasilju. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati strategije suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem kod učenika i učenica različite dobi s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u nasilnom ponašanju. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 372 učenika petih i osmih razreda osnovne škole (192 učenice i 180 učenika), dobi od 10 do 14 godina. Za ispitivanje različitih oblika nasilnog ponašanja korišten je Upitnik školskih odnosa (School Relationship Questionnaire – SRQ). Skalom strategija suočavanja (Self-Report Coping Measure – SRCM) ispitane su strategije suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem. Na osnovi rezultata u SRQ upitniku formirane su četiri skupine ispitanika s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u vršnjačkom nasilju: djeca izložena nasilju, djeca počinitelji nasilja, djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine i skupina djece koja ni na koji način nije uključena u nasilno ponašanje. Strategije suočavanja koje su ispitanici najčešće koristili pri suočavanju s vršnjačkim nasiljem bile su ovim redom: usmjeravanje na problem i traženje socijalne potpore, internaliziranje, distanciranje i eksternaliziranje. U usporedbi s učenicima, učenice su značajno češće koristile strategije usmjeravanja na problem i traženja socijalne potpore, te internaliziranje. U suočavanju s vršnjačkim nasiljem, djeca izložena nasilnom ponašanju, djeca počinitelji nasilja i djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine više koriste internaliziranje i distanciranje više koriste djeca izložena nasilju, počinitelji nasilja i djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine od djece koja ni na koji način nisu uključena u nasilno ponašanje, kao i počinitelji nasilja od djece izložene nasilju. Značajni efekti dobi dobiveni su za strategije usmjeravanja na problem i traženje socijalne potpore, kao i za eksternaliziranje. Učenici petog razreda značajno više koriste usmjeravanje na problem i traženje socijalne potpore od učenika osmih razreda, dok učenici osmih razreda značajno više koriste eksternaliziranje. Korištenje manje adaptibilnih strategija je karakteristično za sve sudionike vršnjačkog nasilja bez obzira na njihovu ulogu u nasilničkom ponašanju.Researches have mainly dealt with the examination of coping strategies for victims, not taking into account the other roles in peer violence. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine whether male and female students differ while choosing coping strategies in peer bullying due to their age and role in bullying behavior. Participants in this study were 372 fifth and eighth grade elementary school students (192 female and 180 male) aged 10 to 14 years (mean age 12.30 years). The School Relationship Questionnaire –SRQ was used to examine different forms of bullying behavior. To determine coping strategies, we used the Self-Report Coping Measure - SRCM (Causey & Dubow, 1992). Based on the results of the SRQ questionnaire, four groups of examinees were formed with regard to their role in peer bullying behavior: victims, bullies, bully/victims and neutral. Coping strategies that respondents most frequently used when coping with peer bullying were as follows: Focusing on the problem and seeking social support, Internalizing, Distancing and Externalizing. Compared to male students, female students were significantly more likely to use strategies of Focusing on the problem and seeking social support, as well Internalizing. In terms of coping with peer bullying, victims, bullies and bully/victim were using Internalizing and Distancing more often than the neutral group. Externalizing was used more often by victims, bullies and bully/victims than by the neutral group, as well as bullies from victims. Significant age effects are gained for Focusing on the problem and Seeking of social support strategies, as well as Externalizing. Fifth grade students benefited more by using Focusing on the problem and Seeking social support then eighth graders, whereas eighth grade students were using Externalizing significantly more often. The results indicate that all participants in peer bullying, regardless of their role, preferably use less adaptable strategies in dealing with peer bullying

    Peer violence and coping strategies in primary school children

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja uključivala su ispitivanja strategija suočavanja kod djece izložene nasilnom ponašanju, ne uzimajući u obzir sudionike drugih uloga u vršnjačkom nasilju. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati strategije suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem kod učenika i učenica različite dobi s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u nasilnom ponašanju. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 372 učenika petih i osmih razreda osnovne škole (192 učenice i 180 učenika), dobi od 10 do 14 godina. Za ispitivanje različitih oblika nasilnog ponašanja korišten je Upitnik školskih odnosa (School Relationship Questionnaire – SRQ). Skalom strategija suočavanja (Self-Report Coping Measure – SRCM) ispitane su strategije suočavanja s vršnjačkim nasiljem. Na osnovi rezultata u SRQ upitniku formirane su četiri skupine ispitanika s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u vršnjačkom nasilju: djeca izložena nasilju, djeca počinitelji nasilja, djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine i skupina djece koja ni na koji način nije uključena u nasilno ponašanje. Strategije suočavanja koje su ispitanici najčešće koristili pri suočavanju s vršnjačkim nasiljem bile su ovim redom: usmjeravanje na problem i traženje socijalne potpore, internaliziranje, distanciranje i eksternaliziranje. U usporedbi s učenicima, učenice su značajno češće koristile strategije usmjeravanja na problem i traženja socijalne potpore, te internaliziranje. U suočavanju s vršnjačkim nasiljem, djeca izložena nasilnom ponašanju, djeca počinitelji nasilja i djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine više koriste internaliziranje i distanciranje više koriste djeca izložena nasilju, počinitelji nasilja i djeca koja doživljavaju nasilje, ali ga i sama čine od djece koja ni na koji način nisu uključena u nasilno ponašanje, kao i počinitelji nasilja od djece izložene nasilju. Značajni efekti dobi dobiveni su za strategije usmjeravanja na problem i traženje socijalne potpore, kao i za eksternaliziranje. Učenici petog razreda značajno više koriste usmjeravanje na problem i traženje socijalne potpore od učenika osmih razreda, dok učenici osmih razreda značajno više koriste eksternaliziranje. Korištenje manje adaptibilnih strategija je karakteristično za sve sudionike vršnjačkog nasilja bez obzira na njihovu ulogu u nasilničkom ponašanju.Researches have mainly dealt with the examination of coping strategies for victims, not taking into account the other roles in peer violence. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine whether male and female students differ while choosing coping strategies in peer bullying due to their age and role in bullying behavior. Participants in this study were 372 fifth and eighth grade elementary school students (192 female and 180 male) aged 10 to 14 years (mean age 12.30 years). The School Relationship Questionnaire –SRQ was used to examine different forms of bullying behavior. To determine coping strategies, we used the Self-Report Coping Measure - SRCM (Causey & Dubow, 1992). Based on the results of the SRQ questionnaire, four groups of examinees were formed with regard to their role in peer bullying behavior: victims, bullies, bully/victims and neutral. Coping strategies that respondents most frequently used when coping with peer bullying were as follows: Focusing on the problem and seeking social support, Internalizing, Distancing and Externalizing. Compared to male students, female students were significantly more likely to use strategies of Focusing on the problem and seeking social support, as well Internalizing. In terms of coping with peer bullying, victims, bullies and bully/victim were using Internalizing and Distancing more often than the neutral group. Externalizing was used more often by victims, bullies and bully/victims than by the neutral group, as well as bullies from victims. Significant age effects are gained for Focusing on the problem and Seeking of social support strategies, as well as Externalizing. Fifth grade students benefited more by using Focusing on the problem and Seeking social support then eighth graders, whereas eighth grade students were using Externalizing significantly more often. The results indicate that all participants in peer bullying, regardless of their role, preferably use less adaptable strategies in dealing with peer bullying


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    Background: Approximately 20% of the European labour force is involved in some type of shift work, with nurses being on the forefront. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a specific work scheme is pervasive in the health care arena, where all nurses involved in shift work are committed to eight night shifts per month – unlike other European countries that restrict the number of night shifts. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate whether such shift work significantly affects psychosocial functioning and the quality of life of hospital nursing personnel in this country. Subjects and methods: A comparative cross-sectional study design was applied on a total of 157 hospital nursing professionals at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar during 2019. Subjects were divided into two groups: a total of 51% study subjects worked in specific shifts (12-hour day shift / 24 hours off / 12-hour night shift / 48 hours off), while 49% subjects worked in accordance with the regular 7-hour daily schedule. Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI) questionnaire was used, alongside comprehensive socio-demographic and quality of life appraisal. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied, and statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: This study demonstrated increased amounts of stress, reduced coping abilities and reduced levels of life enjoyment in shift work nurses in comparison to day work nurses. Furthermore, increased anxiety, stress, psychoorganic symptoms and sleep disturbances were significantly more common in shift work hospital nursing staff. In our study, nurses that worked in shifts have experienced negative externalities such as decreased social functioning, as well as reduced family and leisure time. Conversely, significantly higher satisfaction rates with shift work were only shown in regards to compensation. Conclusions: Our results reveal many detrimental effects of shift work and contribute to the field of research that is still laden with gaps in understanding its exact impact on the overall health of nursing personnel. Going forward, prospective (and even interventional) studies will be needed to disentangle the exact interplay between work-related factors in various health care systems and subsequent psychosocial disorders in health personnel


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    Background: Approximately 20% of the European labour force is involved in some type of shift work, with nurses being on the forefront. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a specific work scheme is pervasive in the health care arena, where all nurses involved in shift work are committed to eight night shifts per month – unlike other European countries that restrict the number of night shifts. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate whether such shift work significantly affects psychosocial functioning and the quality of life of hospital nursing personnel in this country. Subjects and methods: A comparative cross-sectional study design was applied on a total of 157 hospital nursing professionals at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar during 2019. Subjects were divided into two groups: a total of 51% study subjects worked in specific shifts (12-hour day shift / 24 hours off / 12-hour night shift / 48 hours off), while 49% subjects worked in accordance with the regular 7-hour daily schedule. Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI) questionnaire was used, alongside comprehensive socio-demographic and quality of life appraisal. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied, and statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: This study demonstrated increased amounts of stress, reduced coping abilities and reduced levels of life enjoyment in shift work nurses in comparison to day work nurses. Furthermore, increased anxiety, stress, psychoorganic symptoms and sleep disturbances were significantly more common in shift work hospital nursing staff. In our study, nurses that worked in shifts have experienced negative externalities such as decreased social functioning, as well as reduced family and leisure time. Conversely, significantly higher satisfaction rates with shift work were only shown in regards to compensation. Conclusions: Our results reveal many detrimental effects of shift work and contribute to the field of research that is still laden with gaps in understanding its exact impact on the overall health of nursing personnel. Going forward, prospective (and even interventional) studies will be needed to disentangle the exact interplay between work-related factors in various health care systems and subsequent psychosocial disorders in health personnel

    Liječenje akutne poslijeoperacijske boli: današnje stanje - iskustva bolesnika

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    In effective control of acute postoperative pain, it is essential to respect the principles of multimodal balanced analgesia, and to apply them within organized units for the management of acute postoperative pain (acute pain service). The aim of the study was to find out patient expectations and experience in the intensity of acute postoperative pain, and the efficiency of therapy they received. Between October 11, 2002 and December 14, 2002, 103 patients having undergone elective operative procedures under general endotracheal anesthesia were surveyed at Karlovac General Hospital. All patients were asked the preoperative group of questions on the intensity of pain they expected after surgery and on the intensity of pain at which he/she wanted to be given an analgesic. The postoperative group of questions referred to the intensity of pain 24 hours after the operative procedure and to the reason for not taking an analgesic. Results showed that prior to surgery, 33.98% of patients expected mild and 37.86% moderate postoperative pain. After the surgery, most patients felt moderate pain (33.98%). The study showed the therapy for acute postoperative pain and pain control to be still inadequate. The preconditions for successful pain control are the existence of acute pain service and implementation of the multimodal balanced analgesia concept. In this context, it is important to stress the education of patients as well as of the entire team participating in the management of pain.Za učinkovitu kontrolu akutne poslijeoperacijske boli neophodno je poštivati načela multimodalne balansirane analgezije, te ista provoditi unutar organiziranih jedinica za liječenje akutne perioperacijske boli. Cilj ovoga ispitivanja bio je ispitati očekivanja i iskustva bolesnika o jačini akutne poslijeoperacijske boli te učinkovitost primijenjene terapije. U razdoblju od 11. listopada 2002. do 14. prosinca 2002. godine u Općoj bolnici Karlovac anketirano je 103 bolesnika koji su bili podvrgnuti elektivnom operacijskom zahvatu u općoj endotrahealnoj anesteziji. Svim bolesnicima je nakon pristanka za operacijski zahvat u anesteziološkoj ambulanti postavljena prijeoperacijska skupina pitanja o jačini boli koju bolesnik očekuje poslije operacije te jačini boli kod koje želi dobiti analgetik. Poslijeoperacijska skupina pitanja odnosila se je na jačinu boli 24 sata nakon operacijskog zahvata te razlog neprimanja analgetika. Rezultati su pokazali da je prije operacijskog zahvata 33,98% bolesnika očekivalo blagu, a 37,86% bolesnika srednje jaku poslijeoperacijsku bol. Nakon operacijskog zahvata najveći broj bolesnika imao je srednje jaku poslijeoperacijsku bol (33,98%). Ovo je ispitivanje pokazalo kako je terapija akutne poslijeoperacijske boli, kao i njena kontrola još uvijek nedostatna. Preduvjet za njezinu uspješnu kontrolu je postojanje jedinice za liječenje akutne perioperacijske boli te provođenje koncepta multimodalne balansirane analgezije. U okviru njega važno je staviti naglasak na izobrazbu bolesnika, ali i cjelokupnog tima koji sudjeluje u liječenju boli

    In vitro effects of ascorbic acid on viability and metabolism of patients’ osteosarcoma stem cells

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    Stagnation in novelties of osteosarcoma (OS) treatment indicates the need for new therapeutic methods. OS cancer stem cells (OS-CSC) are taught to have the ability to self-renew and develop mechanisms of anticancer drug resistance, and this is why it is difficult to eradicate them. Their metabolism has been recognized as a potential target of therapeutic action. Ascorbic acid (AA) is considered to act pro-oxidative against OS-CSC in vitro by oxidative effect and by inhibition of glycolysis. This study examined an in vitro impact of AA on OS-CSC metabolism isolated from patients\u27 biopsies, with the aim of better understanding of OS-CSC metabolism and the action of AA on OS-CSC. OS-CSC were isolated using a sphere culture system and identified as stem cells using Hoechst 33342 exclusion assay. Determination of the dominant type of metabolism of OS-CSC, parental OS cells, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) and U2OS OS lineage before and after AA treatment was done by Seahorse XF (Agilent). Cytotoxicity of high-dose AA was confirmed by the MTT test and was proven for all the examined cell types as well as HEK293. Seahorse technology showed that OS-CSC can potentially use both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), and can turn to glycolysis and slow metabolic potential in unfavorable conditions such as incubation in AA

    Somatic Growth in Children with Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Intrauterini zastoj rasta (IUGR) usporenje je rasta ploda kao posljedica prilagodbe organizma na nepovoljne uvjete u maternici. Cilj je ovog istraživanja procijeniti somatski rast predškolske djece rođene nakon IUGR-a u Rodilištu Požega. Metode: Izmjerene su tjelesna masa, visina i opseg glave 50-ero djece u dobi od 5,5 do 7 godina koja su rođena nakon IUGR-a te 50-ero djece kontrolne skupine koja su rođena s urednom porođajnom masom, a odgovaraju prvoj skupini djece po kronološkoj i gestacijskoj dobi te po spolu. Rezultati: Usporedba dviju istraživanih skupina prema podacima o tjelesnoj masi, visini i opsegu glave ukazala je na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u sve tri varijable (TM P 0,002; TV P 0,001; OG P<0,001). Petero je djece s masom ispod 5. centile za dob i spol, a troje djece ima opseg glave ispod 2. centile (mikrocefalija). Zaključak: Tjelesna masa, visina i opseg glave u djece s IUGR-om znatno su manji nego u kontrolnoj skupini djece. Djeca rođena nakon IUGR-a po rođenju započinju sa zamahom rasta koji većina ove djece dostigne u prvih šest mjeseci života. Kod određenog broja djece taj proces izostaje, pa su ta djeca i kasnije niskog rasta.Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) means slowing down in fetal growth and development because of poor intrauterine conditions. The aim of the study was to examine growth in preschool children born with IUGR in Maternity Department of General Hospital Požega. Methods: Body weight, height and head circumference were measured in 50 children born with IUGR and in control group of children. Children in the control group had normal birth weight and were matched with IUGR children for chronological age, gestational age and sex. Results: Comparison of two groups according to weight, height and head circumference have shown statistical significance for all three variables ( BW P 0,002; BH P 0,001, HC P<0,001). Five of the children examined had the weight bellow 5th centile and three of them had microcephaly. Conclusion: IUGR children had significantly lower body weight, height and head circumference then children in control group. After birth, IUGR children often show catch up growth which continues for the first 6 months of life. In certain number of children that proccess failed so they remained short through adulthood

    Somatic Growth in Children with Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Intrauterini zastoj rasta (IUGR) usporenje je rasta ploda kao posljedica prilagodbe organizma na nepovoljne uvjete u maternici. Cilj je ovog istraživanja procijeniti somatski rast predškolske djece rođene nakon IUGR-a u Rodilištu Požega. Metode: Izmjerene su tjelesna masa, visina i opseg glave 50-ero djece u dobi od 5,5 do 7 godina koja su rođena nakon IUGR-a te 50-ero djece kontrolne skupine koja su rođena s urednom porođajnom masom, a odgovaraju prvoj skupini djece po kronološkoj i gestacijskoj dobi te po spolu. Rezultati: Usporedba dviju istraživanih skupina prema podacima o tjelesnoj masi, visini i opsegu glave ukazala je na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u sve tri varijable (TM P 0,002; TV P 0,001; OG P<0,001). Petero je djece s masom ispod 5. centile za dob i spol, a troje djece ima opseg glave ispod 2. centile (mikrocefalija). Zaključak: Tjelesna masa, visina i opseg glave u djece s IUGR-om znatno su manji nego u kontrolnoj skupini djece. Djeca rođena nakon IUGR-a po rođenju započinju sa zamahom rasta koji većina ove djece dostigne u prvih šest mjeseci života. Kod određenog broja djece taj proces izostaje, pa su ta djeca i kasnije niskog rasta.Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) means slowing down in fetal growth and development because of poor intrauterine conditions. The aim of the study was to examine growth in preschool children born with IUGR in Maternity Department of General Hospital Požega. Methods: Body weight, height and head circumference were measured in 50 children born with IUGR and in control group of children. Children in the control group had normal birth weight and were matched with IUGR children for chronological age, gestational age and sex. Results: Comparison of two groups according to weight, height and head circumference have shown statistical significance for all three variables ( BW P 0,002; BH P 0,001, HC P<0,001). Five of the children examined had the weight bellow 5th centile and three of them had microcephaly. Conclusion: IUGR children had significantly lower body weight, height and head circumference then children in control group. After birth, IUGR children often show catch up growth which continues for the first 6 months of life. In certain number of children that proccess failed so they remained short through adulthood

    Warfarin should not be used for thromboprohylaxis in elective major orthopaedic surgery: a Croatian perspective

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    Aim: To identify modes of venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in patients undergoing elective major orthopaedic surgery (total hip or knee arthroplasty, THA/TKA) at a single university-associated hospital in Croatia. ----- Methods: A retrospective analysis of consecutive patients subjected to THA or TKA over a two-year period (2014-2015) with a focus on anticoagulation during the first 15 post-surgical days (period of highest VTE risk). ----- Results: Of 603 identified patients three (0.5%) were not anticoagulated (haemophilia) and others received perioperative doses of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH). Overall, 228 (37.8%) patients received prophylaxis not involving warfarin, and 372 continued with short-term LMWH with switching to warfarin. They contributed a total of 1218 international normalized ratio (INR) values (median=3, range=1-8). These were consistently below the target INR range across the observed period. Between post-surgical days 6 and 15 (after the initial titration), 438 values were taken in patients treated with LMWH+warfarin and 92.7% were below, and only 6.8% within the target range; 580 values were taken in patients already switched to warfarin, 74% were below and only 25% within the range. ----- Conclusion: The prevailing mode of VTE prophylaxis was in a clear contrast to (then) actual professional guidelines, with inadequate monitoring and poor anticoagulation. There is no reason to expect a substantially different situation at other institutions across the country. The prevailing practice of VTE prophylaxis in major orthopaedic surgery in Croatia should be promptly abandoned and up-dated in agreement with the current state of the art