9 research outputs found

    Tėvų informuotumas apie rotavirusinę infekciją

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    In order to effectively prevent any disease, it is necessary to apply preventive measures in the most vulnerable group of this disease. In the case of rotavirus, it is children. Since parents (guardians) take care of children, their awareness is very important, because only they can ensure the timely vaccination of their children and train them in personal hygiene rules. Rotavirus infection is an urgent public health problem due to the high morbidity in children. In 2022, 93 percent (1462 cases) RVI (rotavirus infection) was recorded among children (0-17 years). In 2018, vaccines against this infection were included in the preventive vaccination calendar for children in Lithuania. Therefore, when applying this RVI prevention measure, it is so important to analyze not only parents' awareness of this disease, but also to evaluate their attitude towards vaccines. Nurses have a significant impact on the prevention of rotavirus infection, as they spend the most time with patients and relatives, to whom they must provide reliable information about the management of the disease and explain the importance of preventive measures. The aim of this study is to analyze parents' awareness of rotavirus infection. Appropriate research methods were chosen during the research: analysis of scientific literature and quantitative research using an anonymous questionnaire (online survey). The research was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. The results revealed that parents lack information about RVI. Only half knew that the main way of spreading the disease is fecal-oral. According to the research data, the majority of parents received information from a reliable source - doctors, and a quarter from nurses. However, the second most frequently cited source is the Internet, which may have provided respondents with false information about the disease and its prevention. Also, according to the research, parents lack knowledge about the formation of children's hygiene skills: the majority of respondents say that education on this issue is necessary. According to scientific literature, the most effective preventive measure against infection is vaccinations, but slightly less than half of the respondents agree that vaccinations are necessary, and a quarter disagree. In addition, when comparing parents' opinions on this issue by education, a significant difference was observed.Siekiant veiksmingos bet kokios ligos profilaktikos, reikia taikyti prevencijos priemones pažeidžiamiausiai šios ligos grupei. Rotaviruso atveju tai yra vaikai. Kadangi vaikais rūpinasi tėvai (globėjai), jų informuotumas yra labai svarbus, nes tik jie gali užtikrinti, kad jų vaikai būtų vakcinuoti laiku ir išmokyti asmens higienos taisyklių. Rotavirusinė infekcija (RVI) yra aktuali visuomenės sveikatos problema dėl didelio vaikų sergamumo. 2022 metais 93 proc. (1462 atvejai) rotavirusinės infekcijos atvejų užfiksuota tarp vaikų (0–17 m.). 2018 metais Lietuvoje vakcinos nuo šios infekcijos buvo įtrauktos į vaikų profilaktinių skiepijimų kalendorių. Todėl, taikant šią RVI prevencijos priemonę, yra labai svarbu išanalizuoti ne tik tėvų informuotumą apie šią ligą, bet ir įvertinti jų požiūrį į vakcinas. Slaugytojai turi didelę įtaką rotavirusinės infekcijos profilaktikai, nes jie praleidžia daugiausiai laiko su pacientais ir artimaisiais, kuriems privalo suteikti patikimą informaciją apie ligos valdymą ir paaiškinti prevencinių priemonių svarbą. Šio tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti tėvų informuotumą apie rotavirusinę infekciją. Atliekant tyrimą buvo pasirinkti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė ir kiekybinis tyrimas, naudojant anoniminę anketą (online apklausa). Tyrimas atliktas laikantis etikos principų. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad tėvai stokoja informacijos RVI klausimu. Tik pusė jų žinojo, kad pagrindinis ligos paplitimo būdas yra fekalinis-oralinis. Remiantis tyrimo duomenimis, didžioji dalis tėvų gavo informaciją iš patikimo šaltinio – gydytojų, o ketvirtadalis – iš slaugytojų. Tačiau antras pagal dažnumą pažymėtas šaltinis yra internetas, kuris galėjo suteikti respondentams klaidingą informaciją apie ligą ir jos prevenciją. Taip pat tyrimas atskleidė, kad tėvams stinga žinių apie vaikų higienos įgūdžių formavimą: didžioji dalis apklaustųjų teigia, kad švietimas šiuo klausimu yra reikalingas. Mokslinės literatūros duomenimis efektyviausia prevencijos priemonė prieš infekciją yra skiepai, tačiau tik kiek mažiau nei pusė apklaustųjų sutinka, kad skiepai yra reikalingi, o ketvirtadalis nesutinka. Be to, lyginant tėvų nuomonę šiuo klausimu pagal išsilavinimą buvo pastebėtas didelis skirtumas

    Analysis of graduating nursing students’ moral courage in six European countries

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    Background: Moral courage is defined as courage to act according to one's own ethical values and principles even at the risk of negative consequences for the individual. In a complex nursing practice, ethical considerations are integral. Moral courage is needed throughout nurses' career.Aim: To analyse graduating nursing students' moral courage and the factors associated with it in six European countries.Research design: A cross-sectional design, using a structured questionnaire, as part of a larger international ProCompNurse study. In the questionnaire, moral courage was assessed with a single question (visual analogue scale 0-100), the questionnaire also covered several background variables.Participants and research context: The sample comprised graduating nursing students (n = 1796) from all participating countries. To get a comprehensive view about graduating nursing students' moral courage, the views of nurse managers (n = 538) and patients (n = 1327) from the same units in which the graduating nursing students practised were also explored, with parallel questionnaires.Ethical considerations: Ethical approvals and research permissions were obtained according to national standards in every country and all participants gave their informed consent.Results: The mean of graduating nursing students' self-assessed moral courage was 77.8 (standard deviation 17.0; on a 0-100 scale), with statistically significant differences between countries. Higher moral courage was associated with many factors, especially the level of professional competence. The managers assessed the graduating nursing students' moral courage lower (66.5; standard deviation 18.4) and the patients slightly higher (80.6; standard deviation 19.4) than the graduating nursing students themselves.Discussion and conclusions: In all countries, the graduating nursing students' moral courage was assessed as rather high, with differences between countries and populations. These differences and associations between moral courage and ethics education require further research.</p

    The nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in clinical practicum: a European cross-sectional study of graduating nursing students

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    Background: A supportive clinical practicum experience may enhance the successful transition and socialization to working life of graduating nursing students. Nurse teachers have the main responsibility of supporting and guiding nursing students with their pedagogical expertise during the students' clinical practicum. Thus, the clinical role of nurse teachers is seen as an essential part of a high-quality clinical practicum. Nursing students appreciate the nurse teacher's cooperation with students, but it is often reported to be unattainable. The aim of this study was to explore and compare graduating nursing students' experiences of the nurse teacher's pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in their final clinical practicum, and to analyze factors associated with these experiences in six European countries.Methods: A cross-sectional comparative international survey design was used. The modified Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) Scale, with a new subscale measuring the nurse teacher's pedagogical cooperation with students, was used. A convenience sample of graduating nursing students in Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania and Spain completed the online survey in 2018-2019. The data were analyzed using a Chi-Square test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and linear models.Results: A total of 1796 (response rate 49%) nursing students completed the survey. Overall, students had positive experiences of the nurse teacher's pedagogical cooperation, the clinical learning environment and supervision in their final clinical practicum. Students in Spain had the most positive experiences. Educational background factors appeared to be associated with the students' experiences of the nurse teacher's pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision. The relationships between the subscale Nurse teacher's pedagogical cooperation with students and the Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision Scale were perceived as weak to strong depending on the country.Conclusions: This study reveals that nurse teachers play an essential role in supporting and guiding nursing students' final clinical practicum. In this light, researchers, educators, and leaders should collaborate seamlessly between educational institutions and healthcare organizations to establish the nurse teachers' pedagogical cooperation role within the clinical learning environment.</p

    The nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in clinical practicum : a European cross-sectional study of graduating nursing students

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    Funding Information: This study deepened the knowledge base of European NT cooperation, which has been rarely investigated []. As the results show, NT cooperation varies both between European countries and on the national level. NT cooperation appeared to influence the GNSs’ final clinical practicum experiences positively; those GNSs who had an NT cooperating with them reported more positive experiences than GNSs without this cooperation. This finding is supported by earlier studies [, ] and may indicate the importance of the student-centric [, ] and supportive CLE []. However, NT cooperation has been a priority, especially in Iceland and Spain, where the NT has been assigned with a clear clinical role: In Iceland, a nurse NT (called Clinical Instructors, CIs) consistently meets students on a weekly basis during the clinical practicum, i.e. provides feedback on clinical work, engages in clinical reasoning, encourages independence, and fosters critical thinking based on evidence []. In Spain, NTs (called Academic Mentors) act as a “bridge” between the university and the clinical institution, helping students to integrate concepts and guide their reflection during mentoring sessions. Academic Mentors meet both students and nurses in clinical settings and take part in the students’ learning and assessing process. Conversely, Ireland is in a unique position with both a Clinical Placement Coordinator (CPC) and an NT involved in the supervision of nursing students, albeit the NT is without any clear clinical role. According to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland, [] the CPC is a registered nurse who promotes the CLE by supporting, facilitating and monitoring the clinical learning of students. The CPC’s role is highly valued as a form of Practice-Based Teachers who support both the mentors and students in clinical practice. Moreover, the clinical role of the NT is diverse in Ireland; some HEIs have a clear NT role while other HEI teachers attend the clinical placements when there is a need to offer support in relation to the assessment of a clinical practicum or when a student fails a clinical practicum. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: A supportive clinical practicum experience may enhance the successful transition and socialization to working life of graduating nursing students. Nurse teachers have the main responsibility of supporting and guiding nursing students with their pedagogical expertise during the students’ clinical practicum. Thus, the clinical role of nurse teachers is seen as an essential part of a high-quality clinical practicum. Nursing students appreciate the nurse teacher’s cooperation with students, but it is often reported to be unattainable. The aim of this study was to explore and compare graduating nursing students’ experiences of the nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision in their final clinical practicum, and to analyze factors associated with these experiences in six European countries. Methods: A cross-sectional comparative international survey design was used. The modified Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T) Scale, with a new subscale measuring the nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, was used. A convenience sample of graduating nursing students in Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania and Spain completed the online survey in 2018–2019. The data were analyzed using a Chi-Square test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and linear models. Results: A total of 1796 (response rate 49%) nursing students completed the survey. Overall, students had positive experiences of the nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation, the clinical learning environment and supervision in their final clinical practicum. Students in Spain had the most positive experiences. Educational background factors appeared to be associated with the students’ experiences of the nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students, the clinical learning environment and supervision. The relationships between the subscale Nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students and the Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision Scale were perceived as weak to strong depending on the country. Conclusions: This study reveals that nurse teachers play an essential role in supporting and guiding nursing students’ final clinical practicum. In this light, researchers, educators, and leaders should collaborate seamlessly between educational institutions and healthcare organizations to establish the nurse teachers’ pedagogical cooperation role within the clinical learning environment.Peer reviewe

    Parental awareness of rotavirus infection

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    In order to effectively prevent any disease, it is necessary to apply preventive measures in the most vulnerable group of this disease. In the case of rotavirus, it is children. Since parents (guardians) take care of children, their awareness is very important, because only they can ensure the timely vaccination of their children and train them in personal hygiene rules. Rotavirus infection is an urgent public health problem due to the high morbidity in children. In 2022, 93 percent (1462 cases) RVI (rotavirus infection) was recorded among children (0-17 years). In 2018, vaccines against this infection were included in the preventive vaccination calendar for children in Lithuania. Therefore, when applying this RVI prevention measure, it is so important to analyze not only parents' awareness of this disease, but also to evaluate their attitude towards vaccines. Nurses have a significant impact on the prevention of rotavirus infection, as they spend the most time with patients and relatives, to whom they must provide reliable information about the management of the disease and explain the importance of preventive measures. The aim of this study is to analyze parents' awareness of rotavirus infection. Appropriate research methods were chosen during the research: analysis of scientific literature and quantitative research using an anonymous questionnaire (online survey). The research was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. The results revealed that parents lack information about RVI. Only half knew that the main way of spreading the disease is fecal-oral. According to the research data, the majority of parents received information from a reliable source - doctors, and a quarter from nurses. However, the second most frequently cited source is the Internet, which may have provided respondents with false information about the disease and its prevention. Also, according to the research, parents lack knowledge about the formation of children's hygiene skills: the majority of respondents say that education on this issue is necessary. According to scientific literature, the most effective preventive measure against infection is vaccinations, but slightly less than half of the respondents agree that vaccinations are necessary, and a quarter disagree. In addition, when comparing parents' opinions on this issue by education, a significant difference was observed

    Analysis of graduating nursing students’ moral courage in six European countries

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    Background: Moral courage is defined as courage to act according to one’s own ethical values and principles even at the risk of negative consequences for the individual. In a complex nursing practice, ethical considerations are integral. Moral courage is needed throughout nurses’ career. Aim: To analyse graduating nursing students’ moral courage and the factors associated with it in six European countries. Research design: A cross-sectional design, using a structured questionnaire, as part of a larger international ProCompNurse study. In the questionnaire, moral courage was assessed with a single question (visual analogue scale 0–100), the questionnaire also covered several background variables. Participants and research context: The sample comprised graduating nursing students (n = 1796) from all participating countries. To get a comprehensive view about graduating nursing students’ moral courage, the views of nurse managers (n = 538) and patients (n = 1327) from the same units in which the graduating nursing students practised were also explored, with parallel questionnaires. Ethical considerations: Ethical approvals and research permissions were obtained according to national standards in every country and all participants gave their informed consent. Results: The mean of graduating nursing students’ self-assessed moral courage was 77.8 (standard deviation 17.0; on a 0–100 scale), with statistically significant differences between countries. Higher moral courage was associated with many factors, especially the level of professional competence. The managers assessed the graduating nursing students’ moral courage lower (66.5; standard deviation 18.4) and the patients slightly higher (80.6; standard deviation 19.4) than the graduating nursing students themselves. Discussion and conclusions: In all countries, the graduating nursing students’ moral courage was assessed as rather high, with differences between countries and populations. These differences and associations between moral courage and ethics education require further research