40 research outputs found

    Physiological phase of mother tree as a relevant rooting factor of olive tree

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    Vrijeme uzimanja reznica masline ima značajnog utjecaja na proces rizogeneze. S ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja vremena uzimanja reznica provedeno je istraživanje u kojem smo varirali tri roka uzimanja reznica: mjesec srpanj, kolovoz i rujan i tri domaće sorte Levantinku, Drobnicu i Istarsku bjelicu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je najbolji uspjeh ukorjenjivanja postignut s reznicama uzetim u rujnu, a najslabiji u srpnju. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u broju i duljini korjenčića između različitih vremena uzimanja reznica iako je najveća vrijednost zabilježena u rujnu.The process of rhisogenesis is highly dependent on appropriate time sampling of olive cuttings. With the aim of determining the most convenient time for olive cutting sampling in the rooting process, an experiment with three domestic olive cultivars: Levantinka, Drobnica and Istarska bjelica, was conducted . Their cuttings were collected and put to root during July, August and Semptember. The best rooting results were obtained with the cuttings collected during Semptember, but poor results were obtained with cuttings taken in July. There was no significant differences in the root number and length developed from cuttings collected in different time period, although the highest value was obtained in Semptember

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers


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    U radu je istraživan utjecaj kultivara i tipa reznice na postotak ukorjenjivanja i duljinu korijena reznica američke tuje (Thuja occidentalis). U pokus su bili uključeni kultivari \u27Columna\u27 i \u27Smaragd\u27 u kombinaciji s tri tipa reznice tj. jednostavne reznice, reznice s petom te reznice s dijelom grane. Postotak ukorjenjivanja reznica bio je pod značajnim utjecajem kultivara i tipa reznice, dok je duljina korijena bila pod značajnim utjecajem tipa reznice. Kod kultivara \u27Smaragd\u27 zabilježen je veći prosječni postotak ukorjenjivanja nego kod kultivara \u27Columna\u27. Veći postotak ukorjenjivanja zabilježen je kod oba kultivara uz upotrebu reznica s dijelom grane i jednostavnih reznica, u usporedbi s reznicama s petom. Prosječna duljina korijena reznica s dijelom grane bila je signifikantno veća i od prosječne duljine korijena jednostavnih, i reznica s petom, neovisno o kultivaru. Kako bi se postiglo bolje ukorjenjivanje, u rasadničarskoj proizvodnji oba kultivara preporučuje se upotreba reznica s dijelom grane.Influence of cultivar and type of cuttings on rooting percentage and root length in northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) was investigated. Two cultivars (\u27Columna\u27 and \u27Smaragd\u27) with three types of cuttings (simple, heel and mallet cuttings) were included in the trial. Rooting percentage was significantly influenced by the cultivar and type of cuttings while the root length was significantly influenced by the type of cuttings. Higher average percentage of rooted cuttings was recorded in cultivar \u27Smaragd\u27 compared to \u27Columna\u27 cultivar. Average percentage of rooted cuttings was higher in both cultivars with the use of mallet and simple cuttings, compared to heel cuttings. Average root length of mallet cuttings was significantly longer than average root length of both simple and heel cuttings, independently of cultivar. In order to achieve better rooting, in the nursery production of both cultivars, use of mallet cuttings is recommended

    Macrominerals in Red Beet Root under Organic and Mineral Fertilization

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    Nutritive value of food should be an imperative and represents content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. Macrominerals (P, K, Ca, Mg) have an irreplaceable role in the functioning of living organisms and are part of all important biomolecules. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on content of macrominerals in red beet. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Results show that the highest red beet phosphorus content was determined in treatment with stable manure. Higher level of applied potassium had depressing effect on calcium and magnesium uptake. By fertilization is possible to raise content of macrominerals in red beet, but it is recommended to apply combination of organic and mineral fertilizers


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    Besides the absolute values of mineral content in plant tissue, particularly is important their relative relationship. Imbalance in nutrient uptake very often is result of extensive fertilization with one nutrient, which is then in excess, so can prevent uptake of other nutrients what may cause disturbances in metabolism. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the influence of fertilization on mineral ratios in beetroot. A field trial (2003-2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure ha-1, 500 and 1000 kg NPK 5-20-30 ha-1). Some investigated ratios ranged as follows: N+P+K 4.08-8.17, K+Ca+Mg 2.83-5.14, K/Ca 6.8-18.1, K/Mg 4.3-19.3, K/(Ca+Mg) 2.6-9.3, (N+P)/K 0.70-1.26, Ca/P 0.7-2.0, Ca/Mg 0.65-1.07, K/Mn 297-789, N/Zn 501-786, P/Zn 41-92, Fe/Mn 1.6-2.8, Fe/Cu 1123, Fe/(Cu+Zn) 2.1-4.2, Zn/Cu 3.3-7.6, Mn/Zn 1.5-1.8, Mn/Fe 0.38-0.62. In order to achieve high mineral content and its favorable ratio is necessary to combine the organic and mineral fertilizers with foliar fertilization

    Status of Fe, Mn and Zn in red beet due to fertilization and environment

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    Soil is a non-renewable resource, so it should be taken care of it. High quality food with sufficient yield for a growing human population can be produced only if plant nutrients are added to the soil by fertilizers to increase soil fertility, but the fertilizers have to be used economically, with the aim of raising the nutrient content available in the soil in order to meet plantsā€™ needs. The goal of the present investigation was to determine the effect of application of organic and mineral fertilizers as well as the effect of research environment on micronutrient content in red beet root. A field trial (2003ā€“2005) was set up in a hilly part of Croatia according to the Latin square method, with four types of fertilization (control, 50 t stable manure*ha-1, 500 and 1,000 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1). After digestion of plant material with concentrated HNO3, iron, manganese, and zinc were determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The highest average red beet root micronutrient contents (270 mg Fe*kg-1 in dry matter, 96 mg Zn*kg-1 in dry matter, and 53 mg Mn*kg-1 in dry matter) were determined in the first research environment (BraÅ”ljevica in 2003) with low potassium soil content. There was a general decreasing trend in contents of the studied micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn) with NPK 5-20-30 fertilization (and by application of high doses of potassium), certainly due to antagonistic activity with potassium. It is suggested to fertilize with both 500 kg NPK 5-20-30*ha-1 and microelement fertilizers

    Physiological phase of mother tree as a relevant rooting factor of olive tree

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    Vrijeme uzimanja reznica masline ima značajnog utjecaja na proces rizogeneze. S ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja vremena uzimanja reznica provedeno je istraživanje u kojem smo varirali tri roka uzimanja reznica: mjesec srpanj, kolovoz i rujan i tri domaće sorte Levantinku, Drobnicu i Istarsku bjelicu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je najbolji uspjeh ukorjenjivanja postignut s reznicama uzetim u rujnu, a najslabiji u srpnju. Nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika u broju i duljini korjenčića između različitih vremena uzimanja reznica iako je najveća vrijednost zabilježena u rujnu.The process of rhisogenesis is highly dependent on appropriate time sampling of olive cuttings. With the aim of determining the most convenient time for olive cutting sampling in the rooting process, an experiment with three domestic olive cultivars: Levantinka, Drobnica and Istarska bjelica, was conducted . Their cuttings were collected and put to root during July, August and Semptember. The best rooting results were obtained with the cuttings collected during Semptember, but poor results were obtained with cuttings taken in July. There was no significant differences in the root number and length developed from cuttings collected in different time period, although the highest value was obtained in Semptember