124 research outputs found

    Accommodation and welfare of farm animals, and conditions farms must comply with according to new regulations

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    Farma se može definirati kao ekoloÅ”ka niÅ”a gdje životinje borave, ili gdje se uzgajaju i drže. Farma treba životinjama pružiti optimalne uvjete gdje će doći do izražaja njihovi maksimalni proizvodni potencijali. Dobar smjeÅ”taj životinja na farmi podrazumijeva poÅ”tivanje svih higijenskih i zootehničkih normativa koji uključuju građevinsko tehnička i tehnoloÅ”ka rjeÅ”enja, tehnologiju smjeÅ”taja i držanja, opremu i mehanizaciju, način hranjenja i napajanja, sisteme uklanjanja otpadne fekalne tvari i dr. S obzirom na približavanje naÅ”e zemlje EU već sada se nastoje prilagoditi pojedini pravilnici njihovim zahtjevima, pa je tako i najnoviji Pravilnik o uvjetima kojima moraju udovoljavati farme i uvjetima za zaÅ”titu životinja na farmama (N.N. 136/05) napisan u tom duhu. Pravilnikom se definiraju obveze posjednika životinja i obveze ovlaÅ”tenog veterinara na farmi. Na suvremenim zoohigijenskim i tehnoloÅ”kim osnovama napisani su opći uvjeti izgradnje i uređenja objekata, zaÅ”tita životinja na farmama ā€“ opći i posebni uvjeti. Detaljno su razrađeni opći uvjeti za zaÅ”titu teladi u uzgoju, za sve kategorije svinja i minimalni uvjeti za zaÅ”titu kokoÅ”i nesilica. Posebno Zakon o dobrobiti životinja (N.N. 19/99) brine o njihovoj zaÅ”titi u gospodarskom uzgoju gdje su navedene sve obveze posjednika životinja glede smjeÅ”tajnih uvjeta, hranidbe i napajanja.A farm could be defined as an ecological niche where animals live, are raised and kept. A form should accomplish optimal conditions for animals so they will be able to express their production potential. Good animal accommodation at the farm implies respecting all hygienic and zootechnical standards which include construction, technical and technological solutions, technology of accommodation and keeping, equipment and mechanisation, way of feeding and watering, systems of faeces removal etc. Considering our approach to the EU we are already trying to adjust some regulations to their demands. So, the latest Regulations on required conditions for protection of animals on farms (NN 136/05) is written in that spirit. The Regulations define obligations of the authorized veterinarian on farms. General conditions for building and equipping houses and the protection of farm animals are based on modern zoohygiene and technology. General conditions for protection of calves, all pig categories and minimum conditions for laying hens protection in detail are elaborated. They welfare law (NN 19/99) provides for animal protection farms are listing all obligations of animal owner regarding accommodation, feeding and watering


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    Beside engineering skills related to textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) technology all recent reports from European organizations highlight the importance of introduction of transversal skills into educational programs. This research comprises the opinions of 66 Croatian employers from TCLF sector related to ranking of importance of transversal skills. Social and civic skills, cultural awareness and creative expression, ability to respect diversity and communication skills are more sought after in design related jobs. Psychomotor skills, reaction time, precision of machine and equipment control are highly rated for engineering jobs. Engineers also need skills in the field of human resources management, empathy, analytical and organizational skills, resource management; customer needs targeting and focus on results

    Ifluence of alternative layer hens housing ssystems on eggs quality

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    U radu se opisuju različiti načini držanja nesilica u četiri Europske zemlje te Hrvatski propisi o toj problematici. Teži se tome da intenzivni uzgoji budu Å”to sličniji prirodnim načinima držanja nesilica s ciljem zadovoljenja svih njihovih potreba. Na taj način Å”titi se dobrobit životinja, a produktivnost i kvaliteta jaja ostaju visoki. Vrijeme će pokazati koji je od ponuđenih alternativnih načina najbolji, a da se usklade potrebe peradi, proizvođača, industrije i okoliÅ”a.This paper describes alternative layer hen housing in four European countries and Croatian legislative considering that issues. The aim is that intensive housing be as similar to natural layer hen housing with contentment of all their needs. On that way the welfare is protected and productivity remain high. The time will show which of offered alternative ways is better, with aim to adjust the needs of the hen, the producer, the industry and the environment

    Influence of broilers age on airborne pollutants content in poultry house

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    Intenzivnu peradarsku proizvodnju između ostalog, karakterizira i znatno onečiŔćenje zraka mikroorganizmima, praÅ”inom, endotoksinima i raznim plinovima. Inače su nastambe za tovnu perad poznate kao nastambe koje imaju najviÅ”u koncentraciju bioaerosola u zraku, Å”to je naročito izraženo u zadnjem tjednu tova. Prisutna onečiŔćenja zraka mogu utjecati na zdravlje životinja infekcijski, imunosupresivno, alergijski i toksično. U radu je istražen stupanj onečiŔćenja atmosferskog zraka mikro-organizmima i Å”tetnim plinovima tijekom intenzivnog tova pilića. Pilići su držani na dubokoj stelji debljine 15 cm, a gustoća naseljenosti bila je 20 pilića na m2. Istraživanje je pokazalo porast broja mikroorganizama u zraku peradnjaka usporedo s dobi peradi (3,22 x 103 cfu/m3 zraka do 6,40 x 107 cfu/m3 zraka). Od plinovitih zračnih onečiŔćenja vrijednosti za amonijak od početnih 0 ppm, u petom tjednu porasle su na 14,8 ppm. Vrijednosti za ugljični dioksid bile su od 0,10 vol% na početku tova do 0,19 vol% na kraju tova.Intensive poultry breeding is, among others, characterized by considerable air contamination with microorganisms, dust, endotoxins and various gases, which can exert infectious, immunosuppressive, allergic and toxic effects on human and animal health. Houses for broilers have the highest concentration of microorganisms in the air, which is specially expressed in the last week of fattening. In the present study, the level of atmospheric contamination with microorganisms and noxious gases was assessed during intensive chicken breeding. The chickens were kept in deep, 15-cm litter, at a population density of 20 chicken/m2. Study results showed that number of microorganisms increased with the age of poultry (3.22 x 103 cfu/m3 do 6.40 x 107 cfu/m3 air). Considering gas air pollutants values for ammonia from initial 0 ppm, in the fifth week rose to 14.8 ppm. Values for carbon dioxide were from 0,10 vol % at the beginning of fattening to 0,19 vol % at the end

    A Folded Conformation of 1,4,8,11-Tetrathiacyclotetradecane in its Mercury Compound: l,4,8,11-Tetrathiacyclotetradecanedipicratomercury( II) Heminitromethane, [Hg(C10H20S4)Ā· (C6H2N307)2] Ā· 1/2CH3N02

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    The crystals of 1,4,8,11-tetrathiacyclotetradecanedipicratomercury( II) heminitromethane, [Hg(C10H20S4) Ā· (CsH2Ns01h] Ā· 1/2CHsN02, are triclinic, spcrce group Pl with a = 1.2794(6), b = 1.3108(5), c = = 1.0090(3) nm, a= 92.85(3) 0 , fJ = 107.67(3)0 , y = 94.54(4) 0 , V = 1.60236 nm3, and Z = 2. The structure was solved by the heavy atom method and refined by the least-squares method to R = 0.030 for the 7321 unique reflections. It consists of discrete, well separated molecules. Coordination of the mercury atom is a distorted octahedron with four sulfur atoms (Hg-S distances are 245.8(1), 251.9(1), 262 .. 9(2), and 305.0(2) pm) from the macrocycle and two oxygen moms (Hg-0 distances are 253.1(3) and 255.8(3) pm) from the two picrates. The macrocycle is folded so that three sulfur atoms with short Hg-S bonds are in an equatorial and the fourth in an apical position. The conformation of the coordinated macrocycle is compared to the conformation of cyclotetradecane at 116 K and to the conformation of the free crysta-lline macrocycle

    Utjecaj mikroklime na brojnost gljivica u zraku staje za muzne krave i njihovo Ŕirenje u neposredan okoliŔ

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    The aim of the study was to determine fungi count in a dairy barn and its immediate environment and to help establish borderline values in line with EU recommendations on airborne emissions from animal housing. A Merck MAS-100 air sampler was employed with respective nutrient agar for the capture, incubation and counting of airborne fungi. Air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity were simultaneously determined by a Testo 400 device. Air sampling was done once a week in the morning (at 7:30), in the middle of the day (at 12:30) and in the evening (at 18:30), during two autumn months. Within the barn, measurements were performed in the animal housing area along the feedlot and outside the barn at a distance of 5 m, 25 m and 50 m, downwind and upwind from the barn. The mean values of total airborne fungi count in the barn air were 5.85Ɨ104 /m3 in the morning, 5.52Ɨ104 CFU/m3 at noon, and 6.01Ɨ104 CFU/m3 in the evening. The fungi count showed a statistically significant decrease as close as 5 m to the barn (P<0.05). The microclimate parameters measured in the barn were within the standard values for dairy barn indoor atmospheres.Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je odrediti brojnost gljivica u zraku staje za muzne krave i njezinom neposrednom okoliÅ”u da bi se mogle postaviti granične vrijednosti sukladno s preporukom stručnjaka EU o zračnim onečiŔćenjima iz životinjskih nastambi. Uzorci zraka u kojem je određivan broj gljivica bili su uzimani uređajem MERCK MAS-100 (MERCK KgaA, Darmstadt) na gotove podloge hranjivoga agara. U isto vrijeme mjerena je temperatura, relativna vlaga i brzina strujanja zraka pomoću uređaja TESTO 400. Mjerenja su obavljana u jutro (7:30), u podne (12:30) i na večer (18:30) jedanput tjedno tijekom dva jesenska mjeseca. U staji su mjerenja obavljana u zoni boravka životinja duž hranidbenoga hodnika, a izvan staje na udaljenostima od 5 m, 25 m i 50 m istočno i zapadno od staje. Izmjerene srednje vrijednosti ukupnog broja gljivica u staji iznosile su 5,85Ɨ104 CFU/m3 u jutarnjem terminu, 5.52ƗS104 CFU/m3 u podnevnom mjerenju te 6.01Ɨ104 CFU/m3 u večernjem terminu mjerenja. Izvan staje brojnost gljivica značajno se smanjivala već na 5 metara udaljenosti od staje, na obje strane svijeta, Å”to je dokazano Wilcoxonovim testom ekvivalentnih parova na razini statističke značajnosti P<0,05. Izmjereni mikroklimatski pokazatelji u staji bili su unutar standardnih vrijednosti

    Mobility of Trace Elements in Pore Solutions of Portland Cement Pastes Exposed to Leaching

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    Two Portland cement pastes, CEM I 42.5R and CEM III/A 52.5N were exposed to leaching by soft water throughout a oneā€“year hydration period. Mobility of trace elements was investigated by determination of their pore solution concentration in the course of time. Eleven trace elements were included in this research: antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc. The possible usage of the pore solution trace elements concentration in monitoring of deleterious leaching reactions and prediction of environmental risk was investigated. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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