98 research outputs found

    Harmful organisms in greenhouse production on vegetables and flowers in Đakovo 2016

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    Istraživanje je provedeno u plastenicima Srednje strukovne Å”kole Antuna Horvata u Đakovu u 2016. godini. Cilj istraživanja je bio praćenje Å”tetnika u plasteničkom uzgoju povrća i cvijeća, te utjecaj različitih supstrata na visinu presadnica. Pojava Å”tetnih kukaca pratila se vizualnim pregledom biljaka i uz pomoć žutih i plavih ljepljivih ploča. Vizualnim pregledom biljaka utvrđena je pojava lisnih uÅ”i na paprici i krastavcima te je provedeno tretiranje kemijskim pripravkom Mospilan 20 SP u koncentraciji 0,03% koje je uspjeÅ”no suzbilo ovog Å”tetnika. Na Engleskim pelargonijama se pojavio cvjetni Å”titasti moljac, zaÅ”tita protiv ovog Å”tetnika nije primjenjena. Na kadificama su se pojavili puževi koji su uklonjeni mehaničkim putem. U budućnosti, trebalo bi se voditi viÅ”e brige o pojavi Å”tetnika, pratiti okoliÅ” plastenika kako s tih povrÅ”ina ne bi doÅ”lo do napada puževa.The study was conducted in greenhouses Secondary vocational school Antun Horvat in Đakovo in 2016.The aim of this research was pests monitoring in greenhouse cultivation of vegetables and flowers, and the influence of different substrates on the height of seedlings. The appearance of harmful insects was followed by visual examination of plants, and also with yellow and blue sticky boards. It was found aphids on peppers and cucumbers and it was applied chemical preparation Mospilan 20 SP in a concentration of 0.03%, which successfully suppress this pest. In English geraniums appeared flower whitefly protection against this pest not applied. On Tagetes appeared the slugs, and they are removed mechanically. In the future, should pay more attention of the appearance of pests, monitor the environment greenhouses to prevent aslugs attac

    The significance of alarmins ininflammatory rheumatic diseases

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    Razumijevanje imunopatogeneze upalnih reumatskih bolesti joÅ” uvijek je nepotpuno. Iako je opisana uloga alarmina u različitim upalnim i autoimunim bolestima,klinička ispitivanja iz tog područja joÅ” uvijek su rijetka. U radu je prikazana literatura koja govori o značenju trinajčeŔća alarmina: proteina visoke pokretljivosti iz skupine 1 (HMGB1, engl. high mobility group box 1), proteina koji vežu kalcij S100A8/9 i S100A12 (S100A8/9, S100A12, engl. calcium-binding protein S100A12) i njihova topljiva receptora za krajnje produkte uznapredovale glikozilacije sRAGE (RAGE, engl. soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products) u upalnim reumatskim bolestima.Prema dosadaÅ”njim spoznajama smatra se da HMGB1, kao medijator prirođene imunosti, u interakciji sa sRAGE sudjeluje u imunopatogenezi upalnih reumatskih bolesti te može služiti kao biomarker za određivanje aktivnosti i moguća meta u liječenju navedene skupine bolesnika.Our understanding of the imunopathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases is still incomplete. The involvement of alarmins in various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases has been documented but clinical trials on the contribution of this molecules are basically absent. In this article we summarized the literature about the significance of the three most common alarmins: high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), calcium-binding proteins S100A8/9 and S100A12 and their soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. According to our previous knowledge, it is considered that HMGB1 through interactions with sRAGE contributes to imunopathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Furthermore, HMGB1 may serve as a biomarker for determining disease activity and a potential target of therapy in systemic inflammatory rheumatic diseases patients

    Rituximab in Treatment of Children with Refractory Vasculitis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ā€“ Single Center Experience in Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to present our experience in rituximab therapy in patients with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus nephritis, and ANCA-associated vasculitis. We conducted a retrospective clinical chart review of all patients treated with rituximab in the time period from January 2009 to December 2015. Eight patients (3 boys and 5 girls) aged 8 to 15 at the onset of disease were treated with rituximab. Remission of disease was accomplished in 4 patients with childhood- onset systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis, a partial improvement was achieved in 1 patient with childhoodonset systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis as well as in 2 patients with vasculitis, while in one patient with vasculitis treatment with rituximab showed no effect and the patient died due to Candida sepsis. Reduction of corticosteroid doses was enabled by rituximab treatment. Rituximab appeared to be a safe and efficient therapeutic option in severe cases of childhood- onset systemic lupus erythematosus or ANCA-associated vasculitis that failed to respond to conventional therapy or as a rescue therapy in life-threatening conditions


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    Autoinflammatory diseases are clinical disorders caused by a deficiency or dysregulation of innate immunity, characterized by recurrent or persistent inflammation (increased levels of acute phase reactants) and the absence of a primary pathogenic role of adaptive immunity (autoreactive T lymphocytes or antibody production). They are clinically manifested by recurrent episodes of systemic inflammation due to the activation of an intense nonspecific inflammatory reaction with no apparent or sufficient cause. In terms of pathogenesis, autoinflammatory diseases can be divided into monogenic, or those that are caused by a mutation in a well-defined gene, and non-monogenic, also referred to as unclassified. According to the three main pathogenic patterns of emergence in monogenic autoinflammatory diseases described to date, they are divided into inflammasomopathies, interferonopathies, and ubiquitinopathies. Clinically, inflammasomopathies are most commonly manifested by fever (often periodic type), rash, serositis, hepatosplenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy. The therapeutic approach in many of these diseases is based on the use of an interleukin-1 inhibitor. Interferonopathies are most commonly manifested as acral and lung vasculopathy and fibrosis, with an onset of skin changes like chilblains, intracranial calcifications, and myositis. Janus kinase inhibitors are used in the treatment. Ubiquitinopathies are most commonly manifested by granuloma, ulceration, uveitis, and immunodeficiency. The therapeutic approach in these diseases is based on the use of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors. Unclassified autoinflammatory diseases include diseases that meet the clinical and biological criteria for autoinflammatory diseases but to date have no detected genetic background (for example, syndrome of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis, Schnitzler syndrome, or systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis), and some multifactorial diseases that are polygenic or caused by complex interactions of multiple genes and environmental factors and not associated with Mendelian inheritance patterns (eg., gout, Behcet disease). In the diagnosis of patients with suspected autoinflammatory disease, it is necessary to exclude infections, malignancies, immunodeficiencies, and rheumatic diseases. The main indication for genetic testing is the presence of clinical symptoms that meet the criteria for one or more autoinflammatory diseases. There are a number of unanswered questions in genetic diagnostics, the main problem being the interpretation of the results.Autoinflamatorne bolesti klinički su poremećaji uzrokovani nedostatkom ili poremećajem regulacije prirođene imunosti, a obilježavaju ih ponavljana ili stalna upala (poviÅ”eni reaktanti akutne faze) i odsutnost primarne patogenetske uloge stečene imunosti (autoreaktivni T-limfociti ili proizvodnja protutijela). Klinički se manifestiraju ponavljanim epizodama sustavne upale zbog aktivacije intenzivne nespecifične upalne reakcije bez očitog ili dovoljnog uzroka. U patogenetskom smislu mogu se podijeliti na monogenske, odnosno na one koje su uzrokovane mutacijom u jednom, dobro definiranom genu i na one koje nisu monogenske, a označavaju se i kao neklasificirane. Prema tri glavna patogenetska obrasca nastanka, do danas opisane monogenske autoinflamatorne bolesti dijele se na inflamasomopatije, interferonopatije i ubikvitinopatije. Klinički se inflamasomopatije najčeŔće manifestiraju vrućicom (nerijetko periodična tipa), osipima, serozitisom, hepatosplenomegalijom i limfadenopatijom. Terapijski pristup u velikom broju ovih bolesti temelji se na primjeni inhibitora interleukina 1. Interferonopatije se najčeŔće manifestiraju vaskulopatijama ekstremiteta i pluća, nastankom fibroznih promjena, kožnih promjena nalik na ozebline, intrakranijalnim kalcifikacijama i miozitisom. U liječenju se rabe inhibitori Janusove kinaze. Ubikvitinopatije se najčeŔće očituju nastankom granuloma, ulceracija, uveitisa te imunodeficijencijom. Terapijski pristup u ovim bolestima temelji se na primjeni inhibitora čimbenika tumorske nekroze alfa. U skupinu neklasificiranih autoinflamatornih bolesti ubrajaju se bolesti koje zadovoljavaju kliničko-bioloÅ”ke kriterije za autoinflamatorne bolesti, ali do danas nemaju otkrivenu gensku podlogu (primjerice, sindrom periodične vrućice, aftoznog stomatitisa, faringitisa i adenitisa, Schnitzlerin sindrom, sustavni oblik juvenilnog idiopatskog artritisa), kao i neke multifaktorske bolesti koje su poligenske, odnosno uvjetovane složenim interakcijama većeg broja gena i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika te nisu povezane s mendelovskim obrascem nasljeđivanja (primjerice, giht, BehƧetova bolest). Pri obradi bolesnika sa sumnjom na autoinflamatornu bolest potrebno je isključiti infekcije, zloćudne bolesti, imunodeficijencije i reumatske bolesti. Glavna je indikacija za gensko testiranje prisutnost kliničkih simptoma koji ispunjavaju kriterije za jednu ili viÅ”e autoinflamatornih bolesti. U genskoj dijagnostici postoji niz neodgovorenih pitanja, među kojima je glavni problem interpretacija nalaza


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    Primarni sistemski vaskulitisi u djece relativno su rijetke bolesti, većinom nepoznate etiologije, kojima je zajedničko obilježje upala u stijenci krvne žile. TeÅ”ko ih je dijagnosticirati jer su zahvaćeni mnogi organi, a simptomi su uglavnom nespecifi čni. U posljednjih 10 godina postignut je znatan napredak u području vaskulitisa u dječjoj dobi: defi nirani su i validirani klasifi kacijski kriteriji, razvijeni i validirani upitnici za procjenu aktivnosti bolesti i ishoda, pedijatrijski bolesnici uključeni su u međunarodna multicentrična istraživanja vezana uz terapiju vaskulitisa, započeta su klinička istraživanja izuzetno rijetkih vaskulitisa i izdvojena je zasebna skupina rijetkih monogenskih vaskulitisa. Ovim radom želimo upoznati čitaoce s velikim iskorakom u području vaskulitisa u dječjoj dobi, nastalim na osnovi mukotrpnog rada pedijatrijskih reumatologa u radnim skupinama za vaskulitise.Primary systemic vasculitides in children are relatively rare diseases. In most cases, they have an unknown etiology and are defi ned as the presence of infl ammation in the blood vessel wall. Establishing the diagnosis of vasculitis is oft en challenging, since the disorder is multisystem in nature with mostly nonspecifi c symptoms. Th e last 10 years have seen signifi cant advances in the fi eld of pediatric vasculitis: the development and validation of classifi cation criteria as well as tools to assess clinical disease activity and disease outcome, the inclusion of pediatric patients in international multicentre randomized controlled trial designs for therapies of vasculitis, clinical trials for very rare pediatric vasculitides, and identifi cation of a special group of monogenic vasculitides. In this paper we want to introduce readers to the giant leap in the fi eld of pediatric vasculitis as a result of the hard work of pediatric rheumatologists in vasculitis work groups

    The presence of high mobility group box-1 and soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus

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    BACKGROUND: The involvement of high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) in various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases has been documented but clinical trials on the contribution of this pro-inflammatory alarmin in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are basically absent. To address the presence of HMGB1 and a soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) in different subtypes of JIA and additionally in children with SLE, we enrolled a consecutive sample of children harvested peripheral blood as well as synovial fluids (SF) at diagnosis and correlated it with ordinary acute-phase reactants and clinical markers. ----- METHODS: Serum and synovial fluids levels of HMGB1 and sRAGE in total of 144 children (97 with JIA, 19 with SLE and 27 healthy controls) were determined by ELISA. ----- RESULTS: The children with JIA and those with SLE were characterised by significantly higher serum levels of HMGB1 and significantly lower sRAGE levels compared to the healthy controls. A positive correlation between serum HMGB1 and ESR, CRP, Ī±2 globulin was found while serum sRAGE levels were inversely correlated with the same inflammatory markers in children with JIA. Additionally, high level of serum HMGB1 was related to hepatosplenomegaly or serositis in systemic onset JIA. ----- CONCLUSION: The inverse relationship of the HMGB1 and its soluble receptor RAGE in the blood and SF indicates that inflammation triggered by alarmins may play a role in pathogenesis of JIA as well as SLE. HMGB1 may serve as an inflammatory marker and a potential target of biological therapy in these patients. Further studies need to show whether the determination of HMGB1 levels in patients with JIA can be a useful guideline for detecting disease activity
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