9 research outputs found

    Application of the biomass as a construction material of the oil filter and its influence on the performance and emission characteristics

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    Engine emissions can be reduced by performing suitable modifications to the oil filter. Biomass medium served as the replacement for the standard paper fibres, which are used in common oil filters. The experimental analysis of 4 emission elements showed a moderate increase in the case of 2 emission characteristics, whereby a 10% increase in monoxide was present, and also, an increase of 2.5% of nitrogen oxides was observed. Further, there was a significant reduction of 2 other emission elements, namely the unburned hydrocarbons decreased by 61%, and the amount of particulate matter was reduced by 18%. Measured engine power increased by 1.2% using the modified oil filter, which proves the success of this filter. There was a decrease in oil pressure as well, the value dropped by 0.5 bar during the whole period of the measuring process

    Vehicle emissions and environmental risks in urban destinations

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    Tato práca bola podporovaná Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja na základe Zmluvy č. APVV-16-0259.Tento príspevok stručne popisuje aktuálne emisné problémy vozidiel a environmentálne riziká, ktoré predstavujú najmä pre mestské destinácie. Do vývoja nových motorov a protiemisných opatrení sa musia investovať veľké čiastky, ktoré sa vynakladajú často s neistým výsledkom. Využívajú sa rôzne techniké riešenia, ktoré tvorbu oxidov dusíka obmedzujú alebo NOx likvidujú. Riešením by mohla byť technológia HCCI. Predchádzajúce a súčasné výskumné práce vo svete naznačili, že motor pracujúci v režime HCCI ponúka výraznú úsporu paliva. Okrem toho homogénne miešanie paliva sa vzduchom vedie k čistejším emisiám a úroveň emisií oxidov dusíka je takmer zanedbateľná


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    This article analyses the influence of various configurations concerning the homogenisation system on the output parameters of an experimental engine. The results presented in this article were obtained using experimental dynamometric measurement. A modular approach to the individual measurements consists of a sequential formation of the homogenisation system configurations. The experimentally obtained results are matches with the analytical relations, which are described in the related literature. These results can be presented for a wide spectrum of high-powerful engines because the homogenisation system does not depend on the construction and design arrangement of the engine itself. The analysed system was successfully applied in the motorcycles and it is a subject of the patent application

    Marine Ancillary Diesel Engine Emissions Reduction Using Advanced Fuels

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    Large transoceanic ships use marine ancillary diesel engines for generating electricity, which, on the other hand, produce a remarkable amount of harmful emissions during the combustion process. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) establishes standards that limit the amount of harmful emissions produced during the engine combustion cycle in maritime transport. Because of this restriction, new alternative fuels entered the market. Experiments had been performed with various testing fuels created from biodiesel and ULSD-F (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel-Fuel) in the ratios of 0%, 50%, 80%, and 100%. During the tests, the engine ran at different speeds and loads so that the mixed fuel influence on engine operation could be observed in detail and investigated

    System for analysis and correction of motor management

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    The innovative system, which was developed for analysis and correction of motor management, is determined for the solution of practical problems concerning the operation of the piston combustion engines. Programming of the ignition curves and fuel maps without relevant feedback, namely, without information obtained from the engine operation, increases the risk of detonation combustion, which can destroy the combustion engine. However, the main application area of this system is the development of an algorithm, which is specified for control of the combustion process based on the HCCI technology (Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition). Nowadays, the functional principle of the HCCI engine is one of the most effective possibilities on how to reach higher operational efficiency of the gasoline engine, that is, closer to the efficiency level of the diesel driving units

    Analysis of advanced technology for combustion of homogeneous fuel mixture

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    The most serious problems to overcome for a successful operation of the HCCI engine are control of the combustion phase, limited operational range, cold start of engine and high noise level during engine operation. This study aims at describing the engine power output characteristics and emission characteristics of HCCI engines under different testing conditions and the various challenges associated with these engines. Furthermore, this study holds a potential guide for overcoming these challenges and improvement of the engine power output as well as the emission characteristics. Thus, it is possible to say, concerning the performed investigation work, that HCCI combustion can be applied in existing conventional engines after their modifications. The most significant result of the HCCI process application is the reduction of NOx emissions and soot emissions, keeping almost the same engine power output as the conventional combustion process

    Analysis of Combustion Conditions for Sustainable Dual-Fuel Mixtures

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    The scientific contribution is focused on the analysis and optimization of combustion conditions concerning the dual-fuel mixtures. The greatest attention was paid to the temperature of intake air when a mixture of ethanol and gasoline created the applied fuel. An experimental fuel mixture was added into the intake pipe and ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel (ULSDF) was added directly into the engine cylinder using the CR (common rail) injection system. The article analysed the medium- and high-level operational engine load, whereby the engine timing parameters originally corresponded to a conventional diesel engine. The obtained results of the performed analysis showed that the temperature of intake air affected the following operational parameters: delay of ignition, pressure rise rate in the engine cylinder and the maximum level of pressure in the engine cylinder. Lower values of the intake air temperature enabled higher injection speeds for the ethanol–sustainable mixture (ESM), especially at high engine loads. An increase in the injection speed was possible due to lower charge air temperature. While there were reduced nitrogen oxide emissions, we also noted a reduction in both carbon monoxide emissions and the total amount of unburned hydrocarbon emissions

    Old Mine Map Georeferencing: Case of Marsigli’s 1696 Map of the Smolník Mines

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    Historical maps represent a unique and irreplaceable source of information about the history of a country, be it large (historical) regions, individual geomorphological units or specifically defined sites. Using a methodologically correct, critical historical analysis, old maps provide both the horizontal and vertical analysis of a landscape and its transformation in different time periods. These maps represent some of the oldest, but relatively easily accessible, historical pictorial documents (plausibly) depicting historical landscapes. This study provides the methodology for processing and georeferencing old mine maps with the possibility of their further use for the purposes of mining tourism. The 1696 Marsigli mine map has been chosen for the case study in question. It depicts a cross-section of the copper mines in Smolník and shows in detail the process of cementation water mining. Through an analysis and a detailed study, two-dimensional parts of a georeferenced historical map have been plotted in Google Earth’s three-dimensional space