10 research outputs found

    El modelado con plastilina y su relacion con el desarrollo creativo de los niños de cinco años

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    Desde tiempos prehistóricos el hombre lo primero que hace es descubrir el tallado sobre la piedra, pero cuando utiliza el horno simple para calentar la comida sobre la tierra con leña y fuego, ésta queda grabada sobre la arcilla, observando que las formas se modelan sobre ella, el hombre descubre el modelado y utiliza diversas formas para conseguir reproducir o crear formas con la masa con la arcilla, Luego modelamos y le damos forma al bulto redondo que no es otra cosa que la escultura vista por todos los lados, el bulto redondo es el objeto en el espacio y el niño tiende a representar el objeto en el espacio. Las masas pueden utilizar de diversas formas donde el relieve pueda destacar de la superficie, o también de manera al revés donde el objeto o la forma del objeto se reproduzca en un bajo nivel. al mismo tiempo busca diversas masas a lo largo del tiempo. Amasar y dejar la huella sobre la piedra es una de las artes primarias más importantes, el hombre utiliza la arcilla para la cerámica y posteriormente el hombre va descubriendo y creando otros materiales dentro de los cuales aparece la plastilina, que más que todo se convierte en una herramienta de uso pedagógico, cuya consistencia en la densidad y la suavidad para su uso es muy oportuna para el modelado con las manos para los niños menores de inicial y primaria. El libre manejo de estas herramientas pedagógicas permite que el niño deje volar su imaginación que acompañada de su espíritu de libertad, dando rienda suelta a su capacidad creativa, la creatividad es el fin la meta, el logro, la creatividad es uno de los fines más importantes de la humanidad. Por ello creativamente utilizaba la mano, la huella y el acto de modelar amasar La mano es el primer motivo que utiliza el hombre para el trabajo del modelado, asimismo la mano es un motivo para estampar, reproducir una huella, la mano es un símbolo. Por ejemplo presentaremos a la mano como motivo para pintar, dibujar, modelar etc. Y sobretodo al hecho de crear, crear es un valor supremo, es el máximo objetivo de la existencia y esto se hace con la mano, la mano también crea la técnica. que hacía el hombre prehistórico de su mano como plantilla, por eso los métodos que utilizó el hombre prehistórico al utilizar su mano como plantilla son hoy Al retirar la mano el resultado era que su contorno quedaba reproducido sobre la superficie parietal. Es decir que, cuando el hombre prehistórico empleó su propia mano para reproducir su silueta, fuese un recurso la arcilla, la tierra en colores o empleándola como plantilla de reserva, lo hizo como matriz. Tanto es así que, en esencia, los dos métodos que usaron los prehistóricos para en día los mismos métodos que utiliza la seriación más avanzada para los archivos digitale


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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre menopausia, hormonoterapia en las mujeres qué asisten a la consulta obstétrica Hospital de Contingencia Huánuco 2017. Métodos y técnicas: Según el grado de profundidad y alcance de tiempo, la investigación fue descriptivo típico de corte transversal; debido a que se realizó la recolección de datos en un solo momento, con el propósito de comprobar las hipótesis planteada, para lo cual se utilizó una guía de entrevista. Resultados: Más de la mitad de las usuarias a la consulta de obstetricia de 30 a 45 años tienen un nivel de conocimientos alto (87%) sobre menopausia, seguido de un pequeño grupo de usuarias que poseen conocimientos bajos (13%) Más de la mitad de las mujeres de 35 a 45 años presentan conocimiento bajo sobre Hormonoterapia (75,0%) y solo el (25%) posee conocimiento alto. Conclusión. Existe nivel de conocimiento alto sobre menopausia, nivel bajo sobre hormonoterapia y nivel de no aceptación a la terapia hormonal de reemplazoTesi

    Determining origin in a migratory marine vertebrate: a novel method to integrate stable isotopes and satellite tracking

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    Stable isotope analysis is a useful tool to track animal movements in both terrestrial and marine environments. These intrinsic markers are assimilated through the diet and may exhibit spatial gradients as a result of biogeochemical processes at the base of the food web. In the marine environment, maps to predict the spatial distribution of stable isotopes are limited, and thus determining geographic origin has been reliant upon integrating satellite telemetry and stable isotope data. Migratory sea turtles regularly move between foraging and reproductive areas. Whereas most nesting populations can be easily accessed and regularly monitored, little is known about the demographic trends in foraging populations. The purpose of the present study was to examine migration patterns of loggerhead nesting aggregations in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), where sea turtles have been historically understudied. Two methods of geographic assignment using stable isotope values in known-origin samples from satellite telemetry were compared: (1) a nominal approach through discriminant analysis and (2) a novel continuous-surface approach using bivariate carbon and nitrogen isoscapes (isotopic landscapes) developed for this study. Tissue samples for stable isotope analysis were obtained from 60 satellite-tracked individuals at five nesting beaches within the GoM. Both methodological approaches for assignment resulted in high accuracy of foraging area determination, though each has advantages and disadvantages. The nominal approach is more appropriate when defined boundaries are necessary, but up to 42% of the individuals could not be considered in this approach. All individuals can be included in the continuous-surface approach, and individual results can be aggregated to identify geographic hotspots of foraging area use, though the accuracy rate was lower than nominal assignment. The methodological validation provides a foundation for future sea turtle studies in the region to inexpensively determine geographic origin for large numbers of untracked individuals. Regular monitoring of sea turtle nesting aggregations with stable isotope sampling can be used to fill critical data gaps regarding habitat use and migration patterns. Probabilistic assignment to origin with isoscapes has not been previously used in the marine environment, but the methods presented here could also be applied to other migratory marine species

    Common metabolic constraints on dive duration in endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates

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    Dive duration in air-breathing vertebrates is thought to be constrained by the volume of oxygen stored in the body and the rate at which it is consumed (i.e., “oxygen store/usage hypothesis”). The body mass-dependence of dive duration among endothermic vertebrates is largely supportive of this model, but previous analyses of ectothermic vertebrates show no such body mass-dependence. Here we show that dive duration in both endotherms and ectotherms largely support the oxygen store/usage hypothesis after accounting for the well-established effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rates. Analyses of the body mass and temperature dependence of dive duration in 181 species of endothermic vertebrates and 29 species of ectothermic vertebrates show that dive duration increases as a power law with body mass, and decreases exponentially with increasing temperature. Thus, in the case of ectothermic vertebrates, changes in environmental temperature will likely impact the foraging ecology of divers

    Identifying patterns in foraging-area origins in breeding aggregations of migratory species: Loggerhead turtles in the Northwest Atlantic.

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    Population assessments conducted at reproductive sites of migratory species necessitate understanding the foraging-area origins of breeding individuals. Without this information, efforts to contextualize changes in breeding populations and develop effective management strategies are compromised. We used stable isotope analysis of tissue samples collected from loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting at seven sites in the Northern Recovery Unit (NRU) of the eastern United States (North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia) to assign females to three separate foraging areas in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (NWA). We found that the majority of the females at NRU nesting sites (84.4%) use more northern foraging areas in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, while fewer females use more proximate foraging areas in the South Atlantic Bight (13.4%) and more southerly foraging areas in the Subtropical Northwest Atlantic (2.2%). We did not find significant latitudinal or temporal trends in the proportions of NRU females originating from different foraging areas. Combining these findings with previous data from stable isotope and satellite tracking studies across NWA nesting sites showed that variation in the proportion of adult loggerheads originating from different foraging areas is primarily related differences between recovery units: individuals in the NRU primarily use the Mid-Atlantic Bight foraging area, while individuals from the three Florida recovery units primarily use the Subtropical Northwest Atlantic and Eastern Gulf of Mexico foraging areas. Because each foraging area is associated with its own distinct ecological characteristics, environmental fluctuations and anthropogenic threats that affect the abundance and productivity of individuals at nesting sites, this information is critical for accurately evaluating population trends and developing effective region-specific management strategies

    Supplement 1. Raster format of loggerhead δ13C and δ15N isoscapes and associated standard deviation.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="loggerhead_d13C_isoscape.txt">loggerhead_d13C_isoscape.txt</a> (md5: 75d5be745e2018c1fbf639224e598736)</p> <p><a href="loggerhead_d15N_isoscape.txt">loggerhead_d15N_isoscape.txt</a> (md5: d76570667098245e4102e8380b588324)</p> <p><a href="loggerhead_d13C_error.txt">loggerhead_d13C_error.txt</a> (md5: 7f8bb3cc91d34eb8ad033942bd2f93cf)</p> <p><a href="loggerhead_d15N_error.txt">loggerhead_d15N_error.txt</a> (md5:995ce245c4e066001d6f8322e33038ef )</p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>loggerhead_d13C_isoscape.txt – krigged surface of <i>δ</i><sup>13</sup>C values from 41 calibration loggerhead sea turtles in coastal waters < 200m depth of the Gulf of Mexico and Greater Caribbean</p> <p>loggerhead_d15N_isoscape.txt – krigged surface of <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N values from 41 calibration loggerhead sea turtles in coastal waters < 200m depth of the Gulf of Mexico and Greater Caribbean</p> <p>loggerhead_d13C_error.txt – standard deviation of the kriging prediction of<i>δ</i><sup>13</sup>C values</p> <p>loggerhead_d15N_error.txt – standard deviation of the kriging prediction of<i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N values</p> <p>These four files are the<i>δ</i><sup>13</sup>C and<i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N isoscapes and standard deviation rasters that are depicted in Fig. 1 of the main text. They are ASCII-formatted text files and contain a header to identify the structure of the file. They can be opened in ArcGIS by using the ASCII to Raster conversion tool or in R with the raster() function using the Raster package and then assigned a spatial reference within the program used. Resolution of each of the files is 0.0572 degrees.</p> </div

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes