9 research outputs found

    Role joue par les radicaux libres et les superoxyde dismutases au cours de la senescence du petale d'oeillet coupe (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Ember)

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    SIGLEINIST T 76902 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    The cytosolic/nuclear HSC70 and HSP90 molecular chaperones are important for stomatal closure and modulate abscisic acid-dependent physiological responses in Arabidopsis

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    L'article original est publié par The American Society of Plant BiologistsInternational audienceCytosolic/nuclear molecular chaperones of the heat shock protein families HSP90 and HSC70 are conserved and essential proteins in eukaryotes. These proteins have essentially been implicated in the innate immunity and abiotic stress tolerance in higher plants. Here, we demonstrate that both chaperones are recruited in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) for stomatal closure induced by several environmental signals. Plants overexpressing HSC70-1 or with reduced HSP90.2 activity are compromised in the dark-, CO2-, flagellin 22 peptide-, and abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure. HSC70-1 and HSP90 proteins are needed to establish basal expression levels of several ABA-responsive genes, suggesting that these chaperones might also be involved in ABA signaling events. Plants overexpressing HSC70-1 or with reduced HSP90.2 activity are hypersensitive to ABA in seed germination assays, suggesting that several chaperone complexes with distinct substrates might tune tissue-specific responses to ABA and the other biotic and abiotic stimuli studied. This study demonstrates that the HSC70/HSP90 machinery is important for stomatal closure and serves essential functions in plants to integrate signals from their biotic and abiotic environments

    Phosphorylation of the vacuolar anion exchanger AtCLCa is required for the stomatal response to abscisic acid

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    Eukaryotic anion/proton exchangers of the CLC (chloride channel) family mediate anion fluxes across intracellular membranes. The Arabidopsis thaliana anion/proton exchanger AtCLCa is involved in vacuolar accumulation of nitrate. We investigated the role of AtCLCa in leaf guard cells, a specialized plant epidermal cell that controls gas exchange and water loss through pores called stomata. We showed that AtCLCa not only fulfilled the expected role of accumulating anions in the vacuole during stomatal opening but also mediated anion release during stomatal closure in response to the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA). We found that this dual role resulted from a phosphorylation-dependent change in the activity of AtCLCa. The protein kinase OST1 (also known as SnRK2.6) is a key signaling player and central regulator in guard cells in response to ABA. Phosphorylation of Thr(38) in the amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain of AtCLCa by OST1 increased the outward anion fluxes across the vacuolar membrane, which are essential for stomatal closure. We provide evidence that bidirectional activities of an intracellular CLC exchanger are physiologically relevant and that phosphorylation regulates the transport mode of this exchanger