42 research outputs found

    Active Pacific North America Plate boundary tectonics as evidenced by seismicity in the oceanic lithosphere offshore Baja California, Mexico

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    Pacific Ocean crust west of southwest North America was formed by Cenozoic seafloor spreading between the large Pacific Plate and smaller microplates. The eastern limit of this seafloor, the continent–ocean boundary, is the fossil trench along which the microplates subducted and were mostly destroyed in Miocene time. The Pacific–North America Plate boundary motion today is concentrated on continental fault systems well to the east, and this region of oceanic crust is generally thought to be within the rigid Pacific Plate. Yet, the 2012 December 14 Mw 6.3 earthquake that occurred about 275 km west of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, is evidence for continued tectonism in this oceanic part of the Pacific Plate. The preferred main shock centroid depth of 20 km was located close to the bottom of the seismogenic thickness of the young oceanic lithosphere. The focal mechanism, derived from both teleseismic P-wave inversion and W-phase analysis of the main shock waveforms, and the 12 aftershocks of M ∼3–4 are consistent with normal faulting on northeast striking nodal planes, which align with surface mapped extensional tectonic trends such as volcanic features in the region. Previous Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements on offshore islands in the California Continental Borderland had detected some distributed Pacific and North America relative plate motion strain that could extend into the epicentral region. The release of this lithospheric strain along existing zones of weakness is a more likely cause of this seismicity than current thermal contraction of the oceanic lithosphere or volcanism. The main shock caused weak to moderate ground shaking in the coastal zones of southern California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico, but the tsunami was negligible

    Post Eruption inflation of the East Pacific Rise at 9°50′ N

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    In June 2008, we installed a geodetic network at 9°50′ N on the East Pacific Rise to track the long‐term movement of magma following the 2005/6 eruption. This network consists of 10 concrete benchmarks stretching from the ridge to 9 km off‐axis. During three campaign‐style surveys, measurements of vertical seafloor motions were made at each of these benchmarks by precisely recording ambient seawater pressure as a proxy for seafloor depth with a mobile pressure recorder (MPR). The MPR was deployed using the manned submersible Alvin in 2008 and 2009 and the remotely operated vehicle Jason in 2011. The MPR observations are supplemented with data from a multiyear deployment of continuously recording bottom pressure recorders (BPRs) extending along this segment of the ridge that can record rapid changes in seafloor depth from seafloor eruptions and/or dike intrusions. These measurements show no diking events and up to 12 cm of volcanic inflation that occurred from December 2009 to October 2011 in the area of the 2005/6 eruption. These observations are fit with an inflating point source at a depth of 2.7 km and volume change of 2.3 × 106 m3/yr located on the ridge axis at approximately 9°51.166′ N, 407 m from our northernmost benchmark, suggesting that the magma chamber underlying this segment of the ridge is being recharged from a deeper source at a rate that is about half the long‐term inflation rate observed at Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. These data represent the second location that active volcanic uplift has been measured on a mid‐ocean ridge segment, and the first on a nonhotspot influenced segment

    Distribution of Isolated Volcanoes on the Flanks of the East Pacific Rise, 15.3°-20°S

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    Volcanic constructions, not associated with seamount (or volcano) chains, are abundant on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) but are rare along the axial high. The distribution of isolated volcanoes, based on multibeam bathymetric maps, is approximately symmetric about the EPR axis. This symmetry contrasts with the asymmetries in the distribution of volcano chains (more abundant on the west flank), the seafloor subsidence rates (slower on the west flank), and the distribution of plate-motion-parallel gravity lineaments (more prominento nthe west flank). Most of the isolated volcanoes complete their growth within -14 km of the axis on crust younger than 0.2 Ma, while seamount chain volcanoes continue to be active on older crust. Volcanic edifices within 6 km of the ridge axis are primarily found adjacent to axial discontinuities, suggesting a more sporadic magma supply and stronger lithosphere able to support volcanic constructions near axial discontinuities. The volume of isolated near-axis volcanoes correlates with ridge axis cross-sectional area, suggesting a link between the magma budget of the ridge and the eruption of near-axis volcanoes. Within the study area, off-axis volcanic edifices cover at least 6% of the seafloor and contribute more than 0.2% to the volume of the crust. The inferred width of the zone where isolated volcanoes initially form increases with spreading rate for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (\u3c4 km), northern EPR (\u3c20 km), and southern EPR(\u3c28 km), so that isolated volcanoes form primarily on lithosphere younger than 0.2 Ma (\u3c 4-6 km brittle thickness), independent of spreading rate. This suggests some form of lithospheric control on the eruption of isolated off-axis volcanoes due to brittle thickness, increased normal stresses across cracks impeding dike injection, or thermal stresses within the newly forming lithosphere

    A map series of the Southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks, 15ďż˝ S to 19ďż˝ S

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    Four large-scale bathymetric maps of the Southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks between 15 S and 19 S display many of the unique features of this superfast spreading environment, including abundant seamounts (the Rano Rahi Field), axial discontinuities, discontinuity migration, and abyssal hill variation. Along with a summary of the regional geology, these maps will provide a valuable reference for other sea-going programs on- and off-axis in this area, include the Mantle ELectromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) experiment

    Timing of volcanism along the northern East Pacific Rise based on paleointensity experiments on basaltic glasses

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    Samples from two adjacent and contrasting ridge segments along the East Pacific Rise were measured for their magnetic paleointensity in order to further explore the possibilities of dating very young volcanic samples using secular variations in the Earth's magnetic field. The ridge segment north of the Orozco transform fault (15°22′-16°20′N) is the shallowest and broadest along more than 5000 km of the East Pacific Rise, whereas the adjacent segment to the north (16°16′-18°N) has a "typical" morphology for its intermediate spreading rate. Both ridge segments were densely sampled during the PANR01MV cruise and 36 samples of axial lava flows, consisting mainly of glasses from the rims of the flows and some fragments of lobate basalts, were selected from this collection for paleointensity experiments. The Coe version of the Thellier double-heating procedure (in air) was used. Twenty-seven units provide internally consistent paleointensity estimates leading to precise estimates of the paleofield, which range between 8 μT and 57 μT. Comparisons with reference paleointensity curves compiled from subaerial flows, archeomagnetic data and sedimentary records projected to the sampling site coordinates show that the measured values can be used to constrain the volcanic history of the ridge segments over the past few thousand years. A good agreement was found between apparent "freshness" of the glasses, the geochemistry of the lavas, and their magnetic paleointensity values. The inflated southern segment seems characterized by recent activities as indicated by numerous flows with paleointensities clustering around today's value (39 μT) or around the high values typical of 2000-3000 years ago (~55 μT). We interpret this distribution to indicate the flooding by effusive lava flows of the entire axial plateau some 2000-3000 years ago, followed by a volcanic phase producing smaller volume lava flows confined to the innermost 200 m of the ridge axis. The northern ridge segment is characterized by dispersed paleointensity values consistent with a series of small eruptions of diverse ages. Samples collected at the tips of both ridge segments across the 16°20′N axial discontinuity have the lowest paleointensities and are thus thought to be significantly older, consistent with models advocating reduced magmatism near ridge axis discontinuities. This study demonstrates the strong potential of paleointensity measurements as a tool to help constrain volcanic history at ridge axes

    \u3cem\u3eNautilus\u3c/em\u3e Sample 2016: New Techniques and Partnerships

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    In 2016, E/V Nautilus and the ROV Hercules collected 549 geological, biological, and water samples (2,022 subsamples) to characterize several US West Coast national marine sanctuaries, the Cascadia margin, and offshore southern California. Most samples are archived at partnering repositories: geological samples to the Marine Geological Samples Lab at the University of Rhode Island and biological samples to Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. The national marine sanctuary samples were split between these repositories and the California Academy of Sciences. During this field season, we experimented with new sampling methods to improve exploration efficiency and robustness

    Exploration of the Windward Passage and Jamaica Channel: Tectonic Gateways to the Caribbean Sea

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    The Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) Workshop on Telepresence-Enabled Exploration of the Caribbean Region was convened in November 2012 to plan for the 2013 field season with the idea that Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus and its Corps of Exploration would spend only one year working in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. However, the strong showing of interest in the area from the international group of marine scientists who submitted white papers to and participated in that workshop was so impressive the Trust and its Nautilus Advisory Board decided to schedule a second year in this area of the world before moving on to the Pacific Ocean, as originally planned. This fifth Oceanography supplement chronicles the 2014 field season: four months of exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, as well as rapid growth in our science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and outreach programs and continued research on best practices of telepresence and archaeological oceanography

    Late Miocene-Quaternary fault evolution and interaction in the southern California Inner Continental Borderland

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    Changing conditions along plate boundaries are thought to result in the reactivation of preexisting structures. The offshore southern California Borderland has undergone dramatic adjustments as conditions changed from subduction tectonics to transform tectonics, including major Miocene oblique extension, followed by transpressional fault reactivation. However, consensus is still lacking about stratigraphic age models, fault geometry, and slip history for the near-offshore area between southern Los Angeles and San Diego (California, USA). We interpret an extensive data set of seismic reflection, bathymetric, and stratigraphic data from that area to determine the three-dimensional geometry and kinematic evolution of the faults and folds and document how preexisting structures have changed their activity and type of slip through time. The resulting structural representation reveals a moderately landward-dipping San Mateo–Carlsbad fault that converges downward with the steeper, right-lateral Newport-Inglewood fault, forming a fault wedge affected by Quaternary contractional folding. This fault wedge deformed in transtension during late Miocene through Pliocene time. Subsequently, the San Mateo–Carlsbad fault underwent 0.6–1.0 km displacement, spatially varying between reverse right lateral and transtensional right lateral. In contrast, shallow parts of the previously identified gently dipping Oceanside detachment and the faults above it appear to have been inactive since the early Pliocene. These observations, together with new and revised geometric representations of additional steeper faults, and the evidence for a pervasive strike-slip component on these nearshore faults, suggest a need to revise the earthquake hazard estimates for the coastal region