22 research outputs found

    A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity.

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    BACKGROUND: In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) posted reports claiming that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. These claims clash with recommendations from the World Health Organization and World Federation of Chiropractic. We discuss the scientific validity of the claims made in these ICA reports. MAIN BODY: We reviewed the two reports posted by the ICA on their website on March 20 and March 28, 2020. We explored the method used to develop the claim that chiropractic adjustments impact the immune system and discuss the scientific merit of that claim. We provide a response to the ICA reports and explain why this claim lacks scientific credibility and is dangerous to the public. More than 150 researchers from 11 countries reviewed and endorsed our response. CONCLUSION: In their reports, the ICA provided no valid clinical scientific evidence that chiropractic care can impact the immune system. We call on regulatory authorities and professional leaders to take robust political and regulatory action against those claiming that chiropractic adjustments have a clinical impact on the immune system

    Tales of diversity: Genomic and morphological characteristics of forty-six <i>Arthrobacter</i> phages

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    <div><p>The vast bacteriophage population harbors an immense reservoir of genetic information. Almost 2000 phage genomes have been sequenced from phages infecting hosts in the phylum Actinobacteria, and analysis of these genomes reveals substantial diversity, pervasive mosaicism, and novel mechanisms for phage replication and lysogeny. Here, we describe the isolation and genomic characterization of 46 phages from environmental samples at various geographic locations in the U.S. infecting a single <i>Arthrobacter</i> sp. strain. These phages include representatives of all three virion morphologies, and Jasmine is the first sequenced podovirus of an actinobacterial host. The phages also span considerable sequence diversity, and can be grouped into 10 clusters according to their nucleotide diversity, and two singletons each with no close relatives. However, the clusters/singletons appear to be genomically well separated from each other, and relatively few genes are shared between clusters. Genome size varies from among the smallest of siphoviral phages (15,319 bp) to over 70 kbp, and G+C contents range from 45–68%, compared to 63.4% for the host genome. Although temperate phages are common among other actinobacterial hosts, these <i>Arthrobacter</i> phages are primarily lytic, and only the singleton Galaxy is likely temperate.</p></div

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage Amigo, Cluster AQ.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage Laroye, Cluster AL.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage Gordon, Cluster AU.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage Circum, Cluster AM.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage Jawnski, Cluster AO.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Genome organization of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage KellEzio, Cluster AT.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.g005" target="_blank">Fig 5</a> for details.</p

    Nucleotide sequence comparison of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phages.

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    <p>Dot Plot of <i>Arthrobacter</i> phage genomes displayed using Gepard [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0180517#pone.0180517.ref035" target="_blank">35</a>]. Individual genome sequences were concatenated into a single file arranged such that related genomes were adjacent to each other. The assignment of clusters is shown along both the left and bottom.</p