1,135 research outputs found

    Springer correspondences for dihedral groups

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    Recent work by a number of people has shown that complex reflection groups give rise to many representation-theoretic structures (e.g., generic degrees and families of characters), as though they were Weyl groups of algebraic groups. Conjecturally, these structures are actually describing the representation theory of as-yet undescribed objects called ''spetses'', of which reductive algebraic groups ought to be a special case. In this paper, we carry out the Lusztig--Shoji algorithm for calculating Green functions for the dihedral groups. With a suitable set-up, the output of this algorithm turns out to satisfy all the integrality and positivity conditions that hold in the Weyl group case, so we may think of it as describing the geometry of the ''unipotent variety'' associated to a spets. From this, we determine the possible ''Springer correspondences'', and we show that, as is true for algebraic groups, each special piece is rationally smooth, as is the full unipotent variety.Comment: 21 page

    Affine Hecke algebras for Langlands parameters

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    It is well-known that affine Hecke algebras are very useful to describe the smooth representations of any connected reductive p-adic group G, in terms of the supercuspidal representations of its Levi subgroups. The goal of this paper is to create a similar role for affine Hecke algebras on the Galois side of the local Langlands correspondence. To every Bernstein component of enhanced Langlands parameters for G we canonically associate an affine Hecke algebra (possibly extended with a finite R-group). We prove that the irreducible representations of this algebra are naturally in bijection with the members of the Bernstein component, and that the set of central characters of the algebra is naturally in bijection with the collection of cuspidal supports of these enhanced Langlands parameters. These bijections send tempered or (essentially) square-integrable representations to the expected kind of Langlands parameters. Furthermore we check that for many reductive p-adic groups, if a Bernstein component B for G corresponds to a Bernstein component B^\vee of enhanced Langlands parameters via the local Langlands correspondence, then the affine Hecke algebra that we associate to B^\vee is Morita equivalent with the Hecke algebra associated to B. This constitutes a generalization of Lusztig's work on unipotent representations. It might be useful to establish a local Langlands correspondence for more classes of irreducible smooth representations.Comment: Version 2: some parts concerning essentially square-integrable representations were corrected. Version 3: to repair problems with Lemma 3.10 from the previous versions, a new paragraph 3.2 was created. Version 4: new Definition 3.11. Version 5: new Proposition 1.7 and Lemma 1.8, which correct Proposition 3.5 from [AMS2] and Lemma 1.6.f. Minor corrections in each versio

    The local Langlands correspondence for inner forms of SL_n

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    Let F be a non-archimedean local eld. We establish the local Langlands correspondence for all inner forms of the group SLn(F). It takes the form of a bijection between, on the one hand, conjugacy classes of Langlands parameters for SLn(F) enhanced with an irreducible representation of an S-group and, on the other hand, the union of the spaces of irreducible admissible representations of all inner forms of SLn(F) up to equivalence. An analogous result is shown in the archimedean case. For p-adic elds this is based on the work of Hiraga and Saito. To settle the case where F has positive characteristic, we employ the method of close elds. We prove that this method is compatible with the local Langlands correspondence for inner forms of GLn(F), when the elds are close enough compared to the depth of the representations.<br/

    Depth and the local Langlands correspondence

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    Let G be an inner form of a general linear group over a non-archimedean local field. We prove that the local Langlands correspondence for G preserves depths. We also show that the local Langlands correspondence for inner forms of special linear groups preserves the depths of essentially tame Langlands parameters.Comment: The proof of Lemma 3.2 in the first version contained a mistake. In the second version the analysis of depth for inner forms of SL_n was extended and paragraph 2.4 was simplifie

    The principal series of pp-adic groups with disconnected centre

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    Let G be a split connected reductive group over a local non-archimedean field. We classify all irreducible complex G-representations in the principal series, irrespective of the (dis)connectedness of the centre of G. This leads to a local Langlands correspondence for principal series representations, which satisfies all expected properties. We also prove that the ABPS conjecture about the geometric structure of Bernstein components is valid throughout the principal series of G.Comment: This is a revised and abridged version of part 3 of "Geometric structure and the local Langlands correspondence" (arXiv:1211.0180). In v2 some proofs involving temperedness and square-integrability were worked out in more detail (pages 30-31 and 51-53

    Geometric structure and the local Langlands conjecture

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    We prove that a strengthened form of the local Langlands conjecture is valid throughout the principal series of any connected split reductive pp-adic group. The method of proof is to establish the presence of a very simple geometric structure, in both the smooth dual and the Langlands parameters. We prove that this geometric structure is present, in the same way, for the general linear group, including all of its inner forms. With these results as evidence, we give a detailed formulation of a general geometric structure conjecture.Comment: 75 pages. Some minor changes and corrections have been mad

    Smooth Duals of Inner Forms of GLnGL_n and SLnSL_n

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    Let FF be a non-archimedean local field. We prove that every Bernstein component in the smooth dual of each inner form of the general linear group GLn(F)GL_n(F) is canonically in bijection with the extended quotient for the action, given by Bernstein, of a finite group on a complex torus. For inner forms of SLn(F)SL_n(F) we prove that each Bernstein component is canonically in bijection with the associated twisted extended quotient. In both cases, the bijections satisfy naturality properties with respect to the tempered dual, parabolic induction, central character, and the local Langlands correspondence
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