18,882 research outputs found
This article discusses preliminary findings of a study on the transposition of the legal concept of genocide into 131 national jurisdictions. The specificities of this transposition into national criminal systems, as well as those related to the international legal definition of genocide, are described in the first part. The communicative situations in which the concept of genocide has been transposed are then examined in order to show their scope and breadth, and to which extent they contribute to the transformation of the concept of genocide. Trends related to the object of transformation in the definition and their effect on meaning are subsequently outlined. The findings point to a situation where, despite having been the object of multiple consensus at the international level, the concept of genocide has been transformed by the vast array of domestic legal languages and legal systems into which it has been transposed and thereby reinforce the relation between the configuration of the language and law, and the difficulty of translation.Artykuł przybliża wstępne badania nad przeniesieniem prawnej koncepcji ludobójstwa na 113 jurysdykcji. W pierwszej części uwzględnia się uwarunkowania tego przeniesienia w systemach karnych jak i powiązań z międzynarodową definicją prawną ludobójstwa. Przeanalizowano sytuacje komunikacyjne, w których uwypuklił się koncept ludobójstwa by ukazać ich zakres i rozległość jak i określić, w jakim stopniu przyczyniły się one do przeformułowania koncepcji ludobójstwa. Ustalenia wskazują na sytuację, w której pomimo ludobójstwa na szczeblu międzynarodowym koncepcja ludobójstwa została przekształcona przez wachlarz krajowych języków prawnych i systemów prawnych, do których została transponowana, a tym samym wzmocniła relację między konfiguracją języka i prawa a trudnością tłumaczenia
Logic in the tradition of Prabhacandra
The characterization of truth-preserving arguments is a core issue in India and received the detailed attention of philosophers. This chapter presents Prabhācandra’s theory of inference from the eleventh century, stressing its uniqueness and detailed critique of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti. In Prabhācandra’s framework, the inferential evidence has not three but just one characteristic, “being impossible otherwise.” The epistemological problem of the means to know when evidence has this characteristic is solved without regress by appeal to a non-inferential source of knowing, the “discernment of universals” (tarka). Finally, important advances in the role of negation in logical inference are related to a greater emphasis on linguistic form
Future prospects at LHCb
The LHCb experiment is running at the Large Hadron Collider to study CP
violation and rare decays in the beauty and charm sectors. The motivation and
the strategy of the upgrade envisaged for the long shutdown LS2 (2018) is
presented. The current results for some exemplary physics analyses are given
and the expected performances foreseen for 2018 and for the LHCb Upgrade
project with an integrated luminosity of 50 fb are summarized.Comment: Proceedings of CKM 2012, the 7th International Workshop on the CKM
Unitarity Triangle, University of Cincinnati, USA, 28 September - 2 October
at hadron colliders
In the first part of the document I describe in a general way the extraction and compare the experimental environments. I then switch to
the available results from the CDF experiment. In the third part I present
early results from the LHCb experiment, which are promising first steps on the
way to a future measurement.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, The Ninth International Conference on Flavor
Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2011) Maale Hachamisha, Israel, May 23--27,
The taste of the mango: a Jaina-Buddhist controversy on evidence
In the classical framework of Indian philosophy, the different schools of thought agree on the fact that the correctness of an inference relies on a special necessary relation standing between the evidence-property and the target-property. The aim of this paper is to give a presentation of these discrepancies between the Jain and the Buddhist theories of inference, as they are found in Māṇikyanandi’s Parīkṣāmukham, the Introduction to Philosophical Investigation, a digest of Akalaṅka’s mature philosophy on one side, and in Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti, his Auto-commentary on the Essay on Knowledge on the other side
A chance to seize by women in francophone Africa
A rather disillusioned observation was recently made during a pan-Africa conference: Africa women consider new information and communication technologies as "futuristic" rather than a tool for development to be used today. If initiatives are not taken now to thwart this attitude, activities by women in Africa to promote sustainable development that also benefit them will take event longer. This will be especially true in regions on the continent where English is not the common language
Achieving a Jobs-Housing balance in the Paris region - the potential of reducing car trafic
Many experts believe that the uninterrupted lengthening of trip distances, and especially trip-to-work distances, is carried mostly by urban sprawl combined to growing functional (economic functions/residential functions) and social (high-class residential areas/low-class residential areas) specialization of urban space. According to them, these three dynamics (urban sprawl - functional specialization - social specialization) drag along quantitative and qualitative spatial imbalances between economic and residential functions and these spatial imbalances contribute to widen the distance separating workers' homes and job places, and hence, to lenghten the trips-to-work. On the basis of this diagnosis, the re-establishement of a greater balance, on both quantitative and qualitative grounds, between jobs and housing in different areas of the city is currently emerging as a major issue regarding the car-traffic reducing goal. Making the assumption that the multiplication of long-distance trips occurs as a consequence of greater difficulties encountered by households searching decent housing nearby workplaces, many experts argue that efficient urban policies promoting a diversified housing supply nearby job centres would allow more reasonable commuting distances and that such a return should go forth with a reduction in car traffic. In this paper, through a simulation model based on re-assignment of households closer to their workplaces, we examine the potential of car traffic reduction in the case of the Paris region. More precisely the impact of jobs-housing balance policy is based on a simulation model which states assignment of households located far from their work place within zones located nearer to the work place. The households that are reassigned are those where all workers travel more than a given time-threshold to reach their work place. These households are relocated within a perimeter around either the work place of the head of the household if it is a one worker household or the work place of the female worker if it is a two worker household - this perimeter is defined with reference to a time-threshold (set to 20, 30 or 45 minutes by private car or by public transport). For each type of household (defined according to social status, number of workers and family profile), the type of housing demanded by reassigned households is derived from the structure of housing detained by households that are already located within the perimeter of re-assignment. Three analyses are conducted on the basis of this simulation. According to the different time-thresholds : first, we estimate the total distances saved on home-work trips by private car when households are reassigned. Second, we identify the characteristics of reassigned households (especially social status, number of workers, family profile, residential location, job location, etc.). Third, we estimate the housing offer/demand imbalance after re-assignment (with specific interest for the case of housing for low-income groups).
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