23 research outputs found

    Erosivity indicators based on rainfall in Northwestern Mexico

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    This study is motivated by the problem of erosivity (R), exacervated in semiarid zones by intense seasonal storms. The purpose was to estimate the spatial variation of R in a coastal area covering 37500 km2 which is one of the most important agricultural areas in northwestern Mexico. Four methods were used. Rainfall data from 11 SMNCONAGUA weather stations (from 1966 to 2013) were used to calculate R. The annual average R1 was 1181.08, and R2 was 1084.51 MJ mm ha–1 h–1 with ranges of 2.35–5220.55 and 2.93–4711.38 MJ mm ha–1 h–1. Statistical tests showed that a transformation of the data of the form y = log (x), was appropriate for an ANOVA analysis of the data. The value of the test statistic was F = 1.77 with p = 0.149, showing interdependence between the indicators P (α = 0.05). The values of the correlation coefficients for the data were P vs. R1 = 0.96, P vs. R2 = 0.99, P vs. AIm = 0.98, P vs. MFI = 0.99. The classification of risk in this region showed that 2017.5 km2 of the study area was at a very high risk of rain erosion, 2407.5 km2 under high risk, 5662.5 km2 under medium to high risk, and 14250 km2 under low risk. The results are shown on 1:10,000 maps. Results are a set of useful information for soil management programs and for cultivation planning that takes the seasonal variation of R into account in this region where large volumes of extensive crops are grown.

    Flujo regional en acuíferos del Golfo de California

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    El nivel del mar disminuye anualmente en promedio alrededor de 1.30 metros debido a la evaporación de sus aguas, que se convierten en nubes de agua dulce, agua que finalmente es devuelta al mar por precipitación fluvial directa sobre la Tierra (lluvia), en forma de cuencas superficiales (ríos) y por circulación de agua subterránea, éstos últimos conocidos como acuíferos. Estos acuíferos se pueden manifestar en la superficie como cuerpos someros de agua conocidos con el término general de humedales, incluyendo lagunas costeras, manantiales y/o ojos de agua o bien desembocar en el mar descargando sus aguas en forma difusa a lo largo de la costa a través de la trama porosa de la roca. Parte del agua dentro del ciclo hidrológico se permea a través de las capas del subsuelo y satura al medio contenedor, debido a la presencia de una capa de impermeable, de tal forma que se acumula el agua y empieza a fluir, dando vida al acuífero a través de flujos subterráneos tales como el flujo local, intermedio y regional, los cuales se generan de acuerdo a las propiedades intrínsecas del medio y la forma del relieve topográfico

    Diseño y aplicación de un equipo para el monitoreo de la salinidad en el subsuelo

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    Los equipos de exploración geoquímica que permiten conocer los contaminantes y estructuras geológicas del subsuelo provienen del extranjero, son costosos y en ocasiones las piezas para reemplazo no están disponibles en el mercado, por lo que es necesario desarrollar equipos que satisfagan estas necesidades. Para el monitoreo de las variaciones de la salinidad existen algunos equipos semiautomáticos, pero son de difícil manejo. Sin embargo, para el estudio indirecto de la salinidad del subsuelo no existen equipos. En este trabajo se diseño un equipo para realizar las mediciones de la resistividad aparente del subsuelo, mismas que permitieron conocer la salinidad del subsuelo y la detección de algún contaminante en las aguas subterráneas. Para su construcción se seleccionó un diseño de puesta a tierra con aditamentos electrónicos que se unieron para aplicar al subsuelo corriente eléctrica continúa (CD) mediante un arreglo dipolo-dipolo y un sondeo eléctrico vertical, con electrodos de latón y de acero inoxidable. En la puesta a tierra los electrodos fueron colocados en línea equidistantes entre los detectores del potencial y los de corriente. Se utilizo un factor geométrico (K) que depende de la distancia electrónica y la corriente eléctrica directa (I) inyectada por los electrodos A y B, para medir la diferencia de potencial entre los electrodos M y N; se logro calcular la resistividad punto a punto para obtener en conjunto una tomografía geoeléctrica del subsuelo. El equipo se calibro con errores muy pequeños (rms < 2 %) respecto a curvas obtenidas en equipos comerciales similares. Se construyo un aparato automático para determinar la salinidad del subsuelo, y se probo en la zona de las microcuencas de Texcoco, Estado de México, logrando definir la geometría del medio formado por sedimentos aluviales o lacustres provenientes de rocas ígneas (andesitas, riolítas y tobas vítricas o “tepetates”) que por su composición mineralógica permitió a las variaciones laterales de la resistividad asociarlas con los elementos traza que se desprenden dentro del acuífero libre: Cd, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Pb o Zn, entre otros. Este método constituye un avance en los estudios de impacto ambiental, sobre todo para el monitoreo de subsuelos de sitios en vías de recuperación

    Design and implementation of equipment for monitoring the salinity in the subsoil

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    Geochemical exploration equipments to explore the contaminants and structures geological in the subsoil come from abroad are expensive and sometimes parts for replacement are not available in the market. So it is necessary design apparatus that meet cover these needs. To the monitoring of variations in salinity there is semi-automatic equipment, but it always has difficult to manage. However, is not equipment for the indirect study of salinity in the subsoil. In this work was design equipment for measurement the apparent resistivity in the subsoil, at same time allow know the salinity, as well as the detection of any pollutant in groundwater. For make it, was selected a design of earthing systems, with electronic hardware which were jointed for apply to subsoil a direct current (DC) through an array dipole-dipole and vertical electric sounding, with brass and stainless steel electrodes. In the earthing systems the electrodes were collocated in the equidistant line between the detectors of potential and current. A geometric factor (K), that depend on theelectrodes distance and direct current (I) injected in the electrodes A and B, was used for measure the potential difference between the electrodes M and N; after was calculate the resistivity point to point for obtain a subsoil tomography geoelectrical. The equipment was calibrated with minimum error (rms < 2%) whit respect to curves obtained in similar commercial equipment. On this situation, in this work was modernized and automated an equipment to determine thesalinity of the subsoil. The instrument was tasted in the micro basin Texcoco, State of Mexico, to define the environment geometry formed by alluvial or lake sediments from igneous rocks (andesites, rhyolites and tuffs vitreous or “tepetates”) which by its mineralogical composition allowed to the lateral resistivity be associate with free components trace from the aquifer: Cd, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Pb or Zn and others. This method constitutes an advance in studies of environmental impact, especially for the monitoring of sites where the subsoil are in process of recovery

    Toxicity of Mexican native plant extracts against larvae of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Objective: To evaluate five indigenous Mexican plants [Hippocratea excelsa, Hippocratea celastroides, Argemone mexicana (A. mexicana), Tagetes lucida, and Pseudosmodingium perniciosum (P. perniciosum)] toxicity against the fourth instar larvae of the dengue primary vector, Aedes aegypti (A. aegypti). Methods: Each plant part was treated successively with hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, and methanol to extract potential active components of the plants against the dengue vector. Results: There was a range of toxicity at 24 or 48 h post-exposure for the different plant parts and organic solvent used (LC50 values ranged between 20 and 890 μg/mL). Extracts from seeds of A. mexicana (hexane washing with methanol and acetone) and stem-bark of P. perniciosum (hexane) showed highest toxicity to Ae. aegypti larvae at 48 h post-exposure (LC50 values were 80, 50, and 20 μg/mL, respectively), thus making them potential candidates as biolarvicides. Efforts are on-going to characterize the bioactive components of the extracts, through chromatography, for their use as biological tools for the control of the primary dengue vector. Conclusions: A. mexicana and P. perniciosum are good candidates to combat the dengue vector, Ae. aegypti, as they were highly toxic to the larvae

    Análisis de la producción agrícola extensiva en Sinaloa: alternativas para el uso sostenible del agua

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    Sinaloa has the highest percentage of agricultural land with irrigation systems in México, this activity is important by the economic contribution, but also there is environmental negative impact. Today the overexploitation in the aquifers by percolation of pesticides and other remainders causes damages in the ecosystems, and to the human health. On the other hand, agriculture consumes 80% of the fresh water available in the region, by this reason Gulf of California land is consider as over exploited region. Due to, is important provide conservation strategies to remedy future repercussions on the aquifers and to avoid contamination of fresh water by saline intrusion.Sinaloa tiene la mayor superficie agrícola de riego en el país, por lo que las actividades agropecuarias son importantes, no sólo por su aportación económica, sino también por el deterioro ambiental que presentan. El efecto principal es sobre el uso del agua, donde se estima sobreexplotación de los acuíferos por percolación de plaguicidas y otros desechos, lo que ocasiona daños en los ecosistemas y a la salud. Por otro lado, la agricultura consume 80% del agua dulce disponible en la región, razón por la cual la región del Golfo de California se encuentra sobreexplotada. Se destaca la importancia de implementar estrategias de conservación para revertir y remediar repercusiones futuras sobre los mantos freáticos y evitar escenarios de contaminación por intrusión salina

    Sensitivity of Four Indices of Meteorological Drought for Rainfed Maize Yield Prediction in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico

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    In the state of Sinaloa, rainfall presents considerable irregularities, and the climate is mainly semiarid, which highlights the importance of studying the sensitivity of various indices of meteorological drought. The goal is to evaluate the sensitivity of four indices of meteorological drought from five weather stations in Sinaloa for the prediction of rainfed maize yield. Using DrinC software and data from the period 1982–2013, the following were calculated: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), agricultural standardized precipitation index (aSPI), reconnaissance drought index (RDI) and effective reconnaissance drought index (eRDI). The observed rainfed maize yield (RMYob) was obtained online, through free access from the database of the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service of the government of Mexico. Sensitivities between the drought indices and RMYob were estimated using Pearson and Spearman correlations. Predictive models of rainfed maize yield (RMYpr) were calculated using multiple linear and nonlinear regressions. In the models, aSPI and eRDI with reference periods and time steps of one month (January), two months (December–January) and three months (November–January), were the most sensitive. The correlation coefficients between RMYob and RMYpr ranged from 0.423 to 0.706, all being significantly different from zero. This study provides new models for the early calculation of RMYpr. Through appropriate planning of the planting–harvesting cycle of dryland maize, substantial socioeconomic damage can be avoided in one of the most important agricultural regions of Mexico

    Rainfall Potential and Consequences on Structural Soil Degradation of the Most Important Agricultural Region of Mexico

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    This study investigates the historical variability in annual average precipitation in the northwest region of Mexico, aiming to evaluate the cumulative impact of precipitation on soil degradation and associated risks posed by rainfall. Despite being known as “The Agricultural Heart of Mexico”, the region’s soil has experienced significant damage to its granulometric structure due to unpredictable rainfall patterns attributed to climate change. Sixteen historical series of average annual rainfall were analyzed as stationary stochastic processes for spectral analysis. The results revealed exponential decay curves in each radial spectrum, indicating a linear relationship between frequency and amplitude. These curves identified initial impulses correlated with moments of severity for structural damages caused by rainfall-induced degradation. The degradation process, exacerbated by water stress, accelerates, as evidenced by maps illustrating approximately 75% soil damage. In the context of climate change and the uncertainty surrounding soil responses to extreme meteorological events, understanding this phenomenon becomes crucial. Recognizing the dynamic nature of soil responses to environmental stressors is essential for effective soil management. Emphasizing the need to employ numerical processes tailored to new environmental considerations related to observed soil damages is crucial for sustainable soil management practices in any region