968 research outputs found

    Organic field-testing of compounds to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in combination with alleyway cover crops

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    To find new potential fungicides acceptable to organic production preventing apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) infections on leaf and fruits during primary apple scab infection period. The trials were carried out in combination with different cover crop treatments in single-tree plots. The formerly resistant variety ‘Delorina’ on rootstock M9, planted 1995 at a planting distance of 3.3 m x 1.6 m, unfertilized and with mechanical weed cleaning in the tree row, were used. The experimental orchard is located at Research Centre Aarslev (100 27´ E, 550 18´N)

    Method for determining in-vitro dissolution rates of man-made vitreous fibres

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    A "state-of-the-art" method for determining the in-vitro dissolution rate of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) is described. The dissolution rate is determined using an artificial lung fluid, adjusted to pH values of 7.5 or of 4.5, reflecting that the dissolution in vivo takes place both in the near-neutral lung fluid and in the acidic environment of the macrophages. The method is based on flow-through equipment and prescribes well-defined conditions using a ratio of the flow rate to surface area of 0.03 µm/s. The results obtained with this method correlate to results from in-vivo tests, and thus the method provides a tool for a comparative evaluation of the biodurability of different fibre types. The described method seems suitable to be estabhshed as a provisional standard test, until further investigations allow the definition of a final standard test. The empirically derived carcinogenicity index (KI) extrapolates the in-vitro results obtained for some fibre types at the neutral pH value to other very different fibre types. The proposed in-vitro method avoids these uncertain generalizations, as it is based on actually measured dissolution rates at pH values 7.5 and 4.5, respectively

    ALKYMISTENS DRØM OG FRU BERGMANNS KAFFE: Forankring af viden om atombomber og radioaktivitet mellem videnskab og dagligdag i Danmark 1945-1959.

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    Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge, hvordan viden om kernespaltning, atom- bomber og radioaktivitet cirkulerede mellem det videnskabelige niveau og den danske dagspresse i perioden fra atombombens ankomst i 1945 til 1959, hvor Sundhedsstyrelsen nedlagde forbud mod brugen af opsamlet regnvand som drikkevand hos borgerne på Saltholm på grund af radioaktivitet. Vi argumenterer gennem artiklen for, at offentlighedens skiftendae holdninger til atomteknologi ikke alene bør forstås i relation til en teknologisk og/eller politisk udvikling, men ligeledes må forstås i relation til, hvordan viden blev søgt formidlet (af hvem) og forankret i den offentlige bevidsthed. På det metodiske område vil artiklen præ- sentere en introduktion til socialpsykologiske teorier om sociale repræsentationer af videnskabelig viden i en bredere offentlighed for herigennem at få indsigt i, hvordan viden om atombomben og radioaktivitet blev skabt og genskabt mellem videnskab og ’sund fornuft’ i en dansk kontekst


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    Les matières dures d’origine animale (os, bois de cervidé, ivoire, corne et, par extension, dent, nacre, écaille…) ont accompagné les sociétés humaines depuis les temps les plus anciens sur tous les continents. Dès la Préhistoire, elles constituaient les principaux matériaux utilisés, avec la pierre, et sans nul doute le bois végétal et d’autres ressources végétales à jamais disparues. À partir des Âges des Métaux, des objets de parure et des outils, ainsi que certaines armes, furent fabriqué..