50 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of nitrogen levels, cellulolytic microorganisms and the interaction of both the aerobic decomposition rate of oil palm empty fruit bunches. The research was conducted at Home Compost STIP-AP Medan in April until July 2016. Research used a factorial randomized block design consisting of two factors and three replications. The first factor is the dose of nitrogen consisting of four levels i.e. N0 = without urea, N1 = dose of Nitrogen 2% of the dry weight of TKS which is 40% as much as 48 grams, N2 = dose of Nitrogen 4% of the dry weight of TKS which is 40% as much as 96 grams, N3 = Nitrogen dose of 6% of the dry weight of TKS which is 40% as much as 144 grams. The second factor is the cellulolytic microorganism isolates comprising four levels i.e. M0 = without cellulolytic microorganisms isolates, with isolates MOS M1 = 10 ml, M2 = isolate MOS 20 ml, isolate MOS M3 = 30 ml. From the research the effectiveness of multiple doses of nitrogen and cellulolytic microorganisms (MOS) on the rate of decomposition of oil palm empty fruit bunches can be deduced as follows, namely addition of nitrogen dose was able to reduce levels of C/N was 76.4% of the levels of C/N beginning. The best treatment is contained in N3 treatment. Addition of Microorganisms treatment cellulolytic (MOS) is able to reduce levels of C/N as much as 74.6% of the levels of C/N beginning. The best treatment is contained in M3 treatment. Interaction between giving treatment cellulolytic microorganisms Nitrogen and reducing levels of C/N as much as 79.4%. Interaction best treatment there in treatment N3M3


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mycorrhizal treatment and inoculation of Rhizobium sp on the growth and formation of Mucuna bracteata root nodules. The study was conducted in the STIPAP Medan experimental garden. The study was conducted in April - July 2019. The study used 2 factorial randomized block design (RBD) methods consisting of 3 and 3 treatments with 4 replications, so that the total sample was 36 seedlings. Parameters observed were length of tendrils, number of leaves, number of root nodules, dry weight of root nodules, chlorophyll content, leaf N content and the degree of root infection. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the test 5% significant difference. The results showed that the best single treatment of Mikoriza in this study was M2 with a dose of 40 g/seed, which affected in length of tendrils. Rhizobium sp application significantly affected the length of tendrils, number of leaves, number of nodules at the best single treatment is R2 with a dose of 0.6 ml/seed. Interaction of mycorrhizal and Rhizobium sp treatment showed a significant effect on M2R2 treatment, namely mycorrhizal application with a dose of 40 g/seed and Rhizobium sp application with a dose of 0.6 ml/seed had the best growth for several observational parameters.Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan Mikoriza dan inokulasi Rhizobium sp terhadap pertumbuhan dan pembentukan bintil akar Mucuna bracteata.Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan STIPAP Medan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April – Juli 2019. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 2 Faktorial terdiri dari 3 dan 3 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan, sehingga total sampel keseluruhan 36 bibit. Parameter yang diamati adalah panjang sulur, jumlah daun, jumlah bintil akar, berat kering bintil akar, kadar klorofil, kadar N daun dan derajat infeksi akar. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan analisis of variance (ANOVA) dengan uji beda nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tunggal terbaik untuk Mikoriza pada penelitian ini adalah M2 dengan dosis 40 g/bibit. Aplikasi Rhizobium sp berpengaruh nyata terhadap panjang sulur, jumlah daun, jumlah bintil akar pada perlakuan tunggal terbaik adalah R2 dengan dosis 0,6 ml/bibit. Interaksi perlakuan Mikoriza dan Rhizobium sp menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata pada perlakuan M2R2 yaitu aplikasi Mikoriza dengan dosis 40 g/bibit dan aplikasi Rhizobium sp dengan dosis 0,6 ml/bibit memiliki pertumbuhan terbaik untuk beberapa parameter pengamatan


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan lahan marjinal di Desa Sihiong Kecamatan Bonatua Lunasi Kabupaten Tobasa mendukung tanaman anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) dan jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.), dimulai tahun 2012-2014 menggunakan metoda survey, dengan dua tahapan yakni mengklasifikasikan kemampuan lahan di Sihiong dan mengevaluasi kesesuaian lahan terhadap tanaman anggur dan jambu biji. Data primer dari lapangan adalah kemiringan lereng, erosi, solum, drainase, singkapan batuan dan bahaya banjir/genangan. Analisis properti tanah (tekstur, permeabiltas, bulk density, salinitas, bahan organik, pH, Kapasitas Tukar Kation, Kejenuhan Basa) dilakukan di laboratorium Riset dan Teknologi Fakultas Pertanian USU Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan daerah Sihiong termasuk kelas III dengan kemampuan lahan aktual kelas III(es). Upaya perbaikan dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi erosi dengan membuat teras di lahan sedangkan tekstur tanah Lempung Berpasir (t4) tidak dapat dirubah. Dengan adanya perbaikan maka kemampuan lahan potensial Sihiong menjadi kelas III(s). Kemampuan lahan di Desa Sihiong dapat mendukung tanaman Tanaman Anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) pada kesesuaian lahan aktual terendah S3 (eh) dan upaya perbaikan akan meningkatkan kelas potensial menjadi S2 (tc,wa) dengan faktor pembatas tc,wa (temperatur dan ketersediaan air/lama masa kering) tidakdapat/sulit diperbaiki. Kesesuaian untuk tanaman jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) berada pada kelas S3 (nr,eh) dengan faktor pembatas retensi hara dan bahaya erosi. Alternatif perbaikan dengan pemberian bahan organik yang diperkaya mineral basa dapat meningkatkan kelas kesesuaian lahan potensial menjadi S2 (tc) dengan faktor pembatas tc (temperatur) yang sulit diperbaiki

    407 Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Buah-Buahan dan Cara Aplikasinya Terhadap Serapan N Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.) Pada Tanah Ultisol: The Effect of Concentration of Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Fruits and its Application on The N Absorption and Growth of Mustard Plant (Brassica juncea L.) on Ultisol Soil

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) of fruits and its application on the N absorption and growth of mustard plant on ultisol soil. This study used a two-factor randomized group design with 3 replications. The first factor concentration of LOF with 4 levels ie P0 = 0ml LOF + 100ml water /polybag, P1 = 25ml LOF + 75ml water /polybag, P2 = 50ml LOF + 50ml water /polybag, P3 = 75ml LOF+ 25ml water /polybag, and the second factor of application of LOF with 3 levels that is B1= watered, B2= Sprayed, B3=½ watered and ½ sprayed. The results showed that giving LOF increases of soil pH by 5.78%, N absorption by 1.82 %; and number of leaves by 7.33%, wet weight by 1.47%, dry weight by 1.64%. The application method increases of soil pH by 7.05%, the number of leaves by 15.33%, and wet weight by 23.15%, dry weight by 2.39%, and N absorption by 9.87% and; The interaction of giving concentration of LOF and the application method increases of soil pH by 10.65%, and number of leaves by 37.52%, wet weight by 23.37% and dry weight by 4.86%, N absorption by 23.57 %. The best combination treatment is 75ml LOF + 25ml water and ½ watered + ½ sprayed. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk organik cair (POC) buah-buahan dan cara aplikasinya terhadap serapan N dan pertumbuhan tanaman sawi pada tanah Ultisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dua faktor dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama konsentrasi POC dengan 4 taraf yaitu P0 = 0ml POC + 100ml air /polibag, P1 = 25ml POC + 75ml air /polibag, P2 = 50ml POC + 50ml air /polibag, P3 = 75ml POC+ 25ml air /polibag, dan cara aplikasi dengan 3 cara yaitu B1 = Disiram, B2 = Disemprot, B3 = ½ disiram + ½ disemprot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian POC meningkatkan pH tanah sebesar 7,82%, serapan N sebesar 1,82% dan jumlah daun sebesar 7,33%, bobot basah sebesar 1,47%, bobot kering sebesar 1,64%; Cara aplikasinya meningkatkan pH tanah sebesar 1,94%, jumlah daun sebesar 15,33%, dan bobot basah sebesar 23,15%, bobot kering sebesar 2,39%, serapan N sebesar 9,87%; Interaksi pemberian konsentrasi pupuk organik cair dan cara aplikasinya meningkatkan meningkatkan pH tanah sebesar 10,02% dan jumlah daun sebesar 37,52%, bobot basah sebesar 23,37% dan bobot kering sebesar 4,86%, serapan N sebesar 23,57% pada tanaman sawi. Dengan perlakuan kombinasi terbaik adalah 75ml POC + 25ml air dan ½ disiram + ½ disemprot

    Perubahan Bentuk P Oleh Mikroba Pelarut Fosfat Dan Bahan Organik Terhadap P-tersedia Dan Produksi Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Pada Tanah Andisol Terdampak Erupsi Gunung Sinabung

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    Andisol was soil with high phosphate retension (>85 %) so that Phosphate not available to plants. Phosphate (P) was important nutrient that used in photosynthesis process, roots growth, flower, fruit and seed forming. The object of this research is to know the effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe (MPF) application, some organic matter sources and both of interaction to changes of phosphate form to phosphate availability and potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.) production at Andisol soil impacted Sinabung Mountain eruption. This research was conducted in Kuta Rakyat Village, Naman Teran Subdistrict, Karo Regency on February until July 2015. The research used factorial Random Device Group Methode (RDG) consists of two treatments and two replications. The first factor is phosphate solubilizing microbe with four treatments: control, phosphate solubilizing bacterial (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing fungi (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing bacterial and fungi (15 ml + 15 ml). The second factor is organic matter with five treatments: control, cow manure (100 g/plant), chicken manure (100 g/ plant), straw (100 g/ plant), Tithonia diversifolia (100 g/ plant). The result showed that phosphate solubilizing fungi and chicken manure application, increased P availability and productions of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants.Key Words : Andisol, Phosphate solubilizing microbe, organic matter, availability phosphate,production of potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.)Andisol was soil with high phosphate retension (>85 %) so that Phosphate not available to plants. Phosphate (P) was important nutrient that used in photosynthesis process, roots growth, flower, fruit and seed forming. The object of this research is to know the effect of phosphate solubilizing microbe (MPF) application, some organic matter sources and both of interaction to changes of phosphate form to phosphate availability and potatos (Solanum tuberosum L.) production at Andisol soil impacted Sinabung Mountain eruption. This research was conducted in Kuta Rakyat Village, Naman Teran Subdistrict, Karo Regency on February until July 2015. The research used factorial Random Device Group Methode (RDG) consists of two treatments and two replications. The first factor is phosphate solubilizing microbe with four treatments: control, phosphate solubilizing bacterial (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing fungi (30 ml), phosphate solubilizing bacterial and fungi (15 ml + 15 ml). The second factor is organic matter with five treatments: control, cow manure (100 g/plant), chicken manure (100 g/ plant), straw (100 g/ plant), Tithonia diversifolia (100 g/ plant). The result showed that phosphate solubilizing fungi and chicken manure application, increased P availability and productions of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants