10,722 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas Viii.d SMP Negeri 1 Simpang Kanan

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    This study aims to increase students' motivation in social studies class of VIII. D SMPN 1 Simpang Kanan, Rokan Hilir through the implementation of learning model of Make A Match on the subject matter even semester in the academic year 2015/2016. The subjects of this study were 20 students consisting of 10 male students and 10 female students. From the research activity of teacher has increased in the first cycle obtained a score of 70.83% both categories, the percentage increased to 95.83% with the category very well. Activities of students in the first cycle only get a percentage 71.67% both categories, increased in the second cycle to a percentage of 86.67% with a good category. Student's motivation is also seen to rise, it is evident from the percentage of student motivation in the first cycle that only earn a percentage of 75.00% in both categories, the percentage increased to 83.75% in both categories. According to the results of the data analysis and discussion of the implementation of this study can be concluded that the use of learning model Make A Match with media cards can increase students' motivation in social studies class VIII D SMPN 1 Simpang Kanan, Simpang Kanan Rokan Hilir in the academic year 2015/2016

    Gaucher Disease and Myelofibrosis: A Combined Disease or a Misdiagnosis?

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    Background: Gaucher disease (GD) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) share similar clinical and laboratory features, such as cytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, and marrow fibrosis, often resulting in a misdiagnosis. Case Report: We report here the case of a young woman with hepatosplenomegaly, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Based on bone marrow (BM) findings and on liver biopsy showing extramedullary hematopoiesis, an initial diagnosis of PMF was formulated. The patient refused stem cell transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling. Low-dose melphalan was given, without any improvement. Two years later, a BM evaluation showed Gaucher cells. Low glucocerebrosidase and high chitotriosidase levels were indicative for GD. Molecular analysis revealed N370S/complex I mutations. Enzyme replacement therapy with imiglucerase was commenced, resulting in clinical and hematological improvements. Due to an unexpected and persistent organomegaly, PMF combined with GD were suspected. JAK2V617F, JAK2 exon 12, MPL, calreticulin, and exon 9 mutations were negative, and BM examination showed no marrow fibrosis. PMF was excluded. Twenty years after starting treatment, the peripheral cell count and liver size were normal, whereas splenomegaly persisted. Conclusion: In order to avoid a misdiagnosis, a diagnostic algorithm for patients with hepatosplenomegaly combined with cytopenia is suggested

    Pengaruh Penambahan Admixture Terhadap Karakteristik Self Compacting Concrete (Scc)

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    Penelitian ini adalah eksperimen laboratorium yang sifatnya pengenalan terhadap materi SCC.SCC atau Self Compacting Concrete adalah sebuah inovasi dalam teknologi konstruksi betondewasa ini yang menggunakan bahan tambah (admixture) untuk menghasilkan beton berkinerjatinggi. Pada penelitian ini ingin diketahui pengaruh penambahan admixture kimiaSuperplasticizer “Mighty 150 S” dan Retarder “Conplast Dessue Possolit” terhadap karakteristikSCC. Superplasticizer diberikan dalam 3 variasi kadar (1,5%, 2,0%, 2,5%) dengan mengurangikadar air campuran. Metode pengujian SCC dengan Slump-Cone Test pada kondisi segar dantes kuat tekan pada umur 3, 7, dan 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keadaan selfcompactibilitySCC tercapai pada semua kadar Superplasticizer yang diberikan. Tingkatkelecakan aliran (workabilitas) SCC meningkat sesuai penambahan kadar Superplasticizer, dansebaliknya, kekuatan tekan SCC menurun sesuai penambahan kadar Superplasticizer. Kondisioptimal SCC tercapai pada kadar 1,5% Superplasticize

    The Storm Doesn’t Touch me!—The Role of Perceived Employability of Students and Graduates in the Pandemic Era

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    Perceived Employability acquires growing relevance as a psychological protective resource now that new entrants in the labour market from higher education are experiencing a deterioration of their occupational prospects due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which brings worries and jeopardises psychological well-being. This study aims to extend research on perceived employability among Italian University students and graduates. Perceived employability is posited to predict flourishing directly and indirectly by reducing material, social, and health worries related to COVID-19. Moreover, this study contends that perceived employability buffers the positive impact of perceived adverse conditions of the labour market on worries, changing the effect on flourishing. In total, 471 university students and graduates completed an online survey. The analyses reveal that perceived employability positively influences flourishing directly and indirectly by reducing COVID-19-related worries. Nevertheless, the results do not support the moderating action of perceived employability. Despite some limitations (e.g., a cross-sectional design), this study significantly advances the exploration of perceived employability as a critical personal resource to deal with the transition to work under pandemic-related crises. This study draws on its results to advise higher education to increase perceived employability, such as through career guidance activities and work-based learning experiences

    The predictive factors of new technology adoption, workers’ well-being and absenteeism: The case of a public maritime company in venice

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    The main goal of this research was to investigate the psychosocial aspects that influence the acceptance of innovative technology in maritime transport and its impact on employees’ work-related wellbeing and absenteeism. In particular, this study focused on a device that had been introduced to sailors working in water public transportation in Venice. The theoretical framework included two integrated models: the TAM model, concerning acceptance of the technology, and the JD-R model, related to workers’ well-being. A two-wave study was conducted; at T1, a self-report questionnaire was administered to 122 sailors. Four months after its first administration (T2), objective data related to days of absenteeism were collected. The study showed that the perceived ease of use and the usefulness of the device influenced the workers’ intentions to use the technology and their motivational processes of work engagement, which was also related to social support. Work engagement impacted on work satisfaction and predicted the level of absenteeism (measured at Time 2). The implementation of a new technology may fail if transportation companies do not consider psychosocial factors that assist in the acceptance of such technology and promote the involvement of workers in the technological system

    The competitive productivity (CP) of tourism destinations: an integrative conceptual framework and a reflection on big data and analytics

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is twofold. First, this study elaborates an integrative conceptual framework of tourism destination competitive productivity (TDCP) by blending established destination competitiveness frameworks, the competitive productivity (CP) framework and studies pertaining to big data and big data analytics (BDA) within destination management information systems and smart tourism destinations. Second, this study examines the drivers of TDCP in the context of the ongoing 4th industrial revolution by conceptualizing the destination business intelligence unit (DBIU) as a platform able to create sustained destination business intelligence under the guise of BDA, useful to support destination managers to achieve the tourism destination’s economic objectives. Design/methodology/approach: In this work, the authors leverage both extant literature (under the guise of research on CP, tourism destination competitiveness [TDC] and destination management information systems) and empirical work (in the form of interviews and field work involving destination managers and chief executive officers of destination management organizations and convention bureaus, as well as secondary data) to elaborate, develop and present an integrative conceptual framework of TDCP. Findings: The integrative conceptual framework of TDCP elaborated has been found helpful by a number of destination managers trying to understand how to effectively and efficiently manage and market a tourism destination in today’s fast-paced, digital and hypercompetitive environment. While DBIUs are at different stages of implementation, often as part of broader smart destination initiatives, it appears that they are increasingly fulfilling the purpose of creating sustained destination business intelligence by means of BDA to help tourism destinations achieve their economic goals. Research limitations/implications: This work bears several practical implications for tourism policymakers, destination managers and marketers, technology developers, as well as tourism and hospitality firms and practitioners. Tourism policymakers could embed TDCP into tourism and economic policies, and destination managers and marketers might build and make use of platforms such as the proposed DBIU. Technology developers need to understand that designing destination management information systems in general and more specifically DBIUs requires an in-depth analysis of the stakeholders that are going to contribute, share, control and use BDA. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study constitutes the first attempt to integrate the CP, TDC and destination management information systems research streams to elaborate an integrative conceptual framework of TDCP. Second, the authors contribute to the Industry 4.0 research stream by examining the drivers of tourism destination CP in the context of the ongoing 4th industrial revolution. Third, the authors contribute to the destination management information systems research stream by introducing and conceptualizing the DBIU and the related sustained destination business intelligence

    The effect of individual, group, and shared organizational identification on job satisfaction and collective actual turnover

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    Drawing on the Social Identity Approach principles, we explored the relationship between organizational identification (individual, group, and shared), job satisfaction, and collective actual turnover. We hypothesize that (a) shared identification moderates the within-person relationship between individual organizational identification and job satisfaction, namely, the effect is stronger for groups in which the level of shared organizational identification is higher; (b) group job satisfaction mediates the relationship between group organizational identification and collective actual turnover. This study was conducted in a large Italian firm (N = 1090; sale locations = 91). Data were collected using both surveys (e.g., job satisfaction) and archive data (collective actual turnover). By means of Bayesian Multilevel Structural Equation Models, we supported the moderating role played by shared organizational identification in the relationship between individual organizational identification and job satisfaction, while no evidence was found for the mediational hypothesis. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications for management
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