1,618 research outputs found

    Eating habits and practice of physical activity among eutrophic and overweight adolescents

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the eating habits and physical activity of adolescents enrolled in two public schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP). METHODS: A case-control study was conducted to analyze the eating habits and practice of physical activity of a group of overweight adolescents and of a eutrophic control group matched for sex and age. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short version) and a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire were applied and a 3-day food record was obtained. The nutritive value of the foods consumed was calculated with the Virtual Nutri® software. Body fat was estimated using the equations of Slaughter et al. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and by the Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Fifty-one (44.7%) overweight and 63 (55.2%) eutrophic adolescents were studied. Mean BMI was 29.5 for the overweight group and 21.0 for the eutrophic group, and percent body fat was 49.4 and 29.1, respectively (p<0.01-ANOVA). The daily calorie intake of the eutrophic adolescents consisted of 56.7% carbohydrates, 15.4% proteins and 27.9% lipids and the intake of the overweight group was 52.7%, 17.1% and 30.2%, respectively. In the eutrophic group, 28.6% were considered to be very active and 60.3% active and in the overweight group these values were 23.5% and 70.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Information about the eating and physical activity habits of adolescents is of fundamental importance for subsidizing individual and community actions. Although adolescents report apparently adequate physical activity and calorie consumption, health professional should be aware of the high rates of overweight and obesity detected in this age range

    Eating habits and intake of macro-and micronutrients among adolescents in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP)

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    Objective: to know the intake of macro and micronutrients among a group of adolescents in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP). Methods: observational study in which it is observed the intake and eating habits of adolescents, through the food frequency questionnaire validated for adolescents and the food record of 3 days. Results: the participants were 130 adolescents, of whom 81 (62.3%) were female and 49 (37.6%) male, with a mean age 196.8 ± 11 months. Food items with the highest intake were rice, beans, candies, bread, sugar and milk. The percentage of energy from macronutrients were 56.4% for the group of carbohydrate, 15.3% protein and 28.3% lipid. Regarding minerals, it was observed a low intake than the recommended for calcium, adequate intake of iron and zinc and, notably, excessive sodium intake. Conclusions: The results showed that adolescents consume a large amount of simple sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol and sodium, which, in excess, can cause harm to the health of individuals in full stage of development. Therefore, the evident need to implement food education programs targeted to adolescents and their families, in order to change consumer’s habits, specially the reduction of sodium present in processed foods as well as those prepared in restaurants, decrease of sugar consumption and increase of eating vegetables and foods with calcium

    Hábitos e consumo alimentar entre adolescentes eutróficos e com excesso de peso

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os hábitos e o consumo alimentar de adolescentes matriculados em duas escolas públicas da região oeste da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP). Método: Estudo tipo casocontrole que analisou o consumo alimentar de adolescentes eutróficos e com excesso de peso, pareados por idade e sexo, utilizando questionários de frequência alimentar e registro alimentar de 3 dias, comparados com o Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira e analisados peloSoftware Virtual Nutri. Resultados: a média de idade dos 130 adolescentes estudados foi 196,8 meses. As médias de IMC e de porcentagem de gordura corporal foram de 29,5 e 49,4% e 21,0 e 29,1% para os grupos de excesso de peso e eutróficos, respectivamente (p < 0,01). Entre os eutróficos a média de ingestão diária foi 1915,5 calorias, enquanto os adolescentes com excesso de peso ingeriram 1761,8 calorias. A maioria dos adolescentes realizou as três refeições principais: café da manhã (86%), almoço (98,9%) e jantar (96,8%). Para os adolescentes eutróficos os percentuais médios de energia consumidos foram de 56,7% para carboidratos, 15,4% para proteínas, e 27,9% para lipídeos, enquanto que o grupo com excesso de peso consumiu 52,7%, 17,1% e 30,2%, respectivamente. Conclusões: o hábito alimentar dos adolescentes vem sendo modificado, com o consumo cada vez maior de alimentos com pequena contribuição nutricional e que podem trazer grandes prejuízos à saúde, daí a necessidade da atuação dos profissionaisda saúde no sentido de orientar e sensibilizá-los para a importância de medidas que contribuam para a adoção de um estilo de vida saudável.Objective: to know the food intake of eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Methods: casecontrol study that analyzed the food intake and habits of adolescents with normal weight and overweight, matched for age and sex, using a food frequency questionnaire and food diaries for 3 days, compared with the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population and analyzed by the software Virtual Nutri. Results: Mean body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat were 29.5 and 49.4 for the overweight  group and 21.0% and 29.1% for the normal group, respectively (p < 0.01). Among normal individuals the average daily intake of calories was 1915.5 while overweight adolescents consumed 1761.8 calories. Most adolescents ate the three main meals: breakfast (86%), lunch (98,9%) and dinner (96.8%). For eutrophic teenagers the average percentage of energy consumed was 56.7% for carbohydrates, 154% for proteins and 27.9% for lipids, while the overweight group consumed 52.7%, 17.1% and 30.2%, respectively. Conclusions: the study showed that both groups of adolescents consume the same types and similar amounts of foods, except when considering the group of cereals, roots and tubers whose consumption was higher among eutrophic adolescents (p < 0.01)

    Resistance mechanisms of sugarcane cultivars to spittlebug Mahanarva fimbriolata

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    The spittlebug Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) is one of the most important pests of sugarcane in Brazil. Measures for population control are currently restricted to the use of chemical insecticides and fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, in part because very little information exists regarding resistance of sugarcane cultivars. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate resistance mechanisms of 12 different sugarcane cultivars to M. fimbriolata to provide information for growers for pest management. Isolated buds of each cultivar were planted in pots and kept in a greenhouse for approximately three months. The pots were then moved to climate test chambers (26 ± 1 ºC; 70 ± 10 % relative humidity; 12 h photoperiod) to carry out laboratory tests to evaluate adult feeding and female oviposition preferences (using both free-choice and no-choice tests) as well as the effects of cultivars on nymph development and cultivars tolerance to pest attack. The least attractive cultivars for adult feeding were IACSP96-2042 and IAC91-1099. Cultivars IACSP96-2042, IACSP96-3060 and IACSP94-2101 received the fewest eggs in the free-choice and no-choice oviposition tests and exhibited some level of antixenosis resistance. Cultivar IAC91-1099 showed the highest level of antibiosis resistance with a nymph survival rate in the roots of only 20 %. Finally, cultivar IACSP94-2094 appears to be tolerant to M. fimbriolata, as it did not show significant reductions in aboveground biomass weight, despite showing reduced leaf chlorophyll levels following pest attack

    Investigation of hypovitaminosis D in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and its relationship with clinical worsening: a cross-sectional observational retrospective clinical study

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated the profile of infection and symptoms related to COVID-19 that occur with pulmonary manifestations (such as Acute Respiratory Syndrome), digestive symptoms, anosmia, and ageusia. Many comorbidities have been associated with deaths and severe cases of the disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease. However, many questions remain unanswered, especially the association of disease severity with hypovitaminosis D. Vitamin D deficiency is widely found in patients in Intensive Care Units, and recent studies have shown that it has been suggested that patients with severe manifestations of COVID-19 have hypovitaminosis D. Therefore, the present study aims to associate the presence of hypovitaminosis D in patients with the acute respiratory syndrome, positive for SARS-COV-2, admitted to the José Alencar Regional Hospital in Uberaba/Brazil and the evolution of the disease (days of hospitalization, hospitalization in the ICU, discharge and death) through the analysis of vitamin D (25(OH)D) hospitalized patients clinical records. The incidence of hypovitaminosis D among the patients was also assessed. The results may contribute to the understanding of the disease, as well as the need for vitamin supplementation

    Morbimortalidade por hanseníase em idosos nos anos de 2010 a 2015 no estado de Goiás / Morbidity and mortality from leprosy in the elderly in the years 2010 to 2015 in the state of Goiás

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    A hanseníase é uma doença causada pelo Micobacterium leprae, sendo o Brasil o 2o país mais acometido. Os idosos são responsáveis por 20% dos casos, causando grande impacto nessa população. Assim sendo, este estudo tem como objetivo verificar o impacto da morbimortalidade por hanseníase nos idosos em Goiás entre 2010-2015. Este é um estudo epidemiológico quantitativo e descritivo, realizado em setembro de 2017, tendo como base o acervo do DATASUS. As variáveis utilizadas na análise foram: faixa etária acima de 65 anos em ambos os sexos. O presente estudo teve como propósito analisar a relação entre o número confirmado de idosos acometidos pela hanseníase no estado de Goiás, entre os anos de 2010 e 2015, e a incidência de óbitos por essa doença em tal população. Nota-se que há importante discrepância entre a quantidade de pessoas acometidas por hanseníase e o número de óbitos por essa doença na população idosa. Assim, é evidente que existe uma boa adesão ao tratamento da hanseníase entre os idosos do estado de Goiás, uma vez que o número de óbitos é muito pequeno diante dos numerosos casos da doença

    Análise dos fatores de risco relacionados ao comportamento suicida em crianças e adolescentes / Analysis of risk factors related to suicidal behavior in children and adolescents

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    Introdução: O suicídio está entre as três principais causas de morte entre os 15 e 44 anos, sendo o maior grupo de risco representado pelos jovens. Na infância essa prática também tem crescido. Objetivo: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura pautada nos principais fatores de risco que levam ao suicídio de crianças e adolescentes. Metodologia: Utilizou-se a base Medical Literature Analisys and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE/ PubMed), sob os descritores Suicide, Children, Child, Childhood, Adolescent, Risk Factors, com a seleção de artigos de revisão e artigos originais, seguindo critérios de elegibilidade. Foram encontrados 574 textos, com seleção inicial de 226, dos quais restaram 37 artigos elegíveis. Resultados: Os artigos, em sua maioria redigidos em língua inglesa, contemplavam também publicações de autores e periódicos de diferentes nacionalidades. A maioria dos artigos abrangiam os anos de 2019 (dez) e 2017 (seis), e grande parte foi publicada nos últimos 5 anos. Considerações finais: Comportamentos suicidas são responsáveis por grande parte das mortes entre crianças e adolescentes e os principais fatores de risco foram: transtornos mentais, automutilação, bullying, disfunções familiares, fatores genéticos e abuso de álcool e drogas. Logo, ficou evidente a importância de estratégias para identificação precoce dos fatores de risco e prevenção do suicídio. 

    Mapping density, diversity and species-richness of the Amazon tree flora

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    Using 2.046 botanically-inventoried tree plots across the largest tropical forest on Earth, we mapped tree species-diversity and tree species-richness at 0.1-degree resolution, and investigated drivers for diversity and richness. Using only location, stratified by forest type, as predictor, our spatial model, to the best of our knowledge, provides the most accurate map of tree diversity in Amazonia to date, explaining approximately 70% of the tree diversity and species-richness. Large soil-forest combinations determine a significant percentage of the variation in tree species-richness and tree alpha-diversity in Amazonian forest-plots. We suggest that the size and fragmentation of these systems drive their large-scale diversity patterns and hence local diversity. A model not using location but cumulative water deficit, tree density, and temperature seasonality explains 47% of the tree species-richness in the terra-firme forest in Amazonia. Over large areas across Amazonia, residuals of this relationship are small and poorly spatially structured, suggesting that much of the residual variation may be local. The Guyana Shield area has consistently negative residuals, showing that this area has lower tree species-richness than expected by our models. We provide extensive plot meta-data, including tree density, tree alpha-diversity and tree species-richness results and gridded maps at 0.1-degree resolution