23 research outputs found

    Penangkapan dan Perdagangan Trenggiling Jawa (Manis Javanica Desmarest, 1822) di Indonesia

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    Status konservasi trenggiling Jawa tidak terlepas dari ancaman perdagangan illegal. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terkait dengan penangkapan dan tata niaga perdagangan serta perkiraan populasi yang telah diperdagangkan sampai tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik snow-ball dan purposive random sampling dengan kuesioner. Persepsi masyarakat untuk menambah pendapatan (40%) melalui kesempatan (52%). Selama empat belas tahun terakhir, trenggiling Jawa yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 319.460 individu yang diekspor ke mancanegara. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kebijakan dan sanksi terhadap satwaliar yang dilindungi, belum efektif dalam menanggulangi perdagangan illegal sehingga belum memberikan efek jera

    Inbreeding Pada Populasi Banteng (Bos Javanicus D'Alton 1832) Di Kebun Binatang Surabaya

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    Inbreeding Population of Banteng (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1832) at Surabaya Zoo. Reny Sawitry and Mariana Takandjandji. Banteng (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1832) is one of wildlife that is maintained in Surabaya Zoo, their mating system happened from a couples, and so overlap from generation to next generation. The purposed of this research was to determine effective population size, genetic diversity, and the change of physical and physiological of the herd. The methods used in this study were analysis DNA mitochondria from hair samples, description of physical and physiological change, and inbreeding coefficient. The results showed that effective populations size of herd in Surabaya Zoo tended to decline from productive age of Banteng. Haplotype diversity of herd population was very low, the distance of genetic intra population zerro, and it’s genetic diversity was very homogen. This occured caused change in sex ratio of which male dominated the offspring population. Subsequently, the impact of inbreeding was the change of physic and physiology of Banteng such as skin colour, sterile and infertile. Inbreeding that happened in Surabaya Zoo affected extinction of third population because of individual number of live sex less than one. The inbreeding coeficient was calculate using of pedigree analysis and inbreeding rate per generation based on the population structure. The calculation result of inbreeding coeficient was 0.42, while the inbreeding rate was 4.3% per generation. Finally, it’s needed to supply Banteng from nature to fix offsprings and it’s genetic diversity

    Ukuran Morfometrik dan Meristik pada Trenggiling Jawa (Manis Javanica Desmarest, 1822) dari Pulau Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan

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    Trenggiling jawa (Manis javanica Desmarest, 1822) sebagai satwa yang ilindungi dengan status terancam punah, saat inimengalami tekanan karena perburuan yang tidak terbatas. Saat ini banyak hasil sitaan trenggiling dari perdagangan ilegal yang ditemukan dalam keadaan beku di bandara udara dan pelabuhan laut tetapi tidak diketahui asal usulnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asal usul trenggiling jawa hasil sitaan melalui pengukuran morfometrik dan meristik dalam mendukung penelusuran dan penyelidikan alur perdagangan ilegal. Penelitian dilakukan di UD Multi Jaya Abadi (Medan), Taman MargasatwaRagunan, Kebun Binatang Surabaya, Sukabumi, trenggiling sitaan Pangkalan Bun (Kalimantan Tengah), dan Pelabuhan Merak (Provinsi Banten), dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2013. Hasil analisis sidik ragam dan uji beda nyata antar wilayah atau lokasi, ternyata tidak ada pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,01) terhadap ukuran morfometrik dan meristik trenggiling jawa. Walaupun demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa trenggiling jawa jantan memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar dan lebih panjang dibanding dengan betina, demikian juga trenggiling jawa dari Kalimantan memiliki bobot badan paling besar dan sisik berwarna kehitamhitaman dibanding dengan trenggiling jawa dari Sumatera dan Jawa yang lebih kecil dengan sisik berwarna kecokelatan

    Analisis USAha Tenun Ikat Berbasis Pewarna Alam Di Kabupaten Sumba Timur: Kasus Di Kecamatan Kambera Dan Umalulu

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    Manufacturing of East Sumba\u27s hand woven is using natural dye from parts of plant. This research aims to analyze business characteristics, covering process, production cost and handcrafters\u27 income, kinds of plants used as natural dye, handcrafters\u27 problems and supports needed to develop the business. The research was conducted at three villages in February and June 2014 by using interview, dialogue and field observation method. The business is micro scale industry where labours are from family members. Production cost and selling price of the products vary among handcrafters. Average work volume of handcrafters was 7,91 of thread unit per year and generate income of Rp1.133.122,- per month. There are two plant species produce natural dye that are mainly used, i.e. Indigofera tinctoria L. and Morinda citrifolia L., collected from nature. Work productivity of handcrafters has not optimal yet and raw materials of natural dye are more difficult to be obtained. Products of Sumba hand woven still use traditional motives and color, so that market segments are limited. To ensure the sustainability and development of the business, cultivation of plant species produce natural dye has to be done immediately. To expand market segment, it is important to introduce alternatives motive and color

    Identifikasi Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Oleh Masyarakat: Upaya Konservasi Sumber Daya Genetik Dan Sosial Budaya

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    Utilization of Forest Products by the Society at the Time Have Been Amended Due to Changes in Tastes and Consumption Levels of Society and Increase Social Dynamics of Society. Slamet E. Sumanto and Mariana Takandjandji. This study aims to determine patterns of utilization of forest products by communities and the pattern changes and the influence on forest management. Research conducted in Timor Tengah Selatan regency of East Nusa Tenggara. Methods of data collection using direct interview techniques, field documentation and library literature. The results showed that the general public has long recognized and use forest products for housing construction, energy and wood fences, craft materials and traditional musical instruments, a dye, and the use of other (honey bees, forest products followup likes as tamarin and walnut, as well as handicrafts). Local knowledge and utilization of local plant species should be a consideration in forest management policy in the future


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    The use of alternative feed for Sunda pangolin in captivity is one way to cope with a shortage of feed. The aims of the research was to determine the impact of the use of alternative feed toward feed consumption and daily weight gain of pangolin in captivity. The research was conducted at Research Forest Dramaga, Bogor. The research material used by 4 individual pangolin consists of 2 males and 2 females with an average weight of 4.28 ± 0.22 kg. Research using 4x4 Latin Square Design, with 7 days of preliminary period and 14 days of data collection. The treatment applied were 4 alternative feeding i.e A= 50% kroto + 50% egg; B= 50% kroto + 50% tofu; C= 50% kroto + 20% egg + 30% tofu; D= 50% kroto + 18% egg + 26% tofu + 6% termites. The results showed that the effect of alternative feed not significantly (P<0.05) on feed consumption and body weight gain pangolin. Pangolin with treatment C consumed feed based on dry matter as much as 63.08 grams per day or 10.46% from body weight and the biggest weight gain 35.0 grams per individual per day.

    Vegetation diversity, biomass, and carbon storage in post-burned lowland forest of Sangatta, East Kutai, East Kalimantan

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    Forest fires can reduce biomass, carbon storage, and vegetation diversity.  This research aims to obtain information on vegetation diversity, biomass, carbon content, and carbon dioxide equivalent in two lowland forests of Sangatta (East Kutai) that experienced forest fire in 2015 and 2017. The research was conducted in May 2019 by establishing one plot of 100m x 100m in 2015 and 2017 burned forests, respectively, and placed purposively in each site. The plots were divided into 25 sub-plots of 20m x 20m. All trees and saplings within its respected plots were identified and measured, including their DBH and height, while seedlings were identified and counted. The results showed that in 2015 burned forest contained 103 species and 38 families, including 59 species of trees (DBH ≥10cm) from 467 individuals. Meanwhile, in 2017 burned forest, we found 87 species and 36 families, including 69 species of trees from 398 individuals. We also found that three dominants species in 2015 burned forest were Macaranga gigantea with a density of 120 trees/ha or carbon sinks of 25.84 C kg, Melicope lunuankenda with a density of 63 trees/ha or 6.56 C kg, and Shorea seminis with a density/ha of 6 trees or 0.93 C kg. While three dominants species in 2017 burned forest were Alpitonia incana with a density of 165 trees/ha or carbon sinks of 6.87 C kg, Macaranga gigantea with a density of 60 trees/ha or carbon sinks of 6.18 C kg, and Callicarpa pentandra with a density/ha of 43 trees or 2.75 C kg. The estimated biomass, carbon content, and carbon dioxide equivalent in the burned forest in 2015 with a diameter ≥10cm were 102.20 tons/ha, 47.94 tons C/ha, and 175.94 tons CO2 eq/ha, respectively. Meanwhile, biomass, carbon content, and carbon dioxide equivalent in the burned forest in 2017 with a diameter of ≥10cm were 56.56 tons/ha, 26.58 tons C/ha, and 97.56 tons CO2 eq/ha, respectively