8 research outputs found

    Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet Associated to Polyene Antifungals on Candida albicans Biofilms

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    The increasing incidence of antifungal resistance represents a great challenge in the medical area and, for this reason, new therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of fungal infections are urgently required. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has been proposed as a promising alternative technique for the treatment of superficial candidiasis, with inhibitory effect both in vitro and in vivo. However, little is known on the association of CAP with conventional antifungals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the association between CAP and conventional polyene antifungals on Candida albicans biofilms. C. albicans SC 5314 and a clinical isolate were used to grow 24 or 48 h biofilms, under standardized conditions. After that, the biofilms were exposed to nystatin, amphotericin B and CAP, separately or in combination. Different concentrations of the antifungals and sequences of treatment were evaluated to establish the most effective protocol. Biofilms viability after the treatments was compared to negative control. Data were compared by One-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey (5%). The results demonstrate that 5 min exposure to CAP showed more effective antifungal effect on biofilms when compared to nystatin and amphotericin B. Additionally, it was detected that CAP showed similar (but smaller in magnitude) effects when applied in association with nystatin and amphotericin B at 40 µg/mL and 60 µg/mL. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of CAP alone was more effective against C. albicans biofilms than in combination with conventional polyene antifungal agents

    Effect of storage temperature on blackberry postharvest conservation

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    Blackberries have a relatively short shelf life, due to their fragile structure, high metabolism and incidence of diseases, thus requiring a careful storage. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different temperatures on blackberry (Brazos cultivar) conservation, characterizing its physical and chemical attributes and quantifying the pathogens responsible for rottenness. A completely randomized experimental design, in a factorial scheme (temperatures x orchards), with three replications of 10 fruits per treatment, was used. The temperatures of 2 ºC and 5 ºC were effective in delaying the color change and degradation of organic acids. There was a significant increase in rottenness incidence with increasing storage temperature. Incidences lower than 7 % were observed at the end of storage at 2 ºC and 5 ºC, however, they exceeded 20 % at temperatures from 15 ºC. The main pathogens detected were Cladosporium spp. and Colletotrichum spp. Refrigeration at 2 ºC and 5 ºC is an efficient alternative to maintain the quality of blackberries up to nine days, for delaying fruit ripening and rottenness development

    Aplicação de protótipo de microscópio de baixo custo como estratégia para o ensino de ciências e conscientização ambiental

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    Practical science classes are important methodological resources for teaching-learning process. However, many Brazilian public schools have poor laboratory structure, which hampers the development of practical activities. This extension project aimed to report the development of an interdisciplinary pedagogical strategy covering contents of biology, optics and environmental education, through the construction and application of a microscope prototype, made with low-cost and reusable electro-electronic materials. One hundred and twenty-six students from public elementary schools participated in the project. Workshops were held with theoretical and dynamic classes covering: i) a theoretical and dynamic class addressing concepts about cell, microscope physics and environmental education (solid and electro-electronic waste, recycling and reuse of waste, separation, and accountability), ii) a practical activity with the construction of a microscope prototype with recycled and reusable electronics and iii) evaluative questionnaire. The activity was based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs - ONU), aiming at a quality education and responsible consumption and production. Besides, it was based on the concept of observation and experimentation as a didactic strategy for assimilating information. The results indicated an improvement in the students’ understanding of the concepts of waste and cell, as well as the operation of a microscope, confirming that the activity improved the teaching-learning process. The low cost and easy operable prototype can improve the infrastructure of the schools, besides being an interesting tool to distance education.Aulas práticas de ciências são importantes recursos metodológicos no processo ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos. No entanto, muitas escolas públicas brasileiras possuem escassa estrutura laboratorial, o que dificulta o desenvolvimento de atividades práticas. Este projeto de extensão teve como objetivo relatar o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia pedagógica interdisciplinar, abrangendo diversas áreas no ensino de Ciências, como conceitos de educação ambiental, citologia e óptica, por meio da construção e aplicação de um protótipo de microscópio, confeccionado com materiais eletroeletrônicos reutilizáveis, e outros de baixo custo. Participaram do projeto cento e vinte seis alunos, de escolas públicas do ensino fundamental. Foram ministradas oficinas compostas por: a) aula teórica e dinâmica abordando conceitos sobre a célula, física do microscópio e educação ambiental (resíduos sólidos e eletroeletrônicos, reciclagem e reutilização de resíduos, separação e responsabilização), b) aula prática com construção de protótipo de microscópio e c) questionário avaliativo. A atividade foi fundamentada nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS - ONU), visando à educação de qualidade e consumo e produção responsáveis, assim como na observação e experimentação como estratégia didática para a obtenção e assimilação de informações. Os resultados indicaram melhora na compreensão, por parte dos estudantes, de conceitos relacionados aos resíduos, células e funcionamento de um microscópio, confirmando a contribuição da atividade na melhoria do processo ensino–aprendizagem de ciências e conscientização ambiental. O protótipo, por ser de baixo custo e de fácil operação, pode aprimorar a infraestrutura de ensino das escolas, além de ser uma ferramenta interessante para auxiliar no ensino à distância

    Applications of Plasma-Activated Water in Dentistry: A Review

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    The activation of water by non-thermal plasma creates a liquid with active constituents referred to as plasma-activated water (PAW). Due to its active constituents, PAW may play an important role in different fields, such as agriculture, the food industry and healthcare. Plasma liquid technology has received attention in recent years due to its versatility and good potential, mainly focused on different health care purposes. This interest has extended to dentistry, since the use of a plasma–liquid technology could bring clinical advantages, compared to direct application of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas (NTAPPs). The aim of this paper is to discuss the applicability of PAW in different areas of dentistry, according to the published literature about NTAPPs and plasma–liquid technology. The direct and indirect application of NTAPPs are presented in the introduction. Posteriorly, the main reactors for generating PAW and its active constituents with a role in biomedical applications are specified, followed by a section that discusses, in detail, the use of PAW as a tool for different oral diseases

    Evaluating the Cytotoxicity of Functionalized MWCNT and Microbial Biofilm Formation on PHBV Composites

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    This study focuses on the cytotoxic evaluation of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and microbial biofilm formation on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) nanocomposites incorporating MWCNTs functionalized with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and carboxyl groups. The materials were characterized for cytotoxicity to fibroblasts and antimicrobial effects against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The functionalization of MWCNTs was performed through oxidation (CNT-Ox) and GABA attachment (CNT-GB). The PHBV/CNT nanocomposites were produced via melt mixing. All MWCNT suspensions showed non-toxic behaviors after 24 h of incubation (viability higher than 70%); however, prolonged incubation and higher concentrations led to increased cytotoxicity. The antibacterial potential of PHBV/CNT nanocomposites against S. aureus showed a reduction in biofilm formation of 64% for PHBV/CNT-GB and 20% for PHBV/CNT-Ox, compared to neat PHBV. Against C. albicans, no reduction was observed. The results indicate promising applications for PHBV/CNT nanocomposites in managing bacterial infections, with GABA-functionalized CNTs showing enhanced performance

    Influence of Chronic Alcohol Use on Osteoblastic Differentiation of Bone Marrow Cells, Bone Properties, and Hepatic and Renal Morphology of Rats

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    Chronic alcohol exposure can affect the osteoblastic activity and the proliferation and differentiation of cells due to its toxic effect, which can affect negatively bone repair and bone microarchitecture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chronic use of 20% alcohol on rats regarding osteoblastic differentiation, extrinsic and intrinsic properties of the tibia, and hepatic and renal morphology. Wistar rats were divided into three groups (n=9) in accordance with a 24-week diet. After euthanasia, kidneys, liver, and tibias were removed for analysis and femurs mesenchymal cells were collected. The results showed that chronic use of 20% alcohol influenced neither the alkaline phosphatase production nor total protein (p>0.05) in rats, with similar formation of nodules in all groups (p>0.05). However, significant changes in the liver and kidneys and adverse effects on the mechanical properties of the tibia were observed. According to the results, it can be concluded that the chronic use of alcohol for 24 weeks had no negative influence on the activity and differentiation of osteoblasts, but the mechanical properties of the tibia were impaired and the organs responsible for metabolism and excretion were also affected due to the consumption of alcohol