2,415 research outputs found

    The initial energy density of gluons produced in very high energy nuclear collisions

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    In very high energy nuclear collisions, the initial energy of produced gluons per unit area per unit rapidity, dE/L2/dηdE/L^2/d\eta, is equal to f(g2μL)(g2μ)3/g2f(g^2\mu L) (g^2\mu)^3/g^2, where μ2\mu^2 is proportional to the gluon density per unit area of the colliding nuclei. For an SU(2) gauge theory, we perform a non--perturbative numerical computation of the function f(g2μL)f(g^2\mu L). It decreases rapidly for small g2μLg^2\mu L but varies only by 25\sim 25%, from 0.208±0.0040.208\pm 0.004 to 0.257±0.0050.257\pm 0.005, for a wide range 35.36--296.98 in g2μLg^2\mu L, including the range relevant for collisions at RHIC and LHC. Extrapolating to SU(3), we estimate the initial energy per unit rapidity for Au-Au collisions in the central region at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 3 figures; revised version-includes additional numerical data; reference adde

    Forward Quark Jets from Protons Shattering the Colored Glass

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    We consider the single-inclusive minijet cross section in pA at forward rapidity within the Color Glass Condensate model of high energy collisions. We show that the nucleus appears black to the incident quarks except for very large impact parameters. A markedly flatter p_t distribution as compared to QCD in the dilute perturbative limit is predicted for transverse momenta about the saturation scale, which could be as large as Q_s^2 ~ 10 GeV^2 for a gold nucleus boosted to rapidity ~10 (as at the BNL-RHIC).Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Hard Parton Rescatterings and Minijets in Nuclear Collisions at LHC

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    The average number of minijets and the corresponding transverse energy produced in heavy ion collisions are evaluated by including explicitly semi-hard parton rescatterings in the dynamics of the interaction. At the LHC semi-hard rescatterings have a sizable effect on global characteristics of the typical inelastic event. An interesting feature is that the dependence on the cutoff which separates soft and hard parton interactions becomes less critical after taking rescatterings into account.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Enlarged discussion in sect.1 and 4; 1 figure added. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    The lifespan method as a tool to study criticality in absorbing-state phase transitions

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    In a recent work, a new numerical method (the lifespan method) has been introduced to study the critical properties of epidemic processes on complex networks [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{111}, 068701 (2013)]. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the viability of this method for the study of the critical properties of generic absorbing-state phase transitions in lattices. Focusing on the well understood case of the contact process, we develop a finite-size scaling theory to measure the critical point and its associated critical exponents. We show the validity of the method by studying numerically the contact process on a one-dimensional lattice and comparing the findings of the lifespan method with the standard quasi-stationary method. We find that the lifespan method gives results that are perfectly compatible with those of quasi-stationary simulations and with analytical results. Our observations confirm that the lifespan method is a fully legitimate tool for the study of the critical properties of absorbing phase transitions in regular lattices

    Non-linear evolution in CCFM: The interplay between coherence and saturation

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    We solve the CCFM equation numerically in the presence of a boundary condition which effectively incorporates the non-linear dynamics. We retain the full dependence of the unintegrated gluon distribution on the coherence scale, and extract the saturation momentum. The resulting saturation scale is a function of both rapidity and the coherence momentum. In Deep Inelastic Scattering this will lead to a dependence of the saturation scale on the photon virtuality in addition to the usual x-Bjorken dependence. At asymptotic energies the interplay between the perturbative non-linear physics, and that of the QCD coherence, leads to an interesting and novel dynamics where the saturation momentum itself eventually saturates. We also investigate various implementations of the "non-Sudakov" form factor. It is shown that the non-linear dynamics leads to almost identical results for different form factors. Finally, different choices of the scale of the running coupling are analyzed and implications for the phenomenology are discussed.Comment: 37 pages, 21 figure

    From colored glass condensate to gluon plasma: equilibration in high energy heavy ion collisions

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    The initial distribution of gluons at the very early times after a high energy heavy ion collision is described by the bulk scale QsQ_s of gluon saturation in the nuclear wavefunction. The subsequent evolution of the system towards kinetic equilibrium is described by a non-linear Landau equation for the single particle distributions \cite{Mueller1,Mueller2}. In this paper, we solve this equation numerically for the idealized initial conditions proposed by Mueller, and study the evolution of the system to equilibrium. We discuss the sensitivity of our results on the dynamical screening of collinear divergences. In a particular model of dynamical screening, the convergence to the hydrodynamic limit is seen to be rapid relative to hydrodynamic time scales. The equilibration time, the initial temperature, and the chemical potential are shown to have a strong functional dependence on the initial gluon saturation scale QsQ_s.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    The Eruption from a Sigmoidal Solar Active Region on 2005 May 13

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    This paper presents a multiwavelength study of the M8.0 flare and its associated fast halo CME that originated from a bipolar active region NOAA 10759 on 2005 May 13. The source active region has a conspicuous sigmoid structure at TRACE 171 A channel as well as in the SXI soft X-ray images, and we mainly concern ourselves with the detailed process of the sigmoid eruption as evidenced by the multiwavelength data ranging from Halpha, WL, EUV/UV, radio, and hard X-rays (HXRs). The most important finding is that the flare brightening starts in the core of the active region earlier than that of the rising motion of the flux rope. This timing clearly addresses one of the main issues in the magnetic eruption onset of sigmoid, namely, whether the eruption is initiated by an internal tether-cutting to allow the flux rope to rise upward or a flux rope rises due to a loss of equilibrium to later induce tether cutting below it. Our high time cadence SXI and Halpha data shows that the first scenario is relevant to this eruption. As other major findings, we have the RHESSI HXR images showing a change of the HXR source from a confined footpoint structure to an elongated ribbon-like structure after the flare maximum, which we relate to the sigmoid-to-arcade evolution. Radio dynamic spectrum shows a type II precursor that occurred at the time of expansion of the sigmoid and a drifting pulsating structure in the flare rising phase in HXR. Finally type II and III bursts are seen at the time of maximum HXR emission, simultaneous with the maximum reconnection rate derived from the flare ribbon motion in UV. We interpret these various observed properties with the runaway tether-cutting model proposed by Moore et al. in 2001.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, The Astrophysical Journal, accepted July, 200

    Saturation and Wilson Line Distributions

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    We introduce a Wilson line distribution function bar{W}_tau(v) to study gluon saturation at small Feynman x_F, or large tau=ln(1/x_F). This new distribution can be obtained from the distribution W_tau(alpha) of the Color Glass Condensate model and the JIMWLK renormalization group equation. bar{W}_tau(v) is physically more relevant, and mathematically simpler to deal with because of unitarity of the Wilson line v. A JIMWLK equation is derived for bar{W}_tau(v); its properties are studied. These properties are used to complete Mueller's derivation of the JIMWLK equation, though for bar{W}_tau(v) and not W_tau(alpha). They are used to derive a generalized Balitsky-Kovchegov equation for higher multipole amplitudes. They are also used to compute the unintegrated gluon distribution at x_F=0, yielding a completely flat spectrum in transverse momentum squared k^2, with a known height. This is similar but not identical to the mean field result at small k^2.Comment: One reference and two short comments added. To appear in Physical Revies

    Coherent gluon production in very high energy heavy ion collisions

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    The early stages of a relativistic heavy-ion collision are examined in the framework of an effective classical SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the transverse plane. We compute the initial energy and number distributions, per unit rapidity, at mid-rapidity, of gluons produced in high energy heavy ion collisions. We discuss the phenomenological implications of our results in light of the recent RHIC data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure