1,972 research outputs found

    CSS-Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for CSS and HTML

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    In this paper we show how a student can learn the basics of the system databases using (W3school CSS) which was built as intelligent tutoring educational system by using the authoring tool called (ITSB). The learning material contains CSS and HTML. We divided the material in a group of lessons for novice learner which combines relational system and lessons in the process of learning. The student can learn using example of CSS, and types of CSS color. Furthermore, the intelligent tutoring system supports not only lessons; but exercises of different difficult levels for each lesson. When a student finish successfully the first difficulty level in a lesson, the student is allowed to move to the next difficulty level of the exercises of the lesson

    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction: a Case Study at Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia Terengganu (FRDMT) Fire Fighters

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    Job satisfaction involves the emotions and their behavioural expression towards their job. It is known that a job is the activity which involves the satisfaction of emotion and expression. These emotions and behavioural expression is in relation to the pleasant or unpleasant feeling that they experienced towards their job fulfilment within an organization. These feelings are influenced by job-related factors. This had highly suggested that a job satisfaction level should be well accepted and satisfied by any employees to guarantee a minimal turnover for any organization. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence job satisfaction among Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, Terengganu (FRDMT) fire fighters. It involves fire fighters from different grade level. It is important to identify job satisfaction among them in order to acknowledge their expression towards job satisfaction and to accommodate their opportunities to voice their opinion anonymously. This study uses primary data of 234 Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, Terengganu (FRDMT) fire fighters. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized for data collection, which is then analyzed using the descriptive and correlation analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings showed that only working environment and co-workers significantly influence job satisfaction. Meanwhile, for the other three variables, namely promotion, reward and leadership style did not influence job satisfaction. Keywords: Job satisfaction, fire fighters, working environment, promotion, reward, leadership styl

    Nutritive value of three potential complementary foods based on cereals and legumes

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    The objectives of the study were to formulate composite blends (weaning foods) based on locally available cereals and legumes, to chemically evaluate their  nutrient values, and compare with those of a proprietary formula and recommended daily allowance (RDA). The study is part of the effort to provide home-based complementary (weaning) foods that can be more cost effective to the low income families. Three composite blends were formulated based on protein basis of the food commodities used. Standard procedures of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) were used to determine the proximate chemical composition.  Technicon amino acid analyzer was used to detect and quantify neither amino acids using nor leucine as the internal standard, while atomic absorption  spectrophotometer and ion chromatographic analyzer were used to determine the mineral element  composition. The overall results indicated that crude protein, lipid, fibre, ash, moisture, energy and carbohydrate were either comparable or higher than values in the proprietary formula. The subject formulae would meet the RDA for protein, lipid,  magnesium, manganese and fluoride based on an estimated daily intake of 65 g of weaning foods by a normal six months old infant in Jos, Nigeria. The subject diets would not meet the RDA for other nutrients based on the same estimation. It is therefore recommended that infants fed on these formulations be breastfed for at least two years, since the formulations are not intended to  substitute breast milk, but to complement it. Frequent feeding on these foods is also recommended to increase daily nutrient intake. Inclusion of other nutrient-dense food commodities or appropriate micronutrients is necessary to raise the level of  nutrients. The researchers believe that complementary foods formulated from locally available food commodities have great potential in providing nutritious foods that are practical, food-based approaches, aimed at combating the problem of malnutrition among infants and children in Nigeria in particular, and developing counties in general.Key words: Complementary foods, Cereals, Legume

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Karakteristik Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen Serta Dampaknya Pada Kinerja Manajerial Studi Pada Kopaga Warga Desa Sangkanhurip

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    Budaya organisasi dan karakteristik sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen merupakan konsep yang populer sekaligus kompleks yang diidentifikasikan sebagai faktor yang dapat menyukseskan maupun menggagalkan tercapainya kinerja manajerial. Fenomena yang terjadi pada organisasi di Indonesia adalah kinerja manajerial yang belum sempurna. Demikian pula budaya organisasi dan karakteristik sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen belum menunjukkan kondisi yang ideal. Maksud dan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencapai kebenaran melalui pengujian (konfirmasi) adanya pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap karakteristik sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen serta dampaknya pada kinerja manajerial. Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadi bukti bahwa model yang ditawarkan dapat menjadi solusi pemecahan masalah pada kinerja manajerial. Data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui survei dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner pada Kopaga Sauyunan, diolah secara statistik dengan menggunakan SEM-PLS. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode explanatory research untuk mendapatkan jawaban mendasar sebab akibat dengan menganalisa penyebab terjadinya masalah pada kinerja manajerial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen dan (2) karakteristik sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen berpengaruh terhadap kinerja manajerial.&nbsp

    Perceptions of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Select Youth and Young Adult African Newcomers in Regina, Saskatchewan

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    This study explores and describes perceptions of African youth and young adult newcomer populations living in Regina, Saskatchewan respecting sexually transmitted infections. Using qualitative methodology, specifically interpretive description, the researcher conducted one-to-one interviews with eight young adult African newcomers. Each interview session lasted between 30 and 45 minutes. The researcher used open-ended questions with associated prompts. Interpretive description captures patterns and themes within the participants’ subjective perceptions and experiences. This strategy generates knowledge and findings with practical implications. Key findings revealed that knowledge deficit is a major problem. Participants displayed some knowledge or different understandings of sexually transmitted infections including how people can contract them. Knowledge levels differed depending on education, with individuals exposed to information from various resources. Youth living in urban areas had more knowledge because they are exposed to different resources (i.e., social media, reading materials, information at the health centres, televisions). Those participants with higher education showed higher perceptions of risks related to sexually transmitted infections. However, this high-risk perception did not significantly influence or motivate the individuals to change their behaviours. Knowledge was affected by fear, isolation, taboo, ignorance, embarrassment, fear, misconception, and shame. Other findings include perceived barriers, such as lack of condom use, distrust, lack of awareness, fear of isolation/ labels/social stigma, and discrimination. Some participants discussed youth risk behaviours, such as inconsistency or low condom use related to peer pressure, alcohol intoxication, or cultural norm influences. They described how families are more concerned about preventing pregnancy than sexually transmitted infections. Lack of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and associated risksinfections made it challenging to associate with risky behaviours. Other findings related to religion, cultural influences, and misconceptions. The study found that many newcomers delay seeking healthcare services, which may link to perceived barriers, information/knowledge gaps, detection, treatment, and lack of information regarding sexually transmitted infection related programs and services. Youth newcomers face many challenges. There are no known studies about sexually transmitted infections in youth and newcomers in Saskatchewan; hence, lack of evidence may result in culturally inappropriate programs leading to underrepresentation of newcomer youth in uptake and utilization of services

    Assessment of rockfall rollout risk along varying slope geometries using the Rocfall and CRSP software

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    Most routes in mountainous areas suffer from rock falling, rolling and bouncing risk. There are many computer programs concerned with simulating the rockfall problem, and whereas they have the same purpose, they however differ in the input data that\u27s needed to simulate the problem, and they also differ in the way of processing and kind of output. This study used Rocfall® and the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP®) to simulate sixty-three models of varying slope geometry, where only the slope geometry is changed with the same material properties for both the slope and the rocks. Both programs were fast and easy in the data input stage, whereas the \u27Barrier\u27 feature of Rocfall added an advantage over the CRSP program in enhancing the solving of the rockfall problem. Also, \u27Data Collectors\u27, \u27Results Animation\u27 and \u27Graph Distribution\u27 on the slope profile help display the analysis results in Rocfall. Generally, the Rocfall and CRSP program results are not similar. The rock falls at a different angle in each program; CRSP is closest to the Physics theory, so that affects the results. Also, the rocks can be located just at (X=0) in CRSP that affects the allowed number of rocks falling along slope profile. Despite of the differences between the Rocfall and CRSP programs, their results indicated the slopes with 900 slope angle is the ideal slope geometry for rockfall problem. For vertical slopes, no rocks passed the shoulder edge onto highway in both programs. CRSP results indicated that the percentage of rocks that reach the highway are increasing when the slope height increases --Abstract, page iii

    Patent Pendency, Learning Effects, and Innovation Importance at the US Patent Office

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    We replicate and extend the results of Regibeau and Rockett (2010) on a new data set. We confirm that importance of a patent and the delay in approval at the patent office are negatively related. This relation survives even if we do not control for learning effects and so suggests that carefully defining the technology is sufficient to recover the negative relation. We use new measures to test for the existence of patent "thickets", thereby ruling out some strategic considerations in delay behaviour. It appears that delay is attributable to patent office, not filer, behaviour in our sample. A more careful analysis of the possible effect of examiner workload finds that larger workloads per examiner are associated with shorter approval time, lending credence to Lemley and Shapiro's concern that heavy workloads force examiners to devote too little time to each patent review
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